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Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business (4-21-20) Kim Jong Un in critical condition following surgery: Report!
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The Hill on YouTube Hill Rising with Krystal & Saagal (4-21-20) Krystal and Saagar: CNN covers Joe Biden accuser once, covered Kavanaugh accusations 700 TIMES!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Varney & Co on Fox Business (4-21-20) Varney shames AOC for praising low oil prices amid economic turmoil!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Varney & Co on Fox Business (4-20-20) Varney: The oil crash shows how bad the virus is!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy (4-20-20) Peter Navarro: China hoarded medical gear while hiding coronavirus!
Fox Business Network on YouTube (4-20-20) Oil analyst predicts the biggest selloff in crude oil history!
The Hill on YouTube Hill Rising with Krystal & Saagal (4-20-20) Saagar Enjeti EXPOSES Biden's Pathetic Attempt To Draw Trump Contrast On China!
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The Hill on YouTube Hill Rising with Krystal & Saagal (4-20-20) Krystal and Saagar: Shock poll shows Trump beating Biden on crisis response!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube KellyAnne Conway on facebook (4-20-20) Conway slams Congress for delaying relief aid: They need to be in DC working!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-19-20) Pence on the federal roadmap to restart the economy!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Retired Army brigadier general Anthony_J._Tata on Wikipedia (4-18-20) I would not trust anything China says: Retired Army brigadier general!
Fox Business Network on YouTube (4-18-20) Michigan sheriff on whether he'll enforce Gov. Whitmer's orders!
MSNB on YouTube (4-18-20) Florida Reopens Beaches, Protesters Rally In Several States, U.S. Fatalities Surpass 37,000 | MSNBC!
Fox Business Network on YouTube U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (4-17-20) Doug Collins blasts Dems for blocking small business funding!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tom Cotton (R-AR) Senate Armed Service Committee (4-17-20) Republican leaders call for head of WHO to resign!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (4-17-20) McCarthy breaks down Trump's plan to reopen America!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Varney & Co on Fox Business (4-17-20) Varney: Pelosi said 'no' to small businesses!
Fox Business Network on YouTube (4-16-20) What will happen to US, China relationship going forward?
The Hill on YouTube Hill Rising with Krystal & Saagal (4-16-20) Krystal and Saagar: Pelosi's SHOCKING let them eat cake moment!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Meshawn Maddock on Twitter Meshawn Maddock on facebook (4-16-20) Michigan protester blasts state restrictions: We feel oppressed | Michigan protest organizer: Governor has mocked state's workers!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Marco Rubio (R-FL) Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship CMTE on facebook (4-16-20) Sen. Rubio compares China's handling of coronavirus to Chernobyl!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-16-20) Trump talks to governors about reopening US economy!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Ronna McDaniel RNC Chairwoman (4-16-20) RNC Chairwoman says Democrats are letting Americans down!
The Justice Department on YouTube William (Bill) Pelham Barr Attorney General William (Bill) Pelham Barr Attorney General (4-15-20) Attorney General Barr and DOJ Officials Announce Significant Law Enforcement Actions Relating to..!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy (4-15-20) Peter Navarro: WHO has 'blood' on its hands!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-15-20) Trump accuses WHO is 'covering up' the spread of COVID-19!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube (4-15-20) Trump defunds WHO - a 'discredited organisation not doing the job we paid for'!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube (4-15-20) China must explain 'coronavirus catastrophe'!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (4-14-20) Sen. Graham: If we don't punish China, there will be a fourth pandemic!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (4-14-20) Rep. Collins: Pelosi continues to use American people as pawns !
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (4-14-20) Rep. Jordan rips Obama, Dems: 'They never miss chance to push radical ideas'!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip (4-13-20) Scalise: I hope Dems stop playing games about getting more 'Kennedy money'!
The Hill on YouTube Hill Rising with Krystal & Saagal (4-13-20) Saagar Enjeti: Biden, Media's PATHETIC Hillary Defense Against Devastating Trump Ad!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Elizabeth Macdonald on Fox Business Brad Robert Wenstrup Representitive for (R) Ohio Congressional Veteran on Military Times (4-10-20) GOP congressman concerned about Apple, Google virus tracking technology!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-10-20) Coronavirus in military 'only getting worse': Retired Colonel!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-10-20) GOP sen blasts WHO leadership: It's politicized by Chinese money!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-10-20) GOP Senator calls Dems disgraceful for blocking small business relief!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Kathleen Troia McFarland Kathleen Troia McFarland on Wikipedia Kathleen Troia McFarland Book Revolution (4-10-20) KT McFarland sounds off on Trump's high approval rating amid pandemic!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Larry Kudlow White House Economic Advisor on Wikipedia (4-10-20) Larry Kudlow has promising message for American workers!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (4-9-20) McCarthy: Intelligence officials 'need to be held accountable' for FISA abuse!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Fox News Contributor (4-9-20) Sarah Sanders: Biden already adopted Bernie's extremist views!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Mike Pompeo Secretary of State (4-9-20) Pompeo: Previous administration gave Iran 'a lot' of money!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Charles Payne with Fox Business Network Larry Kudlow White House Economic Advisor on Wikipedia (4-9-20) Larry Kudlow breaks down White House response to economy amid coronavirus!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Ronna McDaniel RNC Chairwoman (4-8-20) RNC Chairwoman pushes back on Pelosi's mail-in voting push!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (4-8-20) Rep. Collins on endorsing resolution to withhold federal funds from WHO!
