Steven J. LeBlanc

Former Sergeant, U.S. Army

Operation Desert Storm Combat Veteran

For the (USBSC) U.S. Border Security Council

A Committee of National Grassroots Advocacy

(P.O. box 96197, Washington, D.C. 20090-6197)


Senate Bill 1 will destroy America.

Act now to stop it!

Stop Senate Bill 1[6]


Dear Fellow American,


[12-2013 letter] You need to know about Senate Bill 1 (S.1). It was one of the very first bills proposed in the Senate this year. It was submitted by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It is the latest "comprehensive immigration reform" legislation. But I call it Amnesty Plus." And, if passed, "Amnesty Plus" will destroy America.


I will tell you all about Harry Reid's plans in just a moment. But first, please sign and return the [requested] enclosed "Vote No on S.1" petitions for your state's two U.S. Senators.


There is going to be an epic battle over this bill. I must collect thousands and thousands of these petitions right away to kill S.1. And, along with your petitions please send in a contribution of $15, $25 , $30, $50 or even $100 to help me pay for this urgent campaign to stop S.1.


Harry Reid's bill (S.1) is truly an abomination. According to Reid it will grant Amnesty to all the illegal aliens. But that is not all.


It will stop the enforcement of our immigration laws. It will halt immigration raids and the deportations. It will make it easier for new immigrants to pour across our southern border. It will tear down the border fence (1, 2)!.


But it goes way beyond traditional issues of immigration, too. S.1 will allow people who have committed terrorist acts to seek asylum in the U.S. ! S.1 is the most extreme and dangerous piece of legislation ever to be proposed in Congress.


But don't take my word for it. Just look at what Harry Reid says about his own bill:


"We must move beyond the current policy that is focused on detaining and deporting those undocumented workers who have been abused and exploited by American employers . . . "




. . . I believe we would be wise to reconsider the effectiveness and cost of a wall along our southern border, which has adversely affected the fragile environment and vibrant cross-border culture of an entire region . . . "




"We cannot continue to deny asylum seekers because they have been forced at the point of a gun to provide assistance to those engaged in terrorist acts."


Amnesty for illegals, no border fence , terrorists receiving asylum (1) in America. This is crazy. And this is why I call Senate Bill 1 "Amnesty Plus."


It includes all the horrible components of Amnesty for illegal aliens PLUS it guts immigration enforcement and even allows terrorists into the United States!


"Amnesty Plus" is really important to Senator Reid and his pro-illegal alien buddies. They will do anything to ram it through Congress.


Just imagine even more illegal aliens pouring across our border. A flood of humanity the likes of which the world has never seen.


Imagine terrorists seeking and receiving permission to live here in America so they can hatch their evil plans without fear. "Amnesty Plus" is a disaster and must be defeated.


So, you and I must get to work right away. And it all starts with your [requested] enclosed petitions. You and I must show each and every Senator that we will not be silent. We know what Harry Reid is up to. We will not stand silent and allow him to swamp America with a tidal wave of criminals, terrorists and illiterate aliens.


I want to overwhelm the U.S. Senate with these petitions and strike fear into the hearts of these pandering politicians.


After all, the one thing politicians fear most is the wrath of the voters. And by playing on this fear you and I can stop "Amnesty Plus" even in a Congress dominated by pro-illegal alien legislators.


If we stand together you and I and the American people can win this vote and kill "Amnesty Plus" right now. Please [request for and] sign and return your petitions right away.


But please be aware that killing "Amnesty Plus" will be very expensive. I will need to send press releases, publish updates on our campaign, and recruit thousands and thousands and thousands of new supporters to help me show President Obama the terrible price both he and our nation will pay if Amnesty becomes law.


So, I must ask for your help once again. Along with your signed petitions, will you please send in a generous contribution of $15, $20, $25, $30, $50 or even $100 to help me pay for this urgent effort to stop S.1, the "Amnesty Plus" bill?


I am very serious. You and I can stop this bill in its tracks. But we have to act fast. And a bunch of petitions alone won't do it. I need money to fight back on all fronts.


The battle over S.1 will be one of the biggest political battles of our lifetime. You and I can not afford to lose this fight.


Please [request for and] sign and return your petitions right away. And don't forget to include a generous contribution as well. Together you and I can defeat "Amnesty Plus."


Fighting to Save America,

Steven J. LeBlanc

Former Sergeant, U.S. Army

Operation Desert Storm Combat Veteran

For the U.S. Border Security Council


P.S.        Harry Reid's "Amnesty Plus" bill (S.1) will idestroy America. It will grant Amnesty to illegals, cut immigration enforcement, tear down the border fence and allow terrorists to receive asylum (1, 2) in the U.S. Please sign the [requested] enclosed "Vote NO on S.1" petitions for your state's two U.S. Senators right away.


P.P.S.     Along with your petitions, please include a generous donation of $15, $20, $25, $30, $50 or even $100 to help me defeat S.1 (USBSC, P.O. box 96197, Washington, D.C. 20090-6197)!


Not affiliated with any government agency

1900 Campus Commons Drive, Suite 100Reston, VA 20191-1535 • (571)425-4162




(Sample Petition)

Stop Senate Bill 1

Vote No On Senate Bill 1.

Petition to

U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu

of Louisiana


Whereas, Illegal immigration is overwhelming our economy, destroying our quality of life and ruining our nation; and

Whereas, Tough border enforcement, the border fence, and raids on businesses that employ illegal aliens are all working to force illegal aliens to leave the U.S.; and

Whereas, The illegal alien lobby is determined to ram Amnesty and "comprehensive immigration reform" down the throats of the American< people; and

Whereas, Senator Harry Reid has proposed Senate Bill 1, which would give the illegal alien lobby everything it wants including Amnesty, an end to the enforcement of America's immigration laws, the destruction of the border fence and the granting of asylum in America to accused terrorists; now, therefore, be it 

Resolved, That I do hereby call on you as my elected U.S. Senator to vote no on Senate Bill 1, and to use the filibuster if necessary to stop this terrible piece of legislation.







(Sample Petition)

Stop Senate Bill 1

Vote No On Senate Bill 1.

Petition to

U.S. Senator David Vitter

of Louisiana


Whereas, Illegal immigration is overwhelming our economy, destroying our quality of life and ruining our nation; and

Whereas, Tough border enforcement, the border fence, and raids on businesses that employ illegal aliens are all working to force illegal aliens to leave the U.S.; and

Whereas, The illegal alien lobby is determined to ram Amnesty and "comprehensive immigration reform" down the throats of the American people; and

Whereas, Senator Harry Reid has proposed Senate Bill 1, which would give the illegal alien lobby everything it wants including Amnesty, an end to the enforcement of America's immigration laws, the destruction of the border fence and the granting of asylum in America to accused terrorists; now, therefore, be it 

Resolved, That I do hereby call on you as my elected U.S. Senator to vote no on Senate Bill 1, and to use the filibuster if necessary to stop this terrible piece of legislation.



