Steve Eichler

Chief Executive Officer

(TTP) The Tea Party

A project of State Department Watch, Ltd.

(P.O. Box 96293, Washington, DC 20090-6293)






Tuesday evening


Dear Friend,


Like most Americans, I take the office of the President of the United States very seriously, and approach it with the deepest respect. Sadly, the abject failure sitting in the White House right now does not display the same deference to the most important job on Earth.


In fact, we're so steaming mad at him at The Tea Party that we've decided to launch our biggest campaign to date and bring the force of millions of angry Americans down upon him!


We're going to impeach that sorry mess and kick him all the way back to Hawaii -- or wherever he comes from. And I'm asking you to join with us and help!


Please consider the evidence I'm going to lay out here and then complete and return the [requested] NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON ABUSE OF POWER AND OTHER HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS BY PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA in the enclosed envelope -- to me, today.


We need to examine just some of his massively unpresidential actions. But first, let me introduce myself. I'm Steve Eichler, Chief Executive Officer of The Tea Party. I'm a qualified attorney but right now I'm too busy with The Tea Party, and working to save our nation, to actually practice law. I'm also an author and official spokesman for the Tea Party. You may have seen or heard me on conservative TV or talk radio.


I am utterly driven by a deep love of country, and I am totally committed to uncovering the fraud and deception of the Obama Administration and to getting him out of the White House just as fast as possible.


At The Tea Party we're dead-set against letting him ride out the end of his term. That's just too dangerous for our nation. And it's the coward's way out -- we have to fight him with our last breath until he's out of Washington forever.


We know that, like the snake he is, he is coiling up, getting ready to strike at the heart of our nation and deliver his poisonous Obama Legacy of totalitarian government deep into America.


Right now, we believe we have enough evidence to clearly implicate President Barack Obama in "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" as specified in our United States Constitution as grounds for impeachment.


As head of the Executive Branch of the United States Government and as Commander-in-Chief of all our forces he has been ultimately responsible for a number of very serious -- and we believe to be impeachable -- breaches of the Oath he took to uphold the Constitution.


Let's look at just some of the impeachable "Crimes and Misdemeanors" committed by President Barack Hussein Obama:


* His Internal Revenue Service was responsible for singling out Tea Party and other conservative groups and denying them operational status under the U.S. Tax Code. He knew this would seriously curtail their right to communicate with their followers. The Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld that the government cannot regulate political speech with laws that limit permissible speech.


* As Commander-in-Chief he abjectly failed to protect his Ambassador and other Americans in Benghazi, Libya, where they died at the hands of an angry Arab mob -- despite having taken an oath to do so. To make matters worse, he is involved in a cover-up of his actions that makes Watergate look like kids lying over who stole the last cookie.


* He oversaw the first use of government drones to monitor and apprehend an American citizen on American soil, despite the fact that this contravenes the Fourth Amendment guaranteeing our individual privacy.


* He went right ahead and initiated American military involvement in Libya without approval from Congress, as required by both the War Powers Act and Section VIII of the Constitution.


* His Department of Justice tapped the phones of conservative journalists under the guise of national security. It was a clear and orchestrated attack on their First and Fourth Amendment rights. They then went on to lie about it.


* His Attorney General and his Department of Justice broke the law by gunrunning on the Mexican border and then lied about it. Their criminal activities led to the death of an American Border Patrol Officer and thousands of Mexican citizens. The Department launched a massive cover-up operation which was exposed by brave whistle-blowers.


* Obama's eco-warriors at the Environmental Protection Agency were given unlimited powers – including the power to seize property and close down companies the agency believed to be "un-Green" – which are direct Constitutional infringements.


* President Obama awarded himself Martial Law powers that would allow him to control food, fuel, firearms, and all branches of government and the military through Executive Order -- bypassing Congress entirely. It is an outrageous assault on the Constitution which was designed to protect us from absolute rulers.


* And so much more ...


I think you're getting the picture! Even I can't recall all of the terrible assaults Obama is making on our precious Constitution. And don't forget -- he really HATES the Second Amendment and will stop at nothing to remove every gun, from every honest citizen, in any way he can.


Please understand, I did not decide to push for impeachment because of press reports. Or special coverage on the evening news. Or even as a result of rumors heard in and about Washington, DC. I know these things to be true.


I, along with Tea Party members across the country, have spent literally thousands of hours exhaustively researching Barack Obama's misuse of power while holding the office of President of the United states.


The critical facts we have unearthed can lead Americans to only one conclusion:


Barack Obama is not fit to be President of the United States.




Before I take the first steps to demand the removal of Obama from office, I must know if you stand with me. Your completed NATIONAL REFERENDUM will give me the moral and ethical authority I need to stand up and finally say "No More!" to Obama and his co-conspirators.


We must get him out before he can do any more harm! Start by completing and returning your [requested] NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON ABUSE OF POWER AND OTHER HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS BY PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA to me today. Thank you.


As I said, I don't make that statement lightly. Already I have briefed key Tea Party leaders from all across this great nation -- detailing the exact extent of Obama's misdeeds.


We are all set to mount a monumental campaign to get this pretender out of the White House, even if it means putting our great nation through the strain of the Impeachment process. It's like lancing a boil; we must suffer a short period of pain to stop the infection.


That's why I am asking you to join with us at The Tea Party and tell us what you think of the President's performance so far by completing the [requested] enclosed NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON ABUSE OF POWER AND OTHER HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS BY PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.


I believe that Barack Obama is not fit to be President of the United States of America. But I must know if you agree.




