Dr. Larry P. Arnn


(HC) Hillsdale College

(P.O. Box 96607, Washington, D.C 20090-6607)





2014 Restore Liberty Project


Making America's Founding Documents

the Cornerstone for American Government in 2014!


Will you add your name as a Citizen Supporter

of America's Declaration of Independence?



Dear Friend of Liberty,


[1-2014 letter] Please sign the [requested] enclosed Pledge of Support giving Hillsdale College permission to list your name as a Citizen Supporter of the Declaration of Independence, affirming that it is as important today as it was when this great nation was founded.


THE GOAL: To collect as many as 20,000.000 Citizen Supporters for the Declaration of Independence in 2014.


The Purpose: To make the principles of liberty and limited government set forth in America's Declaration of Independence and Constitution the cornerstone for American Government in 2014.


Please also take a few minutes to complete the [requested] enclosed . . .  


Referendum of American Citizens


This important survey asks for your opinions on whether the principles of liberty and limited government in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution should guide American government today.


I will explain the purpose of this survey more fully in a moment. Let me explain Hillsdale College's "2014 Restore Liberty Project" and why your Pledge of Support for America's Declaration of Independence is so important.


By adding your name as a Citizen Supporter of America's founding document, you will uphold the noble legacy of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, the other original signers of our nation's Declaration of Independence and all of America's Founders.


The American revolution against the British king led to the establishment of the first nation in the history of the world firmly rooted in the idea that men are created by God with the "unalienable rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


Because government was strictly limited by the Constitution, the United States rapidly grew into the freest, most prosperous nation in human history.


Today, with your signature on the enclosed Pledge of Support, Hillsdale College will list your name as a Citizen Supporter of the Declaration of Independence.


It is important that the American people, the news media, and our elected officials understand how many Americans today support the Declaration of Independence and our nation's founding principles.


OUR GOAL: To collect the signatures of Americans who pledge their support for the Declaration of Independence. We aim to collect as many as 20,000,000 Citizen Supporters ­– even more with your help!


If we achieve this, you can be sure that will get the focused attention of the American people, elected officials and the news media.


Written by Thomas Jefferson, the most famous words of America's Declaration of Independence are these:


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


Our government today has clearly strayed a long way from this idea. Would America's Founding Fathers even recognize the government they established?


Our federal government today acknowledges almost no limits on its power. The Constitution is dismissed as outdated or a hinderance to the progressive agenda.


I suspect that you agree with me on this, and that you share my alarm at what is happening to our great nation. So...


Will You Help Make a Return to the Principles of Liberty

 in America's Founding Documents the Cornerstone

of American Government in 2014 and Beyond?...


My name is Larry Arnn and it is my honor to serve as the President of Hillsdale College – America's premier college, dedicated to educating a new generation of leaders who understand our nation's founding principles of liberty and limited government, and who have character and integrity.


Hillsdale's educational mission rests upon two principles: Academic excellence and institutional independence. This second point is crucial to the first.


Hillsdale College has worked tirelessly to safeguard the principles of liberty by educating citizens about the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.


And Hillsdale has done it without a dime of taxpayer subsidy. To protect the integrity of its mission and prevent intrusive government regulation, Hillsdale College accepts no taxpayer funding whatsoever. We are proud to remain steadfast in this policy at a time when almost every other institution of "higher learning" is increasingly dependent on government support.


Perhaps you've heard Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, or other conservative radio talk show hosts mention the virtues of Hillsdale College.


President Ronald Reagan was also a friend of Hillsdale College. In 1977 he delivered what is now a historic speech. "Whatever Happened to Free Enterprise?" to our students and friends here on our campus.


Hillsdale makes no apologies for being a conservative college – meaning that we believe in the principles of the American founding. We believe in educating a new generation of leaders who know America's history, who understand the Constitution, and who are committed to the moral principles that made America the most prosperous and free nation in human history.


While Hillsdale is first and foremost a college dedicated to the education of our students, we also undertake many outreach programs to educate the wider public, including our elected officials, on the urgent need to act in defense of liberty today.


Liberty is under assault by our own government right now. President Barack Obama and his allies in Congress do not respect the limits placed on government by the Constitution.


He has called the Constitution "a document that reflects some deep flaws in American culture" and a charter of "negative liberties."


Many of our political leaders see the Constitution as an obstacle they are forced to get around – either by ignoring it completely or by twisting its meaning and the intent of its Framers. Indeed, they act as if it doesn't exist.


