Mauro E. Mujica
Chairman of the Board
U.S.English, INC.
(P.O. Box 96850, Washington, D.C. 20090-6850)
Official English bill, H.R. 997/S. 464
December 27,
Dear Sir,
letter]...If we don't press our lawmakers in the 113th Congress and state
legislatures early on in 2014 to pass
Official English and put a stop to wasteful official multilingual policies that
are eating up tax dollars, we could lose critical momentum to our opponents
who are already pushing for a dramatic expansion of harmful pro-multilingual
no mistake, anti-assimilation groups are stepping up their campaign for an
officially polyglot United States, especially during this all-important election year.
we must match our well-funded foes (like
La Raza, MALDEF, the ACLU, and so-called immigrant rights activists) so we
can preserve our American culture by
protecting English as our nation's
unifying and common language...
me, I know there are other pressing issues that must
be addressed as Congress returns to Washington, including how to reduce staggering budget deficits
and historic debt. Yet, if we allow our opponents to gain any ground during
this uncertain time, all Americans will suffer serious consequences.
So I'm turning to you today to ask for your immediate
help in launching all FIVE of our MAJOR CAMPAIGNS geared toward building
unprecedented support in both houses of Congress and state legislatures all
across the country for Official English and
halting the drive to turn the U.S.
into an official multilingual country...
I. FEDERAL CAMPAIGN: Our first task is to ramp up our campaign in the
second legislative session of the 113th Congress to pass the Official English bill, H.R. 997/S. 464 [;],
which would establish English as the official language of our federal laws,
government, and U.S. citizenship. And
this bill would go a long way in curbing costly and inefficient government
programs that cater to people who refuse to learn our nation's common language.
your help, we continue to gain allies from both political parties for this
important bill. And when Congress reconvenes in January, our lobbying team will
redouble our efforts to press more members of Congress not to take the usual
easy way out of caving into the well-funded, multilingualism forces but to PASS
campaign can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars — so we need your renewed
support now to budget for, plan, and buy prime media spots for this major
federal initiative to pass the Official English bill.
II. FEDERAL CAMPAIGN: Right now, U.S.ENGLISH is launching an aggressive
campaign to stop efforts by pro-multilingual special interest groups to
establish Puerto Rico as the 51st state of the United States — and the first
Official Spanish state in the Union!
we don't put immediate pressure on our members of Congress to halt this drive
by anti-assimilation groups for Puerto
Rico statehood, I'm deeply
concerned it could spark a massive new
wave of official multilingualism in the United States.
to mention it could set in motion an immediate reversal of Official English
policies in states like California,
Arizona, and Florida which have large populations of non-English speakers.
As a nation of diverse cultures, languages, and
traditions, we cannot afford to accept a Spanish state! Which brings me to our third
III. FEDERAL CAMPAIGN: U.S.ENGLISH is gearing up for a tremendous showdown
against radical, so-called "pro-immigrant" groups who are pushing for
passage of a bill that would make it illegal for English to be our country's
official language.
The "English
Plus Resolution," pushed forward by Rep. José E.
Serrano (D-NY), seeks to BAN making English our official language and instead,
establish multilingualism as the official policy of the U.S.
this bill passes, I don't have to tell you, it would be a devastating blow to our Official English efforts — and reverse the
national momentum for Official English laws you've helped us pass and protect
in 31 states. That's why I'm counting on your continued strong support to STOP
this bill!
addition, to further limit the influence of radical anti-assimilation groups on
language and immigration policy in the United States, U.S.ENGLISH will ramp up our campaign to call on
Congress to stop funding La Raza, a radical anti-assimilation group that
promotes a dangerous anti-English,
pro-illegal alien agenda
and fight to pass legislation that limits tax dollars being used for printing
and distributing costly multilingual voting ballots in Spanish, Chinese,
Korean, Arabic, and many other languages, for millions of people who live in
our country, yet refuse to learn English.
