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Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine (5-12-20) Flynn's attorney (Sidney Powell) accuses Schiff of being 'guilty of obstruction' (5-15-17)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Elizabeth MacDonald on The Evenimg Edit on Fox Business Network Chuck Grassley, Sen of Iowa, Senate Judiciary Committee on facebook (5-12-20) We can t shut down the economy forever : Sen. Grassley!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Elizabeth MacDonald on The Evenimg Edit on Fox Business Network Kevin John Cramer U.S. Sen R-ND Kevin John Cramer U.S. Sen R-ND on Wikipedia (5-11-20) GOP senator accuses some blue state governors of 'totalitarianism'!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Stuart Varney My Take on Fox (5-11-20) Varney: Democrats want Americans dependent on government handouts!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (5-11-20) Rep. Jordan calls for Comey investigation: 'He's at the heart of everything'!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube The Heritage Foundation on YouTube Hans A. von Spakovsky of The Heritage Foundation on YouTube (5-11-20) Michael Flynn Finally Seems to Be Getting the Justice He Deserves: Hans von Spakovsky (5-15-17)!
The Heritage Foundation on YouTube Hans A. von Spakovsky of The Heritage Foundation on YouTube (5-11-20) The FBI Had No Legitimate Reason To Investigate Michael Flynn: Hans von Spakovsky (5-15-17)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip (5-11-20) Scalise on Flynn case: Questions are being raised about Obama, Biden involvement (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Today on YouTube (5-11-20) Attorney General William Barr: FBI Acted In Bad Faith In Russia Investigation | TODAY!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress (5-10-20) Gowdy: I wish Obama would apply rule of law equally to Dems and Republicans (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel (5-10-20) Michael Flynn's Attorney slams FBI, Obama: This was 'orchestrated' (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip (5-8-20) Nancy Pelosi should be calling out China, not fighting Trump: Rep. Scalise!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (5-8-20) Collins Talks General Flynn Case on Mornings with Maria (5-15-17)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube (5-7-20) DOJ drops General Michael Flynn case (5-15-17)!
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CBS Evening News on YouTube The Justice Department on YouTube William (Bill) Pelham Barr Attorney General William (Bill) Pelham Barr Attorney General (5-7-20) Barr on Steele dossier and Russia investigation | FBI tried to lay a "perjury trap" for Flynn | dismissing Flynn's charges was an "easy decision" (5-15-17)!
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine (5-7-20) Flynn s attorney slams Adam Schiff [bug eyes], praises real lawyers and agents in DOJ (5-15-17)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Rep. Matt Gaetz (5-7-20) Rep. Matt Gaetz: Mueller investigation was built on a rotten foundation !
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Fox Business Network on YouTube Elizabeth MacDonald on The Evenimg Edit on Fox Business Network John M. (5-6-20) Jack Keane: Maduro s exploiting situation to increase his status among Venezuelans!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Elizabeth MacDonald on The Evenimg Edit on Fox Business Network U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (5-6-20) Rep. Jim Jordan: FBI knew Steele dossier was Russian disinformation !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Mike Pompeo Secretary of State (5-6-20) Pompeo addresses China's lack of transparency in COVID-19 handling | American people are at risk because no certainty if virus began in lab!
Fox Business Network on YouTube After the Bell on Fox Business Ken Paxton AG of TX on Wikipedia (5-6-20) Texas AG on Dallas salon owner jailed: She needs to be freed !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Bill Hemmer with Fox News Channel on Wikipedia Andrew Napolitano Judge (5-6-20) Judge sentences TX salon owner who refused to apologize for reopening!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Varney & Co on Fox Business (5-5-20) Varney: Americans are breaking out of coronavirus lockdowns!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Breaking Story on Fox News Channel Martha Maccallum on The Story on Fox News Channel U.S. Congressman John Ratcliffe Director of National Intelligence on Twitter U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (5-5-20) Graham proposes sanctioning China until they cooperate with US investigation !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Outnumbered on Fox Harris Faulkner with Fox News Channel Mike Huckabee Site (5-5-20) Huckabee lays out dangers of Fauci testifying before Congress!
Fox News Channel on YouTube U.S. Congressman John Ratcliffe Director of National Intelligence on Twitter (5-5-20) John Ratcliffe grilled in first DNI Senate confirmation hearing!
Fox News Channel on YouTube U.S. Congressman John Ratcliffe Director of National Intelligence on Twitter (5-5-20) John Ratcliffe faces Senate to serve as Director of National Intelligence!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Just The News John Solomon with Just The News (5-5-20) Biggest loser of declassification is Adam Schiff : John Solomon!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Tom Fitton with Judicial Watch (5-4-20) Judicial Watch files lawsuit seeking Dr. Fauci, WHO records!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (5-4-20) Rep. Kevin McCarthy: House not working gives China a pass !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Steve Hilton Fox News Channel The Next Revolution (5-4-20) Trump's transparency on display at Fox News town hall!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Steve Hilton Fox News Channel The Next Revolution (5-4-20) Steve Hilton: Who pays the bill for the shutdown?
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (5-3-20) Gowdy, Jordan react to FBI notes for Michael Flynn investigation (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Thomas Homan Retired Acting Director of ICE on Wikipedia Thomas Homan Defend the Boarder and Save Lives on Barnes And Noble (5-3-20) Tom Homan says liberals are using coronavirus as an excuse to free detained illegal immigrants!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-2-20) Kayleigh McEnany on why WH is blocking Fauci's testimony!
