David Horowitz
Founder & CEO of
(DHFC) Freedom Center
(P.O. Box 130707, Houston, TX 77219-0707)
February 7, 2014
Dear Sir,
June of 2013, Amazon.com sales of George
Orwell's classic 1984 rose nearly
Because our fellow
Americans wanted to see if Orwell's prediction of an all-powerful,
fear-inducing Big Brother government had come to our nation.
... enclosed is a booklet you must read.
1984 is a chilling account of what this administration has accomplished on
its way to "Fundamentally Transform" the United Slates.
Investigative journalist Mark Tapson,
working for the Center, put together a composite of the
Obama administration's
multiple breeches of the
Constitution. The
list is not only long, it's frightening – and the consequences are totally
ignored by the nation's liberal mainstream media.
We –
you and I and the like-minded Americans who are willing to light to save our
nation – we are truly the cavalry. The great hope on the horizon for turning
back this wave of totalitarianism is our work to expose the radical liberal
agenda ... the agenda that has turned our nation into something right out of
Orwell's classic tale of warning!
Center is preparing to print and distribute 500,000 copies of
Obama's 1984 over the next 100 days, so
I am asking our leading Charter Members to help us raise the $135,500 needed to
meet this goal.
need you to make a contribution of$l0 or even $20 right now, if possible. to advance this project. Please... as one of our most
trusted Charter Members, help me today. This booklet contains information about
the insidious manipulation of our freedom and the ultimate goal of the
totalitarian left.
2013 was a shocking year. We discovered the
Obama administration was up to its neck weaponizing
government agencies. The abuses of power were frightening and included:
the National Security Agency to listen to millions of Americans' phone calls,
and monitor our Internet use. Even the New
York Times admitted this was a huge
violation of the Constitution.
Using the IRS to
target conservative groups and individuals for audits and harassment. Is there
any agency in the federal government with more power to threaten and intimidate
Americans into silence?
the IRS is busy rewriting the rules so that its practices of targeting
political groups are legal.
Letting smaller
agencies like the DEA, join with AT&T to collect
phone and other contact information on Americans.
course, when you read the booklet you'll discover the depth of President
disdain of the
Constitution, and just how far he had been willing to go
to silence his foes and increase the power of the federal government.
before he won the White House,
told a radio interviewer that he viewed the Constitution as "flawed"
and said America must
"break free" from its prescriptions. Why?
the document limits government – "It tells the states what they can't do,
and the federal government what it can't do to you ... not what the federal
government or state government must do for you."
said he wanted to change it to a "living" Constitution and use it for
"positive economic rights" in the form of income redistribution. The best way to redistribute wealth, of
course, is using an economic crisis to forward a host of initiatives that would
take wealth away from individuals and put it in the hands of the government.
Obamacare was created with just such intentions.
now, no single organization is doing more to expose
Obama's motives and his
insidious use of executive power than the Freedom Center.
course, the biggest factor in our favor is the powerful support of our Charter
Members – I can't begin to thank you enough for your steadfast commitment to
the Center. Now I'm coming to you again with another important project.
you are well aware, we simply cannot count on the mainstream media to inform
our friends and neighbors about the depths this administration will go to
"Fundamentally Transform" our nation.
is why I am always looking to generate good, solid investigative reporting and,
with your help, print and distribute our findings to help educate the millions
of good Americans who love our nation.
Obama's 1984
fit the bill ... can I count on you to help us raise the $135,500 needed to get
this booklet into 500,000 homes throughout the nation? Your contribution of $10
or even $20, if possible, will move us toward that goal today. Of course,
whatever amount you are able to send now is greatly appreciated.
think, when you read this, you will see how vital it is we get this out to as
many men and women as possible. This is
an election year, and the more information we can get to the people, the
better informed they will be in November.
I close, I want to repeat how grateful I am for your support and for the
courage it takes to join with me in the trenches against the radical left.
Thank you and! hope to hear from you soon.
P.S. Contrary to the lies the left creates to
vilify conservatives, all we need to do is expose leftists for who they really
are. But we can't continue to lie back and take these attacks on the chin any
longer. Please help me get
Obama 's 1984 to
our friends and fellow conservatives throughout the country right now. Thanks
again (DHFC, P.O. Box 130707, Houston, TX 77219-0707).
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