Dr. Robert Grant


(TCV) The Christian Voice

A program of American Service Council

(P.O. Box 96484, Washington, D.C. 20090-6484)


S.1279 – The Freedom to Pray Act


Dear Fellow Christian,


[12-2013 partial letter] The enclosed Census contains your personal identification number and has been specifically registered in your name. Please answer the questions on your Community Faith Census to represent the views of Christians in your neighborhood.


Do you support S.1279 – The Freedom to Pray Act, which protects America's Christians from the attacks of the ACLU?


Your answers to this Community Faith Census will be sent directly to members of the 113th Congress. And as one of only a select number of representatives from your voting district, it's up to you to send our leaders a clear message about how Christians in your area feel.


Please complete your Community Faith Census and rust it back to me in the next 5 days. Your answers will help protect America's Christians from being silenced by the ACLU.


Please note, your registered Community Faith Census is an Express Form and requires an urgent response. Only a few faithful Americans have been chosen to participate in this Community Faith Census... please don't let yours go to waste. Please complete your Census and rush it back to me in the next 5 days.


Right now, the ACLU is hunting down and persecuting Christians... I'm afraid Christians in your town could be next on their radar... and unless we convince our leaders to pass The Freedom to Pray Act, I'm afraid nothing will stop the ACLU from silencing Christians.


Please [request for and] complete your Community Faith Census and help stop the ACLU before it's too late. Even if you're unsure about how to answer some of the questions on your Census, please complete as much as you can and rush it back in the next 5 days.


Your completed Community Faith Census shows our elected officials exactly how Americans feel about the issues affecting you the most... and that Christians in your town support S. 1279 ­­– The Freedom to Pray Act.


Do you feel that the ACLU's attacks are biased against Christians? Do you think the Ten Commandments should be outlawed from public places? What about crosses?


With your completed Census, I will have the proof I need to show our leaders that Christians in your area care about protecting our faith... and your answers will be the push Congress needs to immediately pass The Freedom to Pray Act and protect America's Christians ­­– before it's too late...


With your one-time donation of $17.45, I can send out 36 additional Community Faith Census's to other faithful Americans.


And I need to gather 440,000 completed Census's to get accurate results and to give the momentum I need to convince our leaders to pass S.1279 – The Freedom to Pray Act.


My friend, a lot of Americans don't even know about the ACLU's vicious attacks against Christians... that the ACLU is already driving Christians into hiding by:


·          Banning Bibles and forbidding the mention of Jesus Christ in Schools.


·          Ripping Historic Nativity Scenes out of public places, town squares, and town halls.


·          And advocating the use of the Koran instead of the Bible in court 'swearing-in' ceremonies.


That's why it's so important that I receive your completed Community Faith Census back in the next 5 days...


The future of our Christian Faith rests in your hands. Please send your answers today.



Dr. Robert Grant



P.S.    The enclosed Community Faith Census is registered exclusively in your name and contains your personal identification number. You have been chosen to represent Christians in your area.


Please answer the questions on your Community Faith Census and rush it back to me in the next 5 days. Even if you're unsure how to answer some of the questions, please complete as much as you can.


Your completed Community Faith Census is our best weapon in the fight to protect our Christian faith from being silenced by the ACLU. And when you [request for and] send your Community Faith Census, please also include your one-time $17.45 donation to help send this important Census to other area representatives (TCV, P.O. Box 96484, Washington, D.C. 20090-6484).


Thank you.




(Partial Sample)

Community Faith Census




1. Do you consider yourself


 Born-again Christian

 Evangelical Christian

 Mainline Christian

 Other Christian







2. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not important and 10 being the most important) how important is your faith to you? (please circle below)


