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Nancy Pelosi rips up Trump's speech Trump Address China Coronavirus on Hindustan Times Trump on Democrats Politizing Coronavirus on The Telegraph ACH Make Up Rules C-Vine News Network, If Eric  Ciaramella is the real whistleblower Chuck Schumer Threatens Two Supreme Court Justices (1, 2, 3, 4)! Eric Trump, polls were wrong the first time and they will be wrong again Eric Trump, polls are wrong...are manipulated...aren't accurate Joe and Kamala lie to protect the mob
New York Post, Biden Secret E-mails 10-27-20 Tony Bobulinski Joe Biden knew about Hunter's business deals President Donald J Trump Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption! Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump 100% right..Joe Biden and his corruption Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump (2-25-21) I told you so...this is the Truth about Joe Biden Jon Voight Academy Award winning Christian actor, Biden is evil, Trump must win! Kirstie Alley voting for Pres. Trump, Mother, actress, Lover of CAPS, lemurs and off color language U.S. Actor Matthew McConaughey ...embrace the President Rush Limbaugh  It s got to be Donald Trump Jon Voight Academy Award winning Christian actor, Fight now for Trump's Victory! BardsFM American Patriot Patrick Byrne discuss shocking revelations about our election, our freedom and our future... on YouTube Lin Wood FIERY Speech Telling GA Candidates to Fight for TRUMP! John Schneider Don t trust them. They are playing you. Greg Kelly Tony Bobulinski The Patriot Greg Kelly Pres. Trump has Wisdom and Courage Greg Kelly Pres. Trump the Peace Maker Greg Kelly Biden is a Natural Born Liar Beijing Biden, Jesse Watters' on Fox Biden Tyranny

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Vote Christian (Links1) Conservative (Links2)! Exposing Dems! 100% Certainty! The Word Witness...Twisted [an inquisition]! Hydroxychloroquine on Wikipedia (9-9-20) The jury is in on Hydroxychloroquine    it saves lives : Rowan Dean Remdesivir on Wikipedia Remdesivir on Wikipedia Survival Know How Face Masks! Trump Address China Coronavirus on Hindustan Times 2-4-20! Trump on Democrats Politizing Coronavirus on The Telegraph 2-29-20! Eric Trump, polls are...are manipulated...!
President Trump on reopening the economy
Pelosi Smear Tactics (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)!
Pelosi Visits Chinatown Amid Coronavirus!
Schumer Threatens Two Supreme Court Justices (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)! Adam Schiff Lies (1)! ProTrump!Green Right Arrow
Remdesivir on Wikipedia The Silent Majority, The Lord chose David, We chose Trump President Trump will have a Second Win Three Branches will win, Vote for Life Tim Sheets We Win Tim Sheets Supernatural U-Turns Gen 12:3

EXPOSED: DNC Group Teaches Illigals how to VOTE Clinton-Lynch clandestine tarmac meeting Minn. Somali Leader Confirms Ilhan Omar DID Marry Her Brother U.S. Justice Foundation The Sovereignty Project The Sovereignty Project One Citizen Speaking Tea Party PAC The Lid DC Dirty Laundry Brandon Straka #WalkAwayCampaign on YouTube American Thinker Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Article VI of the Constitution, no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification Democrates vs. Republicans The Epoch Times The Epoch Times on YouTube Intro, Videos, News, Ads (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)! RNC Day 1 | RNC Day 2 | RNC Day 3 | RNC Day 4 | Books to Read! President...nominate...appoint...(Article II, Section 2)! Eric Trump, polls...wrong last...wrong again2! U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away afa Biblical Signs Can a Christian vote Democrat (2, 3)? RINO RESISTANCE! Ballot Harvesting Ilhan Omar's District! Article VI of the Constitution, no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification Trump...condemned white supremacy...! How Many Days till Presidential Election Rush Limbaugh  It s got to be Donald Trump Donald Trump Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption!
The Electoral College!
begun a good work in you will perform it until the Day of Jesus Christ

Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Overwhelming Proof of Voter Fraud Every Legal Vate website

Banner: Lin Wood FIERY Speech Telling GA Candidates to Fight for TRUMP!

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Trish Intel Podcast on https://podcasts.apple.com/ NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV Grant Stinchfield with NEWSMAXTV Chris Salcedo with Newsmax
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2020 Democrats should listen to 2016 Democrats about having nine Supreme Court Justices | The Vortex The Lie | Luciferian Bishops | The Elitist Hierarchy | Post-Election Special: Trump s Trap!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube (12-20-20) Astronomers closer to finding the Star of Bethlehem with rare planetary alignment (Astronomers are one step closer to finding the Star of Bethlehem as Jupiter and Saturn will be in extremely close alignment in a rare cosmological event tomorrow. Prominent astronomer Johannes Kepler, who discovered the laws of planetary motion, believed the star to be the conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus...)!
Dutch Sheets, Prophecy News on YouTube Dutch Sheets on YouTube (12-20-20) [SUNDAY SPECIAL] GOD IS RESHAPING AMERICA | DUTCH | A Strategic and Defining Dream | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Day 44 | Report from the White House on the Battle for Religious Freedom -GH15:Daily Prayer with Dutch Day 45!
U.S. Senate BlazeTV U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (12-20-20) Ted Cruz Exposes SHOCKING Federal Funding of Hollywood, Introduces Bill to Cut It Over Censorship (Senator Ted Cruz exposed the federal funding of Hollywood on the Senate floor this week and introduced a bill to cut it over there Chinese censorship...)!
Doug TenNapel on YouTube Doug TenNapel on YouTube (12-20-20) The Book of Haggai: Pray for the House of God, Your Country and Your Own House!
Beyond the Noise on YouTube Beyond the Noise with David Zhang on YouTube (12-19-20) Trump's Grand Plan To Stabilize The US: Three Secretaries Activate Full Offense? (Three major development happened on Friday. We covered only one in our last episode. So today we will break down two more. As well, what can we say about the next two weeks?...)
Doug TenNapel on YouTube Doug TenNapel on YouTube (12-19-20) 200,000 NEW BALLOTS Found in Wisconsin! Trump Can't Stop Winning!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube (12-19-20) SPECIAL REPORT: New link between Hunter Biden s business dealings and his father (Americans are beginning to hear allegations about possible corruption involving Hunter Biden that implicate his father but which had been previously suppressed by social media giants and many in the media...) | US officials add Chinese companies to trade blacklist (Officials in the United States have placed an additional 77 Chinese companies onto a new trade blacklist. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross says the goal is to stop American technology from being used to strengthen China s military...)!
Beyond the Noise on YouTube Beyond the Noise with David Zhang on YouTube (12-18-20) Freightened Justices In the Supreme Court; Pentagon Deny Transition Team To Top Secrets (The Supreme Court failed to uphold justice...) (6-20-20) Sen. Cotton blasts Justice Roberts: He should follow the law or resign!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV (12-18-20) Biased, hateful thieves | Greg Kelly (Joe [O]Biden lies)!
Dutch Sheets, Prophecy News on YouTube Dutch Sheets on YouTube (12-18-20) An Explosive Revelation is Coming | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Day 43 | DUTCH SHEETS LAUNCHS THE THIRD GREAT AWAKENING | DUTCH SHEETS 2020 (Dutch Sheets, dutchsheets.org)!
Church Militant on YouTube Right Side Broadcasting Network Videos Right Side Broadcasting Network Radio on YouTube Right Side Broadcasting Network Radio on twitter (12-18-20) The Vortex It's China (The Chinese communist party got Joe Biden elected... The GOP in seven states...have now issued their own competing slats of electors...) | Catholic Post-Election Special: Courts Ignoring Evidence (Shewhorides withdolls: Roberts name was on the manifest for a ride with Epstein. He needs to be removed from the SCOTUS. He is truly damaging our Nation | w. Agliw: Courts do not want the riots at their door. They are cowards and refuse to do what is right) | Gabriel Perez: What do you get when you gather together, Brutus, Judas, and Benedict Arnold??? A watered down version of our supreme court (6-20-20) Sen. Cotton blasts Justice Roberts: He should follow the law or resign!
Doug TenNapel on YouTube (12-18-20) Maricopa Supervisors Will NOT Comply with Trump FORENSIC AUDIT on Vote Machines | FULL FORENSIC AUDIT in Arizona Enables TRUMP WIN!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox & Friends First Tom Cotton (R-AR) Senate Armed Service Committee Tom Cotton (R-AR) Senate Armed Service Committee on YouTube (6-20-20) Sen. Cotton blasts Justice Roberts: He should follow the law or resign!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox & Friends First Rachel Campos-Duffy Fox News contributor (12-18-20) Joe Biden finally responds to questions about Hunter's business dealings (Rachel Campos-Duffy, host of 'MOMS' on Fox Nation, reacts to new Biden claim on 'Fox & Friends First'... 10 percent of those who voted for Joe Biden...would not have voted for Joe Biden if they had known about this story (him lying about not knowing about his son's involvement with China). If 10 percent of people who voted for Joe Biden wouldn't have, then all six swing states would have flipped for Donald Trump)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Fox Business Alert Lou Dobbs Tonight Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Brian Robert Morgenstern American attorney and political advisor serving as White House Deputy Press Secretary on Wikipedia Mark Meredith with Fox News Mark Meredith with Fox News on Twitter (12-18-20) Lou Dobbs attacks former national security director's latest statement | Lou Dobbs: The federal government has left us zero confidence ('Lou Dobbs Tonight' host Lou Dobbs reports the latest on the cyberattack... Mark Meredith)!
U.S. House of Representative Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (12-18-20) McCarthy says Swalwell should not serve on Intel Committee following FBI briefing (House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy speaks to press following FBI briefing on Rep. Eric Swalwell's connection to a Chinese spy)!
Your Prophetic Community Lana Vawser Ministries website (12-18-20) A Tidal Wave is Coming! | Prophetic Word from Lana Vawser (In this video, you'll receive a prophetic word from Sister Lana Vawser Ministries - FB Videos as she shares with Pastor Alan DiDio what God spoken to her concerning 2021 and you...)!
