Jim Lafferty

Executive Director

(CSA) Christian Seniors Association

A Project of Traditional Values Coalition

(P.O. Box 5049, Washington, D.C. 20090-6321)


America's Christian Alternative to AARP


2014 National Opinion Research

Survey of Christian Seniors


On the Role of Religion

in American Public Life


Dear Christian Senior Friend,


It's because you are a member in good standing of the Christian Seniors Association (CSA) that I've sent you this important and urgent letter. I've done so for three reasons...


1.  So you can be included in our new 2014 NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH SURVEY on the Role of Religion in American Public Life . . .

. . .     Please take a few moments IIQW to complete the enclosed Survey and return it to me here at Christian Seniors Association right away. It's critically important that every Member of Congress hears your voice and knows how concerned you are about the escalating "War on Christians" that our government is waging against you, me and other fellow Christians.


2.  To encourage you to help CHRISTIAN SENIORS ASSOCIATION (CSA) reach our goal of 2.4 MILLION members by the end of the year. It's in your own interest that you do so... I'll explain why in a moment.


3.  To tell you about the great benefits package we've put together for you as a member of the Christian Seniors Association. We're constantly looking for ways to make membership in CSA more inviting and more attractive and I think you'll like what we've done for you.


But before I tell you about those new benefits,   . . .  


. . .     you need to complete and return your enclosed 2013 NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH SURVEY on the Role of Religion in American Public life.


You don' t need me to tell you our government' s attacks on our religious beliefs, Constitutional rights, and the values you hold dear have increased dramatically since Barack Obama's re-election. Just recently:


 The Washington Post reported that the Pentagon is caving in to pressure from extremist left-wing groups like the notorious Southern Poverty Law Center and is about to punish Christians in the military who speak about their faith. They'll be court martialed as enemies of the state.


 The infamous HHS mandate – which is part of ObamaCarepunishes Christian organizations and business owners who want to follow their consciences and live according to their religious beliefs. This is an all-out attack on your First Amendment right to freedom of religion.


 Beginning in 2010, the IRS targeted "Tea Party" and "Patriot" organizations for special illegal scrutiny! Revelations continue to come forth as this scandal spreads deeper and deeper.


 Sarah Hall Ingram, the woman who served as commissioner of the IRS office responsible for overseeing tax-exempt organizations while all this illegal activity was going on, is now the director of the IRS unit that will enforce significant parts of ObamaCares!


 And it is this same IRS that is now in the process of hiring 16,000 brand new agents to enforce ObamaCares.


 The Department of Justice conducted illegal investigations of news reporters; going so far as to call one reporter a "co-conspirator" against the government for the "crime" of simply doing his job and covering what's going on in Washington.


And that' s only a partial list of how your own government has launched an attack against you and patriotic Christian seniors like you.


As much as it pains me to say this   . . .    


. . .     you need to protect yourself from our own U.S. government!


Fortunately, you have already taken steps to do just that. You did so when you decided to join millions of your fellow believers and patriotic Americans and become a member of the Christian Seniors Association.


Unfortunately, the times we live in demand you take an active role in all that we' re doing here at CSA to watch out for you and protect your Constitutional rights as an American. And that brings me back to:


1.   Your enclosed 2014 NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH SURVEY on the Role of Religion in American Public Life. And


2.   Your need to do all you can to help your Christian Seniors Association reach its goal of 2.4 MILLION members by the end of the year by joining CSA . . . we're over half way there!


As for your Survey, it's critically important you complete and return your Survey today. Given all that's happened since the re-election of Barack Obama – I have critical new questions for you to answer.


By answering this survey, you'll be doing something extremely important.


You'll be making sure Congress knows that AARP does NOT sneak for you when it comes to the critical issues facing our nation and America's seniors!


As you know, CSA is the Christian Alternative to AARP. AARP has a lengthy track record of supporting far-left causes that are destroying our nation's moral foundations. For example, AARP is a proud sponsor of so-called "same sex marriage."


AARP supported ObamaCares in spite of the fact it will deprive you and all U.S. seniors of critical health care. Why? Because AARP is set to get a windfall profit of over 1 billion dollars from ObamaCares! That' s according to "Behind the Veil", an investigative report conducted by the House of Representatives' Ways and Means Committee.


And I could give you more indictments against AARP. In fact, former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint put together a scathing indictment of AARP entitled: "AARP Sells Out Seniors."


