Douglas Ramsey

Project Director

(IOC=TH) Impeach Obama Campaign

(P.O. Box 96449, Washington, D.C. 20090-6449)


Dear Patriot,


[12-2013 partial letter] ...the imminent impeachment of Barack Obama and his removal from office... BARACK OBAMA'S TERMINATION FROM OFFICE... what is really happening in Washington and how the impeachment of Obama will affect you and all the rest of America...


Now, just let me briefly tell you what is happening here in Washington. Barack Obama will shortly be indicted and tried for "high crimes and misdemeanors" committed against the American people.


I have no doubt that once the evidence of his negligence and incompetence is put before the United States Senate there will be no alternative but to remove Barack Obama from the office of President of the United States.


To you and I it seems so obvious that Barack Obama has committed high crimes against the United States but under our Constitution you and I must go before the United States Senate and prove our case.


And that is the case I am ready, willing and able to make before you and America.


I will accuse Barack Obama of willfully disregarding the American people by adding over six trillion dollars to the national debt causing...


...the near bankruptcy of the Medicare system...


...the destruction of the Social Security system...


...and the implementation of a national health plan that has robbed Medicare and forced hospitals to close.


The economic disaster foisted upon the American people can be summed up in one startling statistic that the liberal news media will not tell you:


For every job created while Barack Obama has been in office, two people have been forced onto food stamps.


I don't have to tell you that these charges are not only accurate but they are literally destroying the economic and social fabric of our nation.


And if you and I do not see to it that Barack Obama is impeached and removed from office I have no doubt that his actions will wind up destroying our nation.


Barack Obama's actions, policies and deeds in the realm of national defense and foreign policy have put all Americans at danger.


Not since the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 or 50 years ago has America faced such an unstable world all due to Barack Obama.


I will stand before the United States Senate and accuse Barack Obama of doing nothing while four American diplomats were brutally murdered in Benghazi, Libya.


I will stand before the United States Senate and show evidence – insurmountable evidence – that Barack Obama has abandoned the War on Terror...


...has let Iran build a nuclear weapon to threaten America...


...and has so weakened our national defenses that the United States Navy is now smaller than it was in 1915...


Thank you God bless you,

Douglas Ramsey, Project Director


[Please request for confidential memorandums to learn more (IOC=TH, P.O. Box 96449, Washington, D.C. 20090-6449)!]




Project of Policy Issues Institute. Not affiliated with the federal government.

5405 Alton Pkwy. * Suite 5A * #369 * Irvine CA 92604 (202) 558-6491






Date of Notice: November 2013


Dear Patriot,


[Partial letter] It is my long-awaited honor to provide you with your first official vote in the Impeachment of Barack Obama.


After years of fighting, House Congressional Resolution 107 was recently introduced...


...the first shot in the battle to Impeach Barack Obama. Representative Walter Jones of North Carolina has introduced legislation:


"Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution."


The Impeachment proceedings against Barack Obama have officially begun. That is why I am rushing you a green card, bearing the word YEA, a red card bearing the word NAY and an amber card bearing the word PRESENT.


This is exactly as voting occurs in the U.S. House of Representatives. I am asking you to give your Representatives explicit direction as to how you want them to vote on House Congressional Resolution 107.


Most votes in the U.S. House occur through an electronic devise, with each vote station having a slot into which the voting card is inserted and buttons marked YEA, NAY and PRESENT.


But if members wish, they may have their votes recorded by handing a paper ballot to the Tally Clerk, who then records the vote electronically according to the care given by the Member.


The paper ballots are green for YEA, red for NAY and amber for PRESENT... just as the ones that I am sending to you.


Because if you and I do not vote on H. Con. Res. 3, then it is not guaranteed that the U.S. House ever will.


If you and I do not weigh in with urgency today, then it is GUARANTEED that Barack Obama will get away with disregarding the U.S. Constitution and violating the rule of law.


You have the honor of casting the ballot that you want your Representatives to cast.


If you want Impeachment to proceed, then you will return your YEA card. And if you want to log that you have no opinion one way or another but want credit for simply showing up (as far too many members do), then return the PRESENT card.


I will deliver your vote to your Representatives in the U.S. House en masse with thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of other voting cards.


Your votes will tell your Representatives how to vote. Your ballot will be the first ballot towards Impeaching Barack Obama.


And your YEA will be the first resounding call by the American people that we have had enough of Barack Obama's disregard for the law, the Constitution and the office he was elected to uphold.


Let me be clear, Barack Obama used military force in Libya WITHOUT Congressional authorization. When Congress made it clear that he was violating the U.S. Constitution, Barack Obama ignored them and justified his actions.