Fox Business Network on YouTube (5-1-20) Should people be concerned about drones used to combat coronavirus?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Bill Hemmer with Fox News Channel on Wikipedia (5-1-20) Tensions escalate in California: Cities file lawsuits against Gov. Newsom!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Breaking Story on Fox News Channel Martha Maccallum on The Story on Fox News Channel Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress (5-1-20) Gowdy angrily questions why FBI treated Flynn, Hillary Clinton differently (1-22-18) (5-15-17)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Lou Dobbs Tonight U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip (5-1-20) Rep. Steve Scalise on Michael Flynn case: People should go to jail (5-15-17)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (5-1-20) Collins Discuss Michael Flynn on Mornings with Maria (5-15-17)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine (5-1-20) Lead Michael Flynn attorney [Sidney Powell] calls for full exoneration (5-15-17)!


CBN News Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Fox News Channel Fox News Channel Video Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Fired Telling Truth!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-31-20) Tucker: WHO chief praises, covers for China!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel (5-30-20) Fox News reporter attacked by protesters: A mob targeted us!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (5-30-20) FOTM: Trump Makes Twitter REGRET Censorship And Maybe It's Time To CANCEL The Show | ATS!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Breakdown Mike Huckabee Site (5-29-20) BREAKDOWN: Democrats Receive TERRIBLE Good News & Pelosi CRUMBLES On FISA Bill Vote!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-28-20) Tucker: Media fan racial flames!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Rep. Matt Gaetz (5-28-20) Gaetz: If we wait, 'Big Tech will steal the election from Trump'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel Hillary Vaughn on Fox News Channel Hillary Vaughn on Fox Business (5-28-20) US retaliation against China could include sanctions, tariffs, visa restrictions!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Sandra Smith on Fox U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip (5-28-20) Scalise on abused FISA court: There has been no accountability!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Sandra Smith on Fox Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (5-28-20) McCarthy: Pelosi is endangering Constitution to ensure her power!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-28-20) Ingraham: Minneapolis burning!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Mike Pompeo Secretary of State (5-28-20) EXCLUSIVE: Pompeo speaks out for the first time since IG firing on 'The Ingraham Angle'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee on facebook (5-27-20) GOP Senator urges government to revoke Twitter s liability immunity!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-27-20) Ingraham: A land of risk-takers!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom Howard Kurtz American journalist and author on Wikipedia Howard Kurtz American journalist and author books on Amazon (5-27-20) Trump blasts Twitter for fact-checking his tweets!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (5-27-20) Collins Discusses FISA Vote, General Flynn Case, Republican National Convention on Fox and Friends!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (5-27-20) House GOP suing Pelosi in effort to stop proxy voting (MaCarthy...empowers Polosi)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends KellyAnne Conway on facebook (5-27-20) Kellyanne Conway: 'No question' economy will see significant rebound!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-27-20) Tucker: Media embrace Big Tech censorship instead of pushing back!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Michael Pastelak Patriot Axe Throwing (5-27-20) Veteran suing NC governor [Roy Cooper] over lockdown condemns 'hypocritical' leadership!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel Ronna McDaniel RNC Chairwoman (5-26-20) GOP sues California governor for vote-by-mail order!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-26-20) Ingraham: Those who bet against America!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Adam Laxalt former Attorney General of Nevada on facebook Adam Laxalt former Attorney General of Nevada on Wikipedia (5-26-20) Tucker: Ballot harvesting makes a mockery of the secret vote (Democrats get power)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R-TX) on Wikipedia (5-26-20) Texas Lt. Gov. slams Twitter: 'Stop fact checking opinions'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-26-20) Tucker: Media critics scold Americans for enjoying Memorial Day (nature/outboors is medicine)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine (5-26-20) Michael Flynn's attorney on judge reportedly hiring a high-powered attorney: Never seen anything like this!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Matthew Whitaker Author Above the law Former Acting Attorney General on Wikipedia Matthew Whitaker Author Above the law Former Acting Attorney General (5-25-20) Whitaker: Flynn judge twisted the rules to keep the case alive!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine (5-24-20) Judge Jeanine: There is no longer justification to shut down America!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (5-24-20) Rep Collins reacts to judge in Flynn case hiring Kavanaugh s former attorney!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Kevin Nunes U.S. Congress (R-CA) Ways and Means Committee on YouTube Ryan Driscoll (5-24-20) Rep Nunes reacts to California protestors denouncing Newsom's orders!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel Mike Huckabee Site (5-24-20) Mike Huckabee: When Biden goes off the script, it's disastrous!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel Mike Huckabee Site (5-24-20) Mike Huckabee: When Biden goes off the script, it's disastrous!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Matthew Whitaker Author Above the law Former Acting Attorney General on Wikipedia Matthew Whitaker Author Above the law Former Acting Attorney General (5-24-20) How Did The OBAMA Administration Get ABOVE The Law? Matt Whitaker! (2-7-18)
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (5-23-20) How Red & Blue States Are Measuring Up!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Robert Leon Wilkie Jr. VA Secretary (5-23-20) Schumer trying to 'divert attention' on hydroxycholorquine: VA secretary (use 42,000 doses a day)!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (5-23-20) FOTM: BIDEN Faces CRIMINAL CHARGES! & The Problem With Mail-in Ballots | ATS!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Marco Rubio (R-FL) Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship CMTE on facebook Marco Rubio on YouTube (5-23-20) Rubio Talks Intelligence Matters, Oversight of PPP Funds, and Reopening Florida on Fox & Friends!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Pam Bondi Attorney General of Florida on Trump's Team (5-23-20) Judge on Flynn case needs to be removed immediately: Pam Bondi (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel Tim Scott (R-SC) Senate Finance Committee on facebook Tim Scott Book Opportunity Knocks (5-23-20) Biden has history of controversial racial comments; Tim Scott reacts!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel  on Wikipedia (5-23-20) Are churches 'essential?' Ohio Gov. DeWine weighs in ("exempted churches...from any of our orders")!
