Wayne LaPierre

Executive Vice President

(NRA) National Rifle Association Of America

(P.O. Box 420765, Palm Coast, FL 32142-8535)

Ph: (855) NRA-2014



... help win our final, STAND AND FIGHT decisive battle against the Obama-Biden-Bloomberg gun-ban machine!


January 10, 2014


Dear Patriot,


...asked for your personal help in winning the last, most important battle we'll ever face against President Barack Obama and his lifelong gun-ban agenda...


The moment Obama won reelection in 2012, he and his allies laid siege to the Second Amendment – just as you and I had predicted he would.


His attack dogs in the U.S. House and Senate introduced more than 50 bills aimed directly at the heart of our freedoms. Mayor Michael Bloomberg opened up his $31 billion bank account and began pumping staggering sums of money into Obama national gun-ban crusade. Obama's Secretary of State, John Kerry, signed the U.N. gun ban Treaty with no hesitation, and no input from the U.S. Senate as the Constitution requires.


Only your NRA support and your fighting spirit have kept our freedoms alive. You've stood like a brick wall between Obama and our cherished rights, and I'm proud beyond words for all your sacrifice and hard work.


But now, we face one final and decisive battle against Obama and his ambition to disarm the American people before he leaves the White House. It's a battle we can't afford to lose, and one that can't be won without your help.


That battle will take place on November 4, Election Day, 2014. And on that one single day – as much as any day in American history – the future of our guns and our freedoms will be decided once and for all.


If Obama gains just a bare handful of U.S. House and Senate seats in this election, the door will be wide open for him to achieve his lifelong dream of dismantling the Second Amendment during his last two years in office.


But if you and I can hold the line one more time – and stop Obama from gaining a rubber-stamp anti-gun majority in Congress – then freedom's survival through the end of Obama's presidency will be in sight and within our reach...


No other organization – and no other group of people – has a greater role to play in stopping the Obama-Biden-Bloomberg gun-ban machine from grabbing control of Congress on November 4th, and setting the stage for European-style disarmament of law-abiding citizens.


Every day of the year, NRA fights for what's good and right about our country. We tell the truth. We stand on principle. We fight for the Constitution. We never submit or surrender.


And this time, it's not just our gun rights at stake. It's our freedom, our heritage, our traditions, and our way of life.


Already, Barack Obama is well down the road toward reshaping America into a nation that you and I won't even recognize a few years from now.


He's twisted the IRS into a political weapon against those who stand in the way of his political goals. He's using tracking technologies to build profiles on law-abiding Americans – based on phone and email records, internet use, and social media contact lists.


And last October, through his use of raw federal power during the "government shutdown," Obama revealed his true contempt for the American people like no other political official in U.S. history.


Obama built barricades and posted armed guards around our World War II and Vietnam Veterans memorials in order to keep veterans out... He closed down the grocery stores at Andrews Air Force Base but kept the base golf course open for his own enjoyment... He cut off cancer treatments for children at the National Institutes of Health, while sending $445 million to PBS for government-funded broadcasting including anti-gun propaganda.


At his core, Obama is an elitist who is fundamentally opposed to our nation's founding principles... Who sees you and me as subjects, not citizens... And who would use the power of his office to take our guns and shred our Constitutional rights the minute he got the chance.


But two things still stand in his way: The NRA, and you.


More than any other organization in the U.S.A., NRA represents the values of self-reliance, individualism, loyalty, and courage – because those are your values and you are the NRA.


We're not connected to Washington, but instead, we're connected to every city and town in America. Our roots aren't in politics, but in homes like yours. Our values aren't decided by day-to-day polls, but by your unshakeable belief in freedom.


And no other organization in America has the same fighting chance to stop the Obama-Biden-Bloomberg gun-ban machine in the next election – and end Obama's lifelong ambition to destroy our Second Amendment rights.


But we need your help to do it.


And that's why, if you haven't done so already, I hope you'll recommit yourself to the NRA and freedom's fight today, by taking advantage of the special membership offers...


Every new member... is one more American who will stand up for freedom in our final and pivotal battle to preserve our firearm rights until Obama leaves office. The more patriots we have on our side lending their voices and votes to our cause, the stronger our fortress becomes in this final election battle against the Obama-Biden-Bloomberg gun-ban machine...


Every battle we've ever won has hinged on you. Your willingness to pay freedom's price. Your commitment to fight alongside NRA. And now more than ever before, freedom's destiny depends on your personal resolve to stop Obama's gun-ban ambitions, save the country we love, and preserve our right to own and use firearms...


All our lives, you and I have lived in a nation where the bottom-line guarantee of freedom is based on the right of the people to Keep and Bear Arms.


But there's nothing in our Constitution, or our laws, or our system of government that guarantees freedom's future survival. Only you and I can do that, and only by standing shoulder to shoulder with millions of our fellow NRA members in neighborhoods like yours in every city and county and state across the country.


If we want our grandchildren to have the freedom to speak their minds without fear of the government, then we need to defend the Second Amendment from Obama today.


If we want our grandchildren to be able to criticize politicians and government officials – in public or in private – then we need to defend the Second Amendment from Obama today.


And if we want our grandchildren to be able to practice their religious values and ideals, to be secure in their homes, and to have the right to own and use firearms to protect the people they love – then you and I need to defend the Second Amendment from Barack Obama today.


This is our once-in-a-generation moment to put our own mark on history, in the spirit of those who won our freedom more than 200 years ago and who have defended it ever since.


Please stand with me today – against Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg and the army of gun-ban extremists who are now marshaling for this final, decisive battle – by extending your membership, signing up your family members, or even becoming a Life Member of the NRA...



Wayne LaPierre

Executive Vice President


P.S.    Every battle we've ever fought together, and every victory we've ever won, now hinges on whether Barack Obama can gain control of Congress on November 4, 2014, and gain the votes he needs to destroy our rights during his final two years in office. This is the last election battle we'll ever fight against Obama. If he wins, freedom loses. And the outcome depends on the decision that NRA members like you make right now.


          That's why I'm asking you to recommit yourself to freedom's sacred cause today, by extending your NRA membership, signing up friends and family members, or even becoming an NRA Life Member, all at extraordinary discount rates. Thank you again (NRA, P.O. Box 420765, Palm Coast, FL 32142-8535).