And also, now we have a national debt of more than $17 trillion. The federal government today is borrowing 20 cents out of every dollar it is spending. How long would you survive if you borrowed 20 cents out of every dollar you spend?


No family, no household could last more than a few months managing its finances that way. And America can't last long managing its finances this way either.


That is why Hillsdale has launched this "2014 Restore Liberty Project" – which aims to make the restoration of constitutional government and the revival of America's founding principles of liberty a major theme for 2014.


If we succeed at collecting the signatures of 20,000,000 Americans who pledge their support for the Declaration of Independence and America's founding principles, we will send a powerful message to our elected officials.


Collecting 20,000,000 signatures sounds like an enormous task – and it is! But I believe a great task requires an equally great goal. But there's much more to Hillsdale College's "2014 Restore Liberty Project."


In fact, we have put together a multi-part program aimed at restoring liberty and constitutional government in America. It all starts with educating the American people about America's founding principles, which the Declaration of Independence sets forth and the Constitution safeguards so brilliantly.


Public education largely ignores the teaching of America's founding principles and documents. So do many colleges and universities.


But Hillsdale College is dedicated to the type of education America's founders thought necessary for a free, prosperous society.


The reason we no longer have a government that follows the Constitution or respects principles of liberty is because too many voters and elected officials have not been taught American history or that the Constitution is essential to maintaining liberty.


Teaching Citizens Nationwide about America's

Founding Principles of Liberty and Limited Government


In 2010, Hillsdale College opened the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C. – just two blocks from Congress.


The Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship now serves as a headquarters for many of our educational and outreach efforts to . . .


1) Teach America's political leaders (especially Members of Congress and their stuff about America's founding principles and the Constitution;


2) Provide educational seminars and programs to citizens on why the principles of liberty and limited government (as expressed in our nation's founding documents) are essential to the proper functioning of a free, prosperous Republic; and


3) Enable Hillsdale students to prepare for future leadership in public service through education and a careful study of America's founding principles.


The Kirby Center holds seminars, conferences and briefings on the Constitution for Members of Congress, their staff, key government officials, the media and of course, Hillsdale students.


We are seeing enormous turnouts at the Kirby Center for our educational programs. Given the explosive growth in the size of government, great interest exists in Hillsdale's programs to educate America's political leaders on the importance of returning government to the principles of limited government and individual right.


Making Hillsdale's Educational Programs on the Constitution

Available to Millions More Americans on the Internet


I was proud to have taught part of our first free online course, Constitution 101: The History and Meaning of the Constitution.


Hillsdale offered this ten-session course on the Constitution FREE of charge in 2012. We were pleased that over 700,000 citizens took this course, Constitution 201, American Heritage, and Economics 101, which are part of our major national educational campaign to teach millions of Americans, including our elected officials, about our Constitution.


But our goal is to have millions of Americans taking part in Hillsdale's online programs and webcasts on the Constitution. This kind of widespread education is crucial to reviving liberty and prosperity by restoring America's founding principles to their rightful place.


Complete the [requested] Enclosed Referendum

of American Citizens


Remember, this survey asks for your opinions on whether the principles of liberty and limited government in America's Declaration of Independence and Constitution should guide American government today.


The results of this survey will surely send a message to America's elected leaders and the media on just how strongly the majority of citizens believe in the principles of liberty and limited government.


Educating a New Generation of Leaders for America Who

Have Character and Integrity, and Who Understand Liberty,

History and Our Founding Principles


I'm sure by now you can see just how unique Hillsdale is compared to the other top colleges and universities in America. Unlike most colleges in America, Hillsdale believes that . . .


1) Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are the greatest charters of human liberty ever written, and are responsible for America becoming the freest and most prosperous nation in human history;


2) The free enterprise system is essential to American freedom and prosperity; and


3) Faith in God, far from undermining liberty as many liberals claim, is essential to liberty. Again, America's Declaration of Independence is clear on this:


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


There is no more concise summary of America's founding principles.


Unfortunately, the great majority of American colleges no longer teach the history of the American founding to their students, or in many cases, any American history at all.


If anything, students at most of America's "elite" colleges are taught to distrust the free enterprise system, fear the influence of religious faith, and feel ashamed of patriotism.


Is it any wonder we now have many national leaders who think there's nothing unique about America? Who think America is actually the source of most of the world's problems? And who apologize for America's prosperity and success?


