Project Director
(USIU) United States
Investigative Unit
(P.O. Box 96444, Washington, D.C. 20090-64444)
Dear Conservative
Will you put
liberal United States Congressman Jose Serrano on notice that you will not
tolerate his:
1. Bill that
will allow Barack Obama to run for President in 2016;
2. Attempt to
change the United States
3. Contempt for
the American Rule of Law.
If you are as outraged at this assault on our
Constitution and our Democracy by allowing Barack Obama to literally be a
President for life... I need you right now to [request for and] sign your name
next to the bold headline "I
The 22nd Amendment to the United States
Constitution states:
No person
shall be elected to the office of President more than twice, and no person who
has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two
years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be
elected to the office of President more than once.
Once I have your signed statement in support of the 22nd Amendment
I will not rest until it is in the hands
of the Chairman of the United
States House of Representatives Judiciary
Committee. And then I intend to have
a copy of your signed Affidavit sent to
John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United
States Supreme Court.
In a moment I will tell you why your
signed Affidavit is so important, but right now we must stop Congressman Jose Serrano's House Joint Resolution 15 that
will repeal the 22nd Amendment and allow Barack Obama to be
President for as long as he wants. If there was ever a plan to destroy America's democracy by subverting and destroying the United
States Constitution then Congressman Serrano's plan is the perfect tool.
You and I have no choice but to stop House
Joint Resolution 15. But that will not be any easy task. So as the
first part of our plan I need you to sign your name next to the bold headline "I SUPPORT THE 22ND
AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION" and mail it back to me immediately.
I intend to flood the United States House of Representatives
Committee on the Judiciary with a million signatures in support of the 22nd
Amendment from outraged Americans who are horrified, scared and terrified that
their sacred Constitution will be shredded before their eyes.
So please, [request for and] send me your signed
support of the 22nd Amendment and signed Affidavit in defense of our
Constitution today. Thank you.
Now, just let me tell you the behind the scenes
maneuvering here in Washington that the United States Investigative Unit has uncovered.
Sit down. Brace yourself. And I warn you, you will not like what I am about to
tell you.
The United States Investigative Unit, after doing its
due diligence and investigative work, has uncovered the five point plan behind
Congressman Serrano's blatant attempt to steal the Constitution and make Barack
Obama President for as long as he wants.
The first element is surprise. Congressman Serrano's
bill has gotten no public scrutiny, has received no reporting and is flying
under the radar as the Obama allies in Congress are doing everything they can
to hide this bill until final passage. Barack Obama and his liberal allies in
Congress have learned well that surprise against an unknowing American public
is the best way and a sure way to steal their
freedoms and destroy their
The second element in the strategy to impose Barack
Obama on you and America for many years to come includes a vote in the U.S.
Senate which Obama and the liberals control.
So now their strategy has taken shape. First it is to
surprise you. Second it is to outvote you. The third element of their strategy
is that when the time is right the national news media, which is controlled and
dictated to by the liberals here in Washington, will announce that Congressman Serrano's bill will be of benefit to all Americans.
Now do you see the handwriting on the wall? But that
was only the third element where the liberal national news media takes charge
and demands with day and night broadcasts that Barack Obama be
allowed to serve a third, fourth or even fifth term.
The fourth element of their strategy is money. And let
me tell you this: they have money and they will spend every penny that they
have, every penny they can borrow and every penny they can get from foreign
sources to buy votes and repeal the 22nd Amendment to the
And lastly, as their crowning achievement you can
expect to see law professors on television more interested in spreading
socialism than the Constitution demanding that Barack Obama be given a chance
to serve three – or four – or five terms as President.
I have been in Washington many years but I have never seen such an organized
carefully planned out blueprint for government control and Barack Obama's
continuation as President of the United States. The group of people and institutions behind
Congressman Serrano's plan to destroy the 22nd Amendment know only
one thing: POWER.
The people and institutions behind this attempt to
destroy the 22nd Amendment and allow Barack Obama to be President for
as long as he wants only want one thing: POLITICAL DOMINATION.
Either you and I stop them now or it is you and I who will be stopped. Either you and I stand up for the 22nd Amendment,
the Constitution and the Rule of Law... or there will be no Rule of Law or
Constitution left to defend. There will only be Barack Obama today, tomorrow
and forever. That is what my letter to you this evening is about.
So here is what I need you to do. And believe me when
I tell you that you and I have to do this. First, [request for and] mail me
back your signed Affidavit and signature next to the bold headline "I SUPPORT THE 22ND
AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION." I intend to get these as soon as
possible into the hands of the United States House of Representatives Committee
on the Judiciary and John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme
Second, I need you to immediately send the United
States Investigative Unit $60. I know $60 is a lot of money but our nation is
at stake. Stopping Barack Obama is at stake. And you have my word of honor that
I will treat your emergency donation with all the respect you have given it.
So please... send the United States Investigative Unit
your immediate check for $60. Do not let Barack Obama,
Jose Soranno and their liberal allies here in Washington destroy the United States Constitution. I need your
immediate contribution to fight on your behalf and on behalf of all Americans
who trust in the Constitution.
So please, be advised. With faith in you I am looking
forward to receiving your contribution...
Douglas Ramsey
Project Director
[Please request
Affidavit (USIU, P.O. Box 96444 Washington, D.C. 20090-6444)!]
Project of (P11)
Policy Issues Institute. Not
affiliated with the federal government.