And when members of his own party brought up Impeachment in response to Obama acting like a dictator, Barack Obama claimed that, "U.S. operations do not involve sustained fighting or active exchanges of fire with hostile forces, nor do they involve U.S. ground troops."


But the U.S. Constitution doesn't say anything about "sustained fighting" or "active exchanges."


Article I, Section 8, clause of the U.S. Constitution clearly states:


"Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual of imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress's exclusive power to declare war under Article I, Section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution."


Our Constitution clearly states that this is an Impeachable offense. But H. Con. Res. 3 is making it explicitly clear so that there can be no excuse in Congress not taking action to Impeach Barack Obama.


Because up until now, some members of Congress have used excuses to justify why they have not Impeached Barack Obama for taking military action without Congressional authorization.


Barack Obama is the third sitting president to face impeachment and the charges he is facing are far more serious than the charges leveled against Andrew Johnson or Bill Clinton.


But Barack Obama will be acquitted, just as both of those presidents were acquitted in the Senate...


...unless the American people make it clear that it is not an option for our president to operate as a dictator and take away Congressional authority to declare acts of war...


Please decide – how do you want your Representatives to vote in the first move towards Impeachment? YEA? NAY? PRESENT?


If you want Impeachment to proceed, return the green card, indicating your city and state so it can be delivered accordingly.


If you do not want Barack Obama Impeached, return the red NAY card. If you do not care one way or another and want your Representative to collect a salary and represent you by merely being present and not weighing in, vote PRESENT.


And please, when you return your ballot card, please also return a generous contribution... to support in the fight. The Impeach Obama Campaign has been working tirelessly against tremendous odds to bring us to this moment in history.


Now... will you use this historic moment and patriotically fight for Impeachment with your voice and your generous $60 or $40? Or will you let this moment slip away and our nation pay the price forever?


I pray you have the courage to step forward and help. Thank you.


With gratitude for your courage, voice and contribution,

Douglas Ramsey, Project Director


[Please request for Ballots to vote IOC=TH, P.O. Box 96449, Washington, D.C. 20090-6449)!]




Project of Policy Issues Institute. Not affiliated with the federal government.

5405 Alton Pkwy. * Suite 5A * #369 * Irvine CA 92604 (202) 558-6491






Dear Patriot,


Because Barack Obama and his political pit bulls are working overtime to keep Articles of Impeachment from being introduced, I am being forced to take drastic action in the fight for impeachment. I am submitting a Motion for Censure to the United States Senate on behalf of the Impeach Obama Campaign.


To give that Motion power, I am asking you to sign on in support. I plan on flooding the Senate with these Motions – submitted by concerned Americans on behalf of the Impeach Obama Campaign.


At this point, with Barack Obama attempting to once again pull the wool over the eyes of the American people, one thing is clear: The U.S. House of Representatives must take the first action towards Impeachment and censure the President of the United States.


Let me be clear... Censure is NOT Impeachment. That is why I am sending you two envelopes and asking for your urgent action for:


1. The U.S. House of Representatives to initiate Impeachment Proceedings against Barack Obama;


2. The U.S. Senate to Censure Barack Obama.


I am asking you to push for these two actions without delay. Censure from the Senate will attract the attention of the American people, demand the national media and force the House into action. These two actions go hand in hand.


I don't know if you realize it or not – but only one U.S. president has ever been censured by the United States Senate: Andrew Jackson. He was censured for withholding documents related to his actions to defund the Bank of the United States.


Do you believe that – at the very least – the United States Senate should take action to censure Barack Obama for his administrations' authorization of the "Fast and Furious" program, which supplied arms to terrorist enemies of our nation?


Do you believe that – at the very least – our Congress should censure Barack Obama for violating the War Powers Act in initiating military action in Libya without Congressional authorization?


These are clearly 'high crimes and misdemeanors' and certainly more significant than the reason that Andrew Jackson was censured.


If the Senate Moves to Censure Barack Obama, it will move us a giant step forward in the fight for Impeachment. That is why I am asking you to also sign the [requested] enclosed Notice of Motion for Censure to the U.S. House of Representatives.


I want you to alert the U.S. House that Impeach Obama Campaign has called for this Motion in the Senate and are asking for their full and immediate action in moving forward with Impeachment.


In 1848, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to censure President James Polk, on the grounds that the Mexican-American war had been initiated by the president without Congressional authorization... what Barack Obama did in Libya. Action must be taken.


The Impeach Obama Campaign is throwing the full weight of our support and power into Impeachment proceedings beginning in 2014... I am asking you to use the [requested] enclosed yellow envelope marked "U.S. SENATE CENSURE" to return your signed Motion for Censure on behalf of the Impeach<>/a Obama Campaign with the matching Reply and your generous contribution to support this fight in the Senate.