As I mentioned earlier, Hillsdale is unique in refusing all federal and state taxpayer funds because we don't want government bureaucrats telling Hillsdale who we must hire, who we must admit for enrollment (even if they don't meet Hillsdale's tough academic standards), or what we teach.


This means that Hillsdale College depends heavily on donations from Americans like you who care about liberty and the future of our great nation. Contributions from our generous supporters help keep tuition affordable for our students. We don't want money to be a barrier for any qualified student to attend Hillsdale College.


My Request To You


As you can see, Hillsdale's "2014 Restore Liberty Project" and our plan for educating citizens about constitutional government is a major undertaking.


Not only is Hillsdale educating a new generation of leaders for America who have studied the founding of America, and know what is required to preserve liberty . . .


. . . but Hillsdale is actively engaged in educating our current leaders and elected officials to help restore constitutional government today.


We urgently need donations from patriotic Americans like you to help fund this "2014 Restore Liberty Project" that I've described to you here.


Think of the message it will send to America's political leaders if we succeed in collecting signatures from 20,000,000 Americans who affirm their support for America's Declaration of Independence and the proud legacy left to us by our Founding Fathers.


But we can't do any of this without your donations and support.


Some of Hillsdale's benefactors send gifts of $1,000 or even more, while other friends of Hillsdale are making an equal sacrifice by sending gifts of $100 or more. But here's something else to keep in mind.


If your contribution is $500 or more, you become eligible to have your name (or the name of a loved one) engraved in a brick on the Liberty Walk on Hillsdale's campus.


This Liberty Walk serves as a reminder to our students and faculty to be thankful to our supporters and benefactors who help keep tuition affordable with donations and who help fund all of Hillsdale's educational programs. Only you know what is the right contribution amount for you.


Will you help make restoring the principles of liberty in America's Declaration of Independence and Constitution a key focus in 2014 and beyond?


What's most important is for you to contribute what you can . . . because I am convinced that our liberty requires such support today.


Thank you so much for reading my letter. I will look for your reply to arrive by return mail in the next few days (HC, P.O. Box 96607, Washington, D.C 20090-6607).


Warm regards,

Larry P. Arnn


Hillsdale College


P.S.   Please sign and return the [requested] enclosed PLEDGE OF SUPPORT to let Hillsdale College include your name as a Citizen Supporter of America's Declaration of Independence . . .


We'd love to see 20,000,000 Americans reading and signing this PLEDGE OF SUPPORT, before the end of this year. What a powerful message that will send to America's leaders and politicians.


Please also be sure to complete the [requested] enclosed Referendum of American Citizens. This survey will demonstrate to our political leaders just how strongly we believe that government should be limited according to the Constitution.


We are also in urgent need of donations to fund this "2014 Restore Liberty Project" I've described for you here. Will America continue down this path toward a bureaucratic despotism, or turn back toward the American tradition of liberty and limited government?


The time for action is now. Please send the best gift you can in answer to my letter.


If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to Hillsdale College today, please go to our secure donation site www.hillsdaleforliberty.com/liberty.


Thank you for doing everything in your power to restore liberty in America.


"Hillsdale deserves the appreciation of all who labor for freedom . . . Your creative outreach on

national issues enables little Hillsdale to cast such a long shadow."

- President Ronald Reagan


www.hillsdaleforliberty.com/liberty ׀ 33 E. College Street Hillsdale, Michigan 49242




From the Desk of:



Dear Friend of Liberty,


How many Members of Congress do you think have read the U.S. Constitution?


I would guess not many, judging by the explosive growth in the size of government that we have seen over the past half-century and particularly over the past year.


Today, our Founding Fathers would not recognize the America they created, as President Obama and the Left use their political power to nationalize huge portions of our economy.


That's why I want to tell you about Hillsdale CollegeAmerica's premier college that teaches its students about the blessing of liberty and about our nation's founding principles.


Unlike most other colleges in America, Hillsdale teaches its students that our Constitution is the greatest charter of liberty ever written and that it is the reason America emerged quickly as the freest, most prosperous nation in human history.


Unlike most other colleges, Hillsdale does not denigrate America. Instead Hillsdale teaches its students that the United States is a great nation – but a nation that is in danger because our national leaders have so little understanding of the principles of liberty and limited government that are the reason for its greatness.


I have been a huge fan of Hillsdale College for a long time.


I very much hope you will join me in supporting Hillsdale College . . . because I can't think of a project more important than raising up a new generation of American leaders who believe in liberty.



