L. Brent Bozell III

Founder & President

(MRC) Media Research Center

(P.O. Box 96131, Washington, D.C. 20077-7583)


"The Soros Project"


Dear Fellow American,


Would you give $25 to expose and neutralize one of the liberal media's biggest secret weapons?


Would you donate $50 to help expose an anti-American, anti-free speech, anti-Judeo-Christian (1, 2, 3, 4), anti-democracy, anti-capitalism [foreign-born socialist] billionaire [George Soros (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)] from tearing up the U.S. Constitution and transforming the United States into a second-rate socialist state?


Now, I have a third question to ask you. Would you donate $25, $50, $100 or more to get to the bottom of how the IRS' (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) targeting (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) of the Tea Party (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) got started . . .  


. . .  and who helped come up with the idea of using the IRS to silence (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) any and all opposition to Barack Obama's socialist agenda?


What's more, what if I told you whatever amount you decide to give could STILL be doubled – all the way up to $3 million? Would that convince you to send at least $25?


Before you answer, I ask that you read the following quote:


"It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out."


This is a frightening quote. The speaker of that quote is the foreign-born socialist billionaire George Soros [who gave $1 million to the Obama's Super PAC]. He is certainly no "god," but he thinks he is.


But, he is a major force in what Americans see, read and hear from the nation's leftist press . . .  and it is far greater in scope than the vast majority of Americans know.


George Soros' billions are providing both the leftist journalists and propaganda we see each night on TV or read in our local newspapers.


Now, based on our investigative research here at the Media Research Center (MRC), it appears that Soros' money also helped launch the IRS' assault on the First Amendment and the Tea Party and conservative groups . . .  which brings me back to the questions I asked at the start of this special and personal appeal.


I pray your answer to each is "YES"! Because your gift today will help us accelerate the single most important mission on which the Media Research Center has ever embarked. It's called " The Soros Project."


Our objective is to lift the curtain on a very wealthy anti-American socialist who has given more money to more leftist causes and so-called "news" groups than anyone else on the planet. And today I am asking patriots like you to send in a special gift to help us expand "The Soros Project,"


. . .  our effort to expose the major role George Soros' funded groups played in prompting the IRS to silence Tea Party, conservative and faith-based groups.


MRC and I have been going head-to-head with "Billionaire George" who is sparing no expense to strip us of our liberty, destroy our economy, revile our culture and destroy our country.


Why? Because every day George Soros is causing great harm to our country in a very big way . . .  and the most recent example of his power and reach is the role his money played in helping launch the IRS against conservative Tea Party and Christian groups.


Here is what we have learned thus far:


**  The IRS scandal can be traced back to a series of letters that the liberal groups Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Democracy 21 sent to the IRS back in 2010 and 2011. Both groups were funded by George Soros' "Open Society Foundations."


**  The initial letters specifically targeted conservative Super PACs like Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS, asking the IRS to scrutinize them more thoroughly to determine whether or not they should retain their tax-exempt status.


**  The talking points of these groups then bounced around a carefully created liberal "echo chamber," until they eventually got the attention of Barack Obama's allies in the national liberal media.


**  This "echo chamber" is a Soros-backed group called "The Media Consortium." It consists of 63 separate left-wing media outlets that network and share leftist propaganda. Members of the "Consortium" include such liberal outlets as The Nation, Democracy Now! and The American Prospect. The "Consortium" itself has received $675,000 in Soros' funds since 2000. Alternet ($285,000) and Mother Jones ($485,000) have both also received individual funding from Soros' "Open Society Foundations."


**  These groups soon began pressuring the IRS to expand their targeting of pro-liberty groups.


**  The IRS inquisition that followed targeted more than 100 Tea Party-related applications for higher scrutiny, including applications that included the words "Tea Party" and "Patriot."


**  Mother Jones, Alternet and other "Media Consortium" media outlets began publishing reports about advocating a tough IRS stance on conservative groups.


**  By December of 2011, the topic had been picked up in a New York Times editorial, and then began receiving still more media coverage. The Times editorial called for "the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to crack down on the secret political money already flooding the 2012 campaign from partisan operatives ludicrously claiming to be ' social welfare' activists."


**  A House Oversight Memo released on September 17 by the Congressional Committee investigating the IRS scandal pointed directly at The Washington Post's heavy anti-Tea Party coverage as a contributing factor in inspiring the IRS to target pro-liberty and conservative groups.


Based on this documented evidence, it is clear that leftist radical groups funded by George Soros played a big role in encouraging the IRS to target Tea Party and pro-liberty groups . . .  


