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From and to Obadyah

   Subject: Hello
   Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 08:08:38 -0500
   From: "obadyah"     
Read your post on "The Queen of Heaven's board. I see you know some things. Would you like to know the TRUE MESSIAH? His Name is Yahshua...which means Yahweh's Salvation. May The Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh Who raised Yahshua from the dead, bless your understanding. Iyyob

   Subject: How my heart breaks for you my friend.
   Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 08:33:12 -0500
   From: "obadyah" 

In the Name of Yahshua Messiah Yahweh's Son, the Savior of the called out ones, I ask the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh to open your eyes. I am an Exchristian of 47 years, now converted to the Faith of Father Abraham. Eph.4:4-6 I long to share with all the ones Yahweh is calling out of this deceived world, and into His family the TRUTH. Rev.12:9 The desire you have to search the Scriptures can be very fulfilling. I too have that drive to share what Yahweh's PLAN for mankind is. As an Exchristian I am now a member of The House of Yahweh established in these last days just as the Prophet Isayah said in 2:2 and Mic. 4:1. Please take the time to visit our web page at

If I can help you in any way please let me know.

In Yahshua's service

   Subject: Al I see you use the Strongs.
   Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 09:12:41 -0500
   From: "obadyah" 

Think on this.....what if Satan deceived this world into worshiping a title and not the Creator? Rev.12:9 Look up the word LORD and GOD. The Torah reads in Gen.1:1 In the beginning YAHWEH created the heavens and the earth. Now if you know that the first five books were written in Hebrew, then you should understand that the Creator's Name is YAHWEH! This Most Holy Name was removed over 6823 times from the Old Testament alone...WHY? The Greek has no upper case and lower cased letters as our English. 2 Cor. 4:4 reads as follows from "The Book of Yahweh The Holy Scriptures". For the god ( el ) of this world ( SATAN ) has blinded the minds of those who do not believe, so that the light of the message of the glory of the Messiah, Who is the image of Yahweh, should not shine unto them.

King David said in Psalm 23: 6 Surely righteousness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives, and we will dwell in THE HOUSE OF YAHWEH FOREVER.

Yahshua ( Joshua ) 24: 15 from The Book of Yahweh reads; But if it seems evil to you to serve Yahweh, then choose for yourselevs this day whom you will serve----whether the gods ( elohim ) your fathers served on the other side of the River; Euphrates, or the gods ( elohim ) of the Amorites in whose land we now live; BUT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE YAHWEH!

Al it is all in A NAME Acts 4:12 means just what it says. Only ONE NAME has Salavtion in it ...not a translation of that NAME....THAT NAME IS YAHSHUA which means Yahweh's Salvation. No 2424 in the Strong's.

As an Exchristian I can tell you this whole world worships SATAN the GOD of this world. Rev.12:9 The deceived preachers teach the Rapture along with all the other lies. I see from your study that you now understand it is not Scriptural.

If you can understand this ONE THING the Holy Scriptures will open up to you....YAHWEH IS NOT A GOD! Matt.6:9 we are to call on the Creator as OUR FATHER.

That word GOD is only a belongs to SATAN the GOD of this world. 2 Cor.4:4 The deception that has deceived this whole world has been brought about through TRANSLATIONS of the Hebrew into other languages and the final straw was the English translation which hid the Name YAHWEH!

I have a great booklet titled "Who is LORD GOD? Who is BAAL?" Would you like a copy?

May Yahweh's Holy Spirit bless your understanding Iyyob


   Subject: Re: Al I see you use the Strongs.
   Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 14:36:50 -0700
   From: "Al"
   Organization: Carpentry/Ministry
   To: Obadyah 

Al's reply:

Dear Obadyah,

I appreciate you writing. I believe I might understand a little where you are coming from. Some people who say they are Christian, by looking at their fruits, are not sincere (Mat 7:14-20). In the past and in today's world, Christian can mean any kind of person, an American from the Clan to the Nazi, from the Catholic to the Protestant and all in between. I consider myself a true Christian, one who follows Christ and is born again by the Spirit of God (John 3:1-8).

My God and Lord, who you refer to as YAHWEH and YAHSHUA in Hebrew, is the Creator. I began to know Him while trying to get off drugs in Germany in 1972. I desperately needed Him to prove to me there was more to life and that He was the Creator. At my wits-end, God directed me to a map of the world and my eyes fell on Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Then it seemed my life had some hope and I could live again. I had been raised in a Christian home and I did not understand it all at the time nor do I now. When I got back to the USA I was invited to a Baptist Church and I begun to know (believe and receive) Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. It was not until about 5 or 6 months later, after I left El Paso, Texas, when I was in a Bible school in Indiana, that I experience a reassuring presence of God's Holy Spirit. It was so overwhelming with such Joy Unspeakable that I had to ask God to turn it off. I wish I would not of said those words, because I have not experienced such a joy as that since then. Still yet, God Almighty continues to reassure me of His Presence in my heart.

Forgive me if it offends you when I use the term God and Lord. In my life He, not the devil, is my Lord, LORD, Savior (substitute Lamb sacrifice for my sins), High Priest, Love because He did Love me first, Maker-Creator, Mediator, Father in heaven, and a host of other names. When I see Jesus my Savior in all what He did and is doing, I see my Father in Heaven too who means so much to me. He the Father is Spirit (John 4:21-25) and so is the Word who took on a body (John 1:14) to show us the way, heal, forgive and become the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8). When I say my Lord (who is over my life), I talk of Jesus who is the Only Begotten Son of God the Father (John 3:16), they are one (John 5:7). As I understand it, the one we call Jesus is the same one we both know as the Messiah, the Christ.

The things that I have learned over the years about the Creator has been from word of testimony and from His word (Rev 6:9). Even when I did not have some one to preach the word to me in Germany, in time, the LORD brought to me the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Although there are hundreds of different religions, there is only one way to God the Father and that is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). That day in Germany is when He started putting me on the right course, a time I will never forget. He loved me first, was there when I needed Him, and continues to be there.

Not all people who call Jesus Lord (Mat 7:21-23) and say they are Christians are truly Christians. When Jesus was casting out devils, He would not let the devils speak because they knew Him (Mark 1:23-26,34, 5:1-5; Luke 4:33-36,41, 8:26-39; Mat 8:28-34;). This does not mean the devils believed on Him and received Him to become God's children (John 1:12-14). The devil can not be saved. The devils believe that there is one God and tremble (James 2:19). Many of these so called Christians who hate, murder and say they love God need to check out there salvation with God and "Study to show thyself (themselves) approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly (that means rightly) dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim 2:15 KJV). God is Love and the author of it (John 4:6-21).

I have studied some information on the link you have given me. Thank you again for writing.

With Love in Christ!

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