Sean Hannity




"Hillsdale deserves the appreciation of all who labor for freedom . . . Your creative outreach on

national issues enables little Hillsdale to cast such a long shadow."

- President Ronald Reagan


American Opinion Research Survey

of 1,000,000 U.S. Citizens

on whether the U.S. Government should follow our Constitution


And 2013 Annual Fund Appeal


Dear American Patriot,


[12-2013 letter] I am writing to ask you to please take a few minutes to complete the [requested] enclosed eight-question American Opinion Research Survey of 1,000,000 U.S. Citizens on whether our federal government should follow the Constitution of the United States as the supreme law of the land . . .


. . . or continue to ignore the Constitution, as it has for decades.


I am also writing to you because your past activities indicate that you probably shara my alarm at how America is being led by politicians who have little or no respect for our Constitution that made America the freest and most prosperous nation in history.



My name is Dr. Larry Arnn. I am the President of Hillsdale College – America's foremost conservative college.


Perhaps you have heard Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and other leading conservative radio hosts talking about Hillsdale College's unprecedented online courses on the Constitution and America's founding principles.


One of our online courses is "Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution."


Rush Limbaugh calls this course "unprecedented" because, so far, more than 325,000 citizens across America have registered to take it.


We expect our most recent online course – "[Constitution 102:] The Progressive Rejection of the Founding and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism" – to attract even more attention [two online courses FREE to millions of Americans].


Both of these online courses are offered FREE of charge.


OUR GOAL: To have millions of Americans registered for these online courses on the Constitution in the next 90 days.


Each of these two Constitution courses includes ten hours of lectures taught by Hillsdale's professors on the Constitution and America's founding principles. These professors are the top teachers in their field and the same ones who instruct our students here on Hillsdale's campus. I have the honor of teaching two of the classes.


These courses include a textbook, study guide, reading list, and exam to test your knowledge.


Those who take these courses will learn about the meaning and history of the U.S. Constitution. As you may know, Hillsdale requires every full-time student to take a similar course on the Constitution.


But why is Hillsdale offering these courses free to every American?


Because we believe liberty in America is in danger because we elect politicians who ignore and violate the Constitution.


We are also concerned that many Americans don't know the Constitution either, and don't understand the principles of liberty contained in the Constitution.


If our government actually followed the Constitution, our federal government would be a fraction of the size it is now . . . because much of what our federal government does today is unconstitutional.


If America is to become great again, we must recover the principles of liberty and limited government under the Constitution.


We also believe there is only one way to restore constitutional government in America: elect leaders who will govern according to the principles of the Constitution and who understand its importance to liberty.


But the only way that will happen is if citizens know enough about the Constitution to elect these kinds of leaders.


That's why Hillsdale college is offering these two online courses FREE to millions of Americans:


1)   "Constitution 101 – The Meaning and History of the Constitution" and


2)   "Constitution 201 – The Progressive Rejection of the Founding and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism."


America today has a 17 TRILLION national debt – because our government has ignored the Constitution.


Every baby born in America today owes $47,000 on this national debt because we have a federal government that has ignored the Constitution.


Our federal government borrows 43 cents out of every dollar it spends because we have a federal government that's ignoring the Constitution.


There is so much our government does today that is completely unconstitutional. If only the majority of Americans understood this! That's why Hillsdale is offering these two online courses on the Constitution FREE to all Americans.


We're certainly pleased to see that nearly 600,000 Americans have taken one or more of our courses. But I'd like to see ten times this number register to take this course in the next 90 days.


As part of this "2013 – Restore Constitutional government in America Project," Hillsdale College is also now conducting a large survey (1,000,000 Americans) to find out how much Americans know about the Constitution and whether Americans want to see limited constitutional government restored in America.


Members of Congress, their staffs, and the news media will surely be interested in the results of such a large survey of Americans. 


So I'll be most thankful if you'll take a moment right now to complete this survey and mail it back to me for tabulation and processing.


And when you return your completed survey, I hope you will also include the best donation you can.


If you are able to send your Annual Support Donation of just $20, that will make you a Sustaining Supporter of Hillsdale College for 2013.


Because we believe it is unconstitutional, Hillsdale rejects all taxpayer subsidies – even in the form of grants and loans.


Hillsdale relies on this Annual Fund Drive, and many small donations from hundreds of thousands of American Patriots (such as you), to help Hillsdale carry on its primary focus – educating a new generation of leaders for America with character and integrity, and who understand liberty.