      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    No Answer


3. How often do you attend Church:


 More than once a week


 Less than once a week


 No Answer


4. How big of a role does your faith play in your life?

 A big role

 A medium role

 A small role

 No role

 No Answer



The ACLU and Christianity in America


1. Do you consider America to be a Christian nation?



 No Answer


2. How big of a role do you feel religion should play in education?

 A big role

 A medium role

 A small role

 No role

 No Answer


3. How big of a role do you feel religion should play in government?

 A big role

 A medium role

 A small role

 No role

 No answer


4. Do you feel that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is biased against Christianity?





 No Answer


5. Do you feel that the ACLU specifically targets America's Christians and the Christian values that we uphold?





 No Answer


6. Do you support the Ten Commandments being displayed in public places?





 No Answer


7. Do you think that historic nativity scenes should be banned from public display?





 No Answer


8. Do you support crosses being displayed in public places?





 No Answer


9. Do you believe Bibles should be accessible in schools, hotels, and public libraries?





 No Answer


10. Do you believe the history of Jesus Christ should be taught in school?





 No Answer


11. Do you support using the term "Merry Christmas"?





 No Answer



S.1279 – The Freedom to Pray Act in the 113th Congress


1. Do you think that our elected leaders should pass legislation to protect Christianity in America?





 No Answer


2. Do you support the immediate passage of S.1279 - The Freedom to Pray Act in the 113th Congress?





 No Answer


Thank you for completing your Census. Your answers will help protect America's Christians from being silenced. God Bless You.




"Protect America's Christians"


Dear Fellow Christian,


I've sent you this Postage Paid AeroPlex Envelope because I need your help. Please... before you do anything else, rush your "Protect America's Christians" Petition back to me in this Postage Paid AeroPlex Envelope. You and I don't have a moment to spare.


Hillary Clinton is using the ACLU to persecute Christians . We need to protect America's Christians before we're silenced forever.


And my friend, if we don't fight back, Hillary Clinton and the ACLU will win. That's why I've sent you this Postage Paid AeroPlex Envelope... and that's why I need your "Protect America's Christians" Petition right away.


As I write to you, we are bracing for a huge battle...


Hillary Clinton and the ACLU




You, me and Christians all across America


And if we lose this battle, the America we love -- the values we share -- will be destroyed... and Christians in America will be silenced forever.


Please, before you do anything else, sign your "Protect America's Christians" Petition and rush it back to me. I've enclosed a Postage Paid AeroPlex Envelope so you can send your Petition back as soon as you sign it.


I absolutely need your "Protect America's Christians" Petition back right away... the ACLU is already driving Christian into hiding by:


·          Banning Bibles and forbidding the mention of Jesus Christ in Schools.


·          Ripping Historic Nativity Scenes out of public places, town squares, and town halls.


·          And advocating the use of the Koran instead of the Bible in court "swearing -in" ceremonies.


I've always been wary of Hillary Clinton and the ACLU -- I've always known they hate you and me for what we believe in... But now for the first time, I'm afraid.


And you should be afraid, too. Because this time it's different... Hillary Clinton blames Christians for her losing the Presidency. It was the most humiliating moment of her life... and she's out for revenge.


Please rush me your signed "Protect America's Christians" Petition right now. If you and I don't take action soon, I'm afraid Hillary Clinton and the ACLU will silence us forever.


Because revenge is still Hillary Clinton's number one priority. And now Hillary is raising millions of dollars for extremist left-wing organizations who attack Christians and everything we believe in...


Like the ACLU. They're fighting to make public displays of our faith illegal... and they're doing everything in their power to silence America's Christians.


Please don't wait. Please rush me your signed "Protect America's Christians" Petition today.


My friend, it's very important that I receive your signed "Protect America's Christians" Petition right away because time is running out to stop the ACLU from silencing Christians... and this could be our last chance.


I'm so worried about Christians in America that I sent you a Postage Paid AeroPlex Envelope so you can rush your "Protect America's Christians" Petition straight back to me.


The Postage for this AeroPlex Envelope was expensive. And it was a great risk to send it to you. It was a necessary risk. Because I absolutely need your "Protect America's Christians" Petition back right away.


My friend, please don't wait until tomorrow or the next day... Sign your "Protect America's Christians" Petition and rush it back to me in your Postage Paid AeroPlex Envelope.


And I need another crucial favor. Would you please send Christian Voice a one-time contribution of $17.16? (please rush your one-time contribution back with your "Protect America's Christians" Petition.


