Senator Ted Cruz
(815 A Brazos PMB 550, Austin, TX 78701)
"How We Win" –
Ted Cruz at CPAC 2014!
Make DC Listen
Dear Patriot,
They're trying to destroy
you. That's right. President Obama, the Democrats, the media and The Establishment want
you to go away. They don't want conservatives or the Tea Party to
Here are just a few examples
of the vicious slurs they've used to describe us: Anarchists, terrorists,
extremists, crazies, reckless, dangerous, wacko birds, radical, and even some
things too vulgar to mention in this letter.
President Obama, Senator
Harry Reid and their campaign arms – Organizing for Action, the Democratic
National Committee, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee – have
brought out the long knives. They're spending millions of dollars in ads to
stop all of the patriots who are trying to turn this country around.
It's clear why they're in a
complete uproar – because we're finally giving the American people a voice in Washington. We're finally bringing accountability and shaking up
business-as-usual in The Beltway. That infuriates the Left and the
Establishment more than anything.
That's why conservatives
need your help to fight back. We need your help to Make DC Listen.
The good news is that
millions of patriots have been rising up across the country to say, "Enough!"
We won't stand for President Obama ramming his destructive agenda down our
throats any longer.
President Obama, Senator
Harry Reid, and the Democrats are so desperate
to impose the huge Obamacare train wreck on the American people that they
even shut down the government.
House Republicans repeatedly
passed bills to fund the government, but defund Obamacare. The Democrats kept
saying. "No!" Simply put,
Obamacare is a disaster.
After the Obamacare exchanges
opened on October 1st, it was even worse than predicted. President Obama calls
the problems "glitches," but we know that it's much more serious than
that. People have been losing their insurance plans, we've seen premiums
skyrocketing, deductibles have become unaffordable, and employees were being
forced into part-time work.
The bottom line is Americans are hurting from
Obamacare. We must stop this
job-killing monstrosity. There's an all-out assault on conservatives from
Democrats, the media and the Establishment – you can help us fight back...
The answers won't come from Washington, and the band of conservatives in Congress cannot win
this fight alone. Only you can Make DC Listen.
The attacks on conservatives have become
more fierce, personal, and vitriolic than ever... and they're coming from all sides – Democrats, the
pundit class, and even some Republicans.
The Washington
Establishment clearly does not want to listen to the American people. They feel like
they know best. Unfortunately, there are too many Members of Congress who
view their constituents, those who elected them, as a nuisance... but we know
better. It's time to Make DC Listen.
In an attempt to distract
from Obamacare's failures and soaring costs, Senator Harry Reid has resorted to
name-calling and mud-slinging, referring to hard-working Americans who oppose
Obamacare as "anarchists."
At least President Obama's
hometown paper, the Chicago Tribune, is starting to get it. Their editorial
pointing out that "fixing software
won't fix Obamacare" is correct. They go on to say the premiums,
co-pays and high deductibles are the real problem – a problem Obama can't
ignore much longer.
That's why we need your help.
We wouldn't be in this fight if it weren't for the generosity of tens of
thousands patriots across Texas
and Americans who love this country and want to restore our founding
principles. But with the onslaught
coming, we need your help to fight back...
Conservatives will not stop
fighting to stop Obamacare because of its devastating impact on our economy and
health care services.
But, this year has shown that
the answer is not going to come from Washington...the power of the American people, the grassroots,
is strong. Your voice is strong.
> First,
Americans made their voices heard and helped defeat a radical gun-control bill.
> Then, you
rose up to help stop an
bill that would have made the problems much
> More
recently, a tsunami of millions of Americans stood up to help make the U.S.
House of Representatives pass a bill to defund Obamacare.
None of these successes would have been
possible without the power of the grassroots like you... And we have much more work to do. President Obama
will continue to try to tear down the Constitution. We must stop him.
We know what's at stake. My
highest priorities in the Senate are fighting for limited government, defending
the Constitution and working to bring back jobs and generate economic growth.
And we must protect the Second Amendment, religious liberty, and U.S. sovereignty.
Unfortunately, there are far too few people in Washington willing to
fight for conservative principles.
If we just had even a few
more conservatives in Congress, it would make a huge difference. That's why
I've established the Jobs, Growth & Freedom Fund – to
help elect conservatives in 2014 and advance the conservative agenda.
The Democrats are well-funded
and ready to fight. Time Magazine had a recent headline saying that Democrats
are planning an all-out attack on me, nationwide, in 2014. Let me be clear, I
don't mind the personal attacks through desperate television ads, but the real
target of the attacks is you, the conservative grassroots.
Quite frankly, you terrify
the Washington Establishment.
Could you please contribute $35, $50, $100, $150, or
even $250 to help us with this light? We can't make Washington listen
without you, and we need resources to get the conservative message out.
It's hard to say just how far
President Obama will go, but one thing is clear, he promised the world that he
would fundamentally change the United States... we won't let that happen.
Thank you for standing for
freedom. I hope we can count on your support. Working together, we will Make DC Listen, stop
Obamacare, and restore
America to the Shining City on a Hill.
For Liberty,
P.S. Democrats and The
Establishment are attacking conservatives harder than ever – time is running out and we urgently need
your help to fight back and get our message out. Could I count on you to
contribute $35, $50. $100. $150, or even $250? Thank you (VC, 815 A
Brazos PMB 550, Austin, TX 78701)!