CBN on YouTube (5-23-20) Homeschool Converts: Poll Shows Vast Number of US Families Might Keep Kids at Home Now!
CBN on YouTube (5-22-20) President Trump Tells Governors: 'Allow Churches and Places of Worship to Open Right Now'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel Max Rose Representative on Wikipedia (5-22-20) NY Dem slams de Blasio as 'pitiful': City will be better off without him!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News David Portnoy on Wikipedia (5-22-20) Dave Portnoy unloads on Fauci in blistering rant on Tucker Carlson Tonight !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel Fox America's Newsroom Karl Rove website, FMR WH Dep Chief of Staff (5-22-20) Biden says 'you ain't black' if torn between him and Trump!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Breaking Tonight Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report Tim Scott (R-SC) Senate Finance Committee on facebook Tim Scott Book Opportunity Knocks (5-22-20) Scott: 'Not going to whitewash Biden s arrogant, insensitive, painful comment !
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-21-20) Ingraham: Without a trace?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sandra Smith on Fox Kenneth Winston Starr Kenneth Winston Starr Book Contempt (5-21-20) Hunter Biden investigation moves forward in Senate (Ken Starr comments)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News David Marcus Author New York Post David Marcus Author It Meeds To End Now (5-21-20) New York Post columnist slammed city shutdown in blistering op-ed!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-21-20) Tucker weighs in on Planned Parenthood affiliates receiving $80M in relief (Churches closed, P.P. clinics stayed open)!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Breakdown Mike Huckabee Site (5-20-20) BREAKDOWN: Are Obama And Biden Gonna Walk? & The CIA Spied On Flynn Too! (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Trace Gallagher Fox News (5-20-20) Tucker: NJ governor 'ramps up' harassment to gym, citizens!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-20-20) Tucker breaks down the contenders to be Joe Biden's running mate!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Breaking Tonight Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report (5-20-20) Trump threatens to hold up coronavirus relief for Michigan!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Fox News Rundown Podcast (5-20-20) How Trump should handle China | FOX News Rundown!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends KellyAnne Conway on facebook (5-20-20) Kellyanne Conway: 'Extraordinary' Rice email threw Comey 'under the bus' (2-13-18) (7-19-17) (7-18-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine Steve Marshall AL Atty Gen Steve Marshall AL Atty Gen (5-20-20) Flynn's attorney files emergency appeal to oust judge on case (5-15-17)!
CBN on YouTube Ben Carson on facebook (5-20-20) HUD Secretary Ben Carson to CBN News: 'What are Christians Supposed to Do for People Who are Suffering!
CBN on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-20-20) EXCLUSIVE: White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Armed for Battle with God on Her Side (2)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-20-20) Ingraham on Susan Rice: Obama's Super Swiffer (2-20-18) (2-13-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (7-19-17) (7-18-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-19-20) Ingraham: The kids aren't alright!
CBN on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-19-20) EXCLUSIVE: Kayleigh McEnany's Emotional Tribute To Ravi Zacharias!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Rep Elise Stefanik NY on YouTube (5-19-20) GOP Rep blasts Dems' continued obsession with impeachment!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-19-20) McEnany explains Trump's decision to take hydroxychloroquine!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Tom Cotton (R-AR) Senate Armed Service Committee (5-19-20) Cotton calls for investigation of 'gross abuses of power' by Obama admin (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-19-20) Tucker: Is China too strong to criticize?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-18-20) Tucker: Who is Stacey Abrams?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-18-20) Ingraham: What is really essential?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (5-18-20) McCarthy: Pelosi is keeping the House closed to give herself more power!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Newt Gingrich on YouTube (5-18-20) Trump blasts Obama as 'grossly incompetent' after commencement remarks (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Alex Michael Azar II Secretary of Health and Human Resources (5-18-20) Azar outlines health consequences from being locked down!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (5-17-20) Sen. Graham on Flynn case: No one is above the law, not even Obama (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine (5-17-20) Judge Jeanine: Justice is not on the agenda for Michael Flynn's judge (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy (5-16-20) Obama rips 'folks in charge' of coronavirus response; Peter Navarro reacts (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Adam Daniel Kinzinge U.S. Representative for Illinois on Wikipedia (5-16-20) Rep. Kinzinger rips Pelosi's 'disappointing' $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Kenneth Winston Starr (5-16-20) Charges against Flynn never should have been brought: Ken Starr (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel Eugene Scalia US Department of Labor Secretary on Wikipedia (5-16-20) Scalia: Reopening U.S. is our focus, not more stimulus relief!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel (5-16-20) Democrat turns on Pelosi's relief bill: We can't play 'partisan game!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream Michael Shumway Lee United States Senator from Utah on YouTube (5-16-20) Sen Lee discusses 3 Trillion Dollar Dem Wish list and a Major win in American Civil Liberties!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (5-16-20) DRUNK WITH POWER! Michigan's Governor Whitmer At It AGAIN | FOTM | ATS!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (5-16-20) The BIGGEST Story Of The Year And My LIFETIME!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Breakdown Mike Huckabee Site (5-15-20) BREAKDOWN: NBC Really STEPPED In It This Time!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Louie Gohmert on YouTube (5-15-20) OH WOW! Louie Gohmert GOES OFF On Democrats On House Floor!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel (5-15-20) Trump: Truckers at White House are 'protesting in favor of me!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel Chad Wolf DHS Secretary on Wikipedia (5-15-20) DHS secretary on China's attempts to hack US vaccine research!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-15-20) Ingraham: The masks are off!