But Hillsdale also needs additional gifts (above and beyond your $20 Annual Support Gift for 2013) so we can dramatically increase our advertising to let all of America know about Hillsdale's new FREE online courses on the Constitution and America's founding principles – the very same courses you've probably heard Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Sean Hannity talking about on their radio shows.


So any additional gift you can send will be used to buy radio and other ads across America to tell people about Hillsdale's two new online courses on the Constitution, as well as for Hillsdale's other educational programs.


I look forward to the arrival of your survey in the next few days and reading your answers (HC, P.O. Box 96607, Washington, D.C 20090-6607).


Warm Regards,

Dr. Larry P. Arnn

President, Hillsdale College


P.S.    Please don't spend too much time on the survey questions. Your answers will be most useful and accurate if you provide your initial instinctive response to each question.


Members of Congress and their staffs, along with the news media, will surely be interested in the results of such a vast survey of Americans.


Also, I will be most grateful if you will include your $20 Annual Support Donation for 2013 that qualifies you to be a Sustaining Supporter of Hillsdale College.


Hillsdale relies on this Annual Fund Appeal to support Hillsdale College's primary focus – educating a new generation of leaders for America with character and integrity, who know the Constitution and America's history, and who understand liberty.


And what a blessing it would be if you could send an additional gift (above and beyond your $20 Annual Support Donation for 2013) ! We will immediately use any additional gift you send to help Hillsdale exponentially increase our advertising to promote Hillsdale's two new, FREE online Constitution courses, as well as support our other educational programs.


We're thrilled that nearly 600,000 Americans have registered so far for one or more of our courses, but we'd like to see ten times that many (including Members of Congress and the media) taking this course in the next 90 days . . .


. . . because we can't expect to defend liberty in America if citizens and political leaders have little knowledge of our Constitution or its principles of liberty.


I hope you will support our effort. I think this project will have a big impact on America's future. Thank you for doing all you can to preserve America as the "land of the free."


P.P.S. If you would like to make your gift [and fill out survey] online today, please go to our secure donation site: hillsdaleforliberty.com/annualdrive.


www.hillsdaleforliberty.com/liberty ׀ 33 E. College Street Hillsdale, Michigan 49242




"Hillsdale deserves the appreciation of all who labor for freedom . . . Your creative outreach on

national issues enables little Hillsdale to cast such a long shadow."

- President Ronald Reagan


2014 Annual Fund Drive To Defend Liberty . . .

and Stop America's Slide Towards More

Big Government Bureaucratic Despotism


Dear Friend of Liberty,


You might have heard Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and other great conservative radio hosts talk about Hillsdale College . . .


. . . especially Hillsdale's online courses on the Constitution that are now being taken by more than 500,000 Americans.


Or you might have seen that Forbes magazine ranks Hillsdale the 60th best college in America, the 7th best college in the Midwest, and the #1 college in Michigan – proving that we can be unapologetic in our defense of liberty and still be widely recognized as a world-class college.


In fact, The Princeton Review ranks Hillsdale as the #1 conservative college in America.


I am writing to you because your past activities indicate that you are a well-informed American who shares our alarm that America's current national leadership – most notably President Obama and many in Congress – appears to have little appreciation or understanding of America's heritage of liberty and constitutional government.


I am sure you are as alarmed as we are that liberty in America is now on the brink of being extinguished – which is why I have two specific requests:


1)  We are asking friends of liberty (including you) to join and support Hillsdale College's three-part 2014 Defend Liberty Campaign to teach millions of Americans about the principles of liberty and limited government that made America great . . .


. . . so that we can STOP the assault on liberty by our own government that's taking place right now and make restoring constitutional government in America a major theme of 2014.


2)  As part of this campaign, we also hope to include your views in the enclosed 2014 National Survey of 1,000,000 Citizens on the American Leadership Crisis and the Purpose of a College Education.


I will explain why your participation in the enclosed survey is so important in a moment. But first let me tell you why your support for Hillsdale College as part of this 2014 Annual Fund Drive is so important for restoring liberty in America.


My name is Larry Arnn. I am the President of Hillsdale College - America's premier college that believes in liberty.  


I am sure you are as alarmed as we are at how our government in Washington is waging an assault on liberty and the principles of limited government that made America the most free and prosperous nation in history. So far, we have seen the Obama Administration . . .


