Thomas Fitton

President of Judicial Watch

(P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)

425 Third Street SW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20024

Tel: (202) 646-5172, 1-888-593-8442, FAX: (202) 646-5199



Because no one is above the law!

CELEBRATING 20 Years 1994 – 2014


Re: Your Judicial Watch Never Gives Up! Documents we

uncovered as a result of a lawsuit we filed against the State

Department show that the Obama administration is still

withholding important Benghazi emails.


Dear Judicial Watch Supporter:


[4-2014] As you know on September 11, 2012, U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed during a violent terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.


And as you also know, within hours the Obama administration launched a full-scale conspiracy to cover up the facts about the attack and the serious security failures that preceded it.


Now, today, as you'll read on page 3 in this month's Verdict, this politically-driven Obama stonewalling of the American people continues to this very day!


But the Obama stone wall is cracking . . .


Some of the withheld emails we're seeking relate to the infamous "talking points" that key Obama administration officials, including then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice used to mislead the nation on Sunday TV talks shows just days after the deadly attack falsely — claiming that the Benghazi attack grew out of a spontaneous protest.


And within the past few weeks President Obama and Susan Rice, now his National Security Adviser, have both gone on national television to continue to deceive the American people about Benghazi.


Remember . . . this is the corrupt Obama administration we're dealing with!


For them nothing . . . the rule of law, not the truth, not the American people's right to know, not the lives of four brave Americans . . . is more important than politics!


The Benghazi attack occurred less than two months before the 2012 presidential election, and political appointees at the CIA, the State Department and the White House wanted above all else to protect the political fortunes of President Barack Obama.


Even after Obama's reelection, the conspiracy has continued in order to hide the cover-up and to protect the reputation and political fortunes of Hillary Clinton, currently the front-runner in the polls to succeed Barack Obama as president.


But neither the Obama gang nor Hillary Clinton's supporters nor government bureaucrats anxious to avoid being held accountable for their actions before and after Benghazi have been able to keep Judicial Watch off the case!


We smelled this rat right from the beginning, as panicky Obama administration officials asserted that what happened on September 11, 2012, was not a planned terrorist attack and that "nothing could have been done" to save the Americans who died at Benghazi.


That's when we launched our first round of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests within weeks of the Benghazi attacks, seeking access to relevant correspondence between the State Department and various media and government organizations, as well as security survey and assessments for the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.


That's also why we reached out to a distinguished expert in diplomatic security to help us analyze what happened before, during, and after the assault, as well as the State Department's efforts to protect our overseas diplomats.


As a result of this work, early last year we released our Special Report entitled:


"The Benghazi Attack of September 11, 2012: Analysis and Further Questions from a Diplomatic Security Service Regional Security Officer and Special Agent."


Our findings revealed profound security failures by the Obama State Department in the lead-up to the attack. And on the first anniversary of the attack, we updated our report with new information and released it at the same time we held a major educational panel on the Benghazi cover-up here at our offices.


(In case you haven't read our Special Reports on Benghazi, you can go to and access them.)


While we were investigating and helping keep the scandal alive in the media, we also pursued an aggressive strategy in the courts to force the Obama administration to level with the American people.


Today we have four pending Benghazi lawsuits against the Obama administration, plus 14 FOIA requests and one "Mandatory Declassification Review Request."


And our dogged investigative and legal persistence . . . supported by your generous commitment to our work . . . has been paying off!


·          I already mentioned the documents we forced the State Department to release to us recently that show the Obama administration is still stonewalling us on critical Benghazi emails.


·          Last year, we first cracked the Obama stonewall when we forced the release of the first official photos showing the massive devastation caused at our consulate by the sustained ferocity of the terrorist attack on 9/11/12.


·          We also forced the release of documents showing the State Department paid a British firm nearly $800,000 for security services in Libya, clearly proof that they didn't trust the security provided by the Libyan government. The Obama administration had initially denied paying for private security services.


And just a few weeks ago, we uncovered a U.S. Navy map which features the Navy fleet positions area surrounding Libya on the day of the terrorist attack.


What this document shows is a massive U.S. military presence in the region that day, including two Navy aircraft carriers plus dozens of other Navy vessels including destroyers and cruisers — putting the lie to Obama administration claims that "nothing could have been done" to save Ambassador Stevens and his colleagues in Benghazi.


