Alan M. Gottlieb
(SAF) Second Amendment
James Madison Building
(12500 N.E. 10th PL, Bellevue WA, 98005-9819)
(425) 454-7012;
Dear SAF Supporter,
[3-2014 letter] I've
enclosed a SPECIAL BALLOT so you can vote on a very urgent and important matter
facing the Second Amendment Foundation and American gun owners. This BALLOT is
for members and key supporters of the Second Amendment Foundation, so please
read my letter very carefully and return it to me as soon as possible.
I do
not exaggerate when I say this is a very urgent and important vote for you to
cast. Because in a moment, after you have read my letter and prepare to cast
your vote for the question at hand, you may well be deciding the next important
and critical legal battles the Second Amendment Foundation is and will be ever
involved in.
me explain. The United
States Supreme Court in our lawsuit, McDonald
v. Chicago overturned
the ban on handgun ownership in Chicago and ruled
that our Second Amendment right applies in all 50 states.
The same day, we filed suit in Federal
Court against the North Carolina Emergency
Powers Law that allowed suspension of Second Amendment rights in times of
natural disaster. We won and overturned that law.
Second Amendment Foundation victory is of national importance as it will knock
out many anti-Second Amendment laws now on the books. Some of those laws could
be in your state.
we have to defend our victories and make them permanent. The anti-gun crowd knows that by winning this case, bans on carrying
firearms for self-defense, buying guns and ammunition in emergencies and other
anti-gun laws from coast-to-coast are next to be struck down.
despite our Supreme Court victory, this legal battle is far from over. That is
why I have already committed to our attorneys that we will stand with them to
protect and expanding these monumental rulings. We are off to a great start,
but . . .
. .
. before I can tell our attorneys to continue with our landmark legal
challenges to other ridiculous and dangerous
anti-gun laws, I must know for
sure that SAP has the funds to pay for them. That's why I'm writing to you
believe me, the
anti-gunners are not happy about this.
The gun-grabbers are hoping that President Barack
Obama will continue to honor
his promise to appoint more anti-gun judges to the high Federal courts before
our important cases get there.
major ruling in support of the individual right to own a gun for self-defense
could be the "dagger in the heart" of the anti-gun movement we have
been striving for. And because the gun grabbers know it, they are pulling out
all the stops. The Brady Center, Bloomberg people and other anti-gun rights groups
will again be filing briefs against us in our case
I have
been told by a source close to Michael Bloomberg that his
anti-gun rights group
is preparing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars against us arguing that
the Second Amendment stops at your front door and does not allow you the right
to carry a firearm for self-protection.
is this kind of legal tactic that gun grabbers like the Brady people and
anti-gun politicians like
Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi and Holder will use
to uphold anti self-defense gun laws and bans. AND WE--THE SECOND AMENDMENT
believe that the Second Amendment Foundation has an obligation to America's gun owners to file suits to stop the assaults on
our gun rights. This is an obligation that costs money we don't have.
now I must ask you to decide. Should the Second Amendment Foundation continue
to fund legal challenges to laws that allow suspension of Second Amendment
Rights and other laws that deny citizens the right to own and/or carry a gun
for self-defense?
before you answer, consider this additional critical information:
It was the Second Amendment Foundation's suit that twice overturned the city of San Francisco's Handgun Ban and forced scores of other cities to
back away.
It was a Second Amendment Foundation suit that overturned a law the city of New Haven passed that banned the sale of handguns and stopped a
number of other Connecticut towns from passing the same law.
It was the Second Amendment Foundation's legal efforts that have destroyed city gun bans, stopped
BATFE harassment of gun ownersand protected people falsely accused.
It was a SAF suit
that forced Los
Angeles to issue
concealed carry licenses to gun owners.
It was a Second Amendment Foundation suit that stopped gun confiscation in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
It was a SAF suit
that forced the state of Ohio to
pass a law allowing concealed carry of firearms for self-defense.
It was SAF amicus
curiae briefs that helped overturn the Washington, D.C. gun ban at the Federal Appeals Court and at the U.S.
Supreme Court.
It was SAF's suit that killed Chicago's handgun ban and extended the Second Amendment Protection to all 50 states.
And, it was a SAF
suit that overturned the Illinois
ban on carry and forced their Legislature to legalize concealed carry.
with all this in mind . . . please complete the SAF SUPPORTER BALLOT I've enclosed for you and return it to me
right away. And please vote, too, with your dollars.
can't fund these and other new legal suits, or continue those in progress
without your financial help and involvement. Our lawsuits cost an estimated
$250,000 each and the enclosed list of other lawsuits that we have currently
going on could cost well over an additional $2,650,000 alone!
must know what level of support I have from loyal SAF Supporters like you
before I give the go-ahead to our attorney, Alan Gura,
who won the Supreme Court cases that overturned both the Washington. D.C. and Chicago gun bans.
I promise you, we won't pay any attorney one cent more than we have to. I will
not allow any lawyer to get rich off the money you contribute. These cases will
protect gun rights in all 50 states.
immediate tax-deductible gift of $500, $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can
afford, is necessary to continue to fund our legal suits in defense of your
rights to own and use a gun for self-defense. Please let me know your decision
right away. Thank you.