But that' s something you already knew and why you decided to join Christian Seniors Association in the first place. Still, with its vast membership, AARP has the ear of Congress. And this in spite of the fact that American seniors are ripping up their AARP membership cards and joining organizations like the Christian Seniors Association. They're doing so because they know that Christian Seniors Association is looking out for them! As a result, our membership is growing and our influence with Congress is getting stronger and stronger.


But it's not yet strong enough. Which is why  . . .  


. . .     the enclosed 2013 NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH SURVEY on the Role of Religion in American Public Life is so critical.


Just as important is the contribution I'm counting on you to include, of at least $30 along with your Survey answers. Your dollars are urgently needed so that Christian Seniors Association can:


1)   Double our membership to 2,400,000 members by the end of the year so that we can show our lawmakers that AARP does not speak for America's seniors! There is strength in numbers. It's critically important for YOU that your Christian Seniors Association reaches that 2,000,000 member threshold so that we can have a real impact with Congress as we fight for you and the values you hold dear.


2)   Mobilize millions of Christian seniors to  tell Congress to  . . .


O  Repeal ObamaCares – including its mandate that you pay for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilizations, and vasectomies as part of your health coverage;


o  End our government's 60-year war on Christianity, the family, and morality in America; and


0  Restore Constitutional government in America.


So... please use the enclosed reply envelope to send the best gift you can. And thank you for doing everything in your power to rescue faith and freedom in America.



James Lafferty

Executive Director



P.S.    In my haste to alert you to the government's "War on Christians" I almost forgot to tell you about the new benefits we have for you as a member of the Christian Seniors Association. There isn't enough room to do SO here so I enclosed a small sheet of paper which tells you about them. This is one more way your Christian Seniors Association is working for you!  


[Please request for Survey (CSA, P.O. Box 5049, Washington, D.C. 20090-6321)!]


Christian Seniors Association is a project of Traditional Values Coalition

P0 Box 5049 Hagerstown, MD 21741-5049 • 202-547-4400




America's Christian Alternative to AARP

The CHRISTIAN SENIORS ASSOCIATION is open to everyone age 50 and over.


Unlike AARP, CSA is fighting to REPEAL ObamaCares (which is a disaster for seniors and a disaster for America).


Unlike AARP, CSA believes that America's faith in God was a key reason America became a great nation.. .and that our government's assault on America's Christian heritage is doing great damage to our nation and our future.


Unlike AARP, CSA fights the radical anti-senior policies of the Obama Administration that threaten the retirement benefits for generations to come.


Unlike AARP, CSA is working to mobilize millions of America's Christian seniors. . . to pressure our government to restore (instead of undermine) the traditional moral values that made America the most successful nation in human history.


We Believe the Benefits and Discounts that Come With Membership

in CSA are Every Bit as Good as AARP's!


CSA Member Benefits include discounts on


Medicare Supplement Plans


Medical Insurance

Dental and Vision Coverage

Critical Illness

Hospital Indemnity

Financial Services

Term Life


Health and Wellness Programs and Supplements


For more information about these money-saving CSA

benefits call 1-877-524-6349

or go to





Unlike AARP, Christian Seniors Association (CSA) is OPPOSED to President Obama's far-Left agenda for America, including his program to wreck America's health care system with socialized medicine.


Unlike AARP, CSA is steadfastly OPPOSED to the radical Homosexual Agenda (including same sex marriage and homosexual couples adopting children).


Unlike AARP, CSA believes that America's faith in God was a key reason America became a great nation . . . and that America's rejection of God today is a grave threat to our nation's future and our grandchildren's future.


Unlike AARP, CSA is working to mobilize America's Christian seniors so that our government will, once again, work to restore (instead of undermine) the traditional moral values that built our nation and made America great.


Unlike AARP, CSA is opposing the ACLU (and other anti-Christian organizations on the Left) that want to completely eliminate Christianity as a significant influence in American public life.


Unlike AARP, CSA opposes the squandering of your Social Security Trust Fund by politicians in Washington, DC on pork-barrel spending schemes unrelated to Social Security.


Unlike AARP, CSA accepts no government (taxpayer) money and will never accept one penny from the government because CSA cannot be bought by politicians (as AARP has been).