IV. STATE CAMPAIGNS: With your ongoing support, we'll increase our
lobbying efforts urging state legislators to honor the will of the People who
want English to be their state's
official language by passing Official English
legislation and enforcing existing Official English laws in 2014.
states have established English as their state's official language — and
several states, including Wisconsin,
have Official English bills pending in their state legislatures. Yet, it's an
uphill battle because we face pro-multilingualism foes like the heavy-handed ACLU, which uses the courts to advance
their political agenda ... and force states to enact budget-draining
multilingualism laws ... or overturn states' existing Official English laws. And that brings me to our fifth campaign for
2014 ...
V. COURT BATTLE CAMPAIGNS: We'll also continue to monitor any further action by the Obama Justice Department to overreach
its authority in the states and promote a dramatic expansion of official
multilingual policies.
continue to face powerful resistance
from radical anti-assimilation groups and the Obama Justice Department,
which is trying to use the courts to enact budget-draining official
multilingualism laws and overturn states' existing Official English laws.
of our battles will take enormous resources to fund. That's why I'm counting on
your renewed support today to help us take the "people's case" to the
nation's courts, both state and federal, to fight against the ACLU, La Raza, MALDEF, and others who seem to
have no regard for the will of 88% of Americans who want English to be the ONE
and ONLY official language of their state and our nation.
Your clout when added to our membership
makes all the difference in the outcome of our important initiatives.
fact, with the help of you and our 1.8 million members and supporters,
U.S.ENGLISH has achieved the following over the past few years:
• Helped
bring the total number of states with Official English laws to 31;
• Garnered tremendous support from both
political parties for our Official
English bill, H.R. 997/S. 464;
• Led
three bills in the U.S. House related to protecting employers who institute
English-in-the-workplace policies;
• Delivered
tens of thousands of petitions directly to Members of Congress and sent more
than 100,000 emails to Congress and State Legislatures via our online Voter
Voice system at;
• Testified
before Congress on the importance of establishing English as our country's
official language;
• Defended
Official English laws in our nation's courts, including a precedent-setting
case in Iowa upholding that state's Official English law; and
• Thwarted
efforts to pass amnesty legislation that would not have required immigrants to
learn English before becoming citizens.
our progress and the victories we've won together, we continue to face
tremendous opposition from powerful anti-assimilation groups to our Official
English agenda.
so to get all our important Official English federal, state, and court
campaigns up and running in 2014, I need you to stand with us to defend the
country we love, forever united by a common language, by renewing your support
of U.S.ENGLISH with a generous donation - right away ...
know there are other pressing issues that must be addressed by Congress right
now. Yet, if we allow our opponents to gain any ground in the early months of
this important election year, our American identity will suffer serious consequences.
so it is up to us to keep the pressure on lawmakers to uphold their pledge to
support Official English and put a stop to the steady drive to turn the United States into an official multilingual country. The stakes for
our nation's unity have never been higher... (U.S.English, P.O. Box 96850, Washington, D.C. 20090-6850).
E. Mujica
of the Board
L Street, NW, Suite 702 • Washington,
DC 20036 •
202-833-0100 •
are just a few of the accomplishments you've helped us achieve in 2013 ...
· Garnered 52 co-sponsors for H.R. 997, the Official English bill in
Congress, representing support from both
political parties.
· Launched a massive campaign in Wisconsin to rally support among Wisconsin residents and state legislators to
pass a bill that would establish English as Wisconsin's official language.
· U.S.ENGLISH worked closely with our allies in the House of Representatives and
the Senate to pressure the Justice Department to cease and desist interfering
with state Official English laws.
· Delivered
tens of thousands of petitions and letters to U.S. lawmakers urging them to uphold the will of their
constituents by rejecting several harmful bills, including the "English Plus Bill," which would
have seriously undermined the unifying role of English in the U.S. and weakened our country's citizenship requirements.
· Worked to educate and inform lawmakers
about the dangers of passing
amnesty legislation without first
passing Official
English and requiring all new
citizens to learn English.