60 Minutes Australia (4-8-20) Journalist goes undercover at "wet markets", where the Coronavirus started | 60 Minutes Australia!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Steven Mnuchin U.S. Secretary of Treasury (4-7-20) Steve Mnuchin: Trump looking at how parts of US economy can be reopened!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Mike Pompeo Secretary of State (4-7-20) Pompeo: Previous administration gave Iran 'a lot' of money!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Newt Gingrich on YouTube (4-6-20) Newt Gingrich: China must answer for coronavirus misinformation!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (4-5-20) Giuliani: Doctors should decide if we use hydroxychloroquine!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (4-5-20) Rep. Collins on Pelosi looking into Trump's coronavirus response!
Today on YouTube (4-5-20) Trump Warns Of Toughest Week Ahead As More Than 1,000 Die In US In 24 Hours | Sunday TODAY!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business (4-3-20) Maria grills 3M CEO on exporting lifesaving medical gear overseas!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-2-20) Trump fires Inspector General Atkinson: Report!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Varney & Co on Fox Business (4-2-20) Varney: It's interesting that Pelosi wants to reward the wealthy!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Stuart Varney My Take on Fox (4-2-20) Varney: It's interesting that Pelosi wants to reward the wealthy!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Arthur Betz Laffer American economist and author (4-2-20) Laffer: Stimulus plan that Trump, Congress has done will hurt the economy!


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Fox News Channel on YouTube Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship CMTE on facebook Marco Rubio (R-FL) Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship CMTE on facebook (4-30-20) Rubio Joins Fox's Bret Baier to Discuss China, US Supply Chains, and the Latest Intelligence News!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-30-20) Ingraham: Experts don't like to admit they're wrong!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (4-30-20) Jim Jordan rips into FBI after Flynn documents released!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends KellyAnne Conway on facebook (4-30-20) Kellyanne Conway on Trump's possible pardon for Flynn!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-30-20) After blasting Maine s gov, Tucker talks to brave citizen defying her orders!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-30-20) Tucker: Truth behind the Michael Flynn saga is even worse than we guessed!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-29-20) Tucker: Our leaders are making a mockery of their own quarantines!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sandra Smith on Fox U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (4-29-20) Jim Jordan: The best stimulus is to go back to work!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Breakdown Mike Huckabee Site (4-29-20) BREAKDOWN: The DEEP STATE vs General Flynn AND Ever Seen A Flipping Democrat? | Huckabee!)
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Kevin Nunes U.S. Congress (R-CA) Ways and Means Committee on YouTube (4-29-20) Nunes: Evidence is continuing to pile up in General Flynn's favor!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-29-20) Ingraham: Election year politics is trumping practical thinking, real science!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (4-28-20) Kayleigh McEnany shares new White House communication strategy!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-28-20) Ingraham: It's time Americans take back control over our lives, smartly, safely!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Dr. Deborah L. Birx, M.D. on Wikipedia (4-28-20) White House partners with private sector to ramp up COVID-19 testing (with Dr. Birx)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sandra Smith on Fox Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R-TX) on Wikipedia (4-28-20) Texas Lt Gov defends plan to reopen the state!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Judge Jeanine (4-28-20) Judge Jeanine sounds off on Clinton 'completely ignoring' Biden allegations!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-28-20) Tucker: Big Tech censors dissent over coronavirus lockdowns (also YouTube removes dissent video, Nation becoming more like China's nanny state)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-27-20) Shop owner, veteran defying local lockdown orders speaks out | Tucker: Are coronavirus lockdowns working?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (4-27-20) McEnany: 'Unacceptable' that Pelosi delayed coronavirus aid!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-27-20) Ingraham: Are Americans starting to tune out blue state politicians?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress (4-26-20) Gowdy on Democrats ramping up probe into Trump's cornavirus response!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Rep. Matt Gaetz (4-26-20) It's Time To RADICALLY Change How We Treat China! Rep. Matt Gaetz | Huckabee!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-25-20) Ingraham: Civil liberties at risk in COVID-19 era!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine KellyAnne Conway on facebook (4-25-20) Kellyanne Conway on questions over Kim Jong Un's health, plans to reopen America!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (4-25-20) Rep. Kevin McCarthy on whether Democrats are using the coronavirus pandemic to push their agenda!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (4-25-20) The RETURN Of The Green New Deal: A Much Worse Virus | Huckabee!