·   Put America's health care system under bureaucratic government control (which establishes 159 brand new government agencies to administer Obamacare);


·   Add TRILLIONS of dollars to our national debt with unprecedented government spending; and


·   Strangle American businesses with mountains of new regulations.


The Hillsdale Difference


We at Hillsdale College believe America has fallen into such dire straits because too many Americans (especially our national political leaders) do not understand or appreciate the principles of limited government that made America the most free and prosperous nation in human history.


A big reason why this has happened is that many of America's top colleges and universities do not require students to learn American history, the Constitution, or the principles of limited government that made America so successful.


For decades now, so many colleges have been teaching that America was built on flawed ideas, thus producing leaders for our nation who have no appreciation of liberty.


As a result, we now have a President (and many Members of Congress) who rejects the principles of limited government as the basis of America's Declaration of Independence and Constitution.


Hillsdale College, by contrast, is dedicated to educating a new generation of leaders for America who understand the Constitution and who will uphold and defend liberty. That, in summary, is the Hillsdale College difference.


Here's something else that makes Hillsdale different. Unlike almost all other colleges. Hillsdale refuses all federal taxpayer funding because we don't want government bureaucrats telling Hillsdale who we must hire, who we must admit for enrollment (even if they don't meet Hillsdale's tough academic standards), or what we can teach.


So we REJECT all federal taxpayer subsidies – even in the form of student grants and loans.


This means 100% of Hillsdale College's funds come from student tuition and contributions from Americans like you who care about the future of our great nation. Contributions from our generous supporters help keep tuition affordable for our students.


We don't want money to be a barrier for any qualified student who believes in the importance of our vision of educating a new generation of leaders for America who understand liberty to attend Hillsdale College.


Hillsdale's Three-Part Plan

To Defend Liberty in America in 2014


In 2014, Hillsdale aims to bring our educational programs on America's founding principles to millions of Americans . . . because we are not going to get political leaders who support the principles of liberty and limited government until we have citizens who understand that connection.


That is why Hillsdale College has launched the following three-part plan to educate citizens on liberty and make restoring constitutional government a major focus of 2014.


Goal #1: Expand the reach and influence of Hillsdale's Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C.


Hillsdale opened the 16.000 square-foot Kirby Center, just a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol, that now serves as a headquarters for Hillsdale's efforts to.


Enable Hillsdale students to serve as interns in our government so they can learn how it works and prepare them for future leadership;


Teach America's political leaders (especially Members of Congress and their staff) about America's Founding Fathers and the Constitution they gave us; and


Teach citizens across the country about the principles of liberty and limited government by leveraging the Internet's power to reach millions.


We have built the classrooms and conference rooms at our Kirby Center to host the educational programs on the Constitution that we conduct for Congress, their staff, key government officials, the media, and Hillsdale's students.


Some of Hillsdale's conferences on "restoring constitutional government in America" have been broadcast nationwide to millions of viewers on the C-SPAN cable network and have received wide media coverage.


Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and other conservative talk show hosts, Members of Congress, and other conservative leaders have been praising Hillsdale's educational programs on the Constitution.


Many conservative Members of Congress now carry a copy of Hillsdale's pocket Constitution with them wherever they go so they can study it and make sure any legislation they are voting on is, in fact, constitutional.


I am convinced that Hillsdale's educational programs on the Constitution for Members of Congress and their staff at the Kirby Center are a big reason why there is so much discussion in Washington on the need for our government to return to constitutional principles . . .


. . . because if our federal government actually followed the Constitution, it would be a (Over, please) Page 4 fraction of the size it is now.


Goal #2: Make Hillsdale's educational programs on the Constitution available to millions of Americans via the Internet.  


Perhaps you have heard Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and other conservative radio talk show hosts mention that more than 500,000 Americans have registered for Hillsdale's online courses on the Constitution and America's founding principles.


As Rush said on his radio program, "This is unprecedented." Who would have imagined there would be this much demand across America for learning about the Constitution and the need to scale back our federal government to constitutional size?


But we don't just want hundreds of thousands of Americans taking Hillsdale's courses on the Constitution and America's founding principles. We want millions of Americans signed up for these courses on the Constitution . . .


. . . because we can't expect to restore constitutional government in America if citizens don't know the Constitution and the principles behind it.


The great benefit of the Internet is that there is no limit to how many people can register for Hillsdale's courses on the Constitution and America's founding principles.


Can you imagine millions of Americans participating in Hillsdale's courses on the Constitution and benefits of liberty in 2014?