But, of course, there's more to learn . . .


And Judicial Watch has taken the lead in forcing accountability for the Benghazi tragedy and its subsequent cover-up for one simple reason.


We believe the American people have a right to know all the facts about this terrorist attack . . . that's why we sent a scorching letter earlier this year to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), blasting his failure to investigate Benghazi and demanding that he install a Select Committee with full powers to get to the facts about this tragedy.


We believe the American people deserve to know all the facts even if those facts damage the image and credibility of the Obama administration, and key officials like then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  


Let me be clear.


Judicial Watch neither opposes nor supports candidates for public office. And Hillary Clinton has every right to run for president.


But Hillary Clinton does not have the right to dodge questions or lie about her role and actions as Secretary of State related to the attack on Benghazi and its aftermath.


When asked during congressional testimony about the alleged discrepancy between the intelligence community's Benghazi assessments and the Obama administration's public statements at the time, Hillary screamed at her questioner:


"What difference does it make?"


Well, Mrs. Clinton, it does make a difference . . . a great deal of difference in fact.


Four American public servants are dead. We owe it to them, as well as American diplomatic personnel around the world, to get to the facts about how such a deadly attack could have occurred, and what we can do to avoid such tragedies in the future.


That's why Judicial Watch, in addition to fighting for government transparency and the people's right to know, has worked so persistently and at considerable cost to challenge the Obama administration's secrecy and get to the truth about Benghazi.


And it is why today I have two important requests to make of you:


1)   Will you sign the [requested] enclosed Pledge of Continuing Support for all Judicial Watch's investigative and legal actions designed to fight for the rule of law and the people's right to know? It is extremely important for us at Judicial Watch to know that we have your backing for our commitment to fighting for the rule of law . . . especially when that commitment requires us to fight in and out of court for months and years!


2)   And will you back up your signed Pledge of Continuing Support with a generous tax-deductible contribution?


Your full support is needed to help us stay on track with the full range of our investigations, litigation and public education that are so critical at this time of profound government lawlessness (1), corruption, and contempt for the people's right to know.


Full-scale investigations are expensive, and litigation is never cheap. And as we move into the second quarter of the year, the financial demands on our resources in confronting the corrupt and lawless Obama administration are growing every day.


That's why I am counting on your help today. Just as we have for the past twenty years, we rely on you and our other members to give us the resources we need to fight against corrupt politicians and for the rule of law!


Please let me hear from you soon!



Thomas Fitton



P.S. Michael Morell was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time of the Benghazi attack and another important piece in this Benghazi puzzle. Key U.S. Senators are charging that he misled lawmakers about the Obama administration's role in developing the bogus storylines about the Benghazi attacks that officials like Hillary Clinton tried to peddle to the American people. He may be recalled before Congress for further testimony.


But Morell now works for Beacon Global Strategies, headed by Philippe Reines, a veteran Hillary communications adviser who was described by The New York Times as her "principal gatekeeper." Getting to the truth about Benghazi is only going to become more challenging as we get closer to 2016 . . . and that's why your personal commitment and financial support of Judicial Watch's full range of investigative and legal strategies are so important! Please, I urge you to respond generously to my request for your help today! Thank you, as always, for all you do for us.


[Please request for "Pledge of Continuing Support" for all Judicial Watch's investigative and legal actions (JW, P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)!]




Because no one is above the law!

CELEBRATING 20 Years 1994 – 2014


Updated Benghazi Special Report


[Partial letter of some about the Benghazi attack of September 11, 2012] . . . details what Judicial Watch has uncovered about the security failures before and during the terrorist attack . . . massive failures that led directly to the loss of four American lives.


Even more importantly, our report also contains explosive information about the Obama administration's sleazy, dishonest, and politically-driven cover-up of the facts about the Benghazi tragedy that began within hours of the attack and that continues to this day!


Here are just two examples of the Obama cover-up that we document in our report.


·          Two full weeks after the attack, President Barack Obama was still publicly blaming the attack on "a crude and disgusting video" that "sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world" . . . nearly a week after his Director of the National Counterterrorism Center had told Congress the attack was "terrorism" and his own Press Secretary had acknowledged the same fact at the White House;


·          The Obama administration has been trying to silence Benghazi survivors and other key individuals by requiring them to sign non-disclosure agreements about their involvement in the attacks!


