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Culprit found, post op wound heals
(Printed by Daily Star, 4-3-2019)
Obama's (1, 2, 3) Sidekick Biden (C), (Chameleon) Harris!

This important commentary is for those involved and patients who have a post op wound for some reason will not completely heal. A loved one [woman] was involved in an accident when an eighteen wheeler truck trailer's rear-end veered into her lane, when turning left in a main intersection, and hit the right front corner of her car (11-21-2016), in which lawyer underhandedly failed to resolve in her favor.

Her left elbow was injured and it continued to hurt for two and a half weeks after accident, so loved one took her to have her arm x-rayed (12-9-2016) and found that it was broken just above the elbow (technical term: supracondylor fracture left humerus). They had to find an orthopedic specialist who would take a patient with Medicaid. After seeing the surgical doctor, he immediately made plans with hospital (12-23-2016) and operated on her arm and put in metal elbow hinge.

During two short stays in the hospital post op, antibiotics were ordered by the doctor (12-31-2016) and again at post op visit (1-10-2017), and occupational therapy was also ordered and wound VAC was ordered and received after wound therapist got firm with uncooperative company administration (1-24-2017). During doctor office visits, he said that he might have to remove metal from her arm, for it was not completely healing. Unprofessional opinion assumed the metal in her arm possibly was not forged properly and/or the pins were contaminated. After about three and half months (1-10 thru 4-24-2017) of wound treatment and therapy, patient was released from occupational therapy visits. Wound VAC was eventually sent back to company.

Many months passed by and into next year, loved one noticed that her [the woman's] wound was secreting pus on the center console of his car. He began treating wound. The first time he exerted pressure on wound pus shot out like a missile. They saw Doctor and wound therapist again. After a period of more wound treatment, they were left to care for the wound themselves, which had a pale-looking scab.

Unfortunately wound was still festering and secreting pus. Loved one eventually took an isopropyl alcohol bottle and made a small hole in cap and inserted in a very small straw, and poured 95 per cent alcohol into bottle. Once a day or every other day, and sometimes waiting a week, he cleaned her wound by pushing out pus and squirting in alcohol. He tried Ichthammol Ointment, Antibiotic ointment and Anti-Microbial Silver Wound Gel with silver nitrate. One thing he was accomplishing at the time was keeping her arm from severe infection, because the problem had not yet been found.

Then, one day while cleaning her wound, he noticed a very small thread like particle barely sticking out of wound (10-8-2018)—culprit found. If it would not have had a touch of blood on it, he would not have noticed it. After he took his fingers (always washed his hands with alcohol before cleaning wound) and pulled it [particle] out, wound started bleeding. By pushing with his thumb from end of elbow to wound's hole (that was all the way down to the metal), pushing out the pus, may have caused thread to eventually appear. Small tweezers were used to search for possible remaining thread. Now, less pus was being created. He packed hole with packing material given by wound therapist, and it eventually closed up. A second hole started forming, and it was trying to secrete blood instead of pus. Second hole was packed and original hole, where thread was found, formed again.

They saw Doctor again and more antibiotics, two prescriptions this time for ten days, and more occupational therapy treatment by wound therapist were ordered that helped expedite, at last, the healing process. After three days (11-1-2018) of taking two types of antibiotics, there was nothing coming out of her wound. On the fourth day of antibiotics, wound therapist started packing patient's wound with ointment she called honey and packed it three different (separate) times. On November 13, 2018, almost two years after the accident, last bandage was put on healing wound. Hallelujah!

One of the wound therapists, who had been treating wounds for 21 years, said she had never experienced a wound that would not heal because of a stitch (suture was supposed to dissolve within six to eight months, but did not) that had been left in, in this case, by a pre-occupied nurse in the hospital.

— Al, "The Truth will set You Free"! — Tickfaw

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