A lot of Americans don't know that Hillary Clinton and the ACLU have teamed up to persecute Christians... and a lot of Americans don't know that Christians in America are on the verge of being silenced forever.


Which is why I'm asking you to please send an urgent contribution of $17.16 with your signed "Protect America's Christians" Petition.


With your contribution, I can send more Petitions to Christians across America... and the more signed Petitions I receive, the closer we come to stopping the ACLU.


My friend, your $17.16 donation is very important. As I ask thousands of Christians to join this fight against Hillary Clinton and the ACLU, I'm realizing that I can't do this alone.


Will you please help me? Please send an urgent contribution of $17.16 or as much as you can afford. Any help you can give will go a long way in this fight to protect America's Christians.


By coming together with other Christians all across America, we can stop the ACLU from persecuting Christians once and for all. I absolutely need your help.


Please use the Postage Paid AeroPlex Envelope I've enclosed to rush your "Protect America's Christians" Petition back to me. And please also include a one-time contribution of $17.16 or whatever you can afford.


This fight is for more than just you and me. This is a fight for our children and grandchildren. A fight for our very Nation Under God. And this letter is a call to arms. I will not meet my Maker and say I stood by and did nothing. I can only pray you feel the same way.



Dr. Robert Grant



P.S.    I've rushed you this Postage Paid AeroPlex Envelope because I need your help. Hillary Clinton blames Christians for her losing the Presidency... And now she's teamed up with the ACLU to silence Christians forever.


My friend, please use this Postage paid AeroPlex Envelope to rush your "Protect America's Christians" Petition back to me. And please enclose your contribution of $17.16 when you send back your Petition (TCV, P.O. Box 96484, Washington, D.C. 20090-6484).


Christian Voice is a program of the American Service Council, a 501 (C)(4) non-profit organization





Protect America's Christians Petition


For too long Christians have stood by and watched in horror as the ACLU has succeeded in their efforts to ban public displays of Christian Faith.


It is time that Christians in America take a stand for our Christian Faith and our Christian Nation.


With my signature, I am officially making it known that I strongly oppose the ACLU and their efforts to silence Christians.


And I request that the elected members of the 113th Congress take action to protect Christians in America.


Sincerely, ____________________________




"Right to Worship"


Thursday, 7:45


Dear Fellow Christian,


Please sign your "Right to Worship" Petition and rush it back right away. Without this Petition, Hillary Clinton and her band of anti-Christian radicals in the ACLU will finally get their way... You'll be forbidden as a Christian to speak, pray or worship in public.


If you think I might be exaggerating, then think about this...


30 years ago it didn't seem possible that prayer in school would be outlawed...


10 years ago it sounded crazy to think that Nativity Scenes would be banned...


5 years ago, who would believe that you'd have to think twice about saying "Merry Christmas"?


But all these things have happened -- and worse... The ACLU and Hillary Clinton teamed up to launch their biggest crusade of hatred yet. And now they've come close to silencing Christians in the United States of America forever.


And these attacks aren't just a random act here and there -- it's a part of an attack on our faith that anti-Christian radicals have planned all along.


When Hillary Clinton posed for photo opportunities outside churches, her friends in the ACLU were poised to strike another blow. The ACLU is working day and night -- and the final battle is about to take place in Washington D.C.


The battlefield is the U.S. Congress and your "Right to Worship" Petition is an important weapon in this battle for our side. Please -- it's absolutely critical that you sign your "Right to Worship" Petition and rush it back to me right away.


Your Petition will help convince our leaders in the Senate to pass the most important weapon in our battle -- The Freedom to Pray Act.


Just like the name says, this important legislation will protect our religious freedom... and stop the views of Hillary Clinton and her friends in the ACLU from taking the last step to silencing Christians in America forever.


Christians weren't able to stop the ACLU when they told our children they couldn't pray in school... Christians weren't able to stop the ACLU when they took away the Ten Commandments...


And now there's not much left. Hillary Clinton's friends in the ACLU are focusing their crosshairs on what's left of our right to Worship.