And with your completed NATIONAL REFERENDUM, I must ask that you include a contribution to The Tea Party to help us continue our vital work.


The Tea Party is a part of a small, not-for-profit organization. We operate on a shoestring budget. We have to fight the full might of the liberal media. We just don't have the resources to continue this crucial work without your help.


And I honestly don't know how we can keep up our relentless monitoring of all his high crimes and misdemeanors without your support.


I already have teams standing by in Washington and around the country and each one costs The Tea Party hundreds of dollars in travel, legal and preparation costs.


But there is even more. I must continue to spread the word to other conservatives all across America, asking their support for this crucial project.


Right now, I have our emergency 30-day budget for this critical project sitting on my desk. I must raise $42,500 immediately and an additional $37,200 within the following 30 days.


Please, if you can afford it, send $1,000, $2,000 or $2,500 or more. If you can only send $250 or $500, $50 or $100, or even $35 or $25, do it today. I must know that I can commit financial resources immediately.


Whatever you can send, please know that without your help, we will be forced to abandon our work and let President Obama off the hook. And our nation will be a lesser place for it.


Thank you for your support. And God Bless America.



Steve Eichler,

Chief Executive Officer

The Tea Party


P.S. Please complete and return your [requested] NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON ABUSE OF POWER AND OTHER HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS BY PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA to me today. I believe we have the goods on Obama's impeachable offenses. But I cannot go forward without your support. Please let me hear from you today. Many thanks. Steve (TTP, P.O. Box 96293, Washington, DC 20090-6293).





Emergency Reply to

Steve Eichler

Chief Executive Officer

The Tea Party

P.O. Box 96293, Washington, DC 20090-6293


Enemies of the Constitution believe that Barack Hussein Obama is right to override our guiding document because they see it as an outdated and irrelevant obstacle to their plan for a government-controlled America, and they have spent a great deal of time and money painting the people (like me) who challenge President Obama as part of a lunatic fringe. We believe that the Office of the is far too important, and the Constitution of this great nation much too critical for the entire world, to be stopped by Obama and his apologists. Your participation in this important NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON ABUSE OF POWER AND OTHER HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS BY PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, and your financial support of this project, are vital to secure the future of our great nation.

With your completed NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON ABUSE OF POWER AND OTHER HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS BY PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, please enclose your maximum possible contribution to help The Tea Party to gather the thousands of NATIONAL REFERENDA necessary. Only this show of strength by American citizens like you will force Congress to demand to see proof and uncover the truth.


Yes, I will help underwrite the cost of this national referendum of the American people with my maximum possible contribution in the amount of...









The results of your NATIONAL REFERENDUM will be tabulated with those of thousands of other Americans and released to Members of the United States House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, as well as to the national news media. It will be used as evidence in our campaign to impeach President Barack Hussein Obama. Please check the appropriate box that most clearly reflects your opinion on these important issues. Complete as many questions as possible, sign and date on the back page, and return as soon as possible to The Tea Party. Your individual NATIONAL REFERENDUM will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. Thank you for your participation!


1)  President Barack Hussein Obama's Internal Revenue Service was responsible for singling out Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations and denying them operational status under the U.S. Tax Code. The Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld that the government cannot regulate political speech. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes           No           Undecided


2)  President Barack Hussein Obama oversaw the first ever use of government drones to monitor and apprehend an American farmer on his land in North Dakota, despite the fact that this contravenes the Fourth Amendment guaranteeing our individual privacy. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


3)  President Obama illegally initiated American military involvement in Libya without approval from Congress, as required by the War Powers Act and Section VIII of the Constitution. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


4)  President Obama has pledged over $250 billion to the International Monetary Fund, in the form of "Special Drawing Rights," without consulting Congress or having the money appropriated in accordance with Constitutional requirements. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


5)  President Obama has ignored the  Constitutional requirement that the U.S. Senate "advise and consent" on high-level Administration appointees, by appointing dozens of "czars" who answer, not to the Senate or the American people, but only to Obama. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


6)  President Obama has instituted a number of radical initiatives, including the cap and trade energy tax, expanded domestic surveillance and wiretaps, and an illegal alien amnesty, by Executive Order or agency regulation instead of by legislative action as required by the Constitution. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


7)  President Obama and his Attorney General likely had personal knowledge of the "Fast and Furious" project and its subsequent cover-up, run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, that allowed over 2,000 guns to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, at least one of which was used in the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


8)  President Obama failed to secure our nation's Southern Border, allowing millions of illegal aliens to invade our nation and then manipulated government statistics to cover this fact up. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


9)  President Obama has awarded himself Martial Law powers exceeding those of a tinpot dictator through Executive Order, bypassing Congress entirely. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


10)  Despite having taken an oath to do so, Commander-in-Chief Obama abjectly failed to deploy military assets to protect his Ambassador and other Americans in a diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, where they died violently at the hands of an angry Arab mob. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


11)   Obama's Attorney General and the Department of Justice tapped the phones of conservative journalists under pretense of national security and then lied about it. It was a clear and orchestrated attack on their First and Fourth Amendment rights. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


12)   Obama's Environmental Protection agency has been given nearly-unlimited powers -- including the power to seize property and close down companies -- which are direct Constitutional infringements. Do you believe this is an impeachable offense?

Yes          No           Undecided


Here are my personal thoughts:




SIGNED .................................................... DATE ..................................


E-MAIL ADDRESS (for updates)............................................................


The Tea Party * P.O. Box 96293 * Washington, DC 20090-6293