If this happens, it would have a profound impact on the direction of our country. We would then, once again, have a chance to restore the "blessings of liberty" to this great nation.


Goal #3: Increase the 2,600,000 Imprimis subscribers by hundreds of thousands more – with a special focus on reaching leaders and shapers of public opinion on the importance of liberty.


As with Hillsdale's other educational programs on liberty, you might have heard Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and other conservative leaders talk about Imprimis – Hillsdale's flagship publication on liberty.


Mark Levin says Imprimis is the publication he most looks forward to receiving every month in his mailbox.


Imprimis reprints the best speeches and lectures on liberty that have been delivered at Hillsdale College events . . . because we want these great speeches to be available not just to our students but to millions of thinking Americans. Subscriptions to Imprimis are free to all who request it.


Hillsdale now mails Imprimis to over 2,600,000 Americans who have requested their free subscription – making Imprimis the largest circulating journal on liberty in the world.


Lectures and speeches reprinted in the pages of Imprimis have included such speakers as . . .


·   Ronald Reagan

·   Margaret Thatcher

·   William F. Buckley, Jr.

·   Milton Friedman, Rush Limbaugh

·   Mark Levin

·   Steve Forbes 

·   And many other great defenders of liberty and the U.S. Constitution.


We are aiming to increase the 2,600,000 Imprimis subscribers to hundreds of thousands more because we want millions of thinking Americans to understand the great ideas in these speeches given at Hillsdale events.


We especially look to reach influential Americans with Imprimis – including journalists, teachers, professors, Members of Congress, their staff, military officers, business leaders, authors, attorneys, judges, government officials, media executives, newscasters, radio and TV talk show hosts, youth leaders, and those most responsible for leading and shaping public opinion.


As you might imagine this free subscription program is costly. It costs Hillsdale about 19 cents for every copy of Imprimis we mail to a subscriber.


So that means it costs Hillsdale about $494,000 every time we mail one issue of Imprimis to our 2,600,000 subscribers. Multiply that number by 10 for the year.


Now we want to increase the number of free Imprimis subscribers by hundreds of thousands more. The only way we can do this is with donations from Americans (such as you) who know the value of teaching America about the importance of liberty so we can save this magnificent country.


Educating a New Generation of Leaders

for America Who Believe in Liberty


You can see the Hillsdale difference right in the motto of our college, which is: "Pursuing Truth – Defending Liberty Since 1844." Unlike many colleges in America, Hillsdale believes:


1)  Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States are the greatest charters of human liberty ever created and are responsible for America quickly becoming the freest, most prosperous nation in human history;


2)  The free enterprise system is essential to American freedom and prosperity; and


3)  Faith in God, far from undermining liberty as many ACLU-style liberals claim, supports liberty. America's founding document, the Declaration of Independence, is clear on this:


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


But these ideas and principles are no longer celebrated at American colleges. These principles are not even taught at many of America's most prominent colleges today.


Many colleges no longer require their students to know the history of our republic. Students at most colleges graduate with little understanding of what makes America special.


If anything, students are fed a steady diet of Left-wing propaganda. To the extent that most colleges teach the American heritage, they denigrate it as "racist, sexist, or homophobic."


Hillsdale, by contrast, believes that a central purpose of education is to equip our students to uphold and defend the principles of liberty on which America was founded. We teach that the United States of America is a unique and special place.


We want every Hillsdale student to understand that the U.S. Constitution, coupled with the philosophy behind it (as stated in the Declaration of Independence), formed the foundation upon which the United States of America emerged quickly to become a beacon of liberty and prosperity for the world – what President Reagan liked to call "a shining city on a hill."


Why Your Participation in the [requested] Enclosed Survey is Important


Now let me tell you about the enclosed 2014 National Survey of 1,000,000 Citizens on the American Leadership Crisis and the Purpose of a College Education – and why your participation is so important.


As part of Hillsdale's national campaign to revive an understanding of liberty and limited government in America in 2014, we are conducting a survey of 1,000,000 citizens who we have identified as well-informed; who understand that America's future leaders come from America's colleges; and who know that the thinking of America's future leaders is shaped by their college education.


The survey has two main goals:


1)  We want to show the leaders of America's colleges and educational institutions why Hillsdale has been so successful.


It's because Hillsdale delivers what most parents and students want from a college – a world-class education that supports the principles that made America great.


Obviously, there's no way Hillsdale can teach every student in America. Ideally, we would like to see other colleges and universities in America adopt the Hillsdale core curriculum and follow the Hillsdale model.