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Roger Stone Political Stategist on Wikipedia Rep. Matt Gaetz Max Lucado, Coronavirus Check-in: This is a Time of Testing Clint Black, America (Still In Love With You) (4-25-20) Huckabee #134: Oh Yeah, It's All Coming Together | Out Of The DARK: Roger Stone Shines Light On CORRUPTION!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Gov. Candidate and Fmr. Rep Vernon Jones (R-GA) on Wikipedia (4-25-20) FOTM: China Won't Let Us Investigate The Origins Of Coronavirus | ATS (also Dem Rep V. Jones endorses Trump)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom The Justice Department on YouTube William (Bill) Pelham Barr Attorney General William (Bill) Pelham Barr Attorney General (4-24-20) Barr says DOJ may side with citizens suing states over COVID-19 restrictions!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-25-20) Cyclist berated by CNN s Cuomo speaks out on Tucker Carlson Tonight !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-24-20) Tucker: Only science will free us from this pandemic!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress (4-24-20) Trey Gowdy's compelling argument on stay-at-home orders!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Fox News Contributor (4-23-20) Sarah Sanders shreds AOC over call for work boycott!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-23-20) Ingraham: Let's start testing the data that justified the lockdown (also virus dies the quickest in the presence of direct sunlight)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Mitch McConnell U.S. Senator of Kentucky U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip (4-23-20) McConnell faces backlash after saying states should declare bankruptcy!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-23-20) Tucker shreds former McKinsey partner over China's human rights violations!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-22-20) Tucker: Are coronavirus lockdowns working? | Rich colleges get bailed out while American people suffer!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Mike Pompeo Secretary of State (4-22-20) Pompeo says US needs to take a real hard look at WHO | Ingraham: The truth about hydroxychloroquine!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Breakdown Mike Huckabee Site (4-22-20) BREAKDOWN: Well, Nancy Pelosi Did It AGAIN! Why You're A BAD Person For Wanting To Work | Huckabee (also Pelosi refrigirators, unconstitutional restrictions, etc.)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (4-21-20) Ted Cruz blasts Dems: 'Stop screwing around with small businesses'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Robert O'brien, National Security Advisor (4-21-20) Kim Jong-Un in 'grave danger' after heart surgery: Report!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Sen and now Gov. Ron DeSantis of FL on Wikipedia (4-21-20) DeSantis claims Florida flattened the curve without draconian rules!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-21-20) Tucker: Executive order fails to protect American jobs!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Eric Schmitt Attorney General of Missouri on Wikipedia (4-21-20) Missouri becomes first state to sue China over coronavirus pandemic!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-21-20) Ingraham: The left has no intention of letting society return to 'normal' (also Pelosi in her gourmet kitchen)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-20-20) Ingraham: Democrats take the viral path to socialism!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom KellyAnne Conway on facebook (4-20-20) Conway slams Congress for delaying relief aid: They need to be in DC working!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R-TX) on Wikipedia (4-20-20) Tucker: Some lockdown lawmakers want to stamp out dissent! | Lt. Gov. Patrick responds to backlash from 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' comments!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Jeffrey Martin Landry American lawyer and politician serving as the Attorney General of Louisiana (4-20-20) EVERYTHING Is Trump's Fault, Obviously [How ironic] | LA A.G. Jeff Landry | Huckabee!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Bill O'reilly on facebook (4-20-20) Bill O'Reilly Uncovers STRATEGY To REMOVE Trump | Huckabee (also can't even buy seed in MI)!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Bill O'Reilly Bill O'reilly on facebook Bill O'Reilly The United States of Trump (4-20-20) TAKING OUT Trump: On The Phone With Bill O'Reilly | Huckabee!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (4-20-20) McCarthy: Pelosi hasn't accomplished one thing during the pandemic!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends President Donald J Trump Kevin Nunes U.S. Congress (R-CA) Ways and Means Committee on YouTube (4-19-20) Nunes slams Pelosi over gourmet ice cream, says people can't mow their lawn!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Gov Asa Hutchinson YouTube (4-19-20) Governor Asa Hutchinson on Fox and Friends Sunday!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-18-20) Tucker: Lead vaccine scientist talks of 'genocide' in US!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Meshawn Maddock on Twitter John Hofmeister on Wikipedia (4-17-20) OPEC members may 'cheat' on oil production cut: Former Shell Oil president!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R-TX) on Wikipedia marty_davis CEO of Cambria Cambria (4-17-20) Texas Lt. Gov. Patrick calls on Congress to take a paycut amid coronavirus!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-16-20) Ingraham: The China threat deniers!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Dr. Phil (4-16-20) Dr. Phil warns coronavirus' effect on mental health could last years!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) on facebook Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (4-16-20) Fox and Friends, COVID-19 likely came from Wuhan Lab, Pelosi vows to fight Trump's halt on W.H.O. funds | Kayleigh McEnany sounds off on Pelosi: She's not putting Americans first!