Life Site News website Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation on Twitter U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee on facbook Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) Senate Foreign Relations Committee Kenneth Winston Starr Kenneth Winston Starr Book Contempt Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) on Twitter Rick Scott U.S. Senator of Florida on Wikipedia (12-17-20) "74 Million Americans are not going to shut up" 2020 Election Irregularities Hearings (12/16/20) (Fireworks erupted in the US Senate as some witnesses gave impassioned pleas to defend election integrity from fraud and abuse... James Troupis; Jesse Binnall's) | Explosive interview with lawyer leading religious freedom wins (Christopher Ferrara serves as Special Counsel of the Thomas More Society and he has been a busy lately, leading victories for SSPX priests and a New York Rabbi in landmark victories against the states of New York, New Jersey and California...)!
Beyond the Noise on YouTube Beyond the Noise with David Zhang on YouTube American Thought Leaders, The Epoch Times on YouTube (12-17-20) Ratcliffe: DNI Report Must Expose Chinese Interference;Trump Must Make The Next Move!
China in Focus - NTD on YouTube (12-17-20) Top US lawmaker and wife with ties to China; Chinese authorities beat disabled woman (A paraplegic Chinese woman has been fighting for her rights for seven years...We breakdown the US Secretary of Transportation s relation to the CCP and that of her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell...)!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Rob Finnerty with Wakeup America, NEWSMAXTV on YouTube (12-17-20) RNC spokesperson: The fight still continues (RNC spokesperson Liz Harrington comments on the crucial Georgia runoff election which will determine Senatorial party control...)!
Dutch Sheets, Prophecy News on YouTube Dutch Sheets on YouTube (12-17-20) Jezebel is Being Thrown Down | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Day 42 (Dutch Sheets, dutchsheets.org)!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Mike Huckabee Author The Three C's that made America Great (12-17-20) THIS ISN T OVER! EXPLOSIVE Senate Hearing On Election FRAUD | Breakdown | Huckabee (Learn about the explosive hearing on election fraud. Even though it may seem to be over, there may be more to come...)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Lou Dobbs Tonight Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century U.S. Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) U.S. Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) on Ballotpedia (12-17-20) Cybersecurity breaches should 'frighten all Americans': Rep. Stewart (Rep. Chris Stewart, R-UT, details the severity of the latest cyberattack on the federal government)!
Doug TenNapel on YouTube Doug TenNapel on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business (12-16-20) Bartiromo: Intel Source Told Me Trump Won!
U.S. Senate Team Trump on facebook BlazeTV C-Span The Hill on YouTube Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook NewsNOW from Fox on YouTube OAN One America News Network Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation on Twitter Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation on YouTube U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee on facbook Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) Senate Foreign Relations Committee Kenneth Winston Starr Kenneth Winston Starr Book Contempt Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) on Twitter Rick Scott U.S. Senator of Florida on Wikipedia (12-16-20) Examining Irregularities in the 2020 Election (Sen. Ron Johnson, Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, held this hearing on December 16, 2020 to look at irregularities in the 2020 election...) | Senate Hearing EXPLODES When GOP Catches Democrat in Russian Disinformation Lie (Things just got WILD at a Senate hearing today when GOP senators caught Democrats in a blatant Russian disinformation lie called out by Sen. Ron Johnson...) (2) | Sen. Josh Hawley slammed those upset with Republicans who feel the election was "rigged" (President-elect Joe Biden and Democrats' calls for unity after "years of trying to delegitimize President Donald Trump," and social media companies for suppressing Hunter Biden reports, while questioning Ken Starr) | Rand Paul: "The election was in many ways stolen" (Days after electors voted to make it official that Joe Biden is president-elect, and one day after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell congratulated Biden on his victory, Sen. Rand Paul said at a congressional hearing that the election was "in many ways stolen") | Sen. Hawley EXPOSES Dem Hypocrisy With Election Fraud: 74M Americans Aren t Going to Shut Up (Sen. Josh Hawley just took a stand today in a Senate hearing when it came to Democrats and theiy hypocrisy with election fraud saying: 74 million Americans aren t going to shut up. WATCH Senate hearing EXPLODE when GOP catches Dems in Russian disinformation LIE) | Hearing explodes as GOP senator accuses Dem of spreading Russian misinfo (The Senate Homeland Security Committee conduct a hearing to explore 'irregularities' in the 2020 election) | "MAJOR ELECTION ISSUES" Ron Johnson Says Election 2020 NEEDS To Be Looked At | NewsNOW From FOX (The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is set to hold the first congressional hearing next week to examine the irregularities in the 2020 presidential election) | Jesse Binnall's opening statement on evidence of election fraud in Nevada (Jesse Binnall's opening statement on evidence of election fraud in Nevada before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee) | Senator Lankford Stands with Americans Right to Verify US Election Results (On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, Senator James Lankford (R-OK) participated in a hearing of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee entitled, Examining Irregularities in the 2020 Election. The Committee discussed the several irregularities in the 2020 election and how states can protect against election fraud moving forward)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube Bill Hemmer with Fox News Channel Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation on Twitter (12-16-20) Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson on 'explosive' accusation colleagues spread Russian disinformation!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Fox News Channel Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Maria Bartiromo Mornings on Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Author The Cost Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Fox News Contributor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Author Speaking for Myself (12-16-20) X Sarah Sanders calls Biden's appointees 'a bunch of Obama retreads' (Former White House Press Secretary and Fox News Contributor Sarah Huckabee Sanders weighs in... Too many people have throwed in the towel; President Trump is still fighting to win re-election - Al)!
NTD on YouTube (12-16-20) Trump team: 200,000 votes counted in Wis. are not legal; Trump blasts McConnell, tells (Nevada s vote anomalies are brought up in the first federal hearing on election today, an election integrity watchdog accuses Facebook s CEO of influencing the election through hundreds of millions of dollars in donations) | AZ lawmakers urge Congress to count Trump electors; Groups oppose botched Electoral College | NTD (2) | $500M from Zuckerberg used to undermine election: report; Senate hearing highlights | NTD!
NTD on YouTube (12-15-20) New resolution urges battleground states to appoint new electors; Police shut out GOP electors in MI | Unprecedented? 7 states' electors cast dueling votes for Trump; Dominion CEO testifies| NTD Business!
Mississippi Today website (12-15-20) Mississippi electors vote Trump, top officials cast doubt about election results in other states!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook The Developing Story on Fox News Channel Martha Maccallum on The Story on Fox News Channel U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee on facbook (12-15-20) Big Tech execs donated thousands to Biden while blocking Hunter story; Hawley reacts (Sen. Josh Hawley, R-MO, weighs in on top executives at Facebook and Twitter who donated tens of thousands of dollars to President-elect Joe Biden's campaign...)!
Zooming In with Simone Gao on YouTube (12-15-20) Trump Electors, Stop The Steal Coalition Hold Press Conference on Capitol Hill!
The Hill on YouTube (12-14-20) Kansas Electors cast their Electoral Votes for President Trump | Texas electors vote to call on battleground states to appoint Trump electors | West Virginia Electors cast their Electoral Votes for President Trump!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV Greg Kelly Tony Bobulinski The Patriot Greg Kelly Pres. Trump has Wisdom and Courage Greg Kelly Pres. Trump the Peace Maker Beijing Biden, Jesse Watters' on Fox (12-14-20) To my fellow deplorables | Greg Kelly ('To my fellow deplorables...' - Greg speaks to the group of Trump supporters who won't give up, and won't give in to that 'sick, warped' little media culture. - via Greg Kelly Reports...)!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Rob Finnerty with Wakeup America, NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Mike Pompeo Secretary of State (12-14-20) Our true foreign threat | Mike Pompeo tells all (Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joins Newsmax TV to discuss the influence and power he sees the Chinese Communist Party maintain over certain lawmakers, and how with President Trump the country ceased to 'bend the knee' to China, plus his concerns about election integrity, the foreign policy decisions of a possible Biden administration, and more. - with Rob Finnerty on Wake Up America)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Lou Dobbs Tonight Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Tom Fitton with Judicial Watch Tom Fitton with Judicial Watch Author A Republic Under Assault (12-14-20) Lou Dobbs: A lot more revelations to come (Lou Dobbs breaks down the threat Russia and China poses to the United States) | Lou Dobbs gives fiery reaction to Attorney General Barr's resignation (Lou Dobbs and Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton react to AG William Barr's resignation and the ongoing Durham probe)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Maria Bartiromo Mornings on Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Author The Cost Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook (12-14-20) McCarthy: Pelosi wanted to 'hurt' Trump by withholding stimulus!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Maria Bartiromo Mornings on Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Author The Cost U.S. Senator Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) U.S. Senator Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) on Ballotpedia Michael Thomas Flynn retired United States Army lieutenant general, 25th National Security Advisor 22 days of the Trump administration until his resignation Ken Paxton AG of TX on Wikipedia U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (12-13-20) Perdue blasts 'out of state' money as Georgia Senate spending expected to hit $500M | Gen. Michael Flynn on Trump legal team s election challenges | Texas AG Paxton on Supreme Court rejecting election lawsuit | Rep. Jordan on Swalwell scandal: 'There are some fundamental questions here' (2) (6-20-20) Sen. Cotton blasts Justice Roberts: He should follow the law or resign!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube (12-13-20) Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party (A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson)!
XVideos taken down Viceroy Trump on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Lou Dobbs Tonight Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine (12-13-20) Lou Dobbs Tonight about Hunter Biden, and with Sidney Powell about Dominion (2) (#FoxBusiness #Dobbs)!
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Mike Huckabee Author The Three C's that made America Great (12-13-20) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED | Huckabee (The runoff elections in Georgia are historic on many levels. This election will determine the balance of the Senate and the balance of power for the entire U.S. government. It is a scary thought...)!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube Rowan Dean Sky News host Rowan Dean is an Australian advertising executive, television presenter and social commentator Rita Panahi Sky News host James Morrow Sky News host (12-12-20) Donald Trump has brought peace to the Middle East | Media 'buried' Hunter Biden story to get dodgy Joe over the line!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook (12-12-20) China wants to influence public opinion in the US: Former FBI agent (Chris Swecker former FBI special agent)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Charles Payne with Fox Business Network (12-12-20) Trump admin brokered new era of peace, prosperity in Middle East: Foreign policy expert (Foreign policy expert Michelle Makori on President Trump's 'groundbreaking' success in the Middle East with four peace deals. #FoxBusiness)!
U.S. House of Representative BlazeTV U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (12-11-20) Ted Cruz EXPLODES on Big Tech With Blistering Rant AND Brings the Receipts (Senator Ted Cruz just WENT OFF on Big Tech during a Senate hearing and left the Democrats speechless. WATCH Dan Crenshaw TRASHES Nancy Pelosi From the House Floor in Fiery Speech)!