Fox News Channel on YouTube (5-15-20) Trump calls for Obama to testify before House Judiciary (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Jason Chaffetz with Fox News Channel Jason Chaffetz with Fox News Channel Author Power Grab Jason Chaffetz with Fox News Channel Author The Deep State U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip Matt Schlapp Chairman The American Conservative Union Representative Lee Zeldin of New York on Wikipedia Charles Hurt with Washington Post (5-15-20) House Dems pass Pelosi's $3 trillion stimulus bill, voting by proxy!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (5-15-20) McCarthy speaks to press ahead of vote on stimulus bill!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-15-20) Tucker obtains draft letter showing US on brink of restoring WHO funding!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-15-20) Tucker: America is splitting into two before our eyes!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends The Heritage Foundation on YouTube Kelsey Bolar Independent Women's (IWF) Forum senior policy analyst with The Heritage Foundation The Hill on YouTube Joe Concha with The Hill (5-15-20) Media downplay Michael Flynn 'unmasking' revelations (also Adam Schiff lies) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends KellyAnne Conway on facebook (5-15-20) Kellyanne Conway breaks down facts of Flynn's unmasking (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip (5-15-20) Pelosi didn't take this stimulus bill seriously: Scalise!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (5-14-20) Lindsey Graham: Obama admin hated Flynn, wanted him fired!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom (5-14-20) Biden named in list of Obama officials who requested Flynn's 'unmasking' (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-14-20) Tucker: Now we see that COVID lockdowns aren't the only solution!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News David Portnoy on Wikipedia (5-14-20) Dave Portnoy unleashes scathing coronavirus rant on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (5-14-20) Jim Jordan: The media were 'cheerleaders' for Dems, FBI abuse!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report Mitch McConnell U.S. Senator of Kentucky (5-14-20) McConnell says Pelosi is trying to jam through a $3T left-wing wish list !
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube (5-14-20) NOT A CLUE: President Trump Says "Fake News" Continues Amid Pandemic!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) Senate Foreign Relations Committee (5-13-20) Rand Paul: Unmasking Flynn 'was a conspiracy of high ranking Obama officials' (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Dana Perino with fox (5-13-20) Tucker rips Biden for picking AOC to create climate agenda!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Judge Jeanine (5-13-20) Judge Jeanine on judge's shocking delay on resolving Flynn case (5-15-17)!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Breakdown Mike Huckabee Site (5-13-20) BREAKDOWN: Are The Walls Closing In On OBAMA? & California Gets Gut Punched (5-31-18) (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (7-3-17) (5-25-17) (5-15-17) (2-15-17)!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) Senate Foreign Relations Committee (5-13-20) BREAKING: Joe Biden On List For Requesting To REVEAL Michael Flynn During Trump Transition (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Just The News John Solomon with Just The News Founder Representative Lee Zeldin of New York on Wikipedia (5-13-20) John Solomon: Everything about the Schiff-show is falling apart !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-13-20) Ingraham: COVID truths, frauds and tyrants!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Fox News Rundown Podcast (5-13-20) More stimulus money coming? What you need to know!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube Kathleen Troia McFarland Kathleen Troia McFarland on Wikipedia Kathleen Troia McFarland Book Revolution (5-13-20) Doug Collins shreds Obama's 'roving band of deputized street thugs' (5-9-20) (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends John Barrasso (R-WY) U.S. Senator on Twitter (5-13-20) Pelosi living on 'fantasy island' with $3T relief bill: Sen Barrasso!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Brett Tolman US Attorney on Wikipedia (5-13-20) Brett Tolman blasts 'activist' judge for stalling Flynn case (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-12-20) McEnany: White House reporters are making pandemic about themselves!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Ben Carson on facebook (5-12-20) Ben Carson on the growing human cost of continued coronavirus lockdowns!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (5-12-20) Jim Jordan blasts handling of Flynn case: Time to hold people accountable (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom Michael Shumway Lee United States Senator from Utah on YouTube (5-12-20) The abuse of power against Flynn, Carter, Trump and the need for real reform of the FBI!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Shelley Luther in The Dallas Morning News (5-12-20) Texas salon owner says 'business is booming' after jail sentence!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-12-20) Tucker: Inside the Democrats' $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress (5-11-20) Tucker presses Gowdy on his Russia investigation record!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-11-20) Tucker: Susan Rice and the origins of the Russia investigation (2-13-18) (7-19-17) (7-18-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (5-11-20) McCarthy blasts parts of next relief bill as a 'Pelosi-led pipe dream'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-11-20) Ingraham: Obama to the rescue (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom Andrew McCarthy Former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York on Wikipedias (5-11-20) McCarthy: It would be 'profoundly crazy if Obama wasn't in on Flynn case' (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom Andrew Napolitano Judge (5-11-20) Napolitano warns Flynn hearing could be 'troublesome' for DOJ (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom (5-11-20) Obama slams DOJ over decision to drop Flynn case in leaked audio (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom Kevin Nunes U.S. Congress (R-CA) Ways and Means Committee on YouTube Representative Lee Zeldin of New York on Wikipedia (5-11-20) Rep (Lee) Zeldin calls on Adam Schiff to resign!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Mike Huckabee Site Gov. Candidate and Fmr. Rep Vernon Jones (R-GA) on Wikipedia (5-11-20) This Democrat Is Voting TRUMP And Getting Canceled For It: GA Rep. Vernon Jones!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Mike Huckabee Site (5-10-20) Huckabee (former AR Gov.): I got more confidence in the rock band 'The Who' than WHO!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site (5-9-20) FOTM: Now CANADA Is Taking Our Jobs And Viewers Think I'm Gutless And A Traitor!