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Andrew Napolitano Judge (4-16-20) If we don't take our freedoms back they may not come back: Napolitano!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-16-20) Tucker: If there's one thing Gov. Whitmer doesn't like, it's civil disobedience (no church, but buy liquor, weed, lotto tickets)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News NJ Governor Phil Murphy on facebook (4-15-20) Tucker grills NJ governor on extreme coronavirus crackdown | NJ governor ignores Bill of Rights (no church, park, but buy liquor)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-15-20) Ingraham: Government can't eliminate all health risks associated with COVID-19!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-15-20) Michigan governor dismisses massive protest as a 'political stunt'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-15-20) Ingraham presses Pence on reopening the economy in exclusive interview!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-15-20) Ingraham: Government can't eliminate all health risks associated with COVID-19!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends KellyAnne Conway on facebook (4-15-20) Kellyanne Conway breaks down Trump's plan to reopen America!
Fox News Channel on YouTube MacCallum Martha with Fox News U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (4-15-20) Cruz: Communist China has been the biggest geo-political threat US faces!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-14-20) Ingraham: Closing America undoubtedly both saved and ruined lives!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Rep. Matt Gaetz (4-14-20) Rep. Gaetz demands US stop funding Chinese research labs!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-14-20) Tucker: What is the actual death rate of COVID-19?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Abbott Lab (4-13-20) 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' tries new rapid coronavirus test on air!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-13-20) Ingraham: Coronavirus crisis is teaching us a lot about so-called experts!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee Representative Lee Zeldin of New York on Wikipedia (4-13-20) Jordan: Dems never miss an opportunity to advance crazy left-wing agenda !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Andrew Napolitano Judge (4-13-20) Napolitano rips leaders: We are witnessing the slow death of civil liberties!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-10-20) Tucker: What does the US get from supporting WHO?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-10-20) The Ingraham Angle With Laura Ingraham | Fox News!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-9-20) Ingraham: Unless money really does grow on trees, America needs re-opening soon!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-9-20) Tucker: In crisis, nothing is more important than staying connected to reality!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-8-20) Tucker: How would 'President Biden' handle the coronavirus pandemic?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-8-20) Tucker: Are some of our leaders and the media addicted to doom and gloom?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress (4-7-20) Trey Gowdy demands China be held accountable for coronavirus!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-7-20) Tucker: Experts can't predict when coronavirus pandemic will end!
CBN News (4-7-20) Pat Robertson Calls on Christians to Pray for Victory Against the Pandemic: 'It's time for the church! | Prophet Chuck Pierce: THIS PASSOVER WILL BE A TRUE PASSOVER!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-7-20) Ingraham: Americans deserve objective metrics for restarting the country!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-6-20) Ingraham: When do we get our country back?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (4-6-20) Cruz slams mainstream media: They are rooting for disaster!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sandra Smith on Fox (4-6-20) GOP senator slams Pelosi's 'liberal, leftist approach' to stimulus bill!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site David Beasley S.C. Gov. on facebook David Beasley S.C. Gov. on Wikipedia (4-6-20) What Coronavirus Is REALLY Like | Gov. David Beasley | Huckabee!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-6-20) Tucker: How long will the lockdowns last?
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Rep Neal Dunn of Florida on Wikipedia (4-5-20) Yeah, Things Are BAD, But This Should Give You HOPE | Rep. Neal Dunn | Huckabee!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine (4-5-20) Judge Jeanine: America is at war and Trump is the leader we need!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (4-3-20) McCarthy rips Pelosi's 'pure politics' response to coronavirus!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-2-20) 3M is selling lifesaving PPE to foreign countries over US: Florida Official!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (4-2-20) Tucker: The New York Times' coronavirus coverage can be explained in 4 steps!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (4-2-20) Pelosi Was Trying To Put WHAT In The Bill?! WHO's In Ca-WHO-ts With CHINA? My Thoughts | Huckabee!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-2-20) Ingraham: What is coronavirus doing to us as a people?!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (4-1-20) Ingraham: What is the new normal?!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Dr. Jeff Colyer on Twitter Ramin Oskoui, M.D. on Hopkins Medicine (4-1-20) Drs. Jeff Colyer and Ramin Oskoui on latest data on coronavirus therapies (2)!