· Called on Members of Congress to account for the true cost of
government multilingual policies - an important step in reversing these harmful
and costly policies.
· Met
with congressional lawmakers to gain more allies for Official English and
stress the critical importance of supporting bills that uphold English as our
nation's common, unifying language.
Dear Sir,
accept the enclosed temporary U.S.ENGLISH Membership ADVISORY BOARD Card and
renew your support for the year 2014 — right now. Here's why your continued
support is so important ...
pressure builds in Washington to get control of government spending and lower
our massive trillion-dollar budget deficits, I believe this is our moment to
once and for all put the brakes on costly and corrosive official multilingual
policies — and stop the drive to turn the U.S. into an official multilingual
why I'm counting on your continued support today. As U.S.ENGLISH urges Congress
to cut wasteful official multilingual programs to George Gilder help balance
the budget and save taxpayers $100 billion each year, we must also be fully
prepared to wage and win our other priority battles, including:
• Passing
H.R. 997/S. 464, our Official English bill in Congress, which would
establish English as the official language of the United States.
• Defeating a Bill Which Would Make It
Illegal to Establish English as Our Nation's Official Language — an effort
supported by radical anti-assimilation groups, including La Raza.
• Preventing
Congress from Admitting Millions of Illegal Immigrants without first
establishing English as our nation's official language.
• Stopping
the Use of Tax Dollars to Fund La Raza, a radical anti- Randolph Rowland
assimilation, pro-illegal immigrant group.
• Stopping the Use of Tax Dollars to Pay for
Printing Multilingual Voting Ballots.
• Revealing the true cost of multilingual
services and help put a stop to the unchecked growth of official
multilingual policies in the U.S.
victory in even one of these critical battles would deliver an enormous Werner
P. Wolf, D. Phil blow to the radical agenda of our anti-assimilation opponents
and boost momentum for Official English...
must have our strongest membership base of support ever to ensure our priority
battles are fully funded in the immediate months ahead ...
... and so that we may respond at a
moment's notice to any efforts by our anti-assimilation opponents to move
forward their drive to turn the U.S. into an official multilingual country.
the budget battle continues in Washington, U.S.ENGLISH is leading the charge to dramatically
scale back multilingual services and expose
the enormous costs of these harmful policies:
• The average person who doesn't speak English
costs taxpayers an extra $150,000 over
his lifetime;
• There are 30 million non-English speakers in
the U.S. Over their lifetimes they will collectively cost Americans an extra $4.5 trillion;
• In
health care alone, it is estimated that multilingual services cost taxpayers $267 million each year.
incredibly, at a time of massive budget deficits and calls to cut
out-of-control government spending, some lawmakers are still pushing for a
radical expansion of official multilingual services that cater to people who
live in our country, yet refuse to learn English.
because there are powerful forces in Washington who are putting pressure on lawmakers to ensure that
official multilingual programs remain OFF the chopping block. It's time to
remind lawmakers who they really work
that in fact, YOU and the majority of their constituents support putting a stop
to reckless official multilingual policies that are draining our country's
coffers of billions of dollars each year and discouraging immigrants from
learning English.
to be most effective, I need to know RIGHT NOW that I can count on your early
strong support. So please, demonstrate
your support for our ambitious battle plan to stop this drive for a
multilingual United States and pass
Official English by renewing your U.S.ENGLISH membership early.
halt the expansion of runaway multilingual policies and build support FOR
policies that promote English as our country's common language, we must
overcome tremendous opposition by our well-funded and well-connected opponents,
many of them firmly entrenched in the Obama Administration. Your early membership renewal today
provides us with that momentum!
your help today, U.S.ENGLISH will ensure we have the resources we need heading
into 2014 to put an end to federal multilingual mandates that cater to the more
than 25 million non-English-speaking immigrants in the U.S. ... and cost our
local, state, and national government billions of dollars each year!
you know, aside from the enormous costs, official multilingual services create
a dangerous sense of entitlement among non-English speaking immigrants to
receive services in their native languages.
according to a 2011 Census Bureau report on language use in the U.S., the number of people who spoke a language other than
English at home has nearly tripled over the past three decades!