The Truth on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV (12-11-20) TRUMP & PENCE : LAWSUIT BATTLEGROUND (MIKE PENCE : "So far just in the last few days... 18 States have joined the Lonestar state to defend the integrity of our elections before the highest court in the land... Dr. John Easton council of records for trump)!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube American Agenda NEWSMAXTV (12-11-20) Joe was in on it | Rob Schmitt (Rob Schmitt examines the latest surrounding the Hunter Biden Scandal, Joe Biden's involvement and the media ignoring the facts - via Newsmax TV's 'American Agenda')!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Outnumbered on Fox Outnumbered Overtime with Harris Faulkner on Fox (12-11-20) Trump rips Barr over report he knew about Hunter Biden probe (President Trump responded via Twitter to the report that Attorney General Barr was aware of the investigation into Hunter Biden's taxes and kept it from the public)!
NTD on YouTube (12-11-20) Texas: States neglected election problems; Cuomo bans NYC indoor dining from Monday | NTD Business | Facebook fact-checker funded by Chinese money; Arizona GOP to file election case in SCOTUS | NTD | Ex-military warns color revolution tactics used against Trump; Dominion allows vote changing | NTD!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook The Breaking Story on Fox News Channel Martha Maccallum on The Story on Fox News Channel (12-11-20) Fourth federal investigation into Hunter Biden revealed (There are reportedly four pending investigations against Hunter Biden; Former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman and Victor Davis Hanson weigh in on 'The Story' with Martha MacCallum)!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube John Bachman with NEWSMAXTV (12-10-20) I'm not surprised by any of this | Marc Lotter (Former Director of Strategic Communications, Trump 2020 Marc Lotter on the news surrounding a Hunter Biden tax investigation, why did they wait, why Lara is the GOP's favorite in North Carolina and more - via Newsmax TV's 'John Bachman Now'...)!
11Alive website 11Alive on YouTube (12-10-20) Georgia Secretary of State's Office files response to Texas election lawsuit (Georgia responded to the motion filed by the Texas Attorney General seeking to overturn presidential elections in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Lou Dobbs Tonight Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine (12-10-20) Sidney Powell raises questions about security of voting machines (Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell discusses election integrity in the 2020 race. #FoxBusiness #Dobbs)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook The Breaking Story on Fox News Channel Martha Maccallum on The Story on Fox News Channel U.S. Representative Burgess Owens (R-UT) on Ballotpedia (12-10-20) Crime spikes in this city amid $8M police budget cut (Former Minneapolis Councilmen and Rep-elect Burgess Owens, R-UT, reacts to Minneapolis slashing budget as crime rates increasing)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Outnumbered on Fox Outnumbered Overtime with Harris Faulkner on Fox Katie Pavlich on website (12-10-20) Katie Pavlich: The media 'buried' Hunter Biden laptop story (Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich weighs in on the media's kid-gloves treatment of Hunter Biden during his father's 2020 campaign)!
U.S. House of Representative Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip on YouTube U.S. Representative of Wyoming House Republican Conference Chair on facebook Steve Chabot Republican Congressman of Ohio on Wikipedia U.S. Representative Jaime harrera Beutler (R-WA) U.S. Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) on Wikipedia (12-10-20) House GOP call for immediate PPP, slam Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff (House Republicans hold press conference to extend the Paycheck Protection Program) | McCarthy blasts Swalwell during GOP press conference (House Republicans will discuss the need to "immediately" extend the Paycheck Protection Program... Repulicans Small Business Committee. Sarah W. Chief Operating Officer Lost Dog Cafe Washington D.C. speaks)!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube Chris Kenny Sky News host (12-10-20) EXCLUSIVE: Facebook s independent fact-checking certifier exposed as Hillary Clinton supporter | Antitrust lawsuit filed against Facebook by 48 US states 'may have legs' (Media entrepreneur Kosha Gada says a recent antitrust lawsuit filed against Facebook by 48 US states might have legs since breaking up big tech has "bipartisan support" across the US and globally...) | Rose McGowan backs McConaughey, calls the left condescending (Actress Rose McGowan has backed up Matthew McConaughey s comments about the left, slamming Hollywood for being condescending, northern elite media liberals )!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Fox Business Exclusive Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo Mornings on Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Author The Cost Michael Thomas Flynn retired United States Army lieutenant general, 25th National Security Advisor 22 days of the Trump administration until his resignation (12-9-20) General Flynn wants to know where the Durham report is!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Outnumbered on Fox Outnumbered Overtime with Harris Faulkner on Fox Ken Paxton AG of TX on Wikipedia Brett Tolman US Attorney on Wikipedia (12-9-20) 10 states challenging Pennsylvania mail-in ballots (Former federal prosecutor Brett Tolman weighs in on challenges to election results. Ken Paxton (R) Texas Attorney General)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Neil Cavuto Your World with Fox News Channel (12-9-20) Hunter Biden 'tax affairs' under federal investigation (The U.S. Attorney s Office in Delaware is investigating Hunter Biden s tax affairs, President-elect Joe Biden s son confirmed on Wednesday, saying he is taking the matter very seriously and is confident he handled his affairs legally and appropriately )!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Martha Maccallum on The Story on Fox News Channel Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Fox News Contributor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Author Speaking for Myself (12-9-20) Should Eric Swalwell sit on the House Intel Committee? Sarah Sanders weighs in (Former Press Secretary Sarah Sanders calls Rep. Eric Swalwell "absurd and ridiculous." Sarah Sanders also weighs in on Pete Buttigieg potentially becoming Ambassador to China)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook After the Bell on Fox Business Connell McShane with Fox News Channel (12-9-20) Facebook drops sharply after FTC, 48 states announce antitrust lawsuit (#FoxBusiness)!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV (12-8-20) AZ Chair EXPOSES HUGE Duplicate Ballots Case (Kelli Ward Chairwoman, Arizona Republican Party. AZ Supreme Court to hear election challemge)!
Zooming In with Simone Gao on YouTube President Donald J Trump (12-8-20) Will Dec. 8 Put an End to Trump s Legal Efforts? U.S. Constitution has the Answer (Mark Serrano)!
NTD on YouTube (12-8-20) LIVE: Arizona Republicans call for decertification of election results (Dec. 7) | NTD!
U.S. House of Representative Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook House Freedom Caucus on YouTube (12-8-20) House Freedom Caucus hold presser slamming House Democrats!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube Chris Kenny Sky News host The Daily Telegraph Miranda Devine, Daily Telegraph columnist (12-7-20) Trump Supreme Court fight could throw giant spanner [spin, wrench] in the works (Supreme Court hearing for Trump s legal battle in Pennsylvania could throw a giant spanner [spin, wrench] in the works of Joe Biden s supposed victory, according to Sky News contributor Daisy Cousens...) | Radical Democrats will push Biden to abolish electoral college and stack supreme court (Socialist Democrats will push Joe Biden to radically remake America should the party control the House, the Senate, and the White House, according to New York Post columnist Miranda Devine...)!
Father Frank Pavone on YouTube Father Frank Pavone on Twitter Jay Sekulow on YouTube (12-7-20) Breaking: Justice Alito Orders Response in PA Case (Jay Sekulow Live, we discussed the breaking news that Justice Alito has ordered a response in the Pennsylvania election case. Justice Alito wants a response before the electors are seated) | BREAKING Next 24 hrs crucial in President Trump's election battle!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube (12-7-20) Michigan Hearing Testimonies: GOP Poll Workers Harassed; Military Ballots all for Biden!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo Mornings on Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Author The Cost Lee Carter pollster with Fox News U.S. Actor Matthew McConaughey U.S. Actor Matthew McConaughey ...embrace the President U.S. Actor Matthew McConaughey ...embrace the President, Author Greenlights (12-7-20) Matthew McConaughey calls out the 'illiberal left' Hollywood colleagues during his sit down on Russell Brand's podcast!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Charles Payne with Fox Business Network U.S. Representative Burgess Owens (R-UT) on Ballotpedia (12-7-20) Burgess Owens blasts article on 'deprogramming' Trump supporters (Rep.-elect Burgess Owens, R-UT, on divisions in the U.S. following the election, coronavirus shutdowns, protecting American freedoms and being a part of the Freedom Force. #FoxBusiness)!
Church Militant on YouTube (12-7-20) Catholic Post-Election Special: Court Clashes Continue (12-6-20) U.S. Congressman John Ratcliffe; (12-6-20) U.S. Representative Mo Brooks; Mark Serrano; Brian Kennedy; Real America's Voice!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube Bill Hemmer with Fox News Channel U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (12-7-20) Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, to argue Pennsylvania mail-in ballot case if it gets to Supreme Court (Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, has pushed for the Supreme Courts involvement in the Pennsylvania case. This would be the 10th oral argument Ted Cruz has made in the highest court) | Ted Cruz joins legal effort to overturn Pennsylvania 2020 election results!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo Mornings on Fox Business on facebook Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Author The Cost U.S. Congressman John Ratcliffe Director of National Intelligence on Twitter Alan Dershowitz Harvard Law School professor Kenneth Winston Starr Kenneth Winston Starr Book Contempt Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Common Sense Podcast Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (12-6-20) DNI Ratcliffe: China is threatening US militarily, economically, technologically | Trump team moves forward with election challenges | Giuliani says invalid ballots in Wisconsin would overturn election if tossed!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube The Benny Report NEWSMAXTV U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (12-6-20) Rep. Jim Jordan on Newsmax (When you have a third [or half] of the electorate in your country who feel like an election was stolen, that is a major problem...We need to do an investigation) (12-8-20)!
NTD on YouTube CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube Right Side Broadcasting Network Videos Right Side Broadcasting Network Radio on YouTube Right Side Broadcasting Network Radio on twitter (12-6-20) Michigan Hearing: Dem. Senator Jeff Irwin GETS DESTROYED by Witness for trying to lie | Dominion software allows manual vote entry; Georgia poll watcher finds room for fraud | Whistleblower USPS truck driver reveals trailer filled with up to 288K ballots disappeared | NTD (...between 130,000 to 280,000 completed ballots for the 2020 general election had been shipped from Bethpage, New York, before the ballots and the trailer in which they were shipped disappeared ...) | WHISTLEBLOWER: USPS Truck Driver Reveals 288k STOLEN BALLOTS | At least 30,000 ballots scanned numerous times in Dominion machines: contractor witness | NTD (A Dominion Voting Systems contractor who worked at Detroit s TCF Center on Election Day testified before the Michigan House Oversight Committee on Dec. 2 that she witnessed at least 30,000 ballots being counted numerous times in Dominion machines...) | GOP poll workers harassed: Michigan hearing witnesses; Military ballots all for Biden: witness | NTD (Michigan Hearing: GOP Workers Harassed. A long list of witnesses testified at Michigan's Senate Committee on Tuesday. Witnesses included Republicans and Independent poll workers and poll challengers, who said they were prevented from fully doing their jobs and were treated with hostility...)!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube Legal Insurrection The Hill on YouTube (12-6-20) SC Justice Alito BOMBSHELL Move Paving Way To TOSS Biden's PA Electoral Votes | Revealed: How Trump Broke China's Control of America (Di Dongsheng: ...Trump talked about Biden's son...who helped him build the funds? You understand. So at this point of time, we use an appropriate way to express a certain find of goodwill.)!