(In fact, CNN reported that "the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency's Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.")


And because of continued Obama administration stonewalling, we still have much to learn about this tragedy and its cover-up . . .


We are committed to educating the American people about the facts surrounding the Benghazi attacks, since Obama administration won't . . . And we are just as committed to holding Barack Obama and his administration accountable for their secrecy and their lies!


You'll find an unprecedented chronology of events leading to the terrorist attack, the attack itself, and the aftermath. This chronology gives you detailed information about how serious the security failures were before the attack (for example, American security officials were warned by a local security officer in Benghazi about deteriorating security conditions just three days before the attack!)


The chronology also lays out, in stark sequential fashion, just how committed from the very beginning the Obama administration has been to hiding the facts about the attack from the American people . . . including why U.S. Ambassador Stevens was even in Benghazi on the anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks on the United States!


(I will let you draw your own conclusions, but as you will read in our report it certainly appears that the compulsively secretive Obama administration is trying to hide the fact that it was involved in transporting weapons from Libya to "opposition" forces in Syria.)


As you know, the Benghazi attack occurred less than two months before the 2012 presidential election. When news broke of the attack, instead of telling the American people the truth, the Obama administration went into immediate damage-control mode and cooked up a narrative they thought would best protect the president politically – "the video made them do it."


The video I'm referring to was a poor-quality product that cast Muslims in a bad light and was floating around the Internet at the time of the attack. T


he FACT that what happened at Benghazi was a well-planned and carefully executed terrorist attack conflicted with a key part of the Obama re-election campaign message: "Bin Laden is dead and the terrorists are on the run!"


So the Obama political team created a false story to tell the American people . . . lies to help keep Obama from losing re-election.


As then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, White House spokesman Jay Carney, Obama re-election campaign officials, and President Barack Obama himself were going on national TV and lying to the American people about what actually happened in Benghazi, here at Judicial Watch we smelled a rat. 


That is when we launched our first wave of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the State Department. We knew that this was a complex story but also one with very real implications for the security of American diplomatic personnel overseas.


We just wanted the facts about what happened in Benghazi and why four brave American public servants died there . . . because it was clear to us from the start that we would not get the truth out of the Obama administration.


So we reached out to a distinguished expert in diplomatic security, former State Department Security Special Agent Raymond Fournier, Jr., to help us analyze what happened before, during, and after the assault, as well as the State Department's efforts to protect our overseas diplomats.


Our findings and Mr. Fournier's analysis reveal the profound security failures by the Obama State Department in the lead-up to the attack. 


We released our first report in late January, just as the scope of the Obama administration's deceptions and lies about Benghazi were beginning to surface.


This report provided many of the facts about State Department security procedures that were later covered by congressional oversight hearings about Benghazi.


Most importantly, our report helped breathe new life into this Benghazi scandal that was dangerously close to disappearing from the mainstream news.


Then three whistleblowers testified before Congress and their testimony tore through the tissue of lies, deception and political scheming that the Obama administration had been spinning about Benghazi for months! 


As FrontPage Magazine stated:


" . . . three impeccable witnesses offered the clearest evidence to date that the Obama administration's response to Benghazi before, during and after the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, State Department employee Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Glen A. Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods, was a deadly combination of ineptitude, political calculations, and outright lying."  


By now, more than a year after the attack, the American people know that these brave Americans died in a well-planned terrorist assault and that there were several significant security failures prior to the attack.


In part they know this because Judicial Watch refused to follow the party-line pushed by the Obama machine and its media enablers and launched our own research, analysis and investigations . . . and we went to court to try to force open the Obama administration's closed doors!


And you can see from our updated investigative report that we have made real headway in getting to more of the facts about Benghazi . . . despite bitter stonewalling by the Obama administration!


Like our first Benghazi report, our new findings are making headlines and once again putting heat on the Obama administration to come clean to the American people.  


Yet, the hard reality is that even today we don't know all the facts about what happened in Benghazi:


·          We still don't know why security failures occurred;


·          We still don't know who was responsible for them;


·          And we don't know who within the Obama White House, State Department and CIA made post-Benghazi decisions based on political considerations instead of telling the American people the truth about the events.