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine (5-10-20) Judge Jeanine: The left's attempted coup d' tat exposed (2)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip (5-9-20) Rep. Scalise: 'We should all be outraged' by Flynn case (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends President Donald J Trump Kathleen Troia McFarland Kathleen Troia McFarland on Wikipedia Kathleen Troia McFarland Book Revolution (5-9-20) Michael Flynn and I were used as 'collateral damage': KT McFarland (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Cavuto Live with Fox News Channel Tim Scott (R-SC) Senate Finance Committee on facebook Tim Scott Book Opportunity Knocks (5-9-20) What to expect from Dr. Fauci's upcoming Senate testimony!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends President Donald J Trump (5-8-20) Trump predicts 'record next year' in exclusive interview!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-8-20) Tucker torches California for providing free alcohol, nicotine to homeless!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Napolitano Chambers Andrew Napolitano Judge (5-8-20) Judge Napolitano: Abortion and the right to stay alive!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-8-20) Obama said in private call 'rule of law is at risk' in Flynn case: Rpt (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Brett Tolman US Attorney on Wikipedia (5-8-20) Comey, McCabe criticize DOJ for dropping Flynn charges (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sandra Smith on Fox Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday (5-8-20) Tara Reade calls on Biden to drop out of 2020 race!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-8-20) Tucker: Adam Schiff should resign!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (5-8-20) Jim Jordan calls for more investigations into Comey!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom (5-7-20) Newly released Russia probe docs show no evidence of collusion!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-7-20) Tucker: The unraveling of the Michael Flynn case (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Sheriff Doug Schuster Sheriff Doug Schuster on Facebook (5-7-20) Sheriff refusing to enforce lockdown: 'This is not the country I grew up in'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw Book (5-7-20) 'They're drunk on power': [Rep. Dan] Crenshaw blasts coronavirus restrictions!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (5-7-20) Giuliani: People involved in Flynn case should be 'prosecuted for conspiracy' (5-15-17)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network (5-6-20) Trish Regan: Schumer's lousy apology after inciting violence isn't acceptable!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-6-20) Ingraham: The left in the age of Trump!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends John M. (5-6-20) US denies involvement in failed Venezuela coup attempt!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom (5-6-20) Beijing launches campaign to punish coronavirus patients!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox America's Newsroom Ed Henry with Fox America's Newsroom Andrew McCarthy Former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York on Wikipedias (5-6-20) House GOP accuse Schiff of blocking Russia probe transcripts!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Warren Norred Attorney on Wikipedia (5-6-20) Attorney for jailed Dallas salon owner slams judge as a tiny tyrant !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee Andrew Napolitano Judge (5-5-20) Napolitano calls on DOJ to denounce what FBI agents did to Flynn (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Neil Ferguson (epidemiologist) on Wikipedia (5-5-20) Tucker: Policymakers just can't stop breaking coronavirus rules!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News (5-5-20) Ingraham: Americans are finally seeing the Chinese government for what they are!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News Rep. Matt Gaetz (5-4-20) Rep. Gaetz is fighting to stop US cities from using Chinese-made drones!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Newt Gingrich on YouTube (5-4-20) Gingrich: Adopt legislation to allow Americans to sue Chinese government!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (5-4-20) Rep. McCarthy's strategy for safely returning the House to work!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Ingraham Angle Fox News U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (5-4-20) Ingraham: The 'experts' strike again!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Fox News Contributor (5-4-20) Sanders: Trump has been 'very upfront and vocal,' shows he's a leader!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) House Judiciary Committee Member on YouTube (5-3-20) Rep. Doug Collins: The 'S' on James Comey's chest is simply 'shame'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine (5-2-20) Judge Jeanine: The FBI needs a complete overhaul!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine Dr. Deborah L. Birx, M.D. on Wikipedia (5-2-20) Judge Jeanine presses Dr. Birx on how coronavirus deaths are being recorded!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Judge Jeanine U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (5-2-20) Ted Cruz introduces bill targeting Hollywood, China!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-1-20) Barber belittled by CNN anchor speaks out on Tucker Carlson Tonight !
Fox News Channel on YouTube Tucker Carlson Fox News (5-1-20) Tucker: Totalitarianism doesn't shock us any more!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox & Friends (5-1-20) Biden denies Tara Reade sexual assault allegations!
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President Donald J. Trump on YouTube!
Real News Update Real News Insight Lara Trump, Trump Tower Real News Insight, Update with Lara Trump
The White House Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-31-20) White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds Press Briefing!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-31-20) President Trump, Coronavirus Task Force hold White House briefing!
Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-30-20) Trump on escalating protests: Violence is being led by Antifa, radical groups!
The White House President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (5-30-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks at the Viewing of SpaceX Demonstration Mission 2 Launch!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump The Justice Department on YouTube William (Bill) Pelham Barr Attorney General William (Bill) Pelham Barr Attorney General (5-28-20) "FAKE NEWS IS THE WORST" President Trump SLAMS Media During Social Media Order | AG Barr explains reasoning behind social media executive order | Trump signs social media executive order | DELETE HIS TWITTER? Trump says HE WOULD if it wasn't for FAKE NEWS (2)!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-28-20) Kayleigh McEnany holds White House press briefing | "TWITTER BIAS": Kayleigh McEnany LISTS "Twitter Bias Examples Against President Trump" | TAKING ON THE MEDIA: Kayleigh McEnany FULL White House Briefing | "DEAD PEOPLE VOTE" Kayleigh McEnany SLAMS Media Over Mail In Ballots Controversy (2)!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump Melania Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House Karen Sue Pence (Batten) wife of Mike Pence Vice President (5-27-20) HISTORIC DAY: President Trump Travels To Florida For SpaceX LAUNCH | READY TO LAUNCH: SpaceX NASA Astronauts Take Journey To Famed Launch Pad 39A | MAY GOD BE WITH THEM: President Trump Prays For SpaceX Astronauts | NO LAUNCH: SpaceX Scrubbed Because of Weather | Trump tours NASA facilities ahead of SpaceX launch!
