Peter J. Thomas
(TCC) The Conservative Causus
(P.O. Box 1890, Merrifield, VA 22116-8090)
(540) 219-4536
"For 40 Years Leading the Fight for Constitutional
Dear TCC Member,
partial letter] Because you have been one of The Conservative Caucus' (TCC)
staunchest supporters, I urgently need you to help us stop President Obama and
Congress from ramming through
amnesty for a massive 11-20 MILLION
why I'm counting on you to complete and return the [requested] enclosed U.S. Citizen Straw Poll and Congressional
to help like yours, TCC was instrumental in stopping a massive
amnesty the last
time Congress had it up for a vote in 2007 and prevented them from ramming it
through last year.
can and must do it again, but the only way we can succeed against the
Barack Obama's and his left-wing allies will be by redoubling our
strategic efforts that worked then -- and have the same level of support from
our members... as we did then.
no mistake, political experts warn, at the top of President
Obama's agenda is
to continue to increase the powerful Hispanic voting bloc by "legalizing"
millions of
illegals -- to ensure he regains majority
control over both Houses
of Congress...
the staggering BILLIONS per year it will cost us taxpayers for FREE health
care, skyrocketing welfare, unemployment benefits, public housing, Social
Security, Medicare and other taxpayer-funded benefits...and add at least 7 million
illegals on the
ObamaCare rolls!
think you'll agree,
Obama's "payoff"
to the huge Hispanic voting bloc
for helping him get re-elected will take a devastating economic toll on America forever.
Not only will it mean he can ram through his far-left
agenda in his last two years -- but it will be the largest expansion of the
welfare state in almost 40 years. It will reward
(1) many
illegal alien lawbreakers
who have been living off the public trough with
participation in this U.S. Citizen Straw
Poll and Congressional Petition-signing campaign, along with others I'm
writing today, can play a major role in helping to stop this
amnesty from
hope you will do this today. Because the hallmark tactic of the
Administration and the ultra-liberals in Congress is to push unpopular radical
legislation so fast, the American majority doesn't have enough time to stop it!
sources tell me the
Obama's Administration's well-oiled political machine is more
determined than ever to pass this massive
amnesty because they could add at least 7 million of these
illegal aliens to
ObamaCare socialized medicine
why we here at The Conservative Caucus (TCC) are spearheading this national
grassroots citizens' campaign to stop this
amnesty today -- before
Obama's. Harry
Reid and these liberal special interests start strong-arming your
representatives to pass it.
think you'll agree, we simply cannot sit back and wait -- and give them the
opportunity to slide yet another Big Government, big spending socialist-styled
legislation bill past us once again...
For 40 years, we here at The Conservative Caucus (TCC) have been
the leading grassroots citizen-action group defending
American liberty and independence.
We have been, and
continue to lead the battle with BOTH parties in Congress to dismantle
ObamaCare piece-by-piece legislatively, which would topple this dreadful
takeover of your personal health care choices and decisions. There are 3 such bills that would do just
that that are gaining more and more support as a result of our massive
grassroots pressure campaign on Members of Congress.
We led the fight
against encroachment by the anti-American U.N. and other globalist
bureaucrats and we were instrumental in stopping such dangerous proposals as
the U.N. "Law of the Sea Treaty."
And when Congress
was considering legislation to legalize millions of
illegal aliens in 2007, TCC
was instrumental in the fight that forced them to abandon the legislation.
no mistake. We can do it again, but our fight to stop this
amnesty will likely
be the most hard-fought in TCC's long history of protecting our Constitution,
our liberty and our economic freedom from assault.
only with enough support like yours, along with the massive number of concerned
Americans we are contacting to join with us, can we win.
see, with the 2014 mid-term elections
on the minds of many politicians, the
American voter wields more power than
ever from now until Election Day. Remember, politicians are all about getting
votes, so they can keep their jobs.
We must use this opportunity to make it clear, in no
uncertain terms, that if our representatives support this
amnesty, we will
them out of office.
that is exactly what your petition to your representative says... We must
collect signed petitions at TCC so we can barrage every Congressional office on
Capitol Hill by the hundreds of thousands -- all at one time -- to create the
maximum impact. If they receive petitions one at a time, they are too easy to
addition, we want to tabulate and publish the results of our nationwide U.S.
Citizen Straw Poll that will send a strong message to the Congress, the White
House and the major media -- without a doubt -- how
voters like you back home
stand on this issue.
the 40 years TCC has been fighting to preserve and protect
Americans' liberty and independence, we've found that this kind of campaign is far more successful
than any other in defeating legislation that threatens the well-being and
future of our Republic.
These Petitions and Citizen Straw Polls provide
TANGIBLE evidence of the sentiment of their constituents back home. So please do your part by [requesting for and]
returning yours...
kind of massive national campaign to reach millions of
Americans in their
mailbox with U.S. Citizen Straw Polls and Petitions can be costly for a
non-profit organization like ours. But not as costly as the price our country
and we taxpayers will pay, both socially and
economically, if this
amnesty passes.