OAN One America News Network The Epoch Times The Epoch Times on YouTube The Epoch Times on YouTube CBN News Mike Huckabee Site Mike Huckabee Author The Three C's that made America Great//--> Fox News Channel Fox News Channel Video Fox News Channel on YouTube FOX 10 Phoenix Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Fired Telling Truth!
NTD on YouTube Lin Wood Law Lin Wood FIERY Speech Telling GA Candidates to Fight for TRUMP! Turning Point U.S.A. website Dinesh D'Souza on facebook Dinesh D'Souza Author United States of Socialism Dinesh D'Souza Author United States of Socialism Dinesh D'Souza Author The Trump Card Dinesh D'Souza Author Books James O Keefe founded Project Veritas and Project Veritas Action on Twitter Michael J. Lindell founder and CEO of My Pillow, Inc (12-20-20) Exclusive Live With Lin Wood | NTD | LIVE: Turning Point USA Day 2: Dinesh D'Souza, James O Keefe, Mike Lindell, and more to speak | NTD (Dinesh D'Souza: ...We have create our own schools; we have to create our own universities. We have to deliver high quality education at a much lower cost than it't done now. I think Trump needs to start his own network like CBS...)!
Dinesh D'Souza on YouTube Dinesh D'Souza on facebook U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (12-20-20) Ted Cruz Drops NUKE On Hollywood and Federal Funding They're Receiving Over Concerns of Censorship
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee Site Mike Huckabee Author The Three C's that made America Great (12-20-20) THERE'S STILL HOPE! | Huckabee | How Matthew McConaughey Stays In Touch With REALITY | GREENLIGHTS | Huckabee (Oscar winning actor Matthew McConaughey releases a new book "Greenlights." An introspective guide based on 36 years of journal entries...)!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-20-20) BREAKING! New Evidence Revealed at Hearing PROMISES TRUMP WIN! MAGA (https://www.patreon.com/financehub)!!
The Victory Channel website The Victory Channel on YouTube Revival Radio TV Gene Bailey on Revival Radio TV Dr. Lance Wallnau website Lance Wallnau on YouTube Dr. Lance Wallnau Author God's Chaos Code Dr. Lance Wallnau Author Books Mario Murillo on Twitter Lord of Host Church Hank Kunneman of Lord of Host Church (12-19-20) FlashPoint: It's Not Over! Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo (...Our host Gene Bailey is joined by Lance Wallnau (lancewallnau.com), Hank Kunneman (hankandbrenda.org), and Mario Murillo (mariomurillo.org), they weigh in on the current events in the spirit of faith...)!
Zooming In with Simone Gao on YouTube (12-19-20) If Machine Evidence Were to be Found in Arizona, Results Could Be Turned Overnight: Brian Kennedy!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-19-20) BREAKING! Sidney Powell Releases The Kraken; NEW LAWSUITS; 'TRUMP WILL WIN' | Trump BRINGS Sidney Powell BACK To His Team!! BIG CHANGES! K****N RELEASED | BRAND NEW MASSIVE EVIDENCE Revealed Across the Nation PROMISES TRUMP WIN! BIG CHANGES | Georgia Poll Worker Was ARRESTED for F***D Charges (https://www.patreon.com/financehub)!!
 on YouTube (12-18-20) 'The Christmas Star' set to light up the night on Dec. 21 (...The rare Christmas Star will be visible for the first time in 800 years)!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-18-20) BREAKING! Trump Team Finds 200,000 NEW BALLOTS in Wisconsin! BIG WIN FOR TRUMP (https://www.patreon.com/financehub)!!
Zooming In with Simone Gao on YouTube (12-18-20) DOD Cancel Meeting with Biden Transition. Appoint Special Counsel Now: Brian Kennedy!
NTD on YouTube 11Alive website 11Alive on YouTube Baltimore Post-Examiner website Michael Thomas Flynn retired United States Army lieutenant general, 25th National Security Advisor 22 days of the Trump administration until his resignation on Biography.com Michael Thomas Flynn retired United States Army lieutenant general, 25th National Security Advisor 22 days of the Trump administration until his resignation (12-18-20) Flynn: military could re-run election; Pentagon pauses giving info to Biden team | NTD | Trump wins flipped Michigan Co; Georgia to check mail-in ballot sigs; US bans more (Suzie Voyales, Former Poll Manager, Fulton County who revealed fraud got fired; Bridet Thorne, Former Poll Manager, Fulton County Elections Dept Terminates Whistleblower) Secretary of State says he condemns alleged firing of 2 Fulton poll managers!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox America's Newsroom Sandra Smith on Fox U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee on facbook (12-18-20) FBI to brief McCarthy on Swalwell connection to Chinese spy (Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo. provides insight into negotiations over a second round of coronavirus stimulus checks on America s Newsroom )!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report Bret Baier with Fox News (12-17-20) US cybersecurity agency warns of 'grave risk' from massive hack (Fox News' panel breaks down statement made by Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and Mitt Romney on the suspected Russian cyber attack on federal agencies on 'Special Report' with Bret Baier... William McGurn) | New text messages from Hunter hint at getting Joe Biden 'involved' in business (Hunter Biden's former business associates were hinting at a push to "get Joe involved" in a joint venture with Chinese Energy Company CEFC...)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox America's Newsroom Sandra Smith on Fox U.S. Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) House Judiciary Committee Member U.S. Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) House Judiciary Committee Member on Ballotpedia (12-17-20) What will it take to get a fair investigation of Hunter Biden? | (Colorado Rep. Ken Buck, House Judiciary Committee member, reacts on America s Newsroom to the latest developments on the alleged Hunter Biden email scandals)!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-17-20) BREAKING! There Are Now 100 MILLION Trump Supports WORLDWIDE! HE WILL WIN | New MASSIVE EVIDENCE Released Could Lead To a Trump Win in Georgia | Trump s 2018 EXECUTIVE ORDER on Foreign Election Interference! BIG UPDATE | BRAND NEW EVIDENCE In Colorado Could Lead To a Trump Win | Georgia Poll Worker Now ARRESTED For Counting Ballots Multiple Times | BREAKING: Michigan Poll Worker Facing Charges For Counting Ballots Multiple Times!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV (12-17-20) Just you wait | Greg Kelly!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Rob Finnerty with Wakeup America, NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) Senate Foreign Relations Committee (12-17-20) EXCLUSIVE: Rand Paul goes off on 'dictator' Governors, irresponsible Democrats | Washington Post attacks Newsmax | REACTION!
The Victory Channel website The Victory Channel on YouTube Eagle Mountain International Church website Greg Stephens Eagle Mountain International Church Tim Baily Eagle Mountain International Church (12-17-20) Victory Update: Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020 (Four paths to Trump Victory. Watch Greg Stephens and Tim Fox as they review the latest news of the day in a spirit of faith and VICTORY. Today's news highlights from VICTORY news correspondent, Mike Garafalo, include the first Federal hearing for voter fraud, several states choose dueling electors, and Joe Biden's plans to stop drilling on federal lands... John Graves)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report Bret Baier with Fox News (12-17-20) US cybersecurity agency warns of 'grave risk' from massive hack!
The Victory Channel website The Victory Channel on YouTube Revival Radio TV Gene Bailey on Revival Radio TV Dr. Lance Wallnau website Lance Wallnau on YouTube Dr. Lance Wallnau Author God's Chaos Code Dr. Lance Wallnau Author Books Dutch Sheets, Prophecy News on YouTube Dutch Sheets on YouTube (12-16-20) Coverage in the Spirit of Faith, FlashPoint: Bill Johnson, Lance Wallnau and Dutch Sheets | Expose, Expel and BREAK (Welcome to FlashPoint! What is Flashpoint? The definition of the term is a place, event or time at which trouble, such as violence or anger, flares up. 2020 definitely qualifies as a flashpoint! Our host Gene Bailey is joined by Lance Wallnau (lancewallnau.com), Dutch Sheets (dutchsheets.org), and Bill Johnson (Bethel, Bill Johnson Ministries), they weigh in on the current events in the spirit of faith)!
Perry Stone website Perry Stone on YouTube (12-16-20) I Heard God's Warning to America | Perry Stone!
NewsNOW from Fox on YouTube (12-16-20) WHERE IS HUNTER INVESTIGATION? President Trump Says He WILL NOT Get Involved | NewsNOW From FOX!
The Truth on YouTube (12-16-20) DENIED ENTRY for GOP ELECTORS !! Michigan, Governor Whitmer (People are convinced Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, has given orders to deny the entry of GOP electors. There is no reason for them to exclude them during the Electoral voting...) | Kern SLAMS Mitch McConnell; STS Conference, Arizona (Anthony Kern speaks up at the Stop the Steel Conference !! Fight for free and fair elections !! Kern saw first hand of what happened in Arizona and sat through all of the testimonies, he does not plan on backing down...)!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee (12-16-20) Keep your eye on these electors | Jim Jordan (Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio and Newsmax TV's Greg Kelly discuss the timetable of truly certifying a presidential election conclusion, and all the steps along the way in which the Trump legal team can possibly turn results around in their favor...) | Don't get arrogant just yet... | Greg Kelly (How did THEY get so full of themselves, huh? It's minimal curiosity and a lot of arrogance from these guys...)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox America's Newsroom Trace Gallagher Fox News Kristin Fisher with Fox News Special Report (12-16-20) Trump pushing for special counsel for Hunter Biden case: Report (President Trump is talking to advisers about asking for a special counsel to be appointed to continue investigating Hunter Biden, the son of President-elect Joe Biden, according to a report by the Associated Press)!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Grant Stinchfield with NEWSMAXTV (12-16-20) What is McConnell thinking? | Grant Stinchfield (Grant Stinchfield on the GOP members that have remained disloyal to President Trump and those that have just turned their back on him, Mitch McConnell showing his true colors, the future of the GOP and more - via Newsmax TV's 'STINCHFIELD')!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Martha Maccallum on The Story on Fox News Channel Ben Carson on facebook (12-16-20) Ben Carson gives hopeful message after a very difficult battle with COVID (HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson joined Martha MacCallum to discuss Operation Warp Speed and new therapeutics to combat coronavirus)!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-16-20) BREAKING! Trump Secures Forensic Audit Which Could Lead to a WIN in NV, GA & AZ | Mark Zuckerberg Could Face Charges For $500 MILLION Election Donation!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report Bret Baier with Fox News (12-16-20) AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's) suggests it's time for Pelosi, Schumer to go!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Grant Stinchfield with NEWSMAXTV Sarah Palin Former Governor of Alaska and GOP Vice Presidential Nominee (12-15-20) We were warned | Sarah Palin (Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin on the media not doing their job, the future under a potential Biden Administration and more...)!