The White House President Donald J Trump Melania Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House Karen Sue Pence (Batten) wife of Mike Pence Vice President (5-27-20) President Trump Receives a SpaceX Demonstration Mission 2 Launch Briefing!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube KellyAnne Conway on facebook (5-27-20) "ASK ME A REAL QUESTION": Kellyanne Conway gets HEATED with media at The White House!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-26-20) Trump rails against mail-in voting: 'We are not going to destroy this country'!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-26-20) AMERICA IS BACK: Kayleigh McEnany holds White House press briefing!
The White House Ben Carson on facebook (5-26-20) Secretary Carson: This too will pass!
The White House President Donald J Trump Melania Trump (5-25-20) President Trump and the First Lady Participate in a Memorial Day Ceremony at Fort McHenry | Because of Our Fallen Heroes, America is Safe, Strong, Mighty, and Free!
The White House President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (5-25-20) President Trump and Vice President Pence Participate in a Wreath Laying Ceremony | President Trump: "Our Fallen Warriors Gave Their Last Breath for Our Country and Our Freedom"
Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-25-20) Live: Trump participates in Memorial Day wreath laying ceremony at Arlington | President Trump wreath laying ceremony, COVID-19 latest news
The White House CBS News Online President Donald J Trump (5-24-20) White House advises Americans to maintain social distancing amid warnings virus is not contained!
The White House President Donald J Trump Melania Trump (5-23-20) First Lady Melania Trump's Message for 2020 Graduates!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-22-20) Trump honors US veterans ahead of Memorial Day | Trump honors veterans, POW and MIA | "NANCY IS CRAZY" President Trump SLAMS Pelosi At Veteran Event At White House!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-22-20) BIG MOMENTS: Kayleigh McEnany FULL BRIEFING (she is fired up) | MEDIA MELTDOWN: Kayleigh McEnany DEFENDS President Trump On Reopening Churches | MEDIA BIAS? Kayleigh McEnany Says Coverage of Obama And President Trump and Flynn "NOT FAIR" (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-22-20) White House press briefing | President Trump ISSUES ALL CHURCHES OPEN | Trump declares houses of worship as essential ("...Override the Governors") | White House holds press briefing on coronavirus (2)!
The White House CNBC Television (5-22-20) President Trump demands governors reopen churches, synagogues and mosques 'right now'!
The White House Melania Trump (5-21-20) First Lady Melania Trump's Message for Students!
Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-21-20) Trump tours Ford plant without mask despite warnings | Trump delivers remarks at Ford Motor Plant | THANK YOU WORKERS: President's FULL speech at Michigan Ford plant!
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The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-21-20) Trump doubles down on claims mail-in ballots lead to fraud | Trump on Open Skies Treaty: Very good chance to make a new agreement | I'M STILL HERE: President Trump Says He Would Like To Send Media On A ROCKET!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Asa Hutchinson Gov of AR on Wikipedia Laura Kelly Gov of KS on Wikipedia (5-20-20) FUNDING, REOPENING & MORE: President's FULL meeting with AR & KS Gov's | Trump participates in meeting with Arkansas, Kansas governors, Gov Hutchinson, Gov Kelly | MAIL-IN BALLOTS: President says it's DANGEROUS & TREMENDOUS FRAUD involved | TEST MORE = MORE CASES: Trump says testing at a level "nobody's dreamt possible"!
The White House Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-20-20) Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing | HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & MAIL-IN BALLOTS: Kayleigh McEnany fields reporter questions | SUSAN RICE EMAIL: Kayleigh McEnany Asks Media: "WHY NO COVERAGE ON THIS" (2-13-18) (7-19-17) (7-18-17) | Answers Question About "Lack Of Mail Voter Fraud Evidence" (2 (3)!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube Mike Pompeo Secretary of State (5-20-20) Pompeo responds to firing of Inspector General!
The White House Mike Pence Vice President White House (5-20-20) Vice President Pence Participates in a Roundtable with Hospitality and Tourism Industry Leaders (Orlando, FL)!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-19-20) "PELOSI HAS MENTAL PROBLEMS" President Trump DOESN'T HOLD BACK | MUST WATCH NEWS CONFERENCE!
Washington Post on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-19-20) WATCH: Trump attends Senate GOP luncheon!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-19-20) Trump: We're going to have a really good third quarter!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House Alex Michael Azar II Secretary of Health and Human Resources Steven Mnuchin U.S. Secretary of Treasury Ben Carson on facebook (5-19-20) Trump holds Cabinet meeting, signs executive order | Trump signs executive order on deregulation | MORE REGULATION CUTTING: Pres. Trump signs executive order for economic recovery | "SO SAD DEMOCRATS": President Trump Takes On MEDIA During News Conference | "JUST A RUDE PERSON YOU ARE" President Trump to reporter asking about re-opening plans (2)!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump Secretary of Agriculture Ivanka Trump daughter (5-19-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks on Supporting our Nation s Farmers, Ranchers, and Food Supply Chain | Trump delivers speech on supporting US farmers, ranchers!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (5-18-20) TAKING ON THE MEDIA: President Trump FULL White House News Conference | Trump claims to be taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure!
