David N. Bossie


(CUSA) Citizens United for a Secure America

(P.O. Box 96523, Washington, D.C. 20090)



Barack Obama's Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Bill is before Congress right now -- and he claims he has the votes to pass it within days. You must take action RIGHT NOW!


Dear concerned American,


With Obama's 1,198-page Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Bill teetering on the brink of passage in Congress, it's urgent you take three immediate actions to stop it in the next 3 days:


1)    Sign your " NO AMNESTY" PETITION to your Congressman.




3)    Mail your two "NO AMNESTY!" POSTCARDS to your Senators.


I know that seems like a lot to do. But Obama's Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Bill is very likely to pass if we don't pull out ALL the stops.


And if you've flipped through the paper or watched the news lately, you know this bill could soar through at any moment. That's why I'm counting on you to act in the next 3 days.


Please don't think I'm exaggerating when I tell you this moment is the closest we've ever come to Amnesty for Illegal Aliens becoming law. It's just the cold, hard truth.


Within days, some 20 million illegal could be on the path to full citizenship -- with all the same rights as you and me.


And recent reports estimate the price tag for Amnesty -- as a result of newly-eligible "citizens" applying for taxpayer-funded handouts like welfare and ObamaCare -- is in excess of SIX TRILLION DOLLARS!


No way our out-of-control budget can handle that!! We have no choice -- we MUST stop this bill.


That's why I've taken the unusual step of asking a complete stranger to take three emergency actions today -- and I pray you will take all three without delay.


So please -- in the next 3 days, if not sooner -- sign your "NO AMNESTY!" PETITION, complete your NATIONAL SURVEY ON AMNESTY, and mail your "NO AMNESTY!" POSTCARDS to your Senators.


But first, let me tell you why each of these steps is so important ... The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is -- according to my sources on Capitol Hill -- our best bet of blocking this Amnesty bill. That's why I've made your "NO AMNESTY!" PETITION out to your Congressman, by name.


When joined together with at least 100,000 other "NO AMNESTY!" PETITIONS gathered in just days as a part of this Emergency "No Amnesty!" Campaign -- Congress will have to take notice!


So I hope you'll immediately sign your "NO AMNESTY!" PETITION to get the ball rolling on this petition drive. But we've got other work to do, as well.


Namely, we need to start fighting back and winning the war of public opinion. You see, the liberal media is spinning this Amnesty debate in Barack Obama's favor.


They claim overwhelming majorities of Americans -- even most conservatives -- support Amnesty for Illegal Aliens. I know it's a lie. But I need to prove it. That's where our NATIONAL SURVEY ON AMNESTY comes in.


Just as with the "NO AMNESTY!" PETITIONS, my goal is to collect 100,000 completed surveys in the coming days -- so they can be quickly tabulated and the results widely reported. I'm convinced they will prove that Americans overwhelmingly DO NOT support Amnesty for Illegal Aliens.


Will you help me prove it by completing your NATIONAL SURVEY ON AMNESTY and rushing it back in the next 3 days? And while you're mailing your "NO AMNESTY!" PETITION and NATIONAL SURVEY ON AMNESTY, there's one more thing you MUST do.


I've attached two "NO AMNESTY!" POSTCARDS, addressed directly to your Senators, for you to immediately sign and mail. We knew the Senate would be the toughest part of our fight.


The first action on Barack Obama's Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Bill was quick passage in the Senate. Your postcards let your Senators know that you will remember how they voted on this critical bill the next time they are up for election.


Your Senators must hear from you RIGHT AWAY. So please be sure to also detach and mail your two "NO AMNESTY!" POSTCARDS when you are returning your "NO AMNESTY!" PETITION and NATIONAL SURVEY ON AMNESTY to me in the next 3 days.


My name is David Bossie. I'm President of Citizens United for a Secure America (CUSA) -- a leading group fighting Barack Obama's Amnesty for Illegal Aliens push. I'm counting on you to join our fight.


I realize I'm asking you for a lot. Strange, for someone who's never met you, I know. But with only days standing between us and Barack Obama signing this Amnesty Bill into law ... I knew I'd have to rely on a few new friends to help out if we're going to have any chance of stopping him.


That's why I'm writing today. Will you be one of those new friends who comes through for me in the next 3 days?


If so, please immediately sign your "NO AMNESTY!" PETITION to your Congressman, complete the NATIONAL SURVEY ON AMNESTY, mail the two "NO AMNESTY!" POSTCARDS to your Senators and rush CUSA an urgent membership contribution of $24.


I hate asking for anything more than I already have, but your emergency contribution of $24 or more is truly necessary. For $24, I know I can contact over 50 fellow patriots who are likely to quickly come to our aid.