It's clear to just about everyone that political considerations – specifically, protecting President Obama's chances for re-election – guided Obama administration reactions and messaging at the time of the attack.


And what is even more infuriating about this stonewalling . . . this effort to hide the truth from the American people . . . is that it continues to this very day!


It's also obvious that the continued stonewalling by the Obama administration . . . a year after Barack Obama's re-election . . . is also driven by political considerations:


And that is to protect the future political chances of former Secretary of State, and possible 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton!


Hillary Clinton has every right to run for president but she doesn't have the right to dodge questions or lie outright about her role and actions related to the attack on Benghazi and its aftermath!


When asked during congressional testimony about the alleged discrepancy between the intelligence community's Benghazi assessments and the Obama administration's public statements at the time, Hillary shouted at her questioner:


"What difference does it make?"


Well, Mrs. Clinton, it does indeed make a difference. Four Americans are dead. We owe it to them, as well as to American diplomatic personnel at continued risk around the world to get to the facts and find out how such an attack could have occurred . . .


That is a far worthier objective than stonewalling to protect the political fortunes of a president and one of his potential successors!


With so many questions still unanswered, Judicial Watch is pushing ahead to break through the politically-inspired stonewalling of the Obama administration. That's why we filed 14 separate FOIA requests with various federal government departments and agencies.


And it's why we are currently litigating four Benghazi-related lawsuits against the Obama administration (you can read summaries of our lawsuits in the [requested] enclosed report).


The good news is that our litigation has already begun to successfully challenge the Obama administration's stonewalling tactics.


For example, we scored a victory when the Obama administration grudgingly released to us post-attack photos from Benghazi that give the American people the opportunity to see for the first time official photos of the destruction caused by the terrorists (two of the images released to us are included in your Updated Report).


And one of our lawsuits seeks access to the controversial "speaking points" memo that seems to suggest from the outset that al-Qaeda was behind the attack, despite statements to the contrary by Clinton, Rice and Obama.


Acquiring this memo may very well prove once and for all just how high up the Obama administration ladder of responsibility the decision to mislead the American people about the causes and nature of the Benghazi attacks lies.


And that's something we're committed to uncovering . . . despite the fact that the Obama administration is fighting us over that lawsuit tooth and nail!


That's because no one in the Obama administration wants to release to Judicial Watch a potential "smoking gun" that proves beyond doubt that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have engaged in an ongoing conspiracy to lie to the American people about Benghazi! But we're Judicial Watch . . . and we don't give up!


As you read our report, please remember . . .


1)   We are committed to finding out all the facts about Benghazi - because the American people deserve to know the truth.


2)   We are being stonewalled by the secretive Obama administration, which is trying to shield itself from the consequences of its security failures in Benghazi and trying to protect the political future of Hillary Clinton.


3)   And we rely on your financial support to carry forward each and every one of our investigations, FOIA requests, and lawsuits!


I urge you to help us today with a contribution so we can continue to expose the Obama conspiracy to cover-up the truth about the Benghazi attacks, and also to support all our work to fight for open government and against government secrecy.


You can appreciate that the costs of our work are enormous (we have filed well over 1,250 FOIA requests and more than 120 lawsuits against the lawless Obama administration). That's why I hope you will help us with an especially generous tax-deductible contribution today.


Your full support is critical to our ability to deliver all the research, investigations and legal actions that you and all law-abiding Americans deserve at this time of profound government corruption and lawlessness.


Thank you for all your wonderful past support. I hope I can count on you to help Judicial Watch again today.



Thomas Fitton



P.S.  . . . the Obama administration, led by the president, has engaged in a conspiracy to lie to the American people about its failures in Benghazi, while its IRS has illegally targeted Tea Party and conservative groups. Judicial Watch is the one independent, non-partisan and effective group you can count on to fight through to the truth. Please, I urge you to rush back your most generous tax-deductible gift today so that we can continue to hold Obama and other corrupt DC politicians accountable!


P.P.S. In September we sponsored a press conference announcing our updated special report. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA), a congressional leader in demanding truth and accountability from the Obama administration, joined us . . .


[Please request for or click on "Updated Benghazi Special Report" (JW, P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)!]