The White House The White House on facebook post President Donald J. Trump on YouTube President Donald J. Trump on facebook
President Donald J. Trump on YouTube!
Real News Update Real News Insight Lara Trump, Trump Tower Real News Insight, Update with Lara Trump
The White House President Donald J Trump FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube (4-30-20) "PLEASE COVER IT CNN": President Trump DEMANDS CNN Jim Acosta To Cover General Michael Flynn NOW!
The White House President Donald J Trump (4-30-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks on Protecting America s Seniors | COVID-19 RESPONSE: President Trump answers media questions about Coronavirus, China & more!
The White House President Donald J Trump (4-30-20) We Built the Greatest Economy in the World and Together, We Will Build It Again!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump Philip Dunton Murphy Governor of the State of New Jersey (4-30-20) President Trump Meets with the Governor of New Jersey in the Oval Office | Trump blasts CNN, Jim Acosta for past coverage of Michael Flynn!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube NBC News President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-29-20) OPENING AMERICA: President Trump STRONG Recommendation For AMERICA | President Trump Roundtable talks With Business Executives, CEOs to discuss reopening plan, reopening America | Trump Meets With Hospitality, Automotive Leaders on Coronavirus!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube ABC News on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House Anthony Fauci Director Dr. Deborah L. Birx, M.D. on Wikipedia John Bel Edwards LA Gov (4-29-20) Trump meets with Louisiana governor in the Oval Office | Remdesivir coronavirus drug trial shows quite good news : Fauci | Dr. Anthony Fauci touts results of trial examining experimental COVID-19 drug treatment | BIG NEWS: Treatment TO BLOCK VIRUS | President Trump Releases NEW INFO (2)!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Ivanka Trump daughter (4-28-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks on Supporting Our Nation's Small Businesses, Payroll Protection Plan | Trump: 30M jobs saved due to swift action taken with PPP | SUPPORTING SMALL BUSINESSES: President Trump speech at the White House | Trump, Ivanka discuss supporting small businesses with government loans | Trump: I wanted a payroll tax cut but the Dems wouldn't give it to us (2) (3) (4)!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump Sen and now Gov. Ron DeSantis of FL on Wikipedia Dr. Deborah L. Birx, M.D. on Wikipedia (4-28-20) President Trump meets with Florida Gov DeSantis as state begins reopening | IT'S TIME: President Trump SIGNALS When The COUNTRY WILL BE BACK | Trump, Birx spar with Yahoo reporter over key COVID testing data!
The White House Abbott Lab Roche Lab Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube The Guardian News CBS News on YouTube The Sun on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-27-20) President Trump Holds a News Conference | Trump believes third, fourth-quarter economies will be spectacular | Trump speaks to press in the Rose Garden after meeting with industry execs | Trump says China could have stopped coronavirus from spreading | NOT HAPPY WITH CHINA: Trump says he's doing SERIOUS INVESTIGATIONS on China & Covid-19 | Trump breaks silence on Michael Flynn: What happened to him was a disgrace | CVS Health CEO, Walgreens president list new programs to combat coronavirus (2) (3) (4) (5)!
The White House President Donald J Trump (4-27-20) President Trump Meets with Industry Executives on COVID-19 Response!
The White House Brett P. Giroir pediatrician and a four-star admiral on Wikipedia (4-27-20) Admiral Giroir: Safely reopening America's economy is what the doctor ordered!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-24-20) President Trump Participates in a Signing Ceremony | SARCASTIC QUESTION: President Trump Clarifies Injecting Disinfectant | Trump reacts to House passing $484B coronavirus relief bill | Trump signs additional $484 billion in coronavirus relief | Trump: I want to help oil and gas industry (2)!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube The Hill on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-23-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump torches the press: 'I'm the president and you're fake news' | Trump reacts to House passing $484B coronavirus relief bill | Trump SHREDS Biden, press in fiery conclusion to Coronavirus presser | Trump believes report on Kim Jong Un s illness is 'incorrect' | "DON'T TALK TO ME" President Trump shuts down CNN reporter, calls FAKE NEWS (2) (3) (4)!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube The Hill on YouTube The Guardian News Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-22-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump disagrees with Georgia governor s rushed reopening plan | Surgeon General Adams gets agitated with press on question of masks | Trump explodes on media: 'You ought to share the news accurately' | "TOTALLY MISQUOTED" Trump says article quoting CDC director regarding Flu, Coronavirus is WRONG (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube The Hill on YouTube The Guardian News NBC News President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-21-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Bret Baier grills Trump on immigration suspension at press briefing | Trump reassures public suspension of immigration will protect US workers | Trump quizzed over proposed ban on legal immigration amid virus crisis | Trump, Mnuchin condemn large businesses taking small business relief | Dr. Birx discusses Georgia reopening (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)!