I firmly believe America should always remain a beacon of hope for reasonable
numbers of legal immigrants who want to make a better life for themselves.
my forebears and yours entered America legally. They understood that through hard work,
obeying the law, and contributing to our nation's good, they would EARN the
right of citizenship in this great land of opportunity.
what we've been dealing with for decades is quite different. Our
borders have become a
floodgate for
millions who see
America as nothing
more than a vast welfare state -- who think nothing of breaking our laws and
living off taxpayers like you and me.
Using fake Social Security cards,
drivers' licenses and birth certificates,
they've been costing taxpayers BILLIONS -- and even voting in our elections for
President, Congress and your local candidates.
TCC will continue the battle for America to secure our
borders from
illegal lawbreakers,
stopping this
amnesty for the
illegals who are already
here is our big priority today.
Because one thing is certain.
amnesty only
leads to more amnesties down the road:
In October 1986, Congress snuck through an
amnesty to all
illegals who
were clever enough to avoid deportation for at least 5 years.
Then, in 1990,
they granted entry for UNLIMITED numbers of their relatives.
do politicians keep sending the message to the world: "Sneak into our country and we'll
reward you with
from our laws, welfare financed by our
taxpayers -- and if you can get fake documents --
even the ability to vote in our elections?"
Many Americans only heard about these amnesties AFTER
they were passed. We cannot let that happen again -- especially right now.
You see, mid-term Congressional
elections tend to have low voter turnout. If this
amnesty passes, they will use this political payback to help
get out the huge Hispanic voting bloc in
2014 and regain control of both houses of Congress.
You can believe, if that
happens, President
can ram through the rest of his socialist, radical
agenda in his last 2 years with impunity.
you can see the REAL reason the
Obama's Administration wants to quickly "legalize"
the 11-20 million
illegal aliens now -- to influence the outcome of the 2014
election, to regain majority power in Congress -- and to ensure
Obama's last
term agenda is passed.
I count on you to help us stop Congress from passing this
amnesty? I hope so...
For TCC to succeed, we must get our Petitions and Straw Polls into the
mailboxes of at least 2 million citizens within a matter of weeks. And in the
coming months we need to reach even more people as Congress debates granting
this massive
amnesty to millions of
illegal aliens.
costs us about 59 cents to reach just one person, so I will initially need to
raise $1,180,000. And the only way we can fund this campaign is if you and
enough other concerned Americans are willing to pitch in and help us.
when you return your Straw Poll and Petition. I hope you will send along the
most generous contribution you can afford to help us reach others.
you know, TCC is a non-profit, citizens organization
so our funds are limited and carefully spent. And today I was very careful to
contact only dedicated TCC members like you who I felt would be most likely to
you can contribute $15, $20, $30 -- even $50 or $100 -- or more, I would be so
grateful. If you can contribute $250 or even more, it would be a Godsend. But
whatever you can afford, it will be put to use right away. For
we must work quickly.
me, you're probably asked to give to many worthy causes these days. So our
biggest danger is if too many people think their individual participation won't
make a difference. I hope you don't feel that way.
40 year history of fighting battles like this gives us the know-how and unique
experience to succeed, but only if enough like-minded citizens do their part. I
hope you will.
is so much at stake for you, your family and our nation's future. So please let
me hear back from you today.
to defeat
amnesty for
illegal aliens,
J. Thomas
Remember, President
Obama's and his far-left allies are determined to ram
for 11-20 million
illegal aliens through Congress, as a political payoff to the
huge Hispanic voting bloc. NOW, they want to ensure they regain majority control of the Congress in the mid-term elections and he can push through his last term socialist
agenda with impunity...
. . .despite the social and
economic toll of BILLIONS more each year it will cost us taxpayers in free
health care, unemployment benefits, public housing, Social Security. Medicare
and other taxpayer-funded benefits -- and
put at least 7 million
illegal aliens on the taxpayer-subsidized
ObamaCare rolls!
I hope you will stand with
TCC again in this critical national battle ahead. Please [request for and] complete
and return your U.S. Citizen Straw Poll on this issue, as well as sign the
Congressional Petitions attached so we can create the amount of public pressure
we need to stop this massive expansion of the "welfare state" for
illegal aliens dead in its tracks.
Remember, they aim to pass this massive
amnesty BEFORE
the 2014 mid-term elections so we must act quickly.
So please --
your contribution of just $20 or more, if you can afford it -- or just $15 --
will go a long way to help us fund this critical grassroots effort to set
Congress straight on this issue. Taxpayers
like you and me cannot sit back right now. There is too much at stake for our
personal financial futures and that of our country. Thank you (TCC, P.O. Box 1890,
Merrifield, VA 22116-8090)!