M. Gottlieb
P.S. Once you give me the nod
to fund our legal cases, I will. Together, we can protect our Second Amendment
rights in the courts.
request for SAF SUPPORTER BALLOT (SAF, 12500 N.E. 10th PL, Bellevue WA, 98005-9819).
Here are just some of the lawsuits that YOUR Second Amendment
Foundation has been and is currently involved in. We've spent a lot of money in
court fighting to protect and expand YOUR rights. EACH lawsuit has a price-tag
as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars!
SAF Sues Illinois and Wins over
Ban on Carrying Guns
for Self-Defense...SAF and Illinois Carry filed suit in federal court,
challenging the state's complete prohibition on the carrying of firearms in
public for the purpose of self-defense. SAF wins the case and Illinois becomes 50th state to
allow concealed carry.
SAF Sues Chicago over Gun Range Prohibition on 1A, 2A Grounds...SAF and ISRA filed a
lawsuit in federal court against the City of Chicago's gun ordinance, asserting
that "by banning gun ranges open to the public..." the city is
depriving citizens of their right to keep and bear arms in violation of the
First and Second Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The Appellate Court
ordered Chicago to end this ban. Case
SAF Wins Preliminary Injunction against New Mexico Law
Barring CCW Permits for Legal Resident non-citizens...SAF has won a
preliminary injunction in federal district court in New Mexico against that
state's prohibition on the issuance of concealed carry permits to legal
resident aliens.
SAF Challenges CaliforniaHandgun Ban Scheme...SAF and Calguns Foundation filed a lawsuit challenging a regulation
that arbitrarily bans handguns based on a roster of "acceptable"
handguns approved by the State of California. Case has been amended to include
new microstamping requirement. Glock
files amicus brief in support. Smith & Wesson and Ruger
file declarations in support of SAE's lawsuit.
SAF and CalGuns Sue and Win
Against California's "Assault Weapons" Law Arrest and Win...SAF and Calguns Foundation win a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in
California, seeking damages for an unlawful arrest and to have the state's
definition of so-called "assault weapons" declared
SAF Sues Nebraska Over
Carry Prohibition for Legal Resident non-citizens...The Second Amendment
Foundation filed a motion for injunctive relief against Nebraska officials over a
statutory prohibition that prevents non-citizens legally residing in the state
from obtaining a concealed carry permit.
SAF Files Amicus in San Diego Gun Permit Case...SAF filed an amicus
brief in a case that challenges the constitutionality of discretionary gun
permit rules adopted by officials in San Diego County, California. Ninth Circuit declares
County's restrictive concealed carry licensing policy
SAF Sues and Wins over MA Gun Ban for
Legal non-citizen Residents...SAF and Commonwealth2A
have won a federal lawsuit challenging a law in Massachusetts that denies legal
resident aliens the licenses required to possess a handgun in the home for
self-defense, or purchase any kind of firearm or ammunition.
SAF Files Federal Lawsuit against New York City
over Gun Permit Fees...SAF and the NY State
Rifle & Pistol Association filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against New
York City alleging the $340 fee for a permit to keep a handgun in the home is
"excessive and. ..impermissibly burdens the
Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms." On appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court..
SAF Sues N.J. Officials for Deprivation of Civil Rights on Permit
Denials...SAF and the ANJRPC filed suit in U.S. District Court against several
NJ officials for deprivation of civil rights under color of law, as a result of
their refusal to issue carry permits to qualified citizens. On appeal to U.S.
Supreme Court.
SAF Sues Eric Holder, FBI over Misdemeanor Gun Rights
Denial...Acting on behalf of a Georgia resident and honorably discharged
veteran, SAF filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder and the FBI
over enforcement of a federal statute that can deny gun rights to someone with
a simple non-domestic violence misdemeanor conviction on his record. The U.S.
Supreme Court declined to hear the case.
SAF Sues and Wins to Overturn
North Carolina's Emergency Powers Gun Bans...SAF and GNC won a lawsuit seeking a permanent injunction against the
governor, local officials and governments from declaring states of emergency
under which private citizens are prohibited from exercising their rights to bear
SAF Sues Over Missouri Ban On CCW By Legal
Resident non-citizens and Wins...SAF filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of a Canadian
citizen who is a legal resident of Missouri, challenging that state's
statutory prohibition on the carrying of concealed firearms by non-citizens. Missouri rewrites the law because
of SAF suit.
SAF Sues and Wins over Public Housing
Gun Ban in
Warren Co., Illinois...SAF wins a federal lawsuit against the Warren
County, Illinois Housing Authority's
ban on personally-owned firearms by
residents of government-subsidized housing.
SAF Sues Maryland over Handgun Permit Denial...SAF sued Maryland authorities in federal
court because the man's handgun permit renewal was turned down on the grounds
that he could not demonstrate "a reasonable precaution against apprehended
danger." Appellate court strikes down lower court ruling regarding rights
to carry. U. S. Supreme Court decline to hear the case.