And I can't think of a better time to
cut these harmful policies than at the height and focus of the budget battle
now raging in Washington!
during the next critical weeks and months, as Congress works to identify
programs that deserve to be cut from our government's bloated budget, our
lobbying team will take your message of support for cutting official
multilingual policies directly to your representatives in Washington.
Your letters, petitions, emails, and
phone calls to your lawmakers have a tremendous impact! In fact, thanks to your support over this past year,
U.S.ENGLISH has achieved the following victories:
• Garnered tremendous support in Congress
for our Official English bill, H.R. 997/S. 464.
• Helped
raise awareness about the danger of establishing Puerto Rico - a predominantly Spanish-speaking U.S. territory - as the 51St state in the union.
• Worked closely with legislators to pass
Official English in the 19 states that have yet to do so, while working to pass
additional laws that promote English in all 50 states.
• Called on Congress to stop funding La
Raza, a radical anti-English,
pro-illegal alien group that lobbies for
and government benefits for illegal aliens, promotes a dangerous expansion of
official multilingual policies, and works to undermine the unifying role of
English in the U.S.
we continue to deliver — on your behalf — thousands of petitions, letters, and
nationwide polls directly to the offices of your representatives in Congress,
demonstrating the overwhelming support for Official English and demanding they
vote "YES" for H.R. 997/S. 464, the English Language Unity Act. Yet,
I cannot stress this enough ...
the fact that more than 80% of Americans support making English our official
language, we're up against powerful and radical pro-multilingual organizations —
and these extreme anti-assimilation
groups are gradually building behind-the-scenes support to preserve their
harmful official multilingual policies. That's why we urgently need you
with us early on!
A large membership base gives us the
majority voice we need to ensure
lawmakers support our call to put the brakes on runaway official
multilingualism and support policies that promote the unifying role of English
in the U.S.
your support, we'll have to cut back on our recruitment efforts — at a time
when we have our greatest opportunity ever to push Congress to cut costly and
corrosive official multilingual policies.
why it's so important I can count on you to stand with U.S.ENGLISH as we fight
to ensure that living in this great country means that we communicate in one
common, unifying language: English.
lobbyists are up on Capitol Hill at this moment demanding that our
decision-makers listen to the American people — and cut programs like official
multilingual policies that are a tremendous drain on taxpayers.
you know, U.S.ENGLISH, Inc. is a grassroots organization whose lifeblood is the
willingness of our members to give generously in support of our mission.
unlike so many of the pro-multilingualism groups who oppose us, U.S.ENGLISH
receives no government subsidies...
We need you with us in 2014 to demonstrate the
overwhelming support ofAmericans all across the
country for cutting costly and ineffective programs, including official
multilingual policies, which are adding to our massive deficits and undermining
the role of English in the U.S.
... we
have come to depend on you to be the voice for Official English in Congress and
in your community ... so please stay with us in 2014!...
my sincere thanks,
E. Mujica
of the Board
P.S. ... we need you with us in
2014 to demonstrate Americans' strong support for cutting costly and
ineffective programs, including official multilingual policies, which are
adding to the deficits and undermining the role of English in the
United States. So please renew your membership early with a generous contribution of
$10 or more today. Thank you (U.S.English, P.O. Box 96850, Washington, D.C. 20090-6850).
E. Mujica
Chairman of the Board
A. Capano
Denton Cooley, M.D.
Delgado policies
Richard DeVos
Glazer, Ph.D.
Mujica, Ph.D.
Arnold Palmer
K. Petersen
Randolph Rowland
James Schlesinger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
D. Shumway
W. Wilson
P. Wolf, D. Phil
Founded in 1983 by
S.I. Hayakawa
L Street, NW, Suite 702 • Washington,
DC 20036 •
202-833-0100 •