. . .  and in encouraging their allies in the liberal media to downplay the scandal, hide the truth and even DEFEND the IRS.


That's right! To many in the leftist press, the IRS is the real victim in this scandal:


++  MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell declared: "I believe that the IRS agents in this case did nothing wrong."


++  The Huffington Post, American Prospect, The New Republic, Think Progress, Reader Supported News, the Campaign Legal Center, The Center for Public Integrity and Democracy 21 all ran articles or sent out press releases criticizing conservative groups and defending the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups.


++  The New Republic blatantly pushed the IRS to keep targeting conservative groups saying,


"Democrats can't say it; Barack Obama can't say it; and the IRS certainly can't say it, so here goes: The only real sin the IRS committed in its ostensible targeting of conservatives is the sin of political incorrectness -- that is, of not pretending it needed to vet all the new groups that wanted tax-exempt status, even though it mostly just needed to vet right-wing groups."


I could go on and on and on -- but the pattern is the same. George Soros' funded groups come together to create the "echo chamber" that is further pushed along by the rest of the leftist press.


The issues may change but not their mission to advance the socialist agenda at the expense of the truth, our liberty and our republic.


Behind it all stands one socialist billionaire who has given $550 million to left-wing causes and more than $52 million in the U.S. alone to leftist journalism enterprises.


It's all part of what I call "The Soros Web" of 180 media outlets and leftist front groups . . .  


. . .  a vast array of leftist foundations, associations, political organizations and ideological movements dedicated to wiping freedom and democracy off the face of the earth.


Like Mr. Soros, himself, the radical leftists he funds hate America, hate freedom and hate American exceptionalism. But their message would go nowhere if not for the fact that Soros' legions are riddled with hundreds of America's most well-known, well-watched and well-listened to leftist media elite personalities.


Personalities that include the likes of CNN's David Gergen and New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson.


And make no mistake: The IRS scandal was and is just one front in a multi-front war George Soros is waging on our liberty and our republic.


In addition to advocating the abuse of federal power to silence pro-liberty Tea Party, conservative and Christian groups, Soros and his leftist web of "advocates" and "journalists" are also working relentlessly to:


**  Diminish the integrity of Fox News and other alternate news outlets.

**  Smear, demean and censor conservative voices like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham.

**  Chain the free markets of capitalism.

**  Neuter the United States Constitution.

**  Erase Judeo-Christian values from our culture.

**  Create a government-run national "news" organization.

**  Transform America into a second-rate socialist state.


Scary? Absolutely. And all of it can be found in "The Soros Web."


It consists of books, newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, websites and cutting edge videos. All told, " The Soros Web" is a massive empire that consists of 30 major news organizations and top journalists, schools and associations that have major influence all across the globe.


We see it on display every day on every major news story from the IRS scandal, to the myth of "man-made climate change," to amnesty for illegal aliens, to Syria, to gun control . . .


. . .  and there is simply nothing conservatives have to match George Soros' empire.


But -- there is the Media Research Center (MRC).


My name is L. Brent Bozell. I am the MRC's Founder and President.


And, while Soros has more than $19 billion, we have one very important weapon in our arsenal. We have the truth!


Just as important, we have a sophisticated system to ensure the Soros smear machines are exposed, countered and neutralized.


Our machine consists of a staff of more than 60 dedicated personnel that run eight separate divisions that regularly document, expose and neutralize the words and actions of the leftist press.


We are, in essence, the "go-to" organization that non-left-wing media outlets like Fox News, Human Events and conservative commentators and leaders like Sean Hannity and Mark Levin depend on for information they need to counter the leftist press.


I now appear every Thursday night on Sean Hannity's "Media Mash" and on other major TV news programs.


Other MRC personnel routinely appear on major TV and radio news shows as well to expose examples of leftist media bias. As a result, the MPG is everywhere -- and is expanding and growing each and every day.


That's why Rush Limbaugh says,


"Brent Bozell and the MRC provide a most precious commodity -- a guest for the truth. I can't possibly expose every example of bias and error that emanates from the nationa1 mainstream media, but Bozell and his group come as close as anyone can. MRC is a vital national interest."


But, for all our past success, we cannot take on a billionaire like George Soros and prevail without the support of patriots like you.


Which is why I have sent you this urgent appeal . . .  


. . .  and why I hope you will agree to help the MRC raise the funds we need to fuel our "Soros Project" by rushing back most generous or $25, $50, $100 or more today.


Your special and most generous gift today will give MRC and me the funds we need to:


**  expand our full-time team of researchers devoted solely to fully investigating George Soros' deep ties to the liberal media.


