Jerome Corsi
(TTPC) The Tea Party Campaign
(P.O. Box 96545, Washington, D.C. 20090-6545)
Dear Friend,
[11-25-2013 letter] It is
irredeemably corrupt, bloated beyond all reason, staffed by bureaucratic bunglers,
hopelessly wasteful, completely incompetent, incurably politically biased and
has lost sight of its one and only mission.
friend, for the sake of our nation, our future and our children's future ...
The Internal Revenue Service must be shut
before they take over and ruin America's health care system, we must close the IRS --
forever. And I must have your help -- today -- to do just that! That's why I am
asking you to do two things for me -- and for our nation -- immediately.
1. Please complete and return the [requested] enclosed
and please,
2. Make your maximum possible financial contribution
to help The Tea Party Campaign in our
vitally important work to end the IRS Reign of Terror and force the Federal
Government to respect taxpayers and citizens, and shut down this
out-of-control, bully-boy agency.
stand at the crossroads as a country. Are
we to be subjects of an all-powerful, corrupt national government, cowering
in the face of oppressive bureaucracies? Or are we to remain as free citizens of the United
States with government of the people, by the people and for the people?
Dr. Jerome Corsi. You may have seen me on TV, or heard me on talk radio. Or
maybe you know of my books: Unfit for
Command – Swiftboat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (co-authored with
my great friend John O'Nei1l), or The
Obama Nation, in which I outlined the far-left forces that have made and
manipulated Mr. Obama into the Oval Office, or maybe from my wildly popular
book, Where's the Birth Certificate?,
which became an Amazon #1 and New York Times Top Ten bestseller.
I am
immediately taking up the fight to shut down the corrupt and power-hungry
Internal Revenue Service now, before it's too late. And I must have your help
to do it. Please [request for and] complete and return your SHUT DOWN THE IRS NATIONAL SURVEY to me
today. I want to deliver your answers to the Congress, the White House and the
national news media just as soon as I can.
participation in this crucial SURVEY
project is vitally important. Can I expect your responses by return mail? Thank
sick in my heart about the future of our nation. This great nation -- the likes
of which has never been seen before on the face of this Earth -- is about to
disappear forever into the abyss of socialism and disintegration and decay.
be sure, it's the Obama Administration, with the collusion of the Washington
Establishment, that has driven us to this point. But they could never have done
it without the storm troopers of the Internal Revenue Service to lead the
from being just the tax collectors for the ever-bigger Federal Government (that
would be bad enough) ... they have now become a highly-politicized agency,
rewarding friends of the leftist Obama Administration ... and punishing their
was bad enough before the revelations of the past few months. The stories of
armed, jackbooted IRS thugs throwing people out of their homes or confiscating
their possessions without a thought were the worst we thought we'd ever see.
But now we know it goes much deeper than that.
why I must ask you to please, take a moment right now to complete and return
Obama Administration, Establishment politicians and entrenched special interest
groups need a wake-up call from the American people -- and they need it now.
They are more than willing to use the Internal Revenue Service to bully our
citizens and destroy our future.
a wake-up call is exactly what they will get from your completed SHUT DOWN THE IRS NATIONAL SURVEY.
want to collect your SURVEY and
thousands more from outraged patriots all across our nation. We must force
Congress -- on both sides of the aisle -- to finally listen to real Americans
and stop this outrageous assault on our nation and our Constitution by the
Obama Administration and their Internal Revenue Service thugs.
like the original Tea Party patriots in the Revolutionary War, it's our turn to
tell Barack Hussein Obama that we won't stand for it any more ... that we
demand he respect his Oath of Office, our U.S. Constitution and the freedoms it
participation is vital. I must ask you to [request for and] complete and return
today. There is no time to lose.
Obama Administration has made it quite clear that it will use any tool at its
disposal to stop the Tea Party and any American that they think might be a
threat to their power-grab.
the hands of the White House are all over the politicization of the IRS. These
would-be dictators will do whatever it takes to stop us. We already know how
far this rot has advanced.
work with me on this vital issue. Tomorrow may be too late. And the stakes are
too high for us to fail. The future of America rests in the balance. We must act now, before Obama
and his IRS storm troopers destroy our nation forever!
why I, as Chairman of The Tea Party
Campaign, am committing everything we have to generate the grassroots
support so crucial to this huge undertaking. I am completely committed in my
campaign to stop the Internal Revenue Service from destroying our nation.
I, and The Tea Party Campaign, have
developed a five-part plan to stop the rot and put our America back on track. Here it is:
1. You must sign your SHUT DOWN THE IRS NATIONAL SURVEY and return it to me immediately.
Your completed SURVEY is critically
important to this fight to save our nation.
2. I must add an additional 100,000 voices to yours.
Only if we can collect a huge number of completed SHUT DOWN THE IRS NATIONAL SURVEY polls along with yours can we be
sure that we will make a big enough noise that the Washington insiders have to take us seriously.
3. I, and members of The Tea Party Campaign team, will deliver the results of the
SURVEY to the White House, the United States Congress and the fair and
balanced news media. Believe me, they WILL pay attention to The Tea Party Campaign and its
supporters. For the first time in a long time they have a principled and vocal
constituency they HAVE to listen to.
4. I, and The
Tea Party Campaign, will recruit members from all across America, asking them to join with us to save our America.
5. The Tea Party
Campaign will conduct a targeted national media campaign that will include
press, radio, internet and television announcements. This will force the DC
Beltway insiders and Establishment politicians to take our fight against the Internal
Revenue Service and their unprincipled and
unconstitutional actions very
know this is an ambitious plan. But with your support, it can work. We're in a
great position to make real change. The stakes are high. The resources we'll
need are massive. But our future rests in the balance.
why I must ask you to immediately complete and return your SHUT DOWN THE IRS NATIONAL SURVEY. And with your completed SURVEY, please include your most
generous contribution to The Tea Party
bare-bones budget for this national SURVEY
and education project is $48,200 above and beyond what The Tea Party Campaign has been able to commit so far. And I must
raise at least $28,100 of that within the next 14 days. I hope I can count on
I hesitate to name an amount, I must ask you to make your maximum possible
contribution to help us save our nation from Obama and his thugs at the
Internal Revenue Service.
you can afford a gift of $2,000 or $1,500 or $1,000, it will go along way
towards meeting our goal of waking up Congress to its responsibilities and
stopping President Barack Hussein Obama and the IRS from destroying our nation.
if you can only afford a gift of $500 or $250, or maybe $100 or $50, or $35 or
even $25, please know that your contribution will be well and frugally used in
this vital battle to save our country.
whatever you can send, do it today. Your completed SHUT DOWN THE IRS NATIONAL SURVEY and your best possible gift are
essential if we are to save our nation.
you for your support in this critically important battle for the very future of
our nation. And God Bless America.
Corsi, Chairman
The Tea Party Campaign
P.S. Our America is at grave risk. The Obama Administration and the
power-hungry Washington Establishment are using the jackbooted thugs at the
Internal Revenue Service to bully citizens, steal our freedom and subjugate our
nation. That's why I must ask you to please [request for and] complete your SHUT DOWN THE IRS NATIONAL SURVEY and
return it to me today. I want to deliver SURVEY
results -- and begin the long and hard process of getting our nation back on
track --just as soon as I possibly can. I am counting on your help. Many thanks
(TTPC, P.O. Box 96545, Washington, D.C. 20090-6545).
The Tea Party Campaign with Dr. Jerome
A project of State Department Watch Ltd. ׀ P.O. Box 96545
׀ Washington, DC