Floyd Brown


(WHW) White House Watch

(P.O. Box 96442, Washington, D.C. 20090-6442)

Project of Policy Issues Institute, 5405 Alton Pkwy., Suite 5A #369, Irvine, CA 92604

www.TheWhiteHouseWatch.com; ph# (202) 558-6491


[Deposition of Barack Obama]


Dear Patriot,


[2-2014 partial letter] As President Barack Obama faces impeachment for the "high crimes and misdemeanors" that he has committed... the White House Watch has authorized me to send you a copy of the 10 questions that Barack Obama must answer (1, 2).


The Deposition... is crucial to the impeachment and removal from office of Barack Obama. But before the trial of Barack Obama can begin in the United States House of Representatives it is of the utmost legal and historical importance to have Barack Obama answer the serious legal charges against him.


In short Barack Obama must be forced by the Constitution of the United States... to answer... [10 questions in the Deposition] before the United States House of Representatives.


As the White House Watch will be releasing our 10 questions to the national press in the next few days and weeks... and holding meetings and other grassroots activities...


Now, if I may I would just like to tell you why...deposition is so important and why you must hold on to it until that great day comes when the Speaker of the House of Representatives announces to one and all: "Come ye here for the impeachment of BBarack Obama and his removal from office."


I don't have to tell you that Barack Obama by his so many deeds and so many actions on so many issues facing you and all Americans is guilty of "high crimes and misdemeanors" against the American people.


But now is the time when Barack Obama will be brought before the House of Representatives and be made to answer the hard questions and face real justice. It is time for Obama to explain himself and face justice.


Barack Obama must answer for his criminal actions in destroying Medicare.


Barack Obama must answer for his neglect and abuse of the millions of American seniors who depend upon Social Security.


Barack Obama must answer for the $6 trillion dollar debt he has run up as he plunges America into bankruptcy.


Barack Obama must answer for turning a deaf ear to four American diplomats calling for help and then turning a blind eye as they were murdered.


And Barack Obama must answer for lying to the American people about their national security and putting our nation in peril.


The crimes or as the Constitution would say "high crimes and misdemeanors" are the only statutes in the Constitution that define impeachment. And yet it is so obvious that Obama has committed these "high crimes and misdemeanors."


I know this is difficult time for our country, but we must always be patriots.


Don't you believe that Barack Obama has betrayed the American people when he cut almost a trillion dollars from Medicare to fund his national health care scheme?


Don't you believe that Barack Obama will break faith with the American people when he allows Social Security to go bankrupt?


And don't you believe that a president should never lie to the American people concerning our national security and the threat of terrorism?


These are grave and dark times for America. And the longer that Barack Obama remains President the worse things will get.


Barack Obama has shown no interest in helping America's seniors be it in Medicare or Social Security.


And each day that Barack Obama increases the national debt... is less money for tomorrows Medicare and Social Security.


And each day that Barack Obama cuts and demeans our national defenses is one day closer to a national security disaster.


No. No more. I tell you now, it is time for Barack Obama to answer for his crimes to the American people. That is why Barack Obama will be impeached and held accountable...


I am sure that after giving a lifetime of service to America in all the many ways... you are appalled and frustrated by what is happening here in Washington.


But let me be honest with you, there are many who are not angry, who are not appalled and enjoy seeing what Barack Obama has done.


They are Barack Obama's allies, his bureaucrats, his lobbyists, his union buddies and all the special interests who get special consideration.


They will be at Obama's side as he fights impeachment and removal from office.


They may have money – but you and I have justice and integrity on our side. And most of all we have the Constitution that will allow us to produce the evidence to impeach and remove Barack Obama from office once and for all.


But what we don't have is the money to fight them... Your urgent contribution will immediately go to the battle to impeach and remove Barack Obama from office...


Do not let Barack Obama hide from the 10 questions in the Deposition... For the sake of America and justice stand with me and the other conservatives in Washington demanding the impeachment of Barack Obama... 



Floyd Brown, Chairman


[Please request for the "Deposition of Barack Obama"(WHW, P.O. Box 96442, Washington, D.C. 20090-6442)!]