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From and to Wingz

        Thu, 12 Nov 1998 06:22:07 EST
        Old address,
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Hello there,

I was directed to a horrible site that is masquerading as a Catholic web page. This is where I found your signature and link in their guestbook. I want to asure you that this webpage is NOT a legitimate Catholic site, I visited all their links and found it to be horribly offensive, and not at all what the Church teaches. I am saddened that some have bought into this ruse. This site claims we "worship Mary" which would be a sin, and that we pray for her forgiveness, another sin IF we did it, God alone forgives sins, and it even implied that nuns castrate little boys for their choirs,and that priest and nuns share conjugal visits. As a Catholic, I just wanted to set the record straight and put your mind at ease about our beliefs. This site is truly Satan at work, ala "enmity between your seed and the woman's seed" referred to in Genesis 3:15. ANTI Catholic page, FRAUDULENT<<<

May the Peace of Christ be with you and yours.
Wingz aka Ann


             Re: guestbook
             Sat, 14 Nov 1998 22:17:40 -0800

Al's reply:

Thank you very much for your reply. You have told me a lot that I need to know. It seems each denomination, with each having so many different church groups, there has to be some false teaching somewhere down the line. We have to keep going back to the Scripture, God's Holy Word, to keep us on track. I am thankful that you have an open heart to what I have to say. I am concerned about those that do not read and study the Word properly to learn its truths. And there is some who are children of Satan who twist the Word to fit the occasion and to feed their power hungry heart. The way to life is narrow and at times it is a hard road to travel. If we want to be more like Christ, we will have to follow in His foot steps and maybe die for the faith.

Jesus did not come to condemn but to save. Speaking the truth in love and sometimes shown with strong love may convert a sinner from the error of his way. The word of God is the sword of the Spirit, and with it we can win many of our battles and see many souls saved. Direction and warning signs are very important for the traveler of this world and can direct those that are lost and get them on the right path reaching their destination safely.

Again thank you very much!

With Love in Christ,

The Last Trump
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