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One wrongful arrests, one death
(Printed by Daily Star, 10-2-2018)
Obama's (1, 2, 3) Sidekick Biden (C), (Chameleon) Harris!

My comments here are not about the honorable deputies, the sheriff or his office but about one possibly two questionable and unethical deputies [who took part in the incidents referenced to in this article]. Respectable deputies are our servants, who at times lay their lives on the line and should be commended and held to the highest standard.

My main objective in this article is to motivate authorities into weeding out the unethical ones.

[In brief] The November 2016 arrest and death of a 36-year-old Navy veteran and entrepreneur, and one June 9, 2018, wrongful arrest of a civil property matter, which should never have been a criminal one, of a 67-year-old Army veteran, ordained preacher, self-employed, retiree (who has no convictions) are different, but there are a few noteworthy similarities in deputies' arrests, and one in particular, the same arresting deputy present in both.

The June 6, 2018, wrongful arrest came about when neighbor called to have him arrested for cutting, cleaning and stacking overhanging/trespassing limbs that branch off from a badly leaning oak tree that is on questionable property--the irony is, he got permission from neighbor.

Neighbor's pine tree had already fallen on his storm fence. The deputy took sides and would not look at the accused property information but interpreted neighbor's property lines and colluded with him (who has a deputy son) at his house.

Neighbor had to lie to have accused arrested on four criminal charges, which would have made him a felon. He was unethical, harshly and surprisingly taken down from behind (injuring his right arm) on his own driveway rocks, at first not knowing that he was under arrest.

About two months later charges were rejected by the district attorney's office, for it was a civil property matter, not a criminal one.

To make things worse, accused property marker was pulled up on three different occasions. Neighbor's deputy son possibly witnessed two of them.

The wrongful arrest report has so many untruths in it. Deputies sometimes write their reports from memory when they go to the parish jail, back to the substation or wherever, and according to a former deputy, some deputies record untruths (lies) in their arrests reports.

What was written about the arrest of Navy veteran and entrepreneur have untruths in it also, and did deputies have to go to the extreme with him that he died? Neither arrested persons by the same deputy had weapons.

Does the citizen taxpayers have any rights? We appear to be gradually losing them. Guilty until proven innocent, instead of the other way around, and the deputy becomes judge, jury and executioner. This unethical deputy needs to know the difference between civil and criminal matters and seek for justice, and not for promotion and rewards. The irony is, he is now a detective.

We may never fully know if the deputies' arrest of Navy veteran and entrepreneur is all true. He is not able to defend himself now because he died at the hands of deputies. But I believe this June 9, 2018, wrongful arrest of a civil property matter will help motivate authorities to action.

An investigation by the Internal Affairs (and maybe by others) into both arrest matters (incidents) with the same arresting deputy is warranted, which should include the neighbor's deputy son who possibly witnessed the property marker removal.

Don't let one or two bad apples ruin the whole bunch.

— Al, "The Truth will set You Free"! — Tickfaw

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