40% Death Tax with Lewis Uhler
"A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left." Eccl 10:2-3
"You will know them by their fruits..." Mat 7:15-20
Some of what Lewis K. Uhler, Founder and President of
National Tax Limitation Committee (NTLC), said was, "President Obama and his allies, far-left liberals, used cowardly 'lame duck' session in both 2010 and 2012, in the dark of the night, to send the Death Tax [federal estate tax] skyrocking from 0% to 40%...."
All assets are taxed. "Money in the banks, stocks, and bonds... and homes, furnishings, vehicles, buildings, land, equipment, small businesses, farms, and ranches....
...Conservatives fought so hard to cut the Death Tax in 2001 and 2003 -- and we fought even harder to make sure it would drop to 0% in 2010."
Also, "...a massive tax bill wipes out any hope of survival for small businesses and family owned farms....
The Death Tax is UNFAIR. It punishes those Americans who worked the hardest. It rewards spending rather than saving....
The Death Tax is UNKIND. To have the IRS come knocking just as you lose a loved one is an insult to the grieving.
And the Death Tax is UNNECESSARY. It raises just over 1% of federal revenue - and complying with it costs families as much as it produces in tax revenue....
When a farm, ranch or other family business is sold at a government auction to pay the Death Tax... workers have to be laid off !"
According to a recent poll "...61% of Americans want the Death Tax permanently abolished. 84% think it is unfair to tax earnings when they are earned and again after death. And nearly two-thirds of seniors (age 56+) support the permanent repeal of the Death Tax.
...The Obama-Pelosi-Reid 'lame duck' Death Tax Hike is... trying to 'remake America' into a European-Style welfare state.... It's confiscation and redistribution plain and simple....
And it's also an insult to honest and hard-working Americans who have faithfully paid their taxes and saved for the future."
While we are alive, don't we pay enough taxes on our earnings? After we die, why should we pay a 40% federal estate tax on assets that have already been taxed several times by the same government?
Note: After checking the documented addresses I have collected from conservatives, I counted 161 groups. Over 84 have addresses in Washington, D.C. They are trying to limit the size of government, while the liberals are growing government.
Commonsense conservatives demand personal accountability and responsibility, but a liberal government demands neither. Just look at how the government welfare assistance programs are run and what is required.
If you are a liberal and believe the government should be the one to decide what happens to your money, then do nothing. But if you are a conservative and believe you should be the one who decides what happens to your money, than contact your congressmen or women and complain. Tell them to vote for the Thune and Brady's bill, the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2013 (S. 1183, H.R. 2429).
Do not let America become like Cuba after the rich fled the country, and the leaders and government had their way.
After years of liberal government control and after many doctors have quit and wealthy citizens have left America, all we have left is crumbling infrastructures, crumbling mansions, the sick, poor and slums.
You might not have noticed, there is a small exodus occurring today. For the government is becoming too big bloated] and costly to maintain and support, and has too much control, and there are too many dependents and not enough supporters, with the help of ObamaCare.
— Al, Natalbany
Estate tax in the United States;
Federal Estate Tax Exemption