The White House Robert O'brien, National Security Advisor (4-21-20) Robert O'Brien: President Trump's Strong Leadership During Coronavirus | made Courageous Decisions to Fight Coronavirus!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-20-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump holds briefing as some local governments prepare to open | Trump attacks Pelosi on her own coronavirus response in press briefing | Trump tries to ease concerns over plummeting oil prices (2)!
The White House U.S. Surgeon Gerneral Jerome Adams on HHS (4-20-20) Surgeon General: Keep It Up!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC The Hill on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-19-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing (2)!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox Business Network on YouTube The Hill on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-18-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump slams China for hiding initial coronavirus information in press briefing (2) (3)!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-17-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump: We may be reopening, but 'we're putting safety first' | Trump responds to criticism over his 'liberation' tweets!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-16-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump passionately vows to investigate why initial COVID-19 info was hidden | Trump unveils reopening plan at Coronavirus Task Force presser | Trump administration releases 3-phase plan to reopen America | Trump confident packed sports arenas, restaurants will happen again (2)!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump (4-16-20) Trump celebrates America's truckers at the White House | President Trump Welcomes America's Truckers (2) (3)!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube CNBC Television NBC News ABC News on YouTube Bloomberg Markets and Finance on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-15-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump blasts WHO for 'failing to control borders' | Trump attacks Dems for blocking small business relief funding | EMANATED FROM A LAB? Trump responds to COVID-19 question | Coronavirus data suggests US has passed the peak on new cases | TRUMP JOKES WITH REPORTERS: Asks if anyone's cold during newser in the Rose Garden | President Trump threatens to 'adjourn both chambers of Congress' | "It's a SCAM what they do": Russia/ Impeachment Hoax- Trump say Dems WASTE TIME | "U.S. fatality rates are low compared to other countries" - Dr. Birx Covid-19 briefing | New guidelines for reopening country coming: Trump | Trump Says Some States May Reopen Before May 1 (2) (3) (4) (5)!
The White House Melania Trump (4-15-20) A Message from First Lady Melania Trump for America's Seniors!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump (4-14-20) Trump meets with recovered COVID-19 patients!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube The Telegraph on YouTube The Telegraph on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-14-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | SCARIEST DAY OF MY LIFE: Trump says NEED for ventilators SCARED him | Trump teams up with hospitals to create ventilator reserve program | Trump halts WHO funding suspends US funding to World Health Organization | Trump unveils list of companies he will tap for economic recovery advice | Trump's heated argument with media over states' rights, WHO funding | POWER STRUGGLE? Pres. Trump says "governors will be very, very respectful of the presidency" | "WE HAVE TO GET OUR SPORTS BACK" President Trump says he's tired of seeing old games on TV | "HE'S A SHOWBOAT!" President Trump threatens to leave newser if reporter doesn't stop talking (2)!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube CBS News on YouTube NBC News President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-13-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Dr. Fauci lashes out at media in White House press briefing | "YOU'RE A FAKE": President Trump RIPS into reporter asking about his response | Trump unloads on press in response to Fauci tweet, media coverage | TIMELINE REVIEW: Trump DEFENDS reaction to virus OUTBREAK | Pence (praises and) explains how every American can help flatten the coronavirus curve | Mnuchin claims over 80M Americans will get stimulus checks by Wednesday (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)!
The White House President Donald J Trump 4-12-20) President Donald J. Trump's 2020 Easter Message!
The White House Melania Trump 4-12-20) First Lady Melania Trump Reads Easter Story "The Little Rabbit"!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube CBS News on YouTube ABC News on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-10-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | GOOD FRIDAY UPDATE: Full briefing at the White House | "NO, JIM, JUST THE OPPOSITE OF YOUR QUESTION": Trump to Acosta regarding resources | "GREATEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD": President Trump regarding Boeing during newser | Trump says reopening the country will be the "biggest decision" he's ever made | Trump says he'll consult experts on re-opening government, but decide himself | ABC News | U.S. Surgeon General addresses impact of COVID-19 in minority communities | ABC News | Trump's message to unemployed Americans | Trump lashes out at CNN's Acosta: 'I don't believe you're that bad of a guy' | "NO, JIM, JUST THE OPPOSITE OF YOUR QUESTION": Trump to Acosta regarding resources (2) (3) (4)!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (4-10-20) President Trump Participates in an Easter Blessing with Bishop Harry Jackson | GOOD FRIDAY PRAYER: President Trump Blessings At The White House!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-9-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing (2) (3)!