**  Funnel this information out to the American people by providing all we uncover to allies in the conservative and alternate news.


**  Counter and neutralize the lies, smears and propaganda that leftist Soros-connected groups spread through their Soros ties in the liberal American media.


None of this comes cheap -- which is why I have asked my financial team to raise an additional $2.17 million for "The Soros Project."


I also told them we should set the goal of raising $500,000 of this needed revenue by no later than Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season.


So please, without any further delay . . .  


. . .  speed back a much-needed, tax-deductible donation of $25, $50 or $100 to MRC today.


If you could send as much as $250 $500, $1,000 or even more, that would be a huge boost for our "Soros Project." But please, at least send a gift of $25. And, don't forget every new dollar you send has double impact thanks to our $3 million Challenge Grant.


That means a gift of $25 is really $50, $50 is actually $100 and so on. That also means both you and the MRC will be getting twice the bang for each buck you generously send us today.


But whatever you send, thank you. And may God bless.



L. Brent Bozell II

Founder and President


P.S.    We have documented that George Soros gave an astounding $6.1 million to radical leftist groups linked to pressuring the IRS into targeting Tea Party, conservative and Christian groups for special harassment and intimidation! But, the IRS scandal is just one spoke in "The Soros Web." It's massive, widespread and deeply influential message is what America reads in its newspapers, sees on the web, hears on the radio and watches on TV. If left unchecked, it will soon be too late to save the America we know and love from destruction. So please: Rush back your tax-deductible gift of $25, $50, $100 or more to MRC and our vital " Soros Project" without delay.


P.P.S.     For a gift of $150 or more, we will send you a copy of our comprehensive "Soros Report" which documents how George Soros' millions are advancing Barack Obama's socialist agenda through an array of leftist media outlets and special interest groups (MRC, P.O. Box 96131, Washington, D.C. 20077-7583).


Media Research Center1900 Campus Commons Dr. • 6th Floor • Reston, VA 20191




Dear Fellow American,


[Partial letter] Our goal is to lift the curtain on a very wealthy anti-American socialist who has given more money to more leftist causes and so-called "media" groups than anyone else on the planet . . .  


. . .  and today I am asking Americans like you in all 50 states to help us raise the funds we will need to expose this man and his expanding plot to silence Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and all conservative media in America . . .  


This billionaire socialist I speak of is a foreign born man named George Soros.


Most Americans have never heard of him. And yet, every day his leftist agenda is affecting them — most recently in the 2012 elections where his political machine gave millions of dollars to liberals from Barack Obama on down.


The shocking fact is that George Soros has spent roughly $50 million building what I call "The Soros Web" of 180 media outlets and leftist front groups . . .  


. . .  a vast array of leftist foundations, associations, political organizations and ideological movements dedicated to wiping freedom and democracy off the face of the earth.


These organizations receive millions of dollars each year from Mr. Soros. Like Mr. Soros, himself, these radical leftists have an agenda. They hate America. They hate freedom. They hate American exceptionalism.


But their message would go nowhere if not for one terrifying fact: These Soros legions are riddled with hundreds of America's most well-known, well-watched and well-listened to leftist media elite personalities.


That's right! – CNN's David Gergen – ABC's Christiane Amanpour – New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson.


Each is connected to a Soros-funded organization. They represent only a tiny percentage of elite media leftists who are associated in one way or another with a Soros-funded entity. They also represent THE most important weapon George Soros has in his malevolent empire, and today, they have been given a new mission . . .  


. . .  to help destroy Fox News and conservative media in America.


This effort was on display in 2012 — starting way back at the beginning of the year when the left-wing smear machine "Media Matters" launched a nationwide campaign to boycott Rush Limbaugh off the nation's airwaves for what he said about pro-abortion activist Sandra Fluke.


But make no mistake: That was just one of many recent examples of an increasingly aggressive campaign to censor conservative speech in America.


It is simply THE top priority of the Soros anti-freedom machine. After making years of gains by funding leftist politicians and advancing left-wing causes (Soros all but invented MoveOn.org and other leftist hit groups) . . .


. . .  George Soros found that his relentless campaign to destroy America was being blocked by Fox News, conservative talk radio and the conservative media!


Were it not for news organizations like Fox News the Tea Party movement . . .   would have been smeared to dust by the likes of MSNBC and The New York Times before it even had a chance to grow.


Were it not for Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk radio, no one would ever hear the real truth about Barack Obama's socialist agenda or his failure, such as his failure to defend our Ambassador and consulate in Libya from an organized terrorist attack.