I know you realize how important it is that we rally as many legal American citizens to our side as possible -- right away. That's why your $24 membership contribution is so important.


In fact -- if you can -- $35, $50, $100 or $250 would help us unite many more Americans to stand against Barack Obama's 1,198-page, $6.3 trillion Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Bill.


I don't know what you can spare, so I won't guess. I'll just ask that you send as much as you can, and that you send it in the next 3 days.


Maybe that's the $24 which helps me reach out to 50 people. Maybe it's some other amount. Whatever it is, I can't stress enough how important it is you send something -- whatever you can. Because here's the unfortunate truth:


All of these actions -- signing your "NO AMNESTY!" PETITION, completing your NATIONAL SURVEY ON AMNESTY and mailing your "NO AMNESTY!" POSTCARDS -- even though they're very important -- they won't make a dent if you're the only one doing them.


So your gift of $24, $35, $50, $100 or more is urgently needed so we can quickly recruit more folks to join our fight. I know what I'm asking for is complicated, so please allow me to recap before you start signing anything or dropping postcards in the mail. In the next 3 days, please:


1)    Sign your "NO AMNESTY!" PETITION to your Congressman.




3)    Mail your two "NO AMNESTY!" POSTCARDS to your Senators.


4)    Rush your urgent membership contribution of $24 or more.


We have only days to act. Things are moving so quickly here in D.C. that I can only hope there hasn't been any movement by the time this letter reaches you, so there's still time to act. Please take these critical actions in the next 3 days.



David N. Bossie,


Citizens United for a Secure America


P.S.    Remember, Barack Obama's 1,198-page, $6.3 TRILLION Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Bill will be voted on any day now. And he claims he already has the votes to pass it!


That's why we must pull out ALL the stops. In the next 3 days, I need you to take four critical actions: sign your "AMNESTY! PETITION to your Congressman ... complete your NATIONAL SURVEY ON AMNESTY ... mail your "NO AMNESTY!" POSTCARDS to your Senators ... and rush back an emergency contribution of $24, $35, $50, $100 or more. Please send whatever you can spare (CUSA, P.O. Box 96523, Washington, D.C. 20090).






to Rep. Rodney Alexander


Whereas:      Barack Ohama's 1,198-page Atm i for Illegal Aliens bill has not been thoroughly read, debated and deliberated upon by the United Stmes Congress; and


Whereas:     New analysis suggests the bill would have a taxpayer cost of $6,300,000,000,000+ due to all the newly eligible "citizens" claiming government handouts like welfare, food stamps and OhamaCare; and


Whereas:     As the results of CUSA's "NATiONAL SURVEY ON AMNESTY" will show, the American people overwhelmingly oppose the granting of amnesty to some 20 million illegal immigrants; and so


Therefore:    As your constituent, an American citizen, a taxpayer and a voter -- I strongly urge you to oppose Barack Obama's Amnesty for Illegal Aliens bill and do everything within your power to defeat it.







National Survey on Amnesty


Instructions: Please complete this short 4 question survey on American immigration policy in general -- and Barack Obama's Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Bill specifically -- and return it with your Emergency Reply form and "NO AMNESTY!" PETITION. Your answers will play an important role in combatting the Liberal media's false narrative that Americans overwhelming support granting Amnesty to illegal aliens. Please respond in the next 3 days.


#1    Do you believe Congress, should rush through a 1,198 page bill of any kind without a lull reading, and extended debate?

YES            NO            UNSURE


#2    Do you believe our economy can handle the $5.4+ trillion cost of the handouts new "citizens" will claim?

YES           NO           UNSURE


#3    Do you agree with sonic so-called 'conservatives" who argue that supporting Amnesty is a good electoral strategy?

YES           NO           UNSURE


#4    Finally, do you support passage of Barack Obama's Amnesty for Illegal Aliens currently under consideration in DC?

YES           NO           UNSURE




(Sample Postcard)


Dear Senator,


As your constituent, an American citizen, a taxpayer and a voter -- I oppose Obama's Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Bill the Senate passed.


This 1198-page piece of legislation was not fully read, properly debated or adequately deliberated in the Senate. Furthermore, it is projected to cost American taxpayers at least $6.3 trillion -- a burden our economy simply cannot afford at this time.


Not only that, but Amnesty for Illegal Aliens encourages further law-breaking and illegal border crossing -- attracting a dangerous element from crime- and violence-ravaged Mexico.


1 will remember how you voted on this bill in your next election.


Signed, _________________________________



 of _____________________________________

                              (City, State)