The White House President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House Tim Scott (R-SC) Senate Finance Committee on facebook Scott Turner Wikipedia (5-18-20) President Trump Participates in a White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council Meeting!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (5-18-20) President Trump Participates in a Roundtable with Restaurant Executives and Industry Leaders | "THERE'S DEATH ON BOTH SIDES": Trump regarding LA possibly not reopening until AUGUST | Trump torches Obama: 'He was an incompetent president who did a terrible job' | DOJ BIAS?: President Trump Says DOJ Would Investigate Him But NOT Obama and Biden (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17) (2)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel President Donald J Trump (5-17-20) Trump: Unmasking of Flynn is greatest political scam in history of US (5-15-17) (2)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel President Donald J Trump (5-17-20) Trump: We have a lot of information on Wuhan lab and it s not good!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump United States Space Command Chief Master Sergeant Roger A. Towberman (5-15-20) Trump speaks at presentation of Space Force flag (2)!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-15-20) Trump discusses the state of vaccine development | VACCINES ARE COMING: President Trump Says By End Of Year Could Happen | Trump speaks at Presidential Recognition Ceremony: Hard Work, Heroism and Hope (2)!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-15-20) Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing | LET'S TALK ABOUT LEAKING: Kayleigh McEnany TAKES ON REPORTER Over Flynn | THE FULL White House Briefing That CNN and MSNBC DID NOT Show (5-15-17) (2) (3)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business Exclusive Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business President Donald J Trump (5-14-20) Trump talks Michael Flynn, Obama admin and China with Maria Bartiromo (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
The White House Fox Business Network on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-14-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks at Owens & Minor, Inc. Distribution Center | Trump delivers remarks at Owens & Minor, Inc | FULL REMARKS: President Trump Keep America Working Event in Pennsylvania | N1H1: President Trump Tries To BASH Joe Biden But Misfires The Punchline | TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE THING: President Trump says he knew 5 people lost to COVID-19!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-14-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure Trump sounds off on Bright: 'Nothing more than disgruntled, unhappy person' | Trump slams Dr. Bright: He's nothing more than a disgruntled person NOT A CLUE: President Trump Says "Fake News" Continues Amid Pandemic!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-13-20) FULL REACTION: Trump comments on Flynn/Biden news, Talks reopening America & MORE | "IT'S DISGRACEFUL": President Trump COMMENTS after Flynn docs released | Trump talks to media following release of new Flynn documents | President Trump Meets with the Governor of Colorado and the Governor of North Dakota | Trump meets with Gov. Polis and Gov. Burgum at White House | HORNS UP: President Trump talks NDSU Football with Gov. Burgum | Trump says Fauci's response to reopening schools was 'not acceptable' (5-15-17)!
The White House Alex Michael Azar II Secretary of Health and Human Resources (5-13-20) Sec. Azar: President Trump Is Breaking Records to Develop A Coronavirus Vaccine!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-12-20) Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing (2) (3)!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube The Guardian News President Donald J Trump (5-11-20) President Trump and Administration Officials Deliver Remarks and Hold a Press Briefing on Testing | FULL BRIEFING: Trump & WH Task Force talk COVID-19 testing, latest & more | Trump, WH officials hold press briefing in Rose Garden | Trump delivers remarks on coronavirus testing | Trump downplays White House coronavirus case | Trump sounds off on Dems 'moving slow for political purposes' | 'You know what the crime is': Trump stumped on Obamagate details | 'You should ask China': Trump terminates press conference after clash with reporter (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17) (2)!
The White House President Donald J Trump (5-11-20) President Trump and Melania Trump Visit the World War II Memorial!
The White House President Donald J Trump (5-9-20) President Trump Participates in a Meeting with Senior Military Leadership and National Security Team!
The White House Ivanka Trump daughter (5-9-20) Ivanka Trump: A Message to Small Businesses!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump Melania Trump (5-8-20) VE DAY 75: President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Honor at World War II Memorial (2)!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (5-8-20) President Trump Meets with Republican (GOP) Members of Congress | DEMS AND MEDIA: President Trump Says It's Time To Work Again | "RUSSIA HOAX" President Trump SLAMS Democrats And Intelligence Officials | Adam Schiff Is A Sick, Sick Man With A 9 Inch Neck (2) (3)!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Mike Pence Vice President White House (5-8-20) VP PENCE: VP Thanks essential workers at HyVee!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-8-20) FULL BRIEFING: Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing | CNN AND MSNBC Did NOT Show THIS | White House Briefing Kayleigh McEnany | McEnany predicts Trump will get US back to hottest economy in history (2) (3)!
The White House Melania Trump (5-7-20) First Lady Melania Trump: Be Best 2 Year Anniversary!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump Melania Trump Mike Pence Vice President of U.S.A. Karen Sue Pence (Batten) wife of Mike Pence Vice President (5-7-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks at the White House National Day of Prayer Service | Trump, Melania attend White House National Day of Prayer Service (2)!
The White House Melania Trump (5-7-20) First Lady Melania Trump's National Day of Prayer Message!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House Greg Abbott Texas Governor Greg Abbott Texas Governor on Wikipedia (5-7-20) Trump meets with Gov Greg Abbott of Texas | Trump on Flynn: What the Obama administration did is 'treason' (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17) (2) (3)!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-6-20) FULL BRIEFING: Kayleigh McEnany holds White House press briefing (2) (3)!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-6-20) Trump signs proclamation in honor of National Nurses Day | 'Nothing I can do to satisfy the Democrats, fake news' (2)!
The White House President Donald J Trump Kim Reynolds Gov of IA on Wikipedia (5-6-20) President Trump Meets with the Governor of Iowa!