Xvideos taken down The Truth on YouTube Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine (12-15-20) REPUBLICANS REVOLT AGAINST BIDEN | 6 States Cast Vote for TRUMP & PENCE (Seven States picked Electoral Delegates for PRESIDENT TRUMP & JOE BIDEN...) | Sidney Powell BOMBSHELL interview (The republic is at STAKE !! If we want to be a free country we need HONEST elections...)!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-15-20) BREAKING! MASSIVE EVIDENCE JUST RELEASED Shows Trump Can Still Win | Dems BLINDSIDED With GOP ELECTORS CASTING VOTES FOR PRES. TRUMP | Donald Trump: 'It's Not Over! We Will Still Win | New MASSIVE EVIDENCE Released Could Lead to Trump Win | Updated Map Shows Trump Can STILL WIN 2020 Election | Donald Trump and White House Staff Are Taking The Covid 19 Vaccine | Wisconsin Judge REJECTS Trump's Lawsuit! IT'S NOT OVER | GOP Electors Cast Votes For Trump in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada & Arizona!!! BIG WIN | Donald Trump SLAMS Supreme Court in Public! BIG WIN (6-20-20) Sen. Cotton blasts Justice Roberts: He should follow the law or resign!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Tucker Carlson Fox News Candace Owens on Wikipedia Candace Owens Author of BlackOut on Facebook (12-15-20) Tucker: Biden in bed with Silicon Valley cronies (Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens discuss Big Tech executives' donations to the Joe Biden campaign) | Tucker: Biden refuses to acknowledge Hunter probe!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-14-20) BREAKING! Trump Gets Mississippi Win And Secures 6 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES | Trump Wins Texas to Secure 38 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES | Trump Gets Alabama Win And Secures 9 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES | Trump Gets Alaska Win And Secures 3 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES | Trump Gets Louisiana Win And Secures 8 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES | Nevada GOP Electors Cast Their Votes For President Trump | Trump Gets Ohio Win And Secures 18 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES | Nevada GOP ELECTORS Cast Their Votes for President Trump | Trump Gets Florida Win For 29 MORE ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES | Trump Gets North Carolina Win And Secures 15 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES |
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-14-20) BREAKING! Sidney Powell Files NEW LAWSUIT Using Trump's Executive Order! 'We Will Win | New EVIDENCE of Chinese Involvement with U.S. Government Released | New Evidence Shows Trump Could Win Nevada | Millions of Americans Say Joe Biden is NOT President-Elect | Updated Map Shows Trump on Path To Win 2020 Election | Electoral College Votes TODAY! Who's Winning? TRUMP VS. BIDEN | Michigan (Democrat Government Employee) Poll Worker Facing Charges For Running Ballots Multiple Times | New EVIDENCE Shows a DARK REALITY about Joe Biden... (Dylan Himmerich, PO Box 5554, San Clemente, CA 92674)!!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Grant Stinchfield with NEWSMAXTV Sebastian Luk cs Gorka Deputy Assistant to the President U.S. Representative Steve Scalise House Minority Whip on YouTube (12-14-20) Barr is a coward | Sebastian Gorka | Have you forgotten about Hunter? | Steve Scalise!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-13-20) BREAKING: Sidney Powell Releases The Kraken; 'We Will Win' | New MASSIVE EVIDENCE from Hearing Could Lead to Trump Winning Michigan | Over 100 MILLION Americans Are Now Fighting For Donald Trump | USPS Worker Facing Charges for Back Dating Mail-in Ballots | Georgia Poll Worker Facing Charges For Running Ballots Multiple Times | BRAND NEW LAWSUIT Filed in Pennsylvania Could Lead to Trump Victory | Trump APPEALS Supreme Court Case! 'WE WILL WIN' | Trump Campaign Files NEW LAWSUITS After SCOTUS Rejection | New Map Shows Trump Still On Path To Win 2020 Election | Trump FIGHTS BACK Against SCOTUS With NEW LAWSUIT (Dylan Himmerich, PO Box 5554, San Clemente, CA 92674)!!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-12-20) BREAKING: Updated Map Shows Donald Trump Still Able To Win 2020 Election | 2 NEW States Head To Supreme Court For Donald Trump | New Evidence EXPOSES China's Involvement in 2020 Election | Trump Responds to SCOTUS Rejection With NEW LAWSUITS! IT'S NOT OVER | Trump Responds to SCOTUS Rejection and Files NEW LAWSUITS | State Judge REJECTS Trump's Wisconsin Lawsuit | Michigan Supreme Court REJECTS Trump's Lawsuit | Donald Trump: 'We Are Still Fighting! We Will Win | General Flynn: 'Courts Won't Decide Next President, We Will Win | Trump is Now Heading To Supreme Court To Fight Arizona (Dylan Himmerich, PO Box 5554, San Clemente, CA 92674)!!
The Truth on YouTube CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV Jesse Watters' on Fox (12-12-20) Joe Biden - What is the TRUTH? (Compilation)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Hillary Vaughn on Fox News Channel (12-12-20) Hunter Biden requested keys for his father and others, emails show (FOX Business contributor Hillary Vaughn reports the latest on the investigation into President-elect Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden)!
Ring of Fire on YouTube (12-12-20) Republican Civil War Is NOT Good News For Democrats!
DW News on YouTube (12-12-20) Trump announces BioNTech-Pfizer coronavirus vaccine rollout | DW News!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox & Friends U.S. Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) Co-Founder Conservative Squad U.S. Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) Co-Founder Conservative Squad U.S. Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) Co-Founder Conservative Squad on Ballotpedia U.S. Representative Jessica Taylor (R-AL) Co-Founder, Conservative Squad on Ballotpedia U.S. Representative Michelle Fischbach (R-MN) Co-Founder, Conservative Squad U.S. Representative Michelle Fischbach (R-MN) Co-Founder, Conservative Squad on Ballotpedia U.S. Representative Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) Co-Founder Conservative Squad U.S. Representative Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) Co-Founder Conservative Squad on Ballotpedia (12-12-20) New generation of conservatives form the 'Conservative Squad' (Jessica Taylor, Michelle Fischbach, Nancy Mace and Beth Van Duyne co-founded the "conservative squad" to combat socialism and fight for the American dream)!
NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Chris Salcedo with Newsmax Chris Salcedo website Father Frank Pavone on YouTube Father Frank Pavone on Twitter (12-11-20) Trump has protected our freedoms | Father Pavone (Biden wants to bring back the Hyde Amendment forcing every to support abortion) | Obama and Fox have a lot in common | Chris Salcedo (Chris Salcedo comes to the defense of Rush Limbaugh, compares similarities between Obama and Fox News and more - via Newsmax TV's 'The Chris Salcedo Show')!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-11-20) BREAKING: Updated Map Shows Donald Trump Winning 2020 Election (Dylan Himmerich, PO Box 5554, San Clemente, CA 92674)!!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Tucker Carlson Fox News (12-11-20) Tucker: Experts have been exposed as frauds (The rich and powerful will benefit from Democrat policies)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Breaking Tonight Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report Bret Baier with Fox News Shannon Bream with Fox News Channel Jonathan Turley George Washington University Law Professor (12-11-20) Supreme Court rejects Texas' effort to toss out election results in 4 key states (The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Texas' effort to overturn election results in four different states. This does not foreclose any other pending or future election appeals at the Supreme Court... #FoxNews) (6-20-20) Sen. Cotton blasts Justice Roberts: He should follow the law or resign!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox America's Newsroom Sandra Smith on Fox Trace Gallagher Fox News Mike Emanuel chief congressional correspondent...for FOX News Channel (FNC) Mike Emanuel chief congressional correspondent...for FOX News Channel (FNC) Mike Emanuel chief congressional correspondent...on Twitter U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn, Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee from TN on Wikipedia Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation on Twitter Tony Bobulinski on Wikidpro 10-27-20 Tony Bobulinski Joe Biden knew about Hunter's business deals (12-11-20) AG Barr knew about Hunter Biden probe before election: Report (The Wall Street Journal reports that Attorney General Barr was aware of the investigation into Hunter Biden's taxes before the election and kept it from the public)!
Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook David Asman with Fox News Channel on YouTube Kevin Nunes U.S. Congress (R-CA) Ways and Means Committee on YouTube Kevin Nunes U.S. Congress Author Countdown to Socialism (12-11-20) Nunes calls out Swalwell's 'hypocrisy' following alleged relationship with spy (Rep. Devin Nunes, R-CA, calls out Rep. Eric Swalwell, R-CA, for calling Trump a "Russian asset", while being compromised by a Chinese spy. What the left accuse you of doing they are actually doing)!
CBN News The 700 Club on YouTube (12-10-20) The 700 Club - Challenging the election! (Stop the thief of our election...Texas along with 18 other states are sueing 4 states, bring before the U.S. Supreme Court...) (11-20-20)!