The White House Melania Trump 4-9-20) A Message From First Lady Melania Trump about Face Masks!
The White House President Donald J Trump (4-9-20) President Trump: America Works Together!
The White House Ivanka Trump daughter 4-9-20) Ivanka Trump: A Message to Small Businesses!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-8-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump says US will hold back WHO funding! | Trump argues with CNN's Jim Acosta over voter fraud | Trump says US will hold back WHO funding!
The White House President Donald J Trump (4-8-20) President Donald J. Trump's 2020 Passover Message!
The White House Melania Trump 4-8-20) A Message from First Lady Melania Trump to Frontline Responders!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube CBS News on YouTube Washington Post on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-7-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | "I'll protect you if your gov fails": Trump says about states slow response to Covid-19 | "Our currency is VERY strong": Trump on reopening economy | Trump asks Congress for additional $250B for Paycheck Protection Program | "I haven't read it": Trump on Navarro pandemic WARNING, but says he still acted | Trump wants to HOLD MONEY for W.H.O.: "They called it wrong" - SLAMS W.H.O. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)!
The White House Fox Business Network on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (4-7-20) President Trump Participates in America CARES: Small Business Relief Update | Trump, Mnuchin participates in meeting with Bank CEOs over small business loans | SMALL BUSINESS RELIEF: Trump roundtable with companies helping during Covid-19!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Today on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-6-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump thanks 3M, Apple for coronavirus production efforts | BEST WISHES: Trump wishes UK PM Boris Johnson well in INTENSIVE CARE | CONTINUE TO WORK HARD: Birx/Fauci say we could be UNDER the 100k deaths model (2) (3)!
The White House Dr. Deborah L. Birx, M.D. on Wikipedia (4-6-20) Dr. Birx: Stay 6 Feet Away!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube NBC News PBS News Hour on YouTube The Guardian News The Sun on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-5-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)!
The White House U.S. Surgeon Gerneral Jerome Adams on HHS (4-5-20) US Surgeon General on coronavirus: Next week will be our Pearl Harbor moment!
WSLS 10 U.S. Surgeon Gerneral Jerome Adams on HHS (4-4-20) Surgeon General shows how to make face masks!
The White House
COVIB-19 on CDC Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube CBS News on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-3/4-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump's heated exchange with CNN's Acosta on Obama's pandemic record | "NASTY TONE": Trump DISLIKES reporter question about National Stockpile | Trump: CDC advising Americans wear cloth masks in public | "I don't want to wear one": Trump WON'T wear mask despite CDC suggestion for Americans | President Trump and Surgeon General explain new guidance on wearing face masks (2)
The White House Dr. Deborah L. Birx, M.D. on Wikipedia Anthony Fauci Director U.S. Surgeon Gerneral Jerome Adams on HHS (4-3-20) Surgeon General PSA - Stay Home! | Surgeon General PSA - Next 30 Days! | Surgeon General PSA - Mental Health! | Surgeon General PSA - Talking to Kids! | Surgeon General PSA - Groups! Dr. Birx PSA - Stay Home! | Dr. Birx PSA - 30 Days! Dr. Birx PSA - Stop Gathering!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump (4-3-20) President Trump Participates in a Roundtable with Energy Sector CEOs | Trump holds meeting with energy industry leaders on economy!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube The Guardian News President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-2-20) LONGEST BRIEFING YET: President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Trump invokes Defense Production Act against 3M | Mnuchin hits back at reporters in fiery exchange over stimulus | Latest health news & numbers from across the country | Trump calls House-led coronavirus investigation ridiculous | WITCH HUNT: Trump WARNS Congress now's NOT a time to WASTE TIME | TRUMP TESTS NEGATIVE (again): President shares results after taking test for a 2ND TIME | Trump blames states for lack of supplies, Kushner takes centre stage at coronavirus briefing (3) (4)!
The White House COVIB-19 on CDC President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (4-1-20) President Trump, Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold White House press briefing | Full White House briefing also discusses national security!


Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Fox Sean Hannity Author Live Free or Die Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Videos
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Andrew McCarthy with Fox News (4-30-20) Kevin McCarthy: Americans are craving liberty, freedom!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-30-20) Hannity: Justice is coming for all who abused their power!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-29-20) Hannity: New York Times exploits man's death to smear Fox News!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (4-29-20) Graham on bombshell Flynn documents: There s a lot more coming!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-29-20) Hannity: Michael Flynn was set up!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Sen and now Gov. Ron DeSantis of FL on Wikipedia (4-28-20) Florida Gov. touts 'proactive' policies effectively flattening state's curve!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-28-20) Hannity: Didn't Hillary say victims have a right to be believed?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-27-20) Hannity demands retraction, apology from the New York Times!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-27-20) Michael Flynn's plea was coerced by a threat to indict his son: Attorney!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Mike Huckabee Site Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress (4-24-20) Trey Gowdy's compelling argument on stay-at-home orders!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Donald Trump Jr. (4-23-20) Don Jr. rips media s sinking credibility in 'Hannity' interview | Hannity: Top Dems, their media allies refuse to give Trump credit for anything!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Sen and now Gov. Ron DeSantis of FL on Wikipedia (4-22-20) Gov. DeSantis on how Florida went from high risk to flattening the curve!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-22-20) Hannity: Democrats exploit pandemic to push far-left wish list!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (4-21-20) Graham blames China for delayed coronavirus measures taken by Fauci, Trump | Hannity: Media treatment of Trump contrasts with questions for Gov. Cuomo!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-20-20) Hannity: New York Times exploits man's death to smear Fox News!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-17-20) Hannity: Many Americans are getting fed up with their governors!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (4-16-20) Sen. Graham labels China the largest State Sponsor of Pandemics (also Pelosi's stupidity) | GRAHAM SLAM: Trump Listens and Leads, Pelosi Undermines and Destroys | Hannity unveils his plan to re-open New York City!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (4-15-20) Hannity: Nancy Pelosi is the reason Americans hate career politicians!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Mike Pompeo Secretary of State (4-14-20) Hannity: Why did Barack Obama finally decide to endorse Joe Biden?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Greg Abbott Texas Governor Greg Abbott Texas Governor on Wikipedia (4-13-20) Governor Abbott teases re-opening his state s economy | Hannity: Trump hits media for biased coverage of coronavirus response!
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Fox News Channel Fox News Channel Video Fox News Channel The Five
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-30-20) 'The Five' weighs in on new bombshell documents unsealed in Flynn case!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-30-20) President Trump slams 'shocking' treatment of Michael Flynn as an 'absolute disgrace'!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-29-20) Democrats who attacked Brett Kavanaugh now defend Joe Biden!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-28-20) Degrading comments about Dr. Birx made by The View shock The Five !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-27-20) Democrats rail against President Trump over handling of coronavirus pandemic!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-27-20) 'The Five' tears into Dems for attempting to delay coronavirus measures!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Greg Gutfeld Show Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-26-20) Gutfeld: It's up to you and me to get us out of the COVID-19 mess (2)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Greg Gutfeld Show Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-26-20) Al Gore becomes latest to endorse Joe Biden in 2020 race!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Jesse Watters' World Jesse Watters' onFox Dr. Deborah L. Birx, M.D. on Wikipedia (4-25-20) Coronavirus deaths will be 'dramatically decreased' by end of May: Dr. Deborah Birx!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-24-20) 'The Five' laughs off Trump's disinfectant comments!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-24-20) Media erupts over President Trump's comments on disinfectant!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-23-20) Partisan delay of relief bill leaves The Five disgusted!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-22-20) 'The Five' slams the left's reaction to Trump's immigration freeze!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Greg Gutfeld Show Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-21-20) Gutfeld on Bill de Blasio releasing criminals on the street to reoffend!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Greg Gutfeld Show Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-19-20) Gutfeld: Trump's critics pan the president's plan to reopen economy, but offer no practical alternatives!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Jesse Watters' World Jesse Watters' onFox Larry Kudlow White House Economic Advisor on Wikipedia (4-19-20) Larry Kudlow on plan to re-open America for business!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Greg Gutfeld Show Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-19-20) Obama endorses Joe Biden in attempt to unite Democratic Party!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Jesse Watters' World Jesse Watters' onFox Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress (4-18-20) Gowdy slams WHO: US paid billions to get the 'exact wrong information' (also Am Citizens file litigation against Communist China)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-17-20) 'The Five' breaks down Trump's plan to reopen the US!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-17-20) President Trump prepares America for next front in war against COVID-19!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-16-20) The Five slams media suggesting Biden start a shadow government !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-15-20) Gutfeld on Trump dumping the WHO!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-14-20) Gutfeld on Trump shattering the media ceiling!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (4-14-20) The Five questions sincerity of Obama s Biden endorsement!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-13-20) Gutfeld on the you should ve acted sooner media chorus!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Greg Gutfeld Show Greg Gutfeld Pic (4-11-20) Wedding industry takes big financial hit from COVID-19!
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