Christian Seniors Association is a project of Traditional Values Coalition

P0 Box 5049 Hagerstown, MD 21741-5049 • 202-547-4400




In the CSA 2014 National Research Survey in Part A: Government-sponsored Persecution of Christians, Issue Summary: From all that's happening in our country today – from Barack Obama's declaration that America is no longer a Christian nation; to ObamaCares and its attack on religious freedom; to Congress and its so-called "Hate Crimes" legislation; to the courts and their rulings against prayer in school, Ten Commandments displays and all things Christian; to the IRS and its illegal targeting of Christian organizations for special scrutiny; to the Pentagon and its pending directive that anyone in the military who promotes his Christian beliefs will be court martialed – it appears our federal government is engaged in an all-out WAR ON CHRISTIANITY. We should not let Barack Hussein Obama "declaration that America is no longer a Christian nation" come to pass.


In  Part B: ObamaCares, Issue Summary: According to most analysts: ObamaCares establishes "death panels" that will deny seniors of critically needed health care, creates 159 new government agencies to oversee it, cuts more than $716 BILLION from Medicare, requires the IRS to oversee enforcement (the agency is hiring 16,000 agents to do this and the enforcement division will be run by the woman [Sarah Hall Ingram] who was in charge of the IRS section that illegally scrutinized Christian and conservative non-profits groups), and is driving up both insurance premiums and health care costs.


In Part D: Role of Religion in American Public Life Issue Summary: In 1962, the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed prayer from public schools. Since that time, our nation has witnessed a dramatic increase in violence, legalized abortion-on-demand, the normalization of homosexual behavior, a nationwide drive to re-define "marriage", skyrocketing divorce rates, a never-ending rise in the number of children living in one-parent homes, atheists constantly attacking the Pledge of Allegiance and our nation's "In God We Trust" motto, and the ever-escalating "War on Christmas."




America's Christian Alternative to the Far-Left AARP


2014 National Opinion Survey

of 10,000,000 Christian Senior Voters


AARP pushed for ObamaCares and betrayed America's Seniors


Tell Congress that AARP does NOT speak for you .. and that you Vote!


Dear Christian Senior Friend,


During the recent government shutdown and the debate over ObamaCares, has anyone asked for your opinion on these important issues? Probably not.


But Congress needs to know what you think. NOW!!! This is especially important because AARP has Congress convinced that it speaks for you and all of America's seniors. You've got to set the record straight.


And that's why I made sure I included you in the CHRISTIAN SENIORS ASSOCIATION (CSA) landmark national survey of 10,000,000 Christian senior voters.


Please take a few moments right now to complete your Survey

and rush your answers to our CSA headquarters.


As a valued member of CHRISTIAN SENIORS ASSOCIATION, it's important you close ranks with your fellow CSA members and show Congress and America's political leaders that AARP does not speak for you and millions of other Christian seniors ... especially when it comes to ObamaCares.


Because of AARP's massive membership, most politicians assume AARP's political views – including its over the top support for ObamaCares – represents the views of the majority of America's seniors. But you and I know that's simply not true.


And with this survey, we aim to show elected officials in America and candidates who will be running for office in 2014 that AARP is out of step with the thinking of most American seniors and is especially out of step with the overwhelming majority of America's Christian seniors.


You can be sure America's political leaders will study the results of an enormous survey like this very closely because (to my knowledge) this is one of the largest surveys of Christian seniors ever conducted.


You can also be sure the results of this survey of 10,000,000 Christian seniors will receive wide media coverage. That said, let me outline for you some of the big differences between the CHRISTIAN SENIORS ASSOCIATION and AARP.


Unlike AARP, CSA Strongly Opposes ObamaCares

and is Now Fighting to Completely REPEAL ObamaCares


When Barack Obama was running for President in 2008, he promised to "Fundamentally Transform" America. By this, he means "fundamentally transform" America into his Socialist vision. The primary way he is doing this is through " ObamaCares."


Communists and socialists have always known that the fastest and surest way to move a country to socialism is through socializing medicine that is, by putting a country's health care system under government control.


Vladimir Lenin, the founder and architect of the Soviet Communist state, said "Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state."


Lenin and the Communists knew that once you control people's access to health care and medical treatment, you control their lives. The Left here in America is well aware of this also (1).


And so was Ronald Reagan. As far back as 1961 he issued this warning:


"One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine... The socialists themselves say once [socialized medicine] is passed, [it will be] a mechanism capable of indefinite expansion in every direction until it includes the entire population."


Which is exactly what's happening under ObamaCares. Even as you read this letter, our own U.S. government is building a vast, sprawling bureaucracy that includes...


  The hiring of 16,000 new IRS employee's to enforce ObamaCares.

  The creation of a national data base that will hold all of your personal information: Social Security number. Bank account. Medical history. Prescription drug purchases Tax information.

  The building of 159 brand new government agencies to administer ObamaCares.


As you can clearly see, ObamaCares represents the single greatest threat to liberty and Constitutional government America has ever seen.


The liberal Congressman from Michigan, John Dingell, admitted as much during a radio interview. When asked why it's going to take until 2014 for ObamaCares to fully kick in, Dingell said:


"It takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people."

(Source: News Talk WJR Radio with Paul W. Smith, 3/23/2010)


So, in Dingell's view – and as Ronald Reagan warned – one of the main purposes of ObamaCares is to set up an administrative apparatus that can "control the people."


But that's not what America is supposed to be all about. That's not liberty. In fact, this sounds more like old Soviet Union than the United States of America.


No wonder the Communist Cuban dictator Castro hailed the passage of ObamaCares as "a miracle." But that's not the worst of it. Not by a long shot.


Under ObamaCares, pro-life Americans are required to pay for abortion pills and abortion services as part of their health coverage. Under ObamaCares, pro-life doctors and hospitals will be required to perform abortions. And for you personally, ObamaCares is a real nightmare.


For one thing, ObamaCares took $716 BILLION from Medicare in order to pay for ObamaCares! And for another, ObamaCares is all about RATIONING HEALTH CARE! For you and me that rationing of health care means ... the establishment of those DEATH PANELS you were warned about.


Now you see why CSA's #1 legislative priority is to REPEAL ObamaCares, totally and completely. And why it's so important that you join with your fellow seniors and help us win this fight.


To win, though, our first order of business has to be to de-bunk the myth that AARP speaks for and represents America's seniors. Nothing could be further from the truth.


To know this, all you have to do is look at how hard AARP lobbied for ObamaCares. AARP spent tens of millions of dollars on advertising and lobbying to pressure Congress to pass ObamaCares into law . . . even though America's seniors overwhelmingly opposed ObamaCares.


Why did AARP betray you? I can tell you that in one word: MONEY!!! Former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint proved that in his scathing article "AARP Sells Out Seniors":


"ObamaCares could yield [AARP] windfall profits of more than $1 billion over the next decade. Conversely, AARP engaged in a secret lobbying campaign to block reforms last year that by one estimate would have saved nearly 80 percent of seniors an average of $415 per year - but cost AARP billions in profits."


Wouldn't you like to save $415 a year in health care coverage? I would. But AARP isn't about to help you because in doing so it would lose out. AARP isn't for seniors. It's a political machine for Barack Obama's far-Left agenda.


That's why this National Opinion Survey of America's Christian Seniors is so important so that CSA can mobilize 10,000,000 seniors into a force that will show America's political leaders that.


That the far-Left AARP is far out of step with the views of most seniors ... and especially most Christian seniors!


And the faster we do this, the better our chances of getting Congress to repeal ObamaCares and protect America's seniors! But an enormous project like this requires funding.


We urgently need donations to conduct this urgent and important nationwide Survey of Christian Seniors in the next 120 days ... BEFORE ObamaCares and its death panel can invade your life and make your health care decisions. It costs CSA about 55 cents to send a Survey to one of your fellow seniors.


So when you return your completed Survey, please include your best donation when you return your survey. Thank you so much for reading my letter. I will anxiously wait to hear back from you by return mail in the next few days (CSA, P.O. Box 5049, Washington, D.C. 20090-6321).



Jim Lafferty

Executive Director



P.S. I am happy to report that CSA is currently over the 1 million member level and our goal is to reach the 2,000,000 member in the next 120 days, which will make CSA a truly credible conservative Christian alternative to the ultra-Left AARP.


Congress is paying much closer attention to CSA and the views of CSA's members than ever before, due to our growing numbers. But right now CSA urgently needs donations to pay for this $5.3 MILLION Survey of Christian Seniors project.


Your gift today will help CSA continue the fight to repeal ObamaCares. Please include it when you return your survey. Our goal is to have 10.000.000 surveys of Christian seniors in hand in the next 60 days so that can prove to members of Congress:


1. That the overwhelming majority of America's Christian seniors STRONGLY OPPOSE ObamaCares, its death panel and its raiding Medicare of $716 BILLION!




2. That AARP does NOT represent or speak for America's seniors!


So, please answer my letter right now - before you go onto something else. Thank you, for doing everything in your power to save America from ObamaCares and its death panel.


[Please request for Survey (CSA, P.O. Box 5049, Washington, D.C. 20090-6321)!]


Christian Seniors Association is a project of Traditional Values Coalition

P0 Box 5049 Hagerstown, MD 21741-5049 • 202-547-4400