Michael Connelly

Executive Director

(DoFC=USJF) Defense of Family Center

(P.O. Box 131637, Houston, TX 77219-1637)




Michael Connelly






Dear Sir,


[12-2013 letter] Prepare to see the U.S. Constitution thrown into the dust bin of history! You see, in two recent, unprecedented attacks on YOUR rights as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, the globalist forces controlling our legal system have dealt what certainly are the death blows to the First Amendment -- and soon the entire U.S. Constitution -- unless you take immediate action.


Your right to free speech, to worship as you wish, to rely on a free and fair press, to assemble with other like-minded Americans, to bring your grievances before the government . . . all gone, in the blink of an eye, thanks to activist judges more intent on promoting the socialist agenda of their puppet master, Barack Hussein Obama, than seeing justice done.


First, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that a devout Christian woman who owns a photography studio MUST photograph a same-sex "marriage" ceremony . . . even though her deeply held religious convictions say homosexuality is a sin!


The court said that she was "free to think, to say, to believe" what she wanted about homosexuality and same-sex marriage, but if she wants to work and earn a living in New Mexico, she must conform to the dictates of the state. This, one judge opined, "is the price of citizenship."


Please understand exactly what the court said: You can "say" what you want -- for now! -- and you can "think" or "believe" what you want, but don't you dare live a life that gives evidence to what's in your heart. If you do, you'll face harassment, legal challenges, stiff fines, and, eventually, even prison!


In other words, in order to be a citizen of the United States you must blindly do what the state demands.


But that's not all . . . In another court ruling, this one on the other side of the nation, a federal judge said that a lawsuit against a Christian minister by a shadowy group financed by globalist anti-American George Soros can proceed to trial.


The minister has been charged with "crimes against humanity" for preaching that homosexuality is a sin! Not only that, the "crimes" supposedly happened in Uganda. Yet an American federal judge says that American citizens must be charged and tried in America, and merely for quoting the Bible.


This is without a doubt one of the most outrageous attacks on the First Amendment that I have ever witnessed in my many years as a Constitutional lawyer!


What's more, as the dust settles and these decisions take root, they're yet another nail in the coffin of the U.S. Constitution perhaps the FINAL nail.


You, I know, are as OUTRAGED as I am at these appalling rulings by activist judges. And I'm sure you see that, if left unchallenged, the rulings put the First Amendment on the very brink of annihilation.


The fact is that you and I, much like the patriots of old -- men who gave everything they had, sometimes even their very lives, in the battle for liberty -- must stand tall today in the fight to save our blood-bought freedoms.


Daniel Webster, the great American statesman of the early 19th century, wisely warned his generation, "Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6000 years may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution; for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world."


Mr. Webster's warning is even more fitting for us today . . . you and I MUST hold on to the Constitution amidst the vicious attacks by globalists and others -- like Barack Obama and George Soros -- who want to see the United States reduced to the status of a Third World nation that exists only as a part of their New World Order."


My friend, I beg you to continue reading this vitally important letter all the way through. In it, I will show you how YOU can help take a stand TODAY in defense of the U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment before Barack Obama and his allies succeed in overthrowing our national rule of law . . .


My name is Michael Connelly, and I'm the Executive Director of one of America's leading pro-family organizations, the Defense of Family Center (DoFC=USJF). We're an arm of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) -- your conservative voice in the courts since 1979. I'm sure you've heard of USJF on the daily news, as we take on, and defeat, the biggest liberal organizations and entities in the United States to preserve your Constitutional rights, and those of your family, both in court and out.


The Defense of Family Center (DoFC=USJF) and the United States Justice Foundation are among America's leading law firms defending the U.S. Constitution from ongoing attacks by the "big guns" of the political Left, like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the United Nations, activist judges, and, of course, the impostor in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.


USJF is pursuing a series of groundbreaking lawsuits against Mr. Obama -- fraudulently elected to TWO four-year terms of terrorizing America with his openly Marxist agenda. Any one of our lawsuits can provide the victory that will legally expose his false claim to the Presidency, and result in overturning every piece of socialist legislation that he has illegally signed into law over the past five years!


What's more, the United States Justice Foundation is helping lead the campaign to reveal the truth that Barack Obama is NOT a natural born citizen, and how the leftwing media is conspiring to cover up the biggest fraud ever foisted upon the American people.


Not only that, the Defense of Family Center is leading the charge to defend schools from the ongoing attacks of the ACLU. While that socialist organization tries to remake America in its own anti-God image, the Defense of Family Center is on the job, taking them on in a battle for the heart and soul of the nation.


Wherever and whenever the forces of evil attack the family, DoFC=USJF is there, ready, willing, and able to fight for you and your family!


And now the Defense of Family Center is taking on the leftist assault on the U.S. Constitution through our new, vitally important campaign . . . The First Amendment Fund.


You see, the ongoing attacks on the U.S. Constitution -- and the First Amendment in particular -- demand a concerted, unified defense of our cherished rights. And the Defense of Family Center is THE conservative legal firm with the experience and guts to fight the battles necessary for the survival of our republic.