Were it not for conservative blogs and conservative alternative media, Soros and his "Web" of leftist organizations would control the Internet and the growing power of social media.


But here is the bad news George Soros now intends to use his money, connections and power to silence and censor Fox News and the conservative media.


That will ensure more liberal agenda victories for decades to come and he may well succeed. In fact, after reviewing a comprehensive investigative report from one of our top researchers here at the Media Research Center . . .


. . .  I believe George Soros can — if left unchallenged — succeed in destroying conservative media in the United States.


If I am right and Soros shuts down Fox News and Rush Limbaugh then America is truly doomed to become the socialist "workers 'paradise" Soros and his ilk envision. Which is why we are determined to stop him . . .


. . .  why we have launched "The Soros Project,"


. . .  and why I hope we can count on your support to make this project a success.


Here are the facts. As I write you this urgent, special appeal: Conservative media, in general, and Fox News in particular, are under siege.


The campaign against Fox alone ranges from:


++ Boycotting advertisers;

++ False charges of racism;

++ Blaming Sean Hannity and other hosts for inciting violence;

++ Forcing small businesses to not allow Fox in the shops or workplaces; and

++ Repeated claims that Fox News lies and their viewers are stupid.


These attacks are being launched by a coalition of dozens of leftist groups.


ALL are funded by George Soros. One of them, "Mother Jones," has admitted its goal is "Taking Down Fox News."


But the REAL Soros objective goes far beyond simply "taking down" Fox News. Because Soros' primary target is what he calls "the main obstacle to a stable and just world order" — "the United States." That's why "taking down" Fox News is just one of several critically needed steps in George Soros' overall mission, which includes:


**  Destroying the Tea Party;

**  Neutralizing the conservative movement;

**  Enslaving free market capitalism;

**  Neutering the United States Constitution;

**  Erasing Judeo-Christian values from our culture;

**  Creating a government-controlled-and-funded national "news" organization; and

**  Transforming America into a second-rate socialist state.


Scary? Absolutely. But not nearly as scary as the power of "The Soros Web." It consists of books, newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, websites and cutting edge videos.


The pieces of the George Soros media empire are as diverse as the nations of the world and just as widespread. From nakedly partisan left-wing media like "Think Progress," the blog for the Center for American Progress to radio shows like "Democracy Now," to the supposedly impartial National Public Radio (NPR), Soros has impact on the flow of information worldwide.


Through this empire he reaches 330 million around the globe with leftist propaganda.


All told "The Soros Web" is a massive empire that consists of 30 major news organizations and top journalists, schools, dummy groups and, including:


++  So called "journalists" like ABCs Christiane Amanpour and The Washington Post Vice President Len Downie. Both serve on boards of operations that take Soros cash. (So much for the Society of Professional Journalists ethical code which warns journalists to "avoid all conflicts real or perceived"!)


++  "ProPublica" — a leftist organization that funds professional investigators who focus their efforts on smearing oil and gas companies, the health care industry, for-profit schools, the banks and the U.S. military.


This left-wing front group has a 14 person "Journalism Advisory Board" that includes, CNN's David Gergen, New York Tunes Executive Editor Jill Abramson, Boston Globe editor Martin Baron and Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial page editor Cynthia A. Tucker (until her departure in 2011).


++  "The Center for Public Integrity" (CPI) - similar to "ProPublica," the CPI Board includes ABC's Christiane Amanpour of "This Week" (again!), Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington and NBC Universal Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer Paula Madison (until she left in 2011). CPI's media "partners" include The Washington Post, Salon, CNN and ABC News.


++ "The Columbia University's School of Journalism" — the nation's top journalism school.


++  Several major journalism associations including The National Federation of Community Broadcasters, The National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the Committee to Protect Journalists.


++  So-called media "watchdog" groups like: "Media Matters" — a radical outfit founded by self-admitted liar David Brock with a history of character assassination attempts against Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and many others (myself included). "Media Matters" has also launched a public campaign to smear Fox News which is called "Only on Fox."


++  "Organization of News Ombudsmen" — a professional group devoted to "monitoring accuracy, fairness and balance." Its members include Deirdre Edgar, readers' representative of The Los Angeles Times; Brent Jones, standards editor, USA Today; Kelly McBride, ombudsman, ESPN; and Patrick Pexton, ombudsman, The Washington Post.


I could go on and on — and on. "The Soros Web" stretches across the globe and throughout both our national media and media throughout the world.


We just saw it all on display in 2012 and there is simply nothing conservatives have to match George Soros' empire.


But — there is the Media Research Center. And while Soros has billions of dollars, we have one very important weapon in our arsenal.