Many colleges and universities are seeing a decline in student applications for admission. But if these colleges were to start giving Americans what they want and expect from a college education, they would certainly start attracting more students. We aim to show that with this survey.


2)  We want to show America's political leaders, educators, and those who shape public opinion that the more our government interferes with education the more government corrupts and hurts education.


We want to show America's political leaders and elected officials – including President Obama and Congress that Hillsdale has built a world-class college without accepting one penny of taxpayer money.


Meanwhile, Hillsdale 's tuition is a fraction of the amount charged by some other top private colleges – showing, once again, that whenever the government gets involved in something, the more expensive it gets.


In place of Federal funding, Hillsdale offers many scholarships that make it possible for deserving students to attend Hillsdale.


We fund these scholarships with donations from Hillsdale's many supporters and benefactors – patriotic Americans such as you who love this magnificent country and who understand the importance of preserving America's heritage of liberty and limited government.


We expect this survey to show our leaders in government that their involvement and subsidy of higher education in America is harmful.


Compare the learning of George Washington James Madison, Thomas-Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and America's other Founding Fathers with the political leaders we have today.


There is no comparison because we have an educational system in America that has utterly failed. Hillsdale aims to create a new generation of statesmen (leaders) for America in the tradition of these great men – all champions for liberty and defenders of Western Civilization.


My Request To You As you can see, Hillsdale has big plans for 2014 and beyond – most notably making our educational programs on the Constitution available to millions of Americans on the Internet.


But Hillsdale cannot continue to expand these outreach programs and educate millions of citizens without contributions from those who, like you, believe in limited government and share our alarm at the direction President Obama and many in Congress are taking America.


So can I count on you to send a contribution to Hillsdale today as part of this 2014 Annual Fund Drive? Some benefactors send  gifts of $1,000 or even more, while other friends of Hillsdale are making an equal sacrifice by sending gifts of $15, $25, or $50.


But if your contribution is $500 or more, you become eligible to have your name (or the name of a loved one you would like to recognize) engraved in a brick on the Liberty Walk on Hillsdale's campus.


This Liberty Walk serves as a reminder to our students to be thankful to our supporters and benefactors who help keep tuition affordable and provide crucial funding for all of Hillsdale 's unique programs with donations. Only you know what is the right donation amount for you.


What's most important is for you to contribute what you can . . . because I consider every dollar we receive in donations here at Hillsdale as a vote of support for what we are trying to build – an institution of higher learning that pursues truth and defends liberty.


So I hope I can count on you to answer my letter today by sending your best contribution of support for 2014. I look forward to hearing back from you by return mail in the next few days (HC, P.O. Box 96607, Washington, D.C 20090-6607).



Dr. Larry P. Arnn


Hillsdale College Pursuing Truth – Defending Liberty Since 1844


P.S.    Forbes magazine ranks Hillsdale the 601h best college in America, the 7th best college in the Midwest, and the #1 college in Michigan – proving that we can be unapologetic in our defense of liberty and still be widely recognized as a world-class college.


Too many Americans (especially our political leaders) have little understanding of our Constitution and the principles of liberty that made America great.


That's why Hillsdale, with your support, aims to reach millions of Americans in 2014 with our educational programs aimed at reviving an understanding and appreciation of liberty by:


1) Expanding the reach and influence of Hillsdale's Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C. (a few blocks from Congress);


2) Allowing millions of Americans to take Hillsdale's classes on the Constitution and the principles of liberty via the Internet (which is a big part of how Hillsdale aims to make restoring constitutional government in America a major focus of 2014 and beyond); and


3) Preserving Hillsdale's commitment to independence and academic excellence in order to educate a new generation of American leaders who have character, integrity, and who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty.


As you can see, Hillsdale has big plans - most notably, making restoring constitutional government in America a major theme in 2014.


So I hope you will send the best gift of support you can as part of this 2014 Annual Fund Drive to Defend Liberty . . . because the only way we can fund these programs is with generous contributions from friends of Hillsdale College like you, who share our alarm at how liberty in America is under an all-out assault right now by our own government.


And when you send your contribution, please don't forget to include your survey. Thank you so much for doing everything you can to help defend liberty in America in 2014.


If you would like to [fill out survey and] make a tax-deductible online gift today, please go to: www.hillsdaleforliberty.com/2014fund.


www.hillsdaleforliberty.com/liberty ׀ 33 E. College Street Hillsdale, Michigan 49242