5405 Alton Pkwy. • Suite 5A • #369 • Irvine CA 92604 (202) 558-6491
Dear Conservative
Congressional liberals are
right now unfolding a plan that will make your blood boil and absolutely
terrifies me. And... more
frightening than the scheme itself is the fact that liberals would love to keep
you from finding out what is happening until it is too late for you and me to
Brace yourself. U.S.
Representative Jose Serrano, a supporter
and fan of Barack Obama, has introduced House Joint Resolution 15 to repeal the
22nd Amendment.
You know that the 22nd
Amendment formally restricts service of a president to two terms.
House Joint Resolution 15
would repeal the 22nd Amendment just in time for Barack Obama to run
To pass, H.J.R. 15 would
require a two-thirds majority vote in both the U.S. House and Senate – not to
mention support from state legislatures.
But liberals are pushing for
this plan – covertly organizing and rallying support in time for Barack Obama
to be the first president to take advantage of the repeal.
That is why I am asking you
to immediately return the [requested] enclosed KEEP 22ND AMENDMENT card.
I am asking you to tell this
Congress to KEEP the 22nd Amendment...
If you want to see the 22nd
Amendment kept and Barack Obama prevented from running for another term, then I
ask you to use the sticker with the words KEEP 22ND AMENDMENT on the
[requested] enclosed card to Congress.
If you want the door opened
for Barack Obama and any other president to have a third term or infinite
number of terms – like a dictator, then apply the sticker bearing the words
I want to deliver at least
500,000 of the KEEP 22ND AMENDMENT cards to this Congress – I'd like
to deliver a million.
Because the
idea of Barack Obama having another term in office is probably the most
terrifying thought imaginable.
With all of the other debates
that have occurred this year – the fiscal cliff, the prospect of Social
Security and Medicare going bankrupt... H.R.J.
15 has slipped under the radar.
The liberal media has been
quite happy to not report on it – but immediately after it was introduced, it
was referred to the House Judiciary Committee.
Instead of the House
Judiciary Committee focusing on whether or not Articles of
Impeachment should
be introduced against Barack Obama and if there is enough evidence to convict
in the Senate, they are focusing on this.
Instead of the House
Judiciary Committee furthering legislation that would make it clearly an
impeachable offense for a president to violate the Constitution and take
offensive military action without prior Congressional authorization – they are
focusing on whether to let Barack Obama continue to disregard separation of
And instead of evaluating all
of the evidence that has emerged concerning Barack Obama's use of drones
against American citizens, denying them due process and not even notifying the
House or Senate Intelligence Committees as he is required...
...the House Judiciary
Committee is right now considering ignoring the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson and
our forefathers.
Thomas Jefferson did not run
for a third term, despite pressure to do so. He insisted that without term
limits Presidents of the United States would become like kings – which was the structure of
government our nation fought to escape.
Thomas Jefferson said it
well, warning that without term limits, "his office, nominally for years,
will in fact become for life; and history shows how easily that degenerates
into an inheritance."
Just like Kim Jong-il of
North Korea passed his thrown and rule to his son, Kim Jong-un
– and that nation is suffering under dictatorial rule... so it is that Barack
Obama could pass his rule down.
The 22nd Amendment
states "No person shall be elected to the office of the president more
than twice, and no person who has held the office of president, or acted as
president, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was
elected president shall be elected to the office of president more than once."
Now there is pressure to
ignore this wisdom.
Do you want Barack Obama to
have the chance at another four years – or worse – eight, sixteen, or a
Do you want him to continue
to have time to disregard the Constitution and Congress, operating as a
Do you want him to have
another term or a lifetime to redistribute the wealth of our nation to other
countries, further collapsing our economy?
I sincerely hope that your
answer is NO.
This is not the first time
that liberals have attempted to overturn the 22nd Amendment.
Four years ago, when Barack
Obama was preparing for his 2009 inauguration, the House Judiciary Committee
was evaluating a similar plan – "an amendment to the Constitution of the
United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby
removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as
If the House Judiciary
Committee moves forward and the 22nd Amendment is
repealed, Barack Obama could run for an unlimited number of terms.
Liberals insist that the
American people could remove him if they chose to do so - but Barack Obama has
been adept at using foreign citizens and money to get into office for two
terms, with the FEC even penalizing his campaign because fictitious names of
donors who helped put him into office.
You and I must prevent this
nightmare and protect our nation.
Please immediately complete
your KEEP 22ND AMENDMENT card, using either the sticker that asks
just that or the one that says REPEAL 22ND AMENDMENT – whatever it
is that you want.
Be sure to sign and date this
card so that your Representatives can track your response and know that they
are speaking for you.
The United States
Investigative Unit is fighting for a full investigation of Barack Obama's Administration... his disregard for the Constitution as the Rule of Law, his attempts to
operate outside limits imposed by law, his disregard for Congress and corrupt
attempts to operate as a dictator.
That is why I am asking that
you please include your generous contribution of $60 or $40 to support in a
Impeachment Inquiry...
Please support the United
States Investigative Unit in exposing this and other attempts by this
Administration and its supporters to disregard the law and expand Barack
Obama's power even further.
Thank you for understanding
the urgency of your response.
Douglas' Ramsey, Project
[Please requested for KEEP 22ND AMENDMENT card
(USIU, P.O. Box
96444, Washington, D.C. 20090-6444)!]
Project of (P11)
Policy Issues Institute. Not
affiliated with the federal government.
5405 Alton Pkwy. • Suite 5A • #369 • Irvine CA 92604 (202) 558-6491