We have the truth. Just as important, we have a sophisticated and proven system to ensure that the Soros smear machines are exposed, countered and neutralized. This system is a direct result of the generous support we have received from key MRC supporters like you.


Our machine consists of a staff of more than 60 dedicated personnel that run eight separate divisions that regularly document, expose and neutralize the words and actions of the leftist press.


We are, in essence, the "go-to" organization that conservative media outlets like Fox News, Human Events and conservative commentators and leaders like Sean Hannity and Mark Levin depend on for information they need to counter the leftist press.


I now appear every Thursday night on Sean Hannity's "Media Mash" and on other major TV news programs. Other MRC personnel routinely appear on major TV and radio news shows as well to expose examples of leftist media bias.


As a result, the MRC is everywhere — and is expanding and growing:


** Our websites average 10.5 million visitors each month.

** We have 525,000 e-mail newsletter subscribers.

** Our Facebook page now have 2,541,433 fans.

** And our followers on "Twitter" have just surpassed 145,000.


All told, through conservative talk radio, TV news shows, print publications and the Internet — not to mention our own vast communication assets — the MRC now broadcasts blasts 168.8 million media impressions on to millions of Americans each week.


Both the information and financial significance of all of this is invaluable. As you can see, we get the most bang for our buck and we are the most effective conservative organization in America today. That's why Rush Limbaugh says,


"Brent Bozell and the MRC provide a most precious commodity — a quest for the truth. I can possibly expose every example of bias and error that emanates from the national mainstream media, but Bozell and his group come as close as anyone can. MRC is a vital national interest."


That's also why leftist media mouthpieces like MSNBC s Ed Schultz routinely refers to me and the MRC as "bastards." They simply can't handle the fact that we expose them for the hate-filled liberal hypocrites they are.


But for all our success with our newly formed " Soros Project," we now face our most formidable foe to date.


In essence, I believe we are facing the most dangerous man in the world when it comes to threatening our liberty, our prosperity and our security in George Soros. I also believe this project puts the MRC in jeopardy.


Because George Soros is a ruthless man who will stop at nothing to silence anything he perceives to be a threat to his goal of a toothless, powerless and socialist America.


As a direct threat to his media empire — THE ONLY THREAT REALLY — the MRC stands in the way of his malevolent dream.


But we cannot take on George Soros and prevail without your continued support. We also do not have a minute to spare. Because today, America stands at a pivotal crossroads.


In one direction lies a path to socialism and despair. In the other lies a renewed and re-energized America once again firmly based on individual liberty, the vision of the Founders and the brilliance of the Constitution.


If "The Soros Web" and its media puppets and left-wing hit squads prevail, the path we choose will be a path to ruin.


On the other hand, if "The Soros Web" can be exposed, the radical leftist agenda can be stopped once and for all. Which is why we have launched "The Soros Project" . . .


. . .  and why I hope you will help the MRC raise the funds we need to fuel our "Soros Project" by rushing back a most generous and special, tax-deductible gift of at least $25 today.


Please, I know I am asking a lot of you today. But not when you consider the stakes in this battle for America's future. "The Soros Web" is vast, deep and very dangerous . . .  but its weakness is its dishonesty and its evil intent.


As you can see from this urgent letter, we have already uncovered a mountain of evidence that proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. But there is still much more that must be learned and exposed and your gift of at least $25 will give us the funds we need to:


**  Create a full-time team of researchers devoted solely to fully investigating George Soros' deep ties to the liberal American media.


**  Funnel this information out to the American people by providing all we uncover to Fox News, conservative talk radio and the conservative Blogosphere.


**  Counter and neutralize the lies, smears and propaganda that leftist Soros-connected groups like "Media Matters" spread through their Soros ties in the liberal American media.


My friend, I firmly believe that our mission to expose, counter and neutralize the liberal bias of the national news media now depends on our ability to expose, counter and neutralize George Soros and his multimillion dollar empire of deceit. I hope and pray you agree — and that you will respond to this urgent appeal today. As always, thank you. And may God bless.



L. Brent Bozell III

Founder and President


P.S.    What happened in 2012 will happen again and again until it is too late to pull America back from the socialist abyss unless we can unmask and neutralize the man who almost single-handedly has funded the liberals' massive left-wing propaganda machine. That man is George Soros and, if left unchecked, it will soon be too late to save the America we know and love from destruction. So please: Rush back your tax-deductible gift of $25 or more today (MRC, P.O. Box 96131, Washington, D.C. 20077-7583).


Media Research Center1900 Campus Commons Dr. • 6th Floor • Reston, VA 20191