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Fox News Channel on YouTube Mitch McConnell U.S. Senator of Kentucky (3-24-20) McConnell: This is the greatest threat to US jobs since Great Depression!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (3-24-20) McCarthy: Dems are trying to restructure US with coronavirus bill!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Larry Kudlow White House Economic Advisor on Wikipedia (3-24-20) Kudlow urges Congress to pass stimulus bills to boost the economy!
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Today on YouTube (3-24-20) Trump Signals Impatience With Shutdown As Coronavirus Cases Surge: TODAY s Top News Stories | TODAY!
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Sen Ben Sasse on YouTube (3-23-20) Sasse: Pelosi Trying to Take Hostages !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (3-23-20) McCarthy blasts Pelosi for playing 'political games' with COVID-19 relief!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Mitch McConnell U.S. Senator of Kentucky (3-23-20) McConnell sounds off on Senate Dems for politicizing coronavirus relief!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube (3-20-20) Legal experts say Senators who sold stock before pandemic could be prosecuted!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Mitch McConnell U.S. Senator of Kentucky (3-19-20) McConnell, GOP introduce Phase 3 of coronavirus stimulus bill!
Fox News Channel on YouTube U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (3-19-20) Graham: America is under attack by a virus that can be destroyed!
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ABC News on YouTube Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wikipedia (3-15-20) 'Things will get worse before they get better': Dr. Anthony Fauci | ABC News!
NBC News Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wikipedia (3-15-20) Full Fauci: 'The Numbers Don't Tell Us Yet' If Virus Spread Is Blunted | Meet The Press | NBC News!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (3-13-20) Trump enlists private sector to expand COVID-19 testing!
EWTN on YouTube (3-13-20) Speaker Pelosi attempts to smuggle Hyde Amendment loophole into coronavirus package - EWTN News Nigh!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (3-12-20) McCarthy: House Democrats' coronavirus bill comes up short!
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Global News YouTube Mitch McConnell U.S. Senator of Kentucky (3-5-20) Mitch McConnell calls comments by Chuck Schumer outside U.S. Supreme Court "shameless"!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Mitch McConnell U.S. Senator of Kentucky (3-5-20) McConnell, Schumer trade jabs after Schumer unloads on Gorsuch, Kavanaugh!
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NeoUnRealist on YouTube (3-5-20) THUG - Senator Chuck Schumer THREATENS Two Justices on SUPREME COURT Steps!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (3-5-20) Rudy Giuliani: Comey and his gang undermined FISA credibility!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Kevin Nunes U.S. Congress (R-CA) Ways and Means Committee on YouTube (3-4-20) Rep. Nunes: Democrats want to sweep FISA abuse under rug!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (3-4-20) Justice Roberts condemns Schumer's comments targeting Gorsuch, Kavanaugh!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-31-20) Tucker: WHO chief praises, covers for China!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (3-30-20) Ingraham: Americans want to stay safe and free (also about Hydroxychloroquine) (2)!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (3-30-20) China Expert Gordon Chang DESTROYS China's PROPAGANDA | Huckabee!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (3-28-20) Nancy Pelosi Showed Her TRUE Colors This Week Again! | Huckabee!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-27-20) Tucker shreds AOC for demanding relief money go to illegal immigrants!
CBN News Dr. Deborah L. Birx, M.D. on Wikipedia (3-26-20) Dr. Deborah Birx: Next 5-6 Days Are Critical | News on The 700 Club!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wikipedia (3-26-20) Fauci urges Trump to be flexible on timeline to lift COVID-19 restrictions!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sandra Smith on Fox (3-26-20) Top Chef star Tom Colicchio: Estimated 5-7 million restaurant workers have been laid off nationwide!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Richard Trumka AFL-CIO President on Wikipedia (3-26-20) Richard Trumka breaks down issues in the Senate stimulus bill!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (3-26-20) Rep Collins previews the House's vote on the coronavirus stimulus bill!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (3-26-20) The Ingraham Angle FULL | BREAKING FOX NEWS | McCarthy rips Pelosi for holding up relief bill while millions lost jobs! Day 10 of the national coronavirus shutdown!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-25-20) Tucker Carlson Tonight FULL | BREAKING FOX NEWS | Why are media pundits trying to discredit hydroxychloroquine?
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FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (3-25-20) INCENTIVE NOT TO WORK: Lindsey Graham SLAMS Democrats Plan To DERAIL Economy! | Senators Graham and Daines Speak on Senate Floor to Urge Vote on Coronavirus Stimulus Package!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-21-20) Tucker: Senator Burr sold shares after virus briefing!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (3-21-20) A CURE For Coronavirus?! Infectious Disease Specialist Weighs In | Huckabee!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-18-20) Tucker: Amid crisis some local governments step back from enforcing the law!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-17-20) Tucker: Why would America's media take China's side amid coronavirus pandemic?
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-16-20) Tucker: Coronavirus pandemic response will require balance!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (3-13-20) Huckabee on coronavirus aid: Pelosi needs to quit micromanaging!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends (3-11-20) Detroit auto worker who Biden snapped at over guns speaks out on!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (3-11-20) FOTM: SURPRISING Way NYT Helps With CORONAVIRUS! | Huckabee!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (3-11-20) Ingraham: Contain the virus but protect our freedom!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-11-20) Tucker: Democratic establishment thrilled with Biden's surge!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Trish Regan Fox Business Network Joe Concha with The Hill (3-10-20) Liberal media generates coronavirus fear, blames Trump: Joe Concha!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Trish Regan Fox Business Network (3-10-20) Biden curses out voter asking about gun control (also creepy moments)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-10-20) Tucker: Bernie Sanders may be the lamest revolutionary ever!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (3-10-20) Media overreacts to Trump's potential coronavirus exposure!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (3-10-20) Ingraham: Gratitude and perspective!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (3-10-20) Ingraham: Trump confronts the panic pushers!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Trish Regan Fox Business Network Charlie Kirk founder of Turning Point Charlie Kirk on facebook (3-9-20) Charlie Kirk has a message for Dems trying to intimidate conservatives!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-9-20) Tucker: We must remain calm but not complacent about the Chinese coronavirus!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine (3-8-20) Judge Jeanine: Media hit the panic button over coronavirus!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends (3-6-20) Senate Republicans draft resolution to censure Schumer's SCOTUS 'threat'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (3-6-20) Tucker: Extortion from China is the real threat!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (3-5-20) SLAMMING SCHUMER: Kevin McCarthy RIPS Chuck Schumer Over Justice Comments!


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The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (3-26-20) Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing | Nobody's had a package like this." Trump THANKS Senate for passing bill | FULL BRIEFING: Task Force team talks latest numbers & more at White House | SURPASSED CHINA: Trump NOT SURPRISED with U.S. case numbers, attributes testing | KISS IT GOODBYE: Trumps says he'll send off U.S. Naval Hospital Ship headed to NY | THEY WANT ME TO FAIL: President Trump Says FAKE NEWS Outlets Hope Things Get Worse | NOT BUILT TO SHUT DOWN: President Trump Says AMERICANS Want LIFE BACK (8) (9)
The White House President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (3-25-20) Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing!
Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (3-24-20) EXCLUSIVE: Trump, Coronavirus task force participate in Fox News town hall | NEVER SHUTTING DOWN: President Trump Says Why HE Will Never, Ever Shut Down!
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The White House Mike Pompeo Secretary of State (3-23-20) Secretary of State Pompeo Encourages Americans to Use Trusted Sources! | Secretary of State Pompeo Addresses Misinformation!
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FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube NBC News The Telegraph on YouTube The Telegraph on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (3-20-20) THE TRUMP News Conference YOU NEED TO SEE - Sean Spicer and MORE | FIRED UP: President Trump GOES OFF On "TERRIBLE NBC REPORTER" | Trump Berates Peter Alexander Over Coronavirus Question: You re A Terrible Reporter | Trump clashes with reporter over coronavirus drug promise!
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FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (3-19-20) Trump slams media: They failed to acknowledge my preparedness for coronavirus!
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The White House
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The White House President Donald J Trump (3-11-20) President Trump Meets with Bankers on COVID-19 Response!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (3-11-20) Citi CEO tells Trump coronavirus is not a financial crisis !
Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump (3-11-20) Trump: We will suspend travel from Europe to US for the next 30 days | announces travel ban from Europe | calling on Congress for $50B in funding!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Time on YouTube USA Today Mike Pence Vice President White House Larry Kudlow White House Economic Advisor on Wikipedia (3-10-20) Live: White House Coronavirus Task Force holds a press briefing | Larry Kudlow joins the Coronavirus Task Force to answer economic questions | Watch Live: Mike Pence & Coronavirus Task Force Deliver Briefing on Coronavirus | TIME | Coronavirus Task Force gives briefing on outbreak (LIVE) | USA TODAY!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (3-9-20) Trump discusses economics surrounding coronavirus in press conference | TASK FORCE LATEST: White House briefing with Pres. Trump, VP Pence | Trump: We are working on payroll tax relief in wake of coronavirus!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Mike Pence Vice President White House (3-2-20) Pence speaks at AIPAC 2020 Policy Conference!
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Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Fox Sean Hannity Author Live Free or Die Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Videos
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (3-31-20) HANNITY: America s Private Sector Mobilizes to Defeat the Coronavirus Pandemic!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (3-30-20) Sean Hannity FULL | Fox Breaking News (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (3-27-20) Biden pressed on reports Obama admin failed to replenish respirator masks!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (3-21-20) Hannity: Facts without fear amid coronavirus pandemic!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (3-20-20) HANNITY: China and the WHO Could Have Prevented Global Coronavirus Pandemic!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube (3-27-20) Liberal media, Hillary Clinton mock President Trump over rise in COVID-19 cases in US!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube (3-19-20) New report claims coronavirus outbreak could have been reduced by 95 percent if China acted sooner!
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