NTD on YouTube The Epoch Times The Epoch Times on YouTube The Epoch Times on YouTube Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Common Sense Podcast Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (12-10-20) 6 states ask SCOTUS to join Texas lawsuit [6 among 18 states have filed brief supporting Texas]; US Sanctions CCP official for persecuting Falun Gong (Can alter the votes by manually changing the vote or adding an entry into the machine. Only one person entering the data into ARLO which is the data entry system...It appears no one is observing... The proof of fraudulant voting can strengthen the TX lawsuit. ...46 states are sueing facebook...) | Georgia State House Election Hearing | NTD (Have every legal vote in GA counted. That is a bipartisan request... Georgia House of Representative Jon Burns. Georgia House of Representative Alan Powell...)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Breaking Tonight Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report Bret Baier with Fox News John Roberts with Fox America's Newsroom Ken Paxton AG of TX on Wikipedia Jeffrey Martin Landry American lawyer and politician serving as the Attorney General of Louisiana (12-10-20) Trump joins Texas lawsuit seeking to halt Electoral College vote (Pres. Trump is getting an assist from more 100 House Republicans who joined has a friend of the court an amicus brief in support of testas appeal. Missouri and five other states on Thursday threw their support even further behind the Texas lawsuit aiming to prevent Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin's electors from casting their electoral votes by asking the Supreme Court to let them join the Texas suit. #FoxNews)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Ingraham Angle Fox News (12-10-20) Ingraham: Liberal media's effort to elect Biden exposed (Laura Ingrahm looks back at four-year battle waged by Democrats and media to drive Trump out of office)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Tucker Carlson Fox News Tony Bobulinski on Wikidpro 10-27-20 Tony Bobulinski Joe Biden knew about Hunter's business deals (12-10-20) Tucker: Potential criminal activity hidden from Americans (Tucker accuses news media of suppressing potential criminal activity by Bidens) (10-30-20) (10-28-20) (10-28-20) (10-27-20) (10-27-20) (10-27-20) (10-27-20) (10-22-20) (10-22-20) (10-22-20) (10-22-20)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Breaking Tonight Bret Baier with Fox News Special Report Bret Baier with Fox News Peter Doocy currently a Washington D.C.-based correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) Mike Emanuel chief congressional correspondent...for FOX News Channel (FNC) Mike Emanuel chief congressional correspondent...for FOX News Channel (FNC) Mike Emanuel chief congressional correspondent...on Twitter (12-10-20) Biden's brother, James Biden, also under federal investigation (James Biden and Hunter Biden are both under investigation. Joe Biden has not seen Hunter Biden since the story broke. #FoxNews)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Channel Fox & Friends (12-10-20) Rep. McCarthy: Swalwell is jeopardizing national security (The House Minority Leader asks when did Speaker Pelosi know about Rep. Swalwell's ties to Chinese spy and why did she maintain him on the Intelligence Committee?)
The Rubin Report The Ruben Report on YouTube Dave Rubin Author on Instagram Dave Rubin Author Don't Burn This Book (12-10-20) YouTube Censorship Email Revealed & 18 States Join Texas SCOTUS Suit | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report (Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report discusses the YouTube censorship of news stories claiming voter fraud affected election results, more states joining the Supreme Court lawsuit started by Texas aimed at delaying the appointment of presidential electors...)!
NTD on YouTube CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube (12-9-20) Biden inauguration prep rejected by committee; Lawmaker threatens to subpoena Dominion CEO | NTD (2)!
OAN One America News Network Stephanie Myers, OAN Morning News, OAN One America News Network U.S. Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) U.S. Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) on Ballotpedia (12-9-20) GOP Urges Congress To Pass Short-Term Pandemic Relief Bill, Omnibus Talks Continue (Pearson Sharp with OAN) | Rep. Mooney Offers Resolutions To Support President Trump In Election Probes (mp4)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox America's Newsroom Sandra Smith on Fox Trace Gallagher Fox News (12-9-20) Eric Swalwell linked to Chinese spy: Report!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook (12-9-20) New York AG announces major lawsuit against Facebook (New York Attorney General Letitia James announces a major lawsuit)!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube Sen Greg Dolezal (R) Sen Greg Dolezal (R-GA) on Ballotpedia (12-9-20) R-Sen Greg Dolezal SLAMS D-Sen Elena Parent on Voter Insecurities!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Ingraham Angle Fox News Raymond Arroyo World Over Raymond Arroyo website Raymond Arroyo Author The Spider Who Saved Christmas (12-9-20) State Rep stripped of committee positions after threatening Trump supporters (Michigan State Rep. Cynthia Johnson was stripped of her committee positions after issuing a "warning" to Trump supporters on Facebook; Raymond Arroyo reports)!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube (12-8-20) AZ Hearing: Former Senator EXPLAINS FRAUD In-depth (Former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck who is a certified Microsoft small business specialist and did cabling design for the International Space Station gives an analytical breakdown of alleged election fraud)
The Eric Metaxas Radio Show website The Eric Metaxas Radio Show on YouTube (12-8-20) Eric Shares a Vital Letter From StrengthenTheNation.com (Eric reads a letter from a friend whose StrengthenTheNation.com website is on the front line of saving America at this critical tipping point in the nation's history...This is a letter to all the state legislators in the swing states. It could be sent to all state legislators in America...) | Jericho March: Organizers On Its Mission: A Call To Prayer, Fasting & Peaceful Protest This Weekend (Organizers of this coming weekend's "Jericho March" explain its mission: to call upon people of faith to prayer, fasting, and peaceful protest in the service of God, and in defense of life, liberty, and justice. More at: https://jerichomarch.org/) | Bunker Ep 131: You Won't Believe The MyStore.com Shenanigans Afoot - It's Straight Loco -- www.mystore.com!
WSB-TV2 Atlanta (12-8-20) Texas AG suing GA, 3 other states to overturn Nov. election results to correct egregious error !
Dutch Sheets, Prophecy News on YouTube Dutch Sheets on YouTube (12-8-20) We Have Some New Breakthroughs | Give Him 15: Daily Prayers with Dutch Day 32 (#DutchSheetsMinistries #DutchSheets #DSM)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Life Liberty & (Mark) Levin The Heritage Foundation on YouTube Hans A. von Spakovsky of The Heritage Foundation on YouTube (12-8-20) The Media Ignored Democrats' Attempts To Dismantle Election Security Measures: Hans von Spakovsky!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube American Agenda NEWSMAXTV Richard Grenell Former Acting Directorof National Intelligence and Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany on Wikipedia (12-8-20) D-Rep. Eric Swalwell's CONNECTION TO COMMUNIST CHINA!
NTD on YouTube The Heritage Foundation on YouTube Hans A. von Spakovsky of The Heritage Foundation on YouTube (12-7-20) At least 289,866 ballots illegal? Expert breaks down alleged voter fraud | Arizona Hearing | NTD (Former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck who is a certified Microsoft small business specialist and did cabling design for the International Space Station gives an analytical breakdown of alleged election fraud) | Abnormally Low Ballot Rejection Rates In Georgia Should Be Investigated: Hans von Spakovsky!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NTD on YouTube (12-7-20) GEORGIA LAWMAKERS PUSH FOR SPECIAL SESSION; Analysis: taking profits vs. cashing out | NTD Business | Supreme court moves mail-in ballot case deadline; Georgia burst pipe was overfull urinal: Inspector!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-7-20) BREAKING: Donald Trump Heads To The Supreme Court to Win Pennsylvania | BREAKING: Georgia Poll Worker Being Sentenced To Prison For Stuffing Ballots (Dylan Himmerich, PO Box 5554, San Clemente, CA 92674)!!
President Donald J Trump Zag on YouTube OAN One America News Network Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Life Liberty & (Mark) Levin Life Liberty & (Mark) Levin, Author Unfreedom Of The Press U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL) U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL) on Ballotpedia (12-6-20) Rep. Mo Brooks breaks down battle for election integrity | Life, Liberty & Levin: Mark Levin on how left-wing Pennsylvania leaders CHEATED and FIXED the system to help Joe Biden and the Democrats. In PA all the fraudulent and illegal mail-in ballots votes were counted...because of unconstitutional and illegal changes (to Article II and III of the PA Constitution) that were made by PA officials...who had no legal or constitutional bases...they violated Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution which leaves power to the state legislators...)!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube Candace Owens on Wikipedia Candace Owens Author of BlackOut on Facebook Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Common Sense Podcast Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Common Sense Apple Podcast Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC Candace Owens on Wikipedia Candace Owens Author of BlackOut on Facebook (12-6-20) Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says he's 'recovering quickly' after contracting COVID-19 | Conservative activist Candace Owens labels AOC a spoiled rotten brat !
Dutch Sheets, Prophecy News on YouTube Dutch Sheets on YouTube (12-6-20) Encouragement From the Lord | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Day 30 (#DutchSheetsMinistries #DutchSheets #DSM)!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube Paul Murray conservative radio and TV presenter Sydney, Australia on Wikipedia (12-6-20) Joe Biden spoke of Kamala Harris as though 'she was president' (Sky News host Paul Murray says Joe Biden, in a recent interview, spoke of his relationship with Kamala Harris as if she was the president and he was the vice president ...)!
The Finance Hub on YouTube (12-6-20) Donald Trump Just Announced He Won Georgia (Mail-in ballot signatures were not verified in GA) | BREAKING: Sidney Powell Releases The Kraken; 'Trump Has Won!' (Dylan Himmerich, PO Box 5554, San Clemente, CA 92674)!!


The White House The White House on facebook post Team Trump on facebook President Donald J. Trump on YouTube President Donald J. Trump on facebook Trump War Room on YouTube Trump War Room on YouTube
President Donald J. Trump on YouTube!
Real News Update Real News Insight Lara Trump, Trump Tower Real News Insight, Update with Lara Trump
The White House President Donald J Trump President Donald J Trump Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption! Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption | Playing NOW at the Trump rally in Butler #Pennsylvania | JOE BIDEN IS STONE COLD CROOKED |
Dinesh D'Souza on facebook C-Span Trump Makes Internet EXPLODE When Hot Mic Moment Picks Up What He s Really Like When He Thinks Cameras Are Off (2)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox America's Newsroom Mark Meredith with Fox News Mark Meredith with Fox News on Twitter Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Common Sense Podcast Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC Jenna Ellis Senior Trump 2020 Campaign advisor (12-20-20) Trump lawyers taking Pennsylvania election lawsuit to SCOTUS!
Eye Opener Show website Eye Opener on YouTube (12-19-20) Exposed: Supreme Court Justice internal meeting; Pentagon pauses transition for Christmas vacation (...http://www.eyeopenershow.com/ Today we will expose what a Supreme Court staffer heard at the Justice's internal meeting and we will update you about the Pentagon's pause on the "transition team's" meeting for Christmas vacation...) (6-20-20) Sen. Cotton blasts Justice Roberts: He should follow the law or resign!
The Hill on YouTube Donald Trump Jr. executive vice president of the Trump Organization Author Liberal Privilege (12-19-20) Donald Trump Jr. ROASTS Hunter Biden!
