Alan Gottlieb Chairman

(CCRKBA) Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

(Liberty Park, 12500 N.E. Tenth Place, Bellevue, Washington 98005-9916)


Dear Freedom Supporter,


I'm asking you to vote "NO" on your enclosed Congressional Ballot to stop the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION AND DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS FROM TAXING GUNS AND AMMUNITION OUT OF EXISTENCE for two reasons.


First, I have discovered that the gun prohibition lobby has regrouped and now has a new strategy to tax out of existence guns and ammunition that they have not been able to ban so far.


You know that has always been their goal. You know that they keep on coming up with new creative ways to achieve it.


And now, as I write you, they have launched their new attack. Democratic lawmakers in Congress have introduced H.R. 3018 to mandate steep new confiscatory taxes on all guns and ammunition.


Like I told Fox News in the [requested] enclosed news story, "What the anti-gun interests can't ban, they want to tax out of existence." For starters, a new 20% tax on guns and a whopping 50% tax on ammo!


On top of that, this anti-gun rights legislation also increases "special occupational" taxes on "any person" engaged in the trade or business of manufacturing, distributing or selling firearms and ammunition.


It also more than doubles the "Transfer Tax" on some firearms!


And they want to use those tax dollars to further attack our right to keep and bear arms.


H.R. 3018 "allocates" these new fees and taxes to be used for "community-oriented policing grants" and "Project Safe Neighborhoods" to enforce their anti-gun rights agenda.


And it doesn't stop there.


H.R. 3018 also "allocates" funding for anti-gun "research on gun violence and its prevention" by the Center for Disease Control and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.


And it doesn't stop there either.


H.R. 3018 additionally "allocates" funding to expand federal gun registration and the "Community-Based Violence Prevention Field-Initiated Research and Evaluation Program" run by gun banning Attorney General Eric Holder's so-called Justice Department.


We all know that what you tax, you get less of, and what you subsidize you get more of. Their game plan is less guns and more control of our firearms freedom.


That's why today, I'm urging you on your [requested] enclosed Congressional Ballot to vote "NO" on H.R. 3018 and any new taxes or infringements on our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.


And there's a second reason I need you to rush your "NO" vote back to me today. Once I have your "NO" vote, I will use it, and every resource I have to fight this outrage!


First, I will send a copy of your "NO" vote to House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell demanding defeat of H.R. 3018 and any new taxes or infringements on our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.


If we can't get the House of Representatives to defeat this assault on our firearms freedom, or get the United States Senate to kill it by filibuster, I will fight this legislation all the way to the Supreme Court with your "NO" vote!


I will not let the gun grabbers use the power to tax as the power to destroy our Second Amendment Rights (1).


Because you and I both know exactly what the Obama Administration and their anti-gun rights clones in Congress want. They want gun prohibition in America. They tried it before. And, now they're trying it again.


You and I have a constitutional right to own firearms to protect ourselves. And I am outraged that the gun ban movement is trying to deceitfully strip us of that right.


No constitutional right should be taxed out of existence. Not your First Amendment right. Not your Second Amendment right and not your right to vote "NO" on the enclosed Congressional Ballot.


I know you agree. That's why I know I can count on your "NO" vote on the [requested] enclosed Congressional Ballot.


Your "NO" vote along with the hundreds of thousands of others I'm collecting will stop this outrageous legislation dead in its tracks. Your "NO" vote is the crucial part of this urgent new project of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA).


You and I must fight back with everything we've got. It's time to fight back against the gun prohibition crowd and their new tax guns and ammunition out of existence scheme.


That's why I need you to rush your "NO" vote on the [requested] enclosed Congressional Ballot right away.


We must stop H.R. 3018 and any new taxes or infringements on our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.


We can't defeat this new gun grabbing scheme unless we create a nationwide uproar.


When you and I flood Capitol Hill with hundreds of thousands of "NO" votes like yours, you know Congress will be forced to pay attention. Their political lives are on the line. That's why I urgently need your "NO" vote on your Congressional Ballot today.


Please put your "NO" vote in the enclosed envelope and rush it back to me at the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today.


And when you do, I also need your fighting commitment to CCRKBA to help me defeat H.R.3018 and any new taxes or infringements on our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.


Your much needed contribution of at least $25 is critically needed.


The gun prohibitionists are trying to win this battle they started in Congress by calling it a "tax" and not an attack on our firearm rights.


They are trying to rob you and me of our constitutional right to keep and bear arms by pretending that they are not enacting anti-gun legislation.


If you can, send $25, $35, $50, $75, $100 or even $250 or $500. But I at least need to count on you for $25.00. Your $25 is the ammunition I need to fight this outrageous new attack on our gun rights.


The gun prohibitionists' lobbying arm is fueled by billionaires like New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and George Soros. They have become one of the most powerful special interests in Washington.


And I must have your "NO" vote and $25.00 or more to defeat them.