The White House Melania Trump (5-6-20) First Lady Melania Trump's Message for National Nurses Day!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-5-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks at Honeywell International Inc. Mask Production Facility | TRUMP AT HONEYWELL: President THANKS AZ & workers - FULL REMARKS!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-5-20) TRUMP IN PHOENIX: President arrives in Valley for Honewell tour!
FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-5-20) WHEELS UP: President Trump Travels To Phoenix, Arizona | Air Force One Departure!
The White House Fox Business Network on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-5-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure | President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure - JBA | Trump: Fauci will testify before Senate, says House is a bunch of Trump haters: President Trump BLASTS Democrats [also about "oversight committee of Maxine Waters and Maloney..." (2)]!
The White House FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-5-20) President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion on Supporting Native Americans | HELP FOR NAVAJO NATION: Trump announces $600M in aid for COVID-19 response!
The White House Daily Caller on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-4-20) Meet Trump's Newest Press Secretary!
Fox News Channel on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-3-20) America Together: Returning to Work Town Hall with President Trump | Part 1 | Part 2!
The White House President Donald J Trump (5-1-20) President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube President Donald J Trump (5-1-20) President Trump Participates in a Presidential Recognition Ceremony: Hard Work, Heroism, and Hope | Trump honors American citizens making a difference amid coronavirus | Trump highlights Americans serving their communities amid pandemic | HONORING HEROES: President Trump Thanks AMERICAN Workers!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Gilead Lab Daniel O'Day at Gilead President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House (5-1-20) President Trump Meets with the CEO of Gilead, Daniel O'Day | Trump touts 'very promising' studies on vaccines, treatments for coronavirus | TREATMENT DRUG CLEARED: Remdesivir could shorten the recovery time for COVID-19 patients | Gilead pledges to donate 1.5M vials of remdesivir to patients!
The White House Fox Business Network on YouTube Associated Press on YouTube Los Angeles Times on YouTube Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-1-20) Kayleigh McEnany holds first briefing as WH press secretary | 'WHO appears to have a very clear China bias | McEnany doubles down on China in first WH Briefing | Trump Press Secretary suggests immigration would be bargaining tool over state aid (2) (3) (4)!


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Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Gov Chris Christie on face book (5-27-20) Christie questions why fellow officers didn't intervene in Floyd's death!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-26-20) Hannity: Biden can't hide from his disturbing pattern of racial rhetoric!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-26-20) Hannity: Biden can't hide from his disturbing pattern of racial rhetoric!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-23-20) Hannity: Democrats pack coronavirus bill with far-left agenda items ("hope of a possible treatment now exist")!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) on YouTube U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) on facebook (5-21-20) Sen. John Kennedy says Nancy Pelosi overplayed her hand with $3 trillion coronavirus bill!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-20-20) Hannity: It's time to open America!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-19-20) Hannity: Nothing about the Michael Flynn case was 'by the book' (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-18-20) UFC President unloads on New York Times in exclusive Hannity interview!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-18-20) Hannity: We're witnessing the beginning of the end of coronavirus lockdowns!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-15-20) Sean Hannity | Fox News May 15, 2020!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (5-14-20) Giuliani slams NYC health commissioner's demeaning comments toward police!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-14-20) Hannity: The safe reopening of America!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (5-13-20) McEnany: Russia investigation was a huge injustice to Trump, American people!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-12-20) Graham calls alleged Obama admin surveillance 'stunning and unethical' (5-23-18) (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (2-6-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-12-20) Hannity: Nancy Pelosi has no shame!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Jared Corey Kushner on Wikipedia (5-11-20) Kushner touts surge in testing: The ramp-up continues to be extraordinary!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-11-20) Hannity: What did Obama, Biden know and when did they know it (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17)?
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Rep. Trey Gowdy Member of Congress (5-8-20) Trey Gowdy bashes the media: They aided and abetted Adam Schiff!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-8-20) Hannity: Adam Schiff is a national disgrace!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Shelley Luther in The Dallas Morning News (5-7-20) Recently freed salon owner speaks out in exclusive Hannity interview!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-7-20) Hannity: Comey used Logan Act to squeeze Gen. Flynn (5-15-17)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman (5-6-20) Graham says legal foundation for Mueller's appointment is crumbling!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-6-20) Hannity: Robert Mueller's marching orders revealed!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-5-20) Hannity: It's time to get America back to work!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-4-20) Man ordered to remove 'Trump Flag' from his boat speaks out on 'Hannity'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-4-20) Hannity: It's time for Christopher Wray to get the FBI in order (6-29-18)!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (5-1-20) Giuliani shreds New York officials' complete lack of crisis preparedness!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Sean Hannity (5-1-20) Hannity: Hypocrisy and deceit inside the Democratic Party!


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Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel The Five (5-28-20) Cuomo's recent statements on nursing homes stun 'The Five'!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Dana Perino The Daily Briefing Dana Perino with fox U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (5-28-20) Jim Jordan weights in on 2.1M filing for unemployment last week!
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Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel The Five Greg Gutfeld Pic (5-27-20) Gutfeld on the Central Park dog lady!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel The Five (5-27-20) 'The Five' slams Twitter for using sources like CNN to fact-check Trump!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel The Five (5-25-20) 'The Five' answer your quarantine email questions!
Fox News Channel on YouTube The Greg Gutfeld Show Greg Gutfeld Pic (5-24-20) Gutfeld: Liberal hypocrisy machine erupts over Trump taking hydroxychloroquine!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel The Five Dana Perino with fox (5-22-20) Biden's comment on black voters leaves 'The Five' speechless!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel The Five Greg Gutfeld Pic (5-22-20) Gutfeld blasts Cuomo for 'creating death, disaster' with nursing home policy!
Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel The Five (5-21-20) The Five shred Cuomo brothers making coronavirus jokes, ignoring deaths!
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