AF Challenges Ban on Interstate Handgun Sales...SAF has filed suit in
U.S. District Court in Virginia challenging the
constitutionality of Virginia statues and provisions of
the 1968 G.C.A. barring handgun sales to non-residents. U. S. Supreme Court
declined to hear the case.
SAF Files Amicus Brief in Nordyke
Case, Argues for Strict Scrutiny...SAF filed an amicus curiae brief in the
long-running Nordyke v. King case in
California, arguing that Second Amendment issues must be decided on a
"strict scrutiny" basis, and that an ordinance in Alameda County banning
gun shows at the county fairgrounds is
unconstitutional because it would not
withstand that standard of review.
SAF Sues Alameda County for Civil Rights
Violation in Gun Shop Case...SAF has filed a federal lawsuit against Alameda County, California and the county's Board of
Supervisors for violating the constitutional rights of three businessmen by
wrongfully denying them permits to open a gun shop.
SAF, CalGuns Foundation Sue Oakland, San Francisco Police and Win...SAF has filed a federal
lawsuit against the police departments in San Francisco and Oakland, California for refusing to return
firearms to people who had been charged with crimes, but subsequently cleared
of any wrongdoing. Firearms returned.
SAF Sues in New York to Void Good Cause Carry Permit
Requirement...SAF filed a federal lawsuit against Westchester
County, New York and its handgun permit licensing officers, seeking a permanent
injunction against enforcement of a state law that allows carry licenses to be
denied because applicants cannot show "good cause:' The U.S. Supreme Court
declined to hear the case.
SAF Lawsuit Challenging Chicago's Handgun Ban a
Supreme Court Winner! A 5-4 ruling
by the U.S. Supreme Court in SAF's case of McDonald
v. Chicago incorporated the Second Amendment through the 14th amendment to
the states and ended Chicago's handgun ban. Thanks to
SAF and ISRA, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms applies to all
fifty states as well as the federal government. This historic Supreme Court
ruling is the most important ruling protecting the right to keep and bear arms
in our nation's history.
Gun Rights Organizations Win Lawsuit to Stop Seattle Ban...SAF, NRA and five local
residents won a lawsuit challenging a new Seattle parks regulation that
bans firearms, arguing that the ban violates Washington State's long-standing
preemption statute.
SAF Sues District of Columbia over Carrying of
Handguns...SAF filed a lawsuit on behalf of three residents of the District of Columbia and a New Hampshire resident, seeking to compel
the city to issue carry permits to law-abiding citizens.
SAF Challenges Arbitrary Denial of Right to Bear
Arms in California...SAF and Calguns Foundation filed a lawsuit seeking to vindicate the
right to bear arms against arbitrary state infringement. Case is waiting for
Appellate Court ruling.
SAF Sues Eric Holder over Gun
Rights of Non-resident American citizens...SAF filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder, seeking
an injunction against enforcement of a federal law that makes it impossible for
American citizens who reside outside the U.S. to purchase firearms
while they are in this country. The case has been appealed to the U.S. Supreme
SAF Challenges D.C. Handgun Ban Scheme...SAF filed a lawsuit
challenging a regulation by District of Columbia city government that
arbitrarily banshandguns based on a roster of acceptable handguns approved by
the State of California. In order to avoid
another loss in court, Washington, D.C. changed the law.
SAF Sues Washington State for Discriminating
against Alien Residents...SAF, joined by the National Rifle Association,
filed a lawsuit in federal court against the State of Washington, seeking to overturn a
state law that discriminates against legal resident aliens who own firearms by
violating their Second Amendment rights. The State settled and stopped its
illegal discrimination. Law changed because of this suit.
SAF, CCRKBA and Madison Society, along with a
dozen university law professors, filed an amicus brief in the suit to overturn
the DC Gun Ban in the U.S. Appellate Court. Additionally, 13 state Attorneys
General - filed an amicus curiae brief in support of
the SAF position to protect the rights to Keep and Bear Arms.
SAF Files Amicus Curiae Brief at U.S. Supreme Court: DC Gun Ban Ruled
unconstitutional...The Supreme Court
overturned the DC Gun Ban, ruling that the
Second Amendment protects and individual right to keep and bear arms.
SAF Sues and Wins to Overturn San Francisco Gun Ban...The city appealed SAYS initial victory overturning the San Francisco
Gun Ban.
The California Appeals Court unanimously ruled to uphold the lower court's
decision. The city then appealed to the California Supreme Court, which again
ruled in SAF's favor.
SAF Stops New Orleans Gun Confiscation...SAF negotiated with the
City of New Orleans to return the guns they
illegally-seized from law-abiding citizens in the aftermath of Hurricane
This is merely a sampling of how the Second Amendment Foundation is
involved in the fight for YOUR rights! Your financial involvement for our
pro-gun rights and pro-Second Amendment Constitutional efforts is URGENTLY
NEEDED TODAY! F or more information about these and other cases, please visit
our website: