Susan Carleson


(ACRU) American Civil Rights Union

"Pro-America Answer to the Far-Left ACLU"

(P.O. Box 96189, Washington, D.C. 20090-6189)


The Election Fraud Prevention Project


ACRU Has Already Uncovered Evidence of Massive

Vote and Election Fraud in the 2012 Election


Dear Friend of Liberty,


Please take a few minutes to complete the enclosed National Survey of 10,000,000 Registered Voters Concerning Steps to Stop Election Fraud. This survey is specially registered in your name with an ID number that is specific to you only.


Once you have completed your survey, please be sure to sign it on the back to validate your survey.


This survey is certainly the largest survey ever conducted on the crisis of vote fraud, election fraud, and the rapid corruption and destruction of America's Constitutional Democracy by those on the Left who will stop at nothing to destroy our magnificent Republic.


Specifically, this survey aims to show Congress and elected officials all across America how strongly Americans feel about saving democracy in America, protecting the integrity of the vote, and stopping the massive election fraud that is stealing one election after another.


We believe there are simple solutions that will stop vote fraud:


Require all voters to show a photo ID (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) (such as a driver's license or passport) before they can enter the ballot area to vote.


And require proof of citizenship when registering to vote.


Other steps are needed as well. But requiring a valid photo ID to vote and requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote will go a long way toward ensuring that only those who qualify to vote actually cast ballots.


President Obama and the Left have consistently opposed measures to ensure ballot security, including requiring a picture ID to vote. In fact, the Obama Justice Department is suing states (such as Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, and Indiana) that require a valid picture ID to vote.


I have also [requested] enclosed for you a copy of the kind of legal briefs we file in federal court to . . .


1) Defend the right of the states to protect their constitutional right to safeguard elections from rampant vote fraud; and


2) Combat Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder, who is fighting us every step of the way to perpetuate the rampant vote fraud that is destroying our constitutional democracy.


In the case of Indiana, the Supreme Court agreed with us and ruled against Obama. The Supreme Court ruled that Indiana has every right to require a photo ID to vote.


But, stunningly, the Obama Justice Department (despite being rebuked by the Supreme Court) continues to sue states anyway over photo ID requirements to vote.


The Obama Justice Department has now filed suit against South Carolina, and is expected soon to file suits against Georgia and Texas over their valid photo ID requirements to vote.


Before I explain further, please let me introduce myself.


My name is Susan Carleson. I am the Chairman of AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS UNION – your pro-America answer to the far-Left ACLU that has caused so much harm to America over the years.


I am writing to you today because your most fundamental civil right as an American is being threatened as never before – that is, your right to vote and to be assured that your vote doesn't get canceled out (1, 2) by fraud!


AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS UNION (ACRU) was originally founded by my dear late husband Robert who was a senior domestic policy advisor to the wonderful President Reagan for the purpose of defending our Constitutional Republic against the ACLU and the Left in courtrooms across America.


Our ACRU Policy Board includes well-known conservatives you will probably recognize, including former Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese III and renowned economist Walter Williams (who often substitutes as host on The Rush Limbaugh Show).


ACRU's Policy Leaders also include some of America's most high-powered Constitutional attorneys such as former Assistant United States Attorney General for Civil Rights William Bradford Reynolds, famed litigator Charles Cooper, and Constitutional law specialist Peter J. Ferrara.


ACRU is a formidable pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-Constitution opponent of the leftist ACLU and radical Obama Justice Department in federal courtrooms across America.


The [requested] enclosed Amicus Curiae legal brief in defense of Indiana's right to require a photo ID to vote is the kind of legal work ACRU is doing every day in federal court.


ACRU's #1 priority for 2013 is to pass laws in every state to require a valid photo ID to vote.


As of now, only eleven states require a valid photo ID: Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, Tennessee, and South Dakota. Several others (Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) have passed ID laws but are awaiting Justice Department approval or have been halted by the Obama Justice Department in court.


Too many states require only a piece of mail with the alleged voter's name on it – such as a utility bill – or no documentation at all.


Because the Obama Justice Department is suing states that require a valid photo ID to vote, some of these states (rather than fight the Obama Justice Department) are now putting that requirement on hold until the courts decide – which often takes years.


We are fighting the Obama Justice Department to protect the Constitutional right of states to require a valid photo ID and your Constitutional right not to have your vote canceled out by a fraudulent voter, even a fictitious voter.


But why would President Obama not want to ensure that every vote cast in an election is a legal vote? The only answer is that President Obama and the Left benefit from vote fraud; the more fraud, the better for Obama and the Left.


rampant Vote Fraud in the 2012 elections


In the 2012 elections we received widespread reports of voting machines (1, 2) (especially in the battleground swing states) turning Romney votes into Obama votes.


According to the Election Protection Coalition, American voters reported more than 70,000 voting problems by 5 PM Eastern time on election day. Here's a report from FOX News:


"I don't know if it happened to anybody else or not, but this is the first time in all the years that we voted that this has ever happened to me," said Marion, Ohio, voter Joan Stevens. Stevens said that when she voted, it took her three tries before the machine accepted her choice to vote for Romney. "I went to vote and I got right in the middle of Romney's name," Stevens told Fox News, saying that she was certain to put her finger directly on her choice for the White House. She said that the first time she pushed "Romney," the machine marked "Obama." So she pushed Romney again. Obama came up again. Then it happened a third time. "Maybe you make a mistake once, but not three times."


In Pennsylvania, a poll watcher claims that "about 5 percent to 10 percent" of the votes were being switched from Romney to Obama by the voting machines in the polling location that he was monitoring. Here's what World Net Daily reported:


It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, PA., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on election Day. He said the software he observed would "change the selection back to default – to Obama." He said that happened in about 5 percent to 10 percent of the votes. He said the changes appeared to have been made by a software program. Ashcroft said the format for computer programming has a default status, and in this case it appeared to be designating a vote for Obama each time it went to default.


Barack Obama received more than 99 percent of the vote in more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on Election Day. There were a substantial number of precincts where Mitt Romney received zero votes.


According to, 59 voting divisions in Philadelphia produced not one vote for Romney.


Not one Romney vote!but 19,605 votes for Obama.


This is statistically impossible. You only see 99 and 100 percent elections in places like North Korea, which has sham elections where the dictator gets 100 percent of the vote.


In Virginia, a poll watcher named Dara Fox reports that obvious and blatant vote fraud was "rampant," including . . .

** That it appeared that voters for Obama were being bussed in;

** That many of them could not speak English at all;

** That many of them could not tell poll workers the correct address on their identification cards; and

** That many people were voting more than once (1) at that same polling station throughout the day!


Just think about this logically: Does it make any sense at all to you that Mitt Romney got 2,000,000 fewer votes than John McCain in 2008?


We now know for a fact that a vote fraud operation of epic proportions took place in the 2012 elections – much of it funded with your tax money.


ACRU's investigators will continue to compile the proof and seek criminal prosecutions.


And now that has won reelection, you can be certain that the vote fraud crisis in America will only get worse in 2014 and 2016 . . . unless we (you and ACRU) stop it.


Sadly, the national Republican Party is doing very little about vote fraud and election fraud. So it falls on ACRU to tackle this crisis – a crisis that is literally destroying our Constitutional Republic.


Illegal Aliens Are Voting in U.S. Elections and Tipping Key Races (1)


We don't know the full extent of how many illegal aliens votes in 2012. But we do have a glimpse of what happened in some close Senate races in 2010.


In Colorado's Senate race in 2010, for example, we know that nearly 5,000 illegal aliens cast their vote in the election. This likely cost the GOP a Senate seat.


This revelation comes from Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler. In his testimony before the House Administration Committee, Gessler testified that his department conducted a study comparing the state's voter registration database against driver's license records.


After doing so, they discovered 12,000 illegal aliens living in the state that were registered to vote. Of these, 5,000 actually cast votes in the 2010 election. And that's just in Colorado. Our preliminary investigation indicates that in 2012 illegal aliens voting was massive and systematic.


Now remember what happened in Colorado in 2012. The public opinion polls had Romney tied or leading Obama the day before the election; however, Obama ended up winning this key battleground state by a whopping 5 percent margin – a state the pollsters believed was 50/50.


Barack Obama's Voter Fraud Operation


Do you remember the notorious voter fraud organization ACORN?


This was Barack Obama's former employer when he was a "community organizer" in Chicago with the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers (who founded the radical Weather Underground). You might remember that Ayers bombed the Pentagon and a police headquarters in New York City and boasted later that he only wished they "had done more."


Obama's political career was launched from Bill Ayers' living room. So here's what happened in 2008:


o  Obama's presidential campaign in 2008 paid ACORN $832,000 to help Obama get on the ballot and conduct voter registration and get-out-the-vote activity.


o  Election officials in Indiana have since found that more than 4,000 ACORN-submitted voter registrations were fraudulent after noticing the forms had identical handwriting and included the names of many dead people.


o  Clerks in Detroit found a "sizeable number of duplicate and were fraudulent [voter] applications" from the Michigan branch of ACORN.


o  Nearly 400 ACORN-submitted registrations in Kansas City have been found to be fraudulent due to duplication or fake information.


o  Four ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City for charges including identity theft and filing false registrations.


o  Eight ACORN employees in St. Louis were indicted on federal election fraud charges.


o  Pennsylvania election officials have found 57,435 voter registrations to be fraudulent, the majority of which were submitted by ACORN.


o  At least 33,000 ACORN-submitted registrations in Milwaukee have been called into question after it was found that the organization had been using felons as registration workers, in violation of state election rules. Two people involved in the ongoing Wisconsin voter fraud investigation have been charged with felonies.


o  Three ACORN employees pled guilty in Washington State and four have been charged in the worst case of voter registration fraud in that state's history. The group submitted more than 2,000 fraudulent voter registration cards during a voter registration drive in 2008.


o  Seven ACORN workers in the Pittsburgh area were indicted for submitting falsified voter registration forms.


o  Dozens more ACORN officials have been convicted of massive election and voter fraud.


o  ACORN received at least $2.2 million from the Obama Administration in 2009 – apparently in exchange for its 2008 election work on behalf of Obama.


o  Once it was revealed that ACORN was a criminal enterprise, Congress banned ACORN from receiving any more federal taxpayer money. ACORN then shut its doors.


o  ACORN has since reorganized itself into many local organizations under various names. These organizations and community groups (ACORN in disguise) are again receiving grants from the Obama Administration to perform "community organizing" work.


The Left doesn't even bother to hide its vote fraud operations and refusal to enforce election laws on its radical allies.


As a result, America is rapidly heading down the road to banana republic status where elections no longer matter – where your vote no longer matters.


This is why AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS UNION (ACRU) is making Ballot Security its #1 priority for 2013 and 2014 . . . because America's Constitutional Democracy is literally being destroyed before our very eyes by the Obama Administration and its radical allies (many of whom are getting millions of dollars in taxpayer money to conduct their massive vote fraud operations).


Why Your Survey Is So Important


Your survey is a key part of ACRU's Legal & Legislative Action Battle Plan to pass laws in every state in America to require a valid photo ID (such as a driver's license or passport) to vote.


ACRU is also urging the U.S. Congress to pass a federal law to require a photo ID to vote.


Today, you need a picture ID to cash a check, use a credit card, check a book out of the library, board a plane (or bus or train), and check into a hotel.


You really cannot function in modern life without a picture ID.


Nearly every American –- 99 percent – has a picture ID. And it's very easy for the remaining 1 percent to get a valid picture ID. The Department of Motor Vehicles in virtually every state will issue a valid photo ID to those who don't drive cars.


So requiring a picture ID to vote is not really a burden at all. Even Mexico now requires both a valid picture ID and a thumb print for Mexicans to vote.


We know one thing for certain: countries that have corrupt political systems are the poorest countries in the world.


So then why is the Obama Justice Department suing states that require a photo ID to vote?


The answer should be obvious: The Left relies on massive vote fraud to win elections. They want illegal aliens to vote. They want convicted felons to vote. They want the dead to vote. They want fictitious people to vote. They want people to vote many times in one election.


They want all this to solidify their political power. It also destroys the American Constitutional system – which is their ultimate goal.


Experts estimate that a conservative must win an election by a margin of at least three percent to overcome the vote fraud that has become systemic throughout the American political system, especially in the cities.


Your survey will show governors and lawmakers in all 50 states, as well as the U.S. Congress, that Americans overwhelmingly want honest elections and want laws passed immediately to require a valid picture ID to vote in federal elections.


ACRU will share the results of this survey with your representative in Congress and your two U.S. Senators. We will also share the results of this survey with . . .


o  President Obama and his senior advisors


o  Members of Congress


o  Governors and state lawmakers


o  The nine Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court o Federal judges


o  The news media.


You can be sure an enormous survey like this of 10,000,000 registered voters will receive the focused attention of America's elected officials. You can also expect the results of this survey to receive wide media coverage.


ACRU's Legal Actions to Secure the Ballot


AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS UNION is battling the Obama Justice Department and the Left in courtrooms across America to defend the right of states to pass and enforce their own laws that require a valid picture ID to vote.


What's happening is the few states that require a picture ID to vote are now putting that requirement on hold until the courts rule.


As a result, elections even in states that have relatively good ballot security laws are now wide open to massive ACORN-style vote fraud operations.


That's why it's so important to win these court battles – to give the states the courage and confidence they need to put in place solid ballot security measures, including requiring a valid photo ID to vote.


Voter Education and Mobilization


AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS UNION has also launched a major advertising, direct mail, Internet, and media campaign designed to educate tens of millions of voters about the vote fraud and election fraud crisis that's rapidly destroying the American Constitutional Republic. To view, visit


In all, if we receive the funds we need, we at ACRU expect to mail more than 20,000,000 voter education letters on this issue in 2013 and 2014, as well as to run ads across America on TV, radio, in newspapers, and on the Internet . . . because the only way we can solve the vote fraud crisis is if the American people understand exactly what's happening and how our democracy is being stolen from us.


Surveys show that more than 75 percent of Americans want to require a valid photo ID to vote.


Surveys show that almost no American (except the most radical leftist) wants their vote canceled out by an illegal vote – either by an illegal alien voting, a felon voting illegally, people voting multiple times in an election, or hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of fictitious people voting.


Yet the Left is doing everything in its power to make vote fraud as easy as possible by blocking efforts by states to secure the ballot box.


Infact, the Obama Administration wants automatic voter registration for everyone who gets a driver's license. This would make it almost impossible to prevent non-citizens from voting (because non-citizens can get a driver's license).


Election officials would then have to go through the voter registration rolls, figure out who is a citizen and who isn't, and then take active steps to remove non-citizens from the voter registration rolls.


Can you imagine the chaos this will cause for our election officials? – chaos, of course, being exactly what Obama wants for our elections.


Some liberal politicians (such as New Haven, Connecticut Mayor John DeStefano) are now openly advocating that illegal aliens should be allowed to vote – another reason why every state should require proof of citizenship when registering to vote.


That's why this voter education campaign ACRU has launched is so important – so that America's voters understand exactly what's at stake in this battle to secure the ballot and ensure honest elections.


And that's how we generate overwhelming public pressure on the states to pass laws requiring a valid photo ID to vote. Also important is for the photo ID to indicate who is a citizen and who is not a citizen. because that's really the only way we can stop non-citizens from voting.


Why Your Donation Is So Urgently Needed


As you can see, ACRU's Election Fraud Prevention Project for 2013 [and 2014] is a major undertaking.


We're as determined to stop the rampant election fraud that's destroying our democracy as liberal politicians are about continuing and expanding the fraud.


But we can't succeed without the support of every patriot who receives this letter, and who can see how the Obama political machine and the Left are destroying our Constitutional Republic through massive and systematic election fraud (much of it actually funded by taxpayer money).


THIS IS IMPORTANT: Unlike Obama's allies on the Left, ACRU does not receive one penny of taxpayer money. Nor would we want to. Instead, ACRU relies entirely on voluntary donations from our wonderful supporters – those (like you) who love liberty, love America, and who want honest elections.


Most of our members and supporters send donations in the $25 to $100 range.


Some of our members and supporters are blessed to be in a position to send larger donations of $500, $1,000, or even more – while our other valued supporters are making an equal sacrifice by sending in $15 or even just $10 gifts.


Only you know what you are able to contribute. What's most important is that you make every effort to contribute what you can.


Please help save our magnificent Constitutional Republic from being destroyed by the massive and systematic election fraud we are seeing all across America.


Please use the special pre-addressed reply envelope to return your survey and best gift of support today. I will anxiously wait to hear back from you by return mail in the next few days.



Susan A. Carleson

Chairman, ACRU

(Your Pro-America Answer to the Far-Left ACLU)


P.S.   Your enclosed National Survey of 10,000,000 Registered Voters Concerning Steps to Stop Election Fraud is specifically assigned to you and may only be completed and signed by you. It's important that you sign your survey on the back of the booklet to validate your poll and have it counted.


Also, please don't spend too much time on your survey. Your answers will be more accurate and valuable if you just give your first instinctive response to each question.


We are also in urgent need of donations. Battling the Obama Justice Department in courtrooms across America to defend the right of states to secure their ballots is costly.


The evidence continues to pour in that the Left conducted a vote fraud operation of massive proportions in the 2012 Election. This vote fraud crisis will only get worse in the upcoming 2014 and 2016 elections . . . UNLESS we (you, I, and every patriot who receives this letter) take action to secure the ballot.


So please use the special reply envelope I've enclosed to rush ACRU the very best gift of support you can. Every dollar you send will be used immediately to help ACRU . . .


1) Fight the Obama Justice Department in the federal courts to protect the right of the states to secure their ballots;

2) Pass laws in every state to require a valid photo ID to vote;?

3) Pressure Congress to pass a national law requiring a valid photo ID to vote;

4) Conduct a major national advertising and media campaign to educate tens of millions of Americans citizens about what a dire threat vote fraud and election fraud are to our magnificent republic . . . because we can't solve this crisis if the American people don't understand what's happening; and . . .

5) Aggressively pursue election and vote fraud reports to ensure criminal prosecution.


In total, our Legal & Legislative Action Budget for all this is $18.3 million in 2013. That includes paying our attorneys to battle the Obama Justice Department and our voter education campaign.


I know this is a significant budget for ACRU to raise – but it's small compared to what the pro-Obama Left is spending to make Election Fraud as easy as possible.


Barack Obama and the Left are destroying our great nation before our very eyes, by corrupting our elections. Don't give up on America. Please help!


Thank you for doing everything in your power to stop Barack Obama and the Left from destroying America.


[Please request for the National Survey of 10,000,000 Registered Voters Concerning Steps to Stop Election Fraud and a copy of the kind of legal briefs ACRU files in federal court (ACRU, P.O. Box 96189, Washington, D.C. 20090-6189!)]