And then please use the [requested] enclosed red envelope marked U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IMPEACHMENT" with the matching reply, your signed Notice of Motion for Censure and generous contribution to provide teeth in the fight for Impeachment in the House.


I want to bundle hundreds of thousands of Motions and Notice of Motions to the House and the Senate and deliver them to BOTH houses of Congress.


If you return only the Motion for Censure, then the U.S. House will be under no pressure for action. That is why BOTH your Motion for Censure and your Notice of Motion for Censure must be returned... to finally bring Barack Obama to justice.




Your generous contribution in both envelopes will help provide the Impeach Obama Campaign with the resources needed to protect courageous conservatives who step forward in the fight for Impeachment in the House... and it will help provide tangible support to back Senators who begin to build a coalition for Impeachment – first through Censure.


Censure means to blame or express disapproval, as well as being an official rebuke – exactly what is needed to move the fight for Impeachment forward.


Please use the [requested] enclosed red and yellow envelopes to return your generous support to help ensure that Barack Obama is brought to justice. Nothing is more important than your support and commitment today.


With gratitude for your commitment,

Douglas Ramsey, Project Director


[Please request for Motion for Censure Of the President of the United States of America IOC=TH, P.O. Box 96449, Washington, D.C. 20090-6449)!]




Project of Policy Issues Institute. Not affiliated with the federal government.

5405 Alton Pkwy. * Suite 5A * #369 * Irvine CA 92604 (202) 558-6491




(Sample Motion)

U.S. Senate – Motion for Censure

Of the President of the United States of America


Wherein, there is precedent for the Censure of the President of the United States, in the case of Andrew Jackson;


Wherein, Barack Obama has apparently committed 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' but the U.S. House has not yet initiated Impeachment proceedings;


Wherein, Barack Obama has violated the War Powers Act, Arms Control Export Act, the Hatch Act, Due Process and acted against the Constitution as the Rule of Law;


Therefore, I am standing with other outraged Americans and the Impeach Obama Campaign in formally requesting that the U.S. Senate condemn and rebuke Barack Obama officially through Censure of Barack Obama for said actions.


Signed:_________________________ Date:_________


Please detach and return the MOTION FOR CENSURE in the yellow envelope marked





U.S. House of Representatives – Notice of Motion for Censure

Of the President of the United States of America


Wherein, there is precedent for the Censure of the President of the United States, in the case of Andrew Jackson;


Wherein, Barack < a href="../../issues1/obama,barack.html">Obama has apparently committed 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' but the U.S. House has not yet initiated Impeachment proceedings;


Wherein, Barack Obama has violated the War Powers Act, the Arms Control Export Act, the Hatch Act, Due Process and acted against the Constitution as the Rule of Law;


Therefore, the Impeach Obama Campaign has called on the U.S. Senate to formally Censure Barack Obama and is calling on the U.S. House of Representatives to initiate Impeachment Proceedings immediately.


Signed:_________________________ Date:_________


Please detach and return the NOTICE OF MOTION FOR CENSURE in the red envelope

marked U.S. HOUSE IMPEACHMENT Thank you!





Articles of Impeachment

of Barack Obama



There is more than ample evidence that has been uncovered through Congressional investigations indicating a number of apparent illegalities perpetuated by Barack Obama, the Obama Administration and Departments within said Administration including:


·          The initiation of military action in a foreign country without Congressional authorization for that war to be conducted.


·          The authorization of the sale of U.S. weapons to foreign enemies of our nation as part of an entrapment scheme – with evidence that the Department of Justice actually authorized this failed plan.


·          The use of government agencies and taxpayer money as political payback – including funding fraudulent companies owned by Obama fundraisers.


·          A categorical refusal to enforce U.S. immigration laws, even going so far as to penalize those who do so.


These and other abuses of power are beyond concerning.


At this point our nation's economy is on the verge of collapse, our standing in the world has taken a serious hit and there is evidence that Barack Obama will not stop until our nation is totally destroyed and our democracy is left in shambles.


We must take urgent action towards the Impeachment of Barack Obama to protect our Constitution and our great nation.


Signature:______________________ Date:_______


Printed Legal Name:__________________________




Notice of Appearance, Presentation and Testimony


As a United States Citizen, I respectfully authorize the Impeach Obama Campaign to be formally recognized before the House Judiciary Committee for the purpose of presenting testimony both oral and written, as well as the ability to submit legal briefs in support of Articles of Impeachment of Barack Obama and his removal from office.


I respectfully submit this document to be signed by me

_________________________ as of this date _______________ in the hopes that the United States House of Representative Judiciary Committee will duly vote to allow the Impeach Obama Committee all the rights and privileges that it is entitled to under the United States Constitution.