Please send your "NO" vote and your $25, $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500 or more to CCRKBA today. In this emergency, I must count on your contribution.


And most importantly, be sure to include your "NO" vote on the Congressional Ballot with your contribution of $25 or more. Thank you.


Keeping our Freedom,

Alan M. Gottlieb



P.S. I must have your "NO" vote right away! The gun banners are already lobbying our Congress for H.R. 3018 and new taxes and infringements on our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.


[Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Chairman (CCRKBA) is "asking you to vote 'NO' [on HR 3018] on your [requested] enclosed Congressional Ballot to stop the Obama Administration and Democrats in Congress from taxing guns and ammunition out of existence...." Please tell your Congressmen to vote NO on H.R. 3018. (CCRKBA, Liberty Park, 12500 N.E. Tenth Place, Bellevue, Washington 98005-9916)!]


Liberty Park12500 N.E. Tenth PlaceBellevue, Washington 98005 • (425) 454-4911 •




(Sample Ballot)

Congressional Ballot

Citizens Committee for the Right

to Keep and Bear Arms



Should H.R. 3018 containing new confiscatory taxes on firearms and ammunition and infringements on our constitutional right to keep and bear arms be passed and become law?


NO on HR 3018!  Although I realize this lobbying effort will be expensive, the future of my gun rights is at stake. I want to help defeat this outrageous legislation.


I've enclosed my contribution of:

U$25       $50 Other $__________

to launch this lobbying battle against the anti-gunners.


YES. I want guns and ammunition taxed out of existence.


Since, CCRKBA engages in grassroots and direct lobbying, contributions are not tax-deductible.


Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

12500 N. E. Tenth Place

Bellevue, Washington 98005





Dem bill would trigger huge new taxes on gun, ammo


Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N-M seen here with Department of Homeland during a press conference in Aug. 2011, has Security Secretary Janet Napolitano recently sponsored a bill that would quadruple the tax on ammunition if passed.

 A pair of Democratic lawmakers are proposing steep new taxes on handguns and ammunition, and tying the revenues to programs aimed at preventing gun violence.

Called the "Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act," the bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 1 percent to 50 percent.

"This bill represents a major investment in the protection of our children and our communities, and reflects the long-term societal costs of gun and ammunition purchases in our country," Pascrell said.

The lawmakers say the bill would generate $600 million per year, which would be used to fund law-enforcement and gun violence prevention.

Critics predicted defeat for the measure.

"What the anti-gun interests can't ban, they want to tax it out of existence," Alan Gottlieb, chairman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, told "It's nothing more than confiscatory taxation

"1 doubt this bill will pass but we will lobby against it if need be, he added. "This is simply another shot against gun owners in this country.

The bill would exempt all federal, state and local agencies, including police departments from paying tax.

The bill would also increase the transfer tax on all weapons (except antique guns) covered under the paying the tax. National Firearms Act (which excludes most common guns) from $200 to $500 and index to inflation and increase the transfer tax for any other weapon from $5 to $100.

The amendment will be voted upon when the House returns for the new session in the fall.

Davis, who represents a portion of Chicago which has been ravaged by gun violence in recent years, said money raised from the new taxes will go to good use.

"This legislation is a pro-active approach to reducing gun violence by using proven preventive programs which have been starved for funds until now," Davis said. "As part of a comprehensive, multidimensional strategy reduce gun violence, this legislation closes major loopholes in tax law and lays out an equitable long term, sustainable strategy to provide the requisite resources."

House bill would boost tax on ammo by 50%, guns 20%


Dave Workman

A new gun control scheme that would boost the federal excise tax on ammunition to 50 per-cent and raise the tax on some firearms to 20 percent has been introduced by two anti-gun Democrats and is just today raising alarms on the Internet, and at the offices of the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb calls H.R. 3018 "confiscatory taxation." It is sponsored by Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-IL) and Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), and they are calling it the "Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2013."

"What they couldn't ban," Gottlieb said, "they are now trying to tax out of existence."

He suggested the measure might even constitute a raid on the federal Pittman-Robertson Act, otherwise known as the Federal Aid to Wildlife Restoration Act that has funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to state wildlife and natural resources agencies since it became law in 1937. The funds are apportioned back to the states by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for wildlife restoration, habitat improvement and enhancement, range development and hunter education.

Under the bill, the federal excise tax would be raised to 20 percent on pistols, revolvers and other firearms, and any "lower frame or receiver for a firearm, whether for a semiautomatic pistol, rifle or shotgun that is designed to accommodate interchangeable upper receivers."

Clearly this is aimed at AR-15 type rifles and every handgun on the landscape, and ammunition that is used by sport shooters, hunters and armed citizens for personal protection. Particularly hard hit would be bird hunters, who are already paying premium prices for non-toxic shotgun shells.

"A 50 percent increase in the cost of ammunition that is already skyrocketing in price taxes people out of the market," Gottlieb said today.