President Donald J Trump OAN One America News Network Christina Bobb Heritage Action for America Fmr. U.S. Atty. Joe DiGenova (12-19-20) WATCH OAN: Evidence of voter fraud is in our face | USPS contractor: WI postal service sent employees to look for missing ballots on the morning of 11/4 | Jesse Morgan says he was suspicious of his cargo load of COMPLETED ballots from NY to PA (Jesse Morgan, a USPS subcontractor says he was suspicious of his cargo load of COMPLETED ballots from New York to Pennsylvania...) | WATCH OAN's Jenn Pellegrino: Georgia poll watcher details irregularities during recount (Jenn Pellegrino) | WATCH: Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing on OAN with Christina Bobb talking about election fraud (Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing, 'We're not giving up') | Christina Bobb: "The Left is banking on us folding, conceding, or getting tired...We'll fight it" | This RIGGED ELECTION is aided and abetted by the Lamestream Media (Jessica Anderson, Executive Director, Heritage Action for America) | WATCH: Kelli Ward on Arizona's fight for election integrity (Kelli Ward Chairwoman, Arizona Republican Party. AZ Supreme Court to hear election challemge)!
NTD on YouTube (12-19-20) LIVE: Trump supporters protest at Arizona State Capitol (Dec. 19) | NTD (#TrumpSupporters)!
Be Like Water Media on YouTube (12-19-20) Thousands of Trump Supporters Rally in Washington D.C. - Your Thoughts? | GREAT News for Trump Supporters from Republican Candidate Errol Webber | MAGA Hulk Running for Office & Gives Sound Advice to the People - Your Thoughts? | NEW Republican Candidate to Running Against Governor Newsom - Your Thoughts? (Republican Candidate Errol Webber) | Music: You want MORE LARGE Trump Car Rallies? Your Thoughts? | GIANT Beautiful American Flag in Huntington Beach - Your Thoughts?
President Donald J Trump Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Jesse Watters' World Jesse Watters' on Fox Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy (12-19-20) WATCH: Peter Navarro on his Election Fraud report!
President Donald J Trump Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Ingraham Angle Fox News (12-19-20) WATCH: Laura Ingraham on "Trump's Triumphs"!
Eye Opener Show website Eye Opener on YouTube (12-18-20) Powell's Kraken accepted by Supreme Court; Georgia to validate ballot signatures | Eye Opener!
NTD on YouTube (12-18-20) LIVE: Trump Caravan Rally: election witnesses speak (Dec. 18) | NTD (#TrumpCaravan)!
NTD on YouTube American Thought Leaders, The Epoch Times on YouTube (12-17-20) Trump camp reveals key to his path to victory; Report on foreign interference on election (President Donald Trump s attorney Jenna Ellis says they will continue to contest election results if needed past January 6th, the U.S. is investigating foreign interference in the general election...) (2) | Foreign election interference confirmed: report; Robinhood fined $65 Million | NTD Business | Georgia whistleblower poll workers fired; Report reveals 6 dimensions of election irregularities | LIVE: Vice President Mike Pence Rallies for Loeffler and Perdue Ahead of Georgia Senate Runoff!
BlazeTV GlennBeck.com Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Common Sense Podcast Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (12-17-20) Rudy Giuliani Gives Update on Election Investigation & Georgia Senate Vote | The Glenn Beck Program!
President Donald J Trump Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Mike Pence Vice President White House (12-17-20) VP Pence delivers remarks at a 'Defend the Majority' rally VP: I m here because I stand with President Trump and we re going to keep flighting to Hold The Line!
Be Like Water Media on YouTube (12-17-20) Music: The BEST Donald Trump Band EVER? Your Thoughts?
The White House Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox & Friends Kayleigh McEnany Savage Press Secretary on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (12-16-20) McEnany blasts Big Tech: They 'rigged' the election against Trump!
The White House NewsNOW from Fox on YouTube Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook NTD on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Savage Press Secretary on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (12-15-20) Kayleigh McEnany holds White House press briefing (White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany speaks to press. This press briefing comes after the resignation of Attorney General Bill Barr) | "WHERE IS HUNTER?" Kayleigh McEnany BLASTS Media Over Hiding Hunter Biden Stories | NewsNOW From FOX | (Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany scolded the media on Tuesday for overlooking scandals surrounding Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., and Hunter Biden...) | McEnany slams media's silence on Hunter Biden, Swalwell (White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany took the last few minutes of Tuesday's briefing to list recent examples of what she called liberal media bias and omission) (2)!
American Center for Law & Justice American Center for Law & Justice on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube National Report NEWSMAXTV (12-14-20) Reaction to SCOTUS Decision, What Constitutional Options Are Left - Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax (Jordan Sekulow joins National Report on Newsmax, discussing his perspective on Friday s Supreme Court ruling as well as the status on cases still in the courts. The fight for election integrity still continues in the legal realm)!
President Donald J Trump Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Channel Fox & Friends Stephen Miller on wikipedia (12-14-20) Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Stephen Miller: We have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election result!
XVideo one taken down CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube The Eric Metaxas Radio Show website The Epoch Times The Epoch Times on YouTube The Epoch Times on YouTube American Thought Leaders, The Epoch Times on YouTube Jan Jekielek with American Thought Leaders, The Epoch Times on YouTube Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine (12-13/14-20) Sidney Powell: "Sufficient enough to trigger Insurrection Act" (End of video shows comic Obama slapping Trump and Trump hitting Obama) | Exclusive: Sidney Powell on 2020 Election Lawsuits, Supreme Court Decision & Gen. Michael Flynn Case (Joining us today is attorney Sidney Powell, who has been leading election lawsuits in multiple states. On Friday, she filed emergency requests to the Supreme Court, asking the justices to order officials in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona to de-certify their 2020 election results) | BONUS: Sidney Powell on Election Lawsuits, Supreme Court Decision & Gen. Flynn Case via Epoch Times (This is American Thought Leaders, and I m Jan Jekielek)!
NewsNet website (12-14-20) Electoral College Votes Tennessee 11 Electoral Votes For Trump & Clintons 2 Votes For Biden New York!
WYFF 4 website News 19 WLTX website (12-14-20) South Carolina electors cast all 9 votes for President Trump (2)!
The Hill on YouTube (12-14-20) Ohio Electors cast their 18 Electoral Votes for President Trump!
Dinesh D'Souza on facebook (12-12-20) Stadium ERUPTS When Trump Enters Army vs. Navy Game!
NTD on YouTube Michael Thomas Flynn retired United States Army lieutenant general, 25th National Security Advisor 22 days of the Trump administration until his resignation on Biography.com Michael Thomas Flynn retired United States Army lieutenant general, 25th National Security Advisor 22 days of the Trump administration until his resignation (12-12-20) Gen. Flynn speaks at pro-Trump rallies: We cannot accept what we are going through as right | NTD (Lt. General Michael Flynn spoke in front of a large crowd that rallied on Washington on Dec. 12 to protest election fraud, and began with the story of Jericho...) | Gen. Flynn: SCOTUS doesn t decide, we decide the election of president of the United!
NTD on YouTube The Epoch Times The Epoch Times on YouTube The Epoch Times on YouTube AFP News Agency Global News YouTube The Hill on YouTube President Donald J Trump (12-12-20) 'March for Trump', 'Million MAGA March' and more in Washington, DC (Dec. 12) | NTD (2) (Thousands are expected to rally in Washington on Saturday in support of President Donald Trump...) | Trump supporters hold DC rally to protest election outcome | AFP (Supporters of US President Donald Trump protest the outcome of the 2020 presidential election on Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC, ahead of the electoral college vote) | Trump s Marine One helicopter performs flyover of supporters gathered in Washington DC (U.S. President Donald Trump acknowledged his supporters, who were gathered in Washington D.C. to protest against President-elect Joe Biden's presidential victory, on Saturday by having his helicopter, Marine One, fly in a ring around the site of the protest on his way to the airport...) | Trump attends West Point Army-Navy football game, tosses coin | NTD (President Donald Trump on Saturday joined the crowd taking in the Army-Navy football game at West Point s Michie Stadium...) | Trump attends West Point Army-Navy football game, tosses coin | NTD (2)!
NTD on YouTube Life Site News website The News Junkie's Cartoons (12-11-20) Trump vs Biden Wisconsin Court Hearing on Trump Lawsuit (Dec. 11) | NTD | Wisconsin State Legislature Election Hearing (Dec. 11) | NTD | Trump v. Biden Wisconsin State Hearing in Milwaukee, WI (Dec. 11) | USPS employee (Libertarian) testimony at Wisconsin hearing!
Life Site News website (12-11-20) Pre-election Cuomo vs. post-election Cuomo (In October 2020 (pre-election), Gov. Andrew Cuomo told Americans they really "should be" skeptical of an FDA-approved, fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine. Now, in December 2020 (post-election), Gov. Cuomo is calling for a "public education campaign" to push the vaccine on Americans...)!
Life Site News website President Donald J Trump Melania Trump (12-10-20) President Trump thanks God for sending His son to redeem the world (President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump gave a moving Christmas address to the nation)!
President Donald J Trump Right Side Broadcasting Network Videos Right Side Broadcasting Network Radio on YouTube Right Side Broadcasting Network Radio on twitter Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Common Sense Podcast Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (12-10-20) Video shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave | (Mayor Rudy Giuliani plays the video footage from #Georgia showing suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave room)! Mayor Rudy Giuliani at Georgia hearing: Anyone who said fraud isn't real after seeing the Georgia video, is lying!
President Donald J Trump NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV Greg Kelly Tony Bobulinski The Patriot Greg Kelly Pres. Trump has Wisdom and Courage Greg Kelly Pres. Trump the Peace Maker Beijing Biden, Jesse Watters' on Fox (12-10-20) WATCH: Witnesses cite "lack of security" during Georgia recount | Newsmax's Greg Kelly on WISDOM & COURAGE | Joe Biden has told 47 years of lies - "Natural Born Liar"!
President Donald J Trump Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube Paul Murray conservative radio and TV presenter Sydney, Australia on Wikipedia (12-10-20) Big tech is 'coming after free speech' (Sky News host Paul Murray says big tech disproportionately censored pro-Trump content as opposed to content from those who "peddled many of the craziest lies" over the past four years...)!