We cant afford to stand by and do nothing this time. Because things are going to get even worse.


Please -- all you have to do is sign this "Right to Worship" Petition and send it back to me. The envelope I sent you has my address on it. And as soon as your Petition gets here, I will rush it straight to the 113th Congress.


My friend, collecting thousands of these Petitions is our best hope to stop the anti-Christian ACLU. So please send your signed "Right to Worship" Petition back right away.


Your Petition is vital to this fight, but I need a lot more if were going to stop the ACLU. That's why I need this important favor as well...


When you rush your Petition back, please send a $18 contribution if there is any way you can. Your $18 will help print and send out 44 more Petitions. That's 44 more voices telling Congress that Christianity is important to America -- and that our Religious Freedom is something were not going to give up without a fight.


My friend, please don't let the ACLU get away with their lies. Getting rid of the Ten Commandments is their biggest victory so far. With lies and dirty money, they banned Gods Law from public display.


And now, the ACLU is moving closer to silencing Christians in America forever -- we can't let them.


We desperately need action to stop this assault on our faith -- Congress must pass The Freedom to Pray Act before the end of this session. Its our best hope of stopping Hillary Clinton and her friends in the ACLU.


Please don't let the ACLU get away with silencing Christians in America... Please sign your "Right to Worship" Petition and rush it back to me as soon as you can -- today if at all possible.


And please don't forget that I desperately need your financial help too. Please send a gift of $18 when you send your signed Petition in. While your Petition and mine are both important, we need thousands more.


I guarantee you our enemies are out there spreading the lie that most Christians don't care about this anymore. Now is when we have to expose their lies... now is the time to stand up for our Right to Worship -- and stand up for God.


Without your signed Petition and your one-time $18 contribution, I will be in serious trouble. Because without your help, I won't be able to convince Congress to pass The Freedom to Pray Act... and our Christian faith will be forever silenced at the hands of the ACLU.


We've gone from a Christian Nation to one where the Ten Commandments has been re-moved from public view by the ACLU. How much worse can it get? Hillary Clinton and her friends in the ACLU have come to the doorstep of silencing Christians in America forever.


They're close to bullying Christians into the shadows -- right here in the United States of America.. in this Nation Under God.


The ACLU has mountains of money and a seemingly bottomless budget.. but I have something more: I have the help of good friends like you...


Which is why I'm coming to you with my hat in my hand, asking for your help right now. Because the truth is: I'm fighting an uphill battle to raise $225,000.00.


Without that $225,000.00, we have no chance of getting the number of Petitions we need to convince Congress to pass The Freedom to Pray Act and to protect our Christian faith.


Please help. Because we need to make an important choice -- is saving our Religious Freedom worth signing this Petition? Is saving our Religious Freedom worth $18 today?


I pray you will choose to help, because I -- and America -- really need you right now.


God Bless You,

Dr. Robert Grant

Executive Director

Christian Voice


P.S.    We've gone from a Christian Nation to one where the Ten Commandments has been removed from public view by the ACLU. If we let Hillary Clinton and the ACLU have one more inch, I fear we will lose our right to speak, pray or worship in public ever again.


Please [request for and] sign your "Right to Worship" Petition and rush it back right away. Without this Petition and without your financial help, I can't convince Congress to pass The Freedom to Pray Act.


If we can't get this important Amendment passed, Hillary Clinton and her band of God-hating, anti-Christian radicals in the ACLU will finally get their way... And American Christians will be silenced forever (TCV, P.O. Box 96484, Washington, D.C. 20090-6484).






A Petition in support of –

The Freedom to Pray Act


I, The Undersigned, hereby call on Congress to reintroduce and pass Congress to pass The Freedom to Pray Act to protect American Christians from the attacks of Hillary Clinton and the ACLU before they succeed in silencing Christians forever.


I, The Undersigned, hereby authorize Dr. Robert Grant, Founder of Christian Voice, to speak on my behalf regarding The Freedom to Pray Act.


Signed and Sworn on ____________________ in this year of our Lord.