And the Defense of Family Center is ready to defend the First Amendment all across the nation . . . but I need your help to do that.


The truth is that the assault on the First Amendment has never been more vicious. The two recent cases I just shared with you are ample evidence of this.


In fact, the enemies of freedom have mounted a state by state attack aimed at destroying the First Amendment, and taking away YOUR constitutional rights. But with your urgent support today, THEY CAN BE STOPPED!


The United States Justice Foundation, through the Defense of Family Center, has established the First Amendment Fund to provide us with the needed resources to travel the country, defending the Constitution wherever and whenever it comes under attack from the anti-liberty crowd.


The enemies of the Constitution have virtually unlimited resources . . . including taxpayer money. But the Defense of Family Center must rely on the generous support of people, like you, who believe in the values that made our country great.


I've included with this letter a "First Amendment Fund Certificate of Support." If you don't care about your right to free speech and freedom of religion . . . if it doesn't matter to you that the First Amendment is under attack daily . . . if these things aren't important to you, then just crumple this letter up and toss it in the trash.


But if you value your rights, if you're willing to fight to keep what God Himself has endowed to you, then I need your urgent support today.


My friend, the need has never been greater, and the situation has never been more dire. In fact, pastors in Canada and Sweden have already suffered state-sponsored persecution for reminding their neighbors of Biblical truths . . . and the globalists in our own government are determined that you and I endure the same fate here in America!


Right now, before you do anything else, I need you to sign and return the "First Amendment Fund Certificate of Support." I must know today if you will stand by the Defense of Family Center and me as we fight for YOUR rights, and those of every American citizen.


Understand: it's critically important that you return the Certificate. If the Defense of Family Center and I are unable to rally the support of caring individuals like you, well, we'll be forced to back off on one or more of our vital lawsuits and legal projects.


And that, dear friend, would be a disaster for America.


Don't delay . . . return your signed Certificate to me today. And when you do, I need you to include a generous and urgent, tax-deductible, gift for the Defense of Family Center.


You see, your immediate support right now enables the Defense of Family Center to not just mount our own lawsuits against those who seek the destruction of the U.S. Constitution, but to participate in other important lawsuits that impact your Constitutional rights.


In fact, the New Mexico case will surely be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, while the Soros-financed attack on the Constitution in the "crimes against humanity" fiasco will also make its way there. I want the Defense of Family center to be ready to assist in any way possible, including filing vital briefs with the appropriate courts.


But you, my friend, are the key to making that happen. Your support is the ''fuel" that keeps the Defense of Family Center on the front lines of the battle for our nation's heart and soul.


I'd like to ask you today to consider a gift of at least $125. A tax-deductible gift of that size gives DoFC=USJF the ability to launch more lawsuits and legal projects . . . all to defend YOUR rights and mine from Barack Obama and his activist judges.


You may be able to give more, perhaps $250, $500, $1000 or even $5000 or more. What a blessing that would be! And if you can't afford to send $125 right now, don't despair. Every single penny given helps the Defense of Family Center fight to preserve the First Amendment from the relentless attacks of the enemy.


Here's the bottom line: the Defense of Family Center needs your help. The First Amendment needs your help. America needs your help.


The globalists like Barack Hussein Obama and George Soros aren't giving up without a fight. They will go from state to state, court to court, mounting endless challenges to YOUR right to freedom of speech and of religion.


The Defense of Family Center must have the needed resources to take on and defeat our enemies, in court and out, and that will happen through the First Amendment Fund. I'm counting on your support in these critical battles.


Please sign and return the Certificate today, along with your best possible, tax-deductible gift. Believe me . . . it will be a wise investment in America's future!


For the family,

Michael Connelly


P.S.    The two court cases that I told you about -- the Christian photographer in New Mexico, and the minister charged with "crimes against humanity" simply for preaching from the Bible -- can move up to the next level at any time. The Defense of Family Center MUST have the necessary funding to aid in these cases, as well as many others where the First Amendment is threatened. Your support of DoFC=USJF's First Amendment Fund is urgently needed. Please sign and return the [requested] enclosed Certificate, along with your best possible, tax-deductible gift. Help us save the U.S. Constitution from the attacks of Barack Obama, George Soros, and activist judges (DoFC=USJF, P.O. Box 131637, Houston, TX 77219-1637)!









Prepared exclusively for:


Yes, Michael, count me in! I wholeheartedly support the Defense of Family Center's new First Amendment Fund.


The First Amendment is under relentless attack by globalists like Barack Hussein Obama, George Soros, and a litany of activist judges who are trying to shape America to fit their Marxist agenda.


The Defense of Family Center is among the nation's leading pro-Constitution law firms, and I know that I can count on the patriots there to fight for MY rights with everything that they've got.


I want to pledge my support to DoFC's First Amendment Fund so the Defense of Family Center is ready with all of the tools necessary to take on – and defeat! – those who seek to overthrow the U.S. Constitution!






The Defense of Family Center ׀ A project of the United States Justice Foundation

National Processing Center ׀ PO Box 131637, Houston, TX 77219-1637 20110