NewsNOW from Fox on YouTube President Donald J Trump (12-9-20) STILL FIGHTING: President Trump Says Texas Case For Supreme Court Is "THE BIG ONE" (President Trump on Wednesday touted Texas' suit demanding the U.S. Supreme Court block the Electoral College votes of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, calling it the "big one")!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NewsNOW from Fox on YouTube President Donald J Trump (12-8-20) Trump DESTROYS Reporter Talking "Next Administration" | "WE WILL SEE" President Trump FIGHTS Back At Reporter For Mentioning "Biden Administration"
President Donald J Trump Fox Business Network on YouTube Fox Business on facebook Fox News Channel Jenna Ellis Senior Trump 2020 Campaign advisor (12-8-20) Jenna Ellis: We have plenty of time to make sure that this election and the outcome is free and fair!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube American Agenda NEWSMAXTV Lin Wood Law Lin Wood FIERY Speech Telling GA Candidates to Fight for TRUMP! (12-8-20) Lin Wood: "EVERY LIE WILL BE REVEALED"; Files Additional GA lawsuit!
President Donald J Trump Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook The Developing Story on Fox News Channel (12-8-20) Mark Levin outlines illegal changes made to Pennsylvania s mail-in voting laws!
President Donald J Trump Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Tucker Carlson Fox News Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. executive vice president of the Trump Organization Author Liberal Privilege (12-8-20) Donald Trump Jr. makes a case for the importance of the Georgia Senate run-off race!
Video one taken down CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Greg Kelly with NEWSMAXTV The Eric Metaxas Radio Show website The Eric Metaxas Radio Show on YouTube Atty SidneyPowell.com Atty SidneyPowell.com License to Lie Atty SidneyPowell.com Conviction Machine (12-7/8-20) SIDNEY POWELL ON TRUMP'S PATH TO VICTORY (2)!
XVideo taken down CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Grant Stinchfield with NEWSMAXTV Jenna Ellis Senior Trump 2020 Campaign advisor (12-7-20) JENNA ELLIS ON TRUMP'S PATH TO VICTORY!
The White House CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube President Donald J Trump (12-7-20) Trump: "YOU'LL SEE A LOT OF BIG THINGS THE NEXT COUPLE DAYS"!
XVideo taken down CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Common Sense Podcast Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC (12-7-20) Rudy Giuliani STRONG Evidence of Voter Fraud (Part 2) (Stephanie Hamill In Focus)!
Zag on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube National Report NEWSMAXTV (12-7-20) BREAKING TRUMP NEWS 9AM 12/07/20 | Newsmax Today (Emerald Robinson Newsmax White House Correspondent)!
NTD on YouTube CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube (12-7-20) Arizona poll worker: Recorder's office allows votes from other states, told her to deny GOP voters (Anna, a resident poll observer and poll worker, describes what she saw during the Arizona ballot count. Local poll worker: Recorder's office allows votes from other states, told her to deny GOP voters) | AZ Witness: DEMS ALLOW VOTES ACROSS STATE LINES, TOLD TO DENY GOP VOTERS | Trump: Big things to happen in coming days; Sidney Powell to appeal dismissal of Georgia lawsuit (President Donald Trump says big things are happening over the next few days, Georgia re-certifies Biden s win on Monday, and students are failing classes two to six times more than in years past following school shut downs)!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube Grant Stinchfield with NEWSMAXTV (12-6-20) Sidney Powell: "I HAVE A HUGE BAG OF SHREDDED BALLOTS" *Savage* | GOP NEEDS TO BACK TRUMP!
Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP on YouTube CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube Lin Wood Law Lin Wood FIERY Speech Telling GA Candidates to Fight for TRUMP! (12-6-20) Lin Wood: "WE ARE GOING TO TAKE AMERICA BACK AGAIN!" (Speech)!
Oasis Church on YouTube Tim Sheets website (12-6-20) The Unraveling Begins | Tim Sheets (We fight till we win. Tim Sheets | Senior Pastor, Apostle, Author The Oasis Church, Middletown Ohio)!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) on Instagram (12-6-20) GA Senate Debate: Raphael Warnock EVADES Marxism & Socialism | GA SENATE DEBATE: Sen. Loeffler vs. Radical Warnock (FULL)!
NTD on YouTube Mike Pence Vice President White House (12-6-20) 'If you don't vote, they win': Pence urges Georgians to vote Republican to save America | NTD ( We will never stop fighting to make America great again. That s why President Trump and I need David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler back in the Republican majority...)!
CubbiesEdits17 on YouTube NEWSMAXTV NEWSMAXTV on YouTube NTD on YouTube President Donald J Trump (12-6-20) GA Rally: Trump Explains Democrats AGENDA to CHEAT | TRUMP EXPOSES EVIDENCE OF FRAUD AT GEORGIA RALLY!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook President Donald J Trump Gov. Candidate and Fmr. Rep Vernon Jones (R-GA) on Wikipedia (12-6-20) Dem Rep says the left wants to take America in the 'wrong direction' (Rep. Vernon Jones, D-Ga., explains what's at stake for Georgia's Senate runoffs)!
Sky News Australia on YouTube Sky News Australia on facebook Sky News Australia Outsiders on YouTube President Donald J Trump (12-6-20) US Attorney General William Barr reportedly on the cusp of resigning!


Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Fox Sean Hannity Author Live Free or Die Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Videos

Fox News Channel Fox News Channel Video Dan Bongino
Life Site News website (12-19-20) Man creates community, adopts 42 'miracle' kids who survived abortions (Read the full story here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/bab...)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Dana Perino with fox Jason Chaffetz with Fox News Channel Jason Chaffetz with Fox News Channel Author Power Grab Jason Chaffetz with Fox News Channel Author The Deep State Brian Robert Morgenstern American attorney and political advisor serving as White House Deputy Press Secretary on Wikipedia Independent Women's Voice Tammy Bruce, an Independent Tea Party Conservative, is a radio talk show host, New York Times bestselling author...with Fox News Tammy Bruce, an Independent Tea Party Conservative, is a radio talk show host, New York Times bestselling author... on facebook Tammy Bruce website The Daily Telegraph Miranda Devine, Daily Telegraph columnist Emily Compagno on fox (12-18-20) White House says Trump wants relief for Americans before Christmas (White House deputy press secretary Brian Morgenstern discusses the latest cyber attacks and COVID-19 relief) | Restaurant owner who went viral outdoor dining in a blizzard joins 'Hannity' (NYC Restaurant owner Rocco Sacramone describe what he's going through with indoor dining shut down. Fox News contributor Emily Compagno weighs in with the legality of eliminating dining options) | New York Times ignored Hunter Biden investigation but promoted his art show (Tammy Bruce and Miranda Devine break down media bias when it comes to investigating the Biden family)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sean Hannity Kayleigh McEnany Savage Press Secretary on YouTube Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary on Wikipedia Kayleigh McEnany Press Secretary Author The New American Revolution (12-17-20) Hannity breaks down 'disturbing' newly revealed Hunter Biden text messages (Sean Hannity calls out Democrats' double standard on the Biden's and Eric Swalwell's relationship with China) | McEnany slams media's lack of Hunter Biden coverage as 'journalistic malpractice'!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sean Hannity (12-16-20) Hannity: New 'extreme' Dems are ready, willing and able to unleash on Americans (Sean Hannity gives stark warning to Georgia voters about what a Democrat controlled Senate could mean for the country)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Channel The Five Dana Perino with fox (12-15-20) 'The Five' say American's deserve answers on Hunter 'scandal' from Joe Biden (Joe Biden dodges questions on Hunter Biden...)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sean Hannity (12-15-20) Hannity: Mainstream media's corruption exposed (Sean Hannity takes aim at 'ivory tower' media ignoring Democrat's entanglement with suspected Chinese spy)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sean Hannity Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation on Twitter (12-14-20) Hannity: Joe Biden is compromised (Sean Hannity breaks down new developments in the Hunter Biden probe. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-WI, joins to discuss Senate findings on the Biden family)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Channel The Five Greg Gutfeld Pic The official Twitter for The Greg Gutfeld Show on @FoxNews#Gutfeld (12-14-20) Gutfeld on the expanding Hunter Biden investigation (Fallout grows in scandal surrounding president-elect's son; reaction and analysis on 'The Five')!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Channel The Five Judge Jeanine (12-11-20) Judge Jeanine torches Eric Swalwell's alleged relationship with a Chinese spy!
President Donald J Trump Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sean Hannity Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader on facebook Life Liberty & (Mark) Levin Life Liberty & (Mark) Levin, Author Unfreedom Of The Press (12-10-20) Hannity gives update on 'bombshell' Chinese spy report (Sean Hannity and Kevin McCarthy breakdown the gravity of Rep. Eric Swalwell's alleged relationship with Chinese spy) (12-10-20) | Mark Levin on Sean Hannity tonight!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Channel The Five Greg Gutfeld Pic The official Twitter for The Greg Gutfeld Show on @FoxNews#Gutfeld Jesse Watters' on Fox (12-10-20) 'The Five' on newly leaked audio of Biden blaming 'defund police' for Dem losses | 'The Five' discuss 'huge' new developments in the Hunter Biden tax 'scandal' (Feds probing Hunter Biden's taxes and foreign business ties; 'The Five' weighs in) (#FoxNews #TheFive)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sean Hannity Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation on Twitter (12-9-20) Hannity breaks down federal investigation into Hunter Biden (Sen. Ron Johnson, R-WI, joins Sean Hannity to outline latest federal tax investigation into Hunter Biden... #FoxNews #Hannity)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Fox News Channel The Five (12-9-20) 'The Five' call out Swalwell's 'hypocrisy' after ties to Chinese spy revealed (Rep. Eric Swalwell hyped up Russian collusion after being compromised by Chinese spy; 'The Five' react) | 'Explosive' development in the Hunter Biden saga: 'The Five' (Hunter Biden under federal tax investigation; 'The Five' weighs in. #FoxNews #FoxNews #TheFive)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sean Hannity U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee U.S. Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) House Judiciary Committee Member U.S. Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) House Judiciary Committee Member on Ballotpedia (12-8-20) Rep. Jim Jordan on Hannity | Hannity: GOP calls for special counsel on 'zero experience' Hunter Biden!
Team Trump on facebook Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Sean Hannity (12-7-20) Hannity: 'Far-left' extremism on full display (Sean Hannity reacts to Georgia run-off debates between Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Rev. Raphael Warnock... #FoxNews #Hannity)!
Fox News Channel Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox News Channel on facebook Greg Gutfeld Pic (12-1-20) Gutfeld on Paul Krugman s illegitimate column!


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