Michael D. Evans
Save Jerusalem
(P.O. Box 211595, Bedford, TX 76095-8595)
A "Celebration of
Dear Friend,
letter] In 2013, the United States forced Israel to release a group of convicted Palestinian
terrorists under the false supposition that it would pave the way for peace
talks. This is heartbreaking for many reasons:
It shows Israel
being blackmailed (by threat of withholding help in dealing with the Iranian
nuclear threat)
2) to make extraordinary concessions.
have been a close friend of Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu for decades, and I can
tell you that he would never have made this choice willingly.
for the families of the victims of these convicted terrorists – and many of
them are cold-blooded murderers of the innocent – this release was especially
painful. They watched those who killed their mothers, fathers, siblings, and
children go home to rejoicing crowds celebrating their "victory."
The son of one murdered woman
called this a "celebration of terrorism," and he is exactly right.
prisoner release is not going to bring peace in the Middle East because the Palestinians have no interest in peace.
is going to do two things: first, it will weaken the nation of Israel. Its leaders have been forced to cave in to people
who literally have blood on their hands. Thousands of years of human history
demonstrate conclusively that this approach never works.
this is going to cost America dearly.
Our nation is cursing Israel.
simply is no other way to describe what is going on. And God's promise to curse
those who curse the descendants of Abraham is still in full effect.
If our leaders continue to
insist on forcing Israel
into these damaging decisions, God's judgment will fall on our land.
Arab world has been in a perpetual state of war against the nation of Israel since 1948. Sometimes it is a hot war and sometimes
it is a cold war, but it is always war. Even in the rare instances when peace
treaties are signed, such as the one with Egypt, it is more a temporary respite than a permanent
Koran calls for perpetual battle against Christians and Jews: "Fight those
who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath
been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of
Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya tax with willing submission, and feel themselves
subdued" (Surah 9:29).
This verse testifies to the
futility of US-negotiated peace talks between Israel
and any Muslim country. Promises are made to be broken, and often those
promises are broken where Israel
is concerned.
My friend, existential threats against Israel abound.
Ahmad Bahr, deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, delivered a
televised sermon calling for the annihilation of every Jewish person and all
those who support them. He said, "Oh, Allah, destroy the Jews and their
supporters.. the Americans
and their supporters. Oh, Allah, count them one by
one, and kill them all, without leaving a single one."
did not just single out Israel, but the United States as well. He is not the first, and he won't be the
last to threaten the Jewish state. The leaders of Iran have for years been calling for the obliteration of Israel-the utter annihilation of the Jewish people.
Should Iran's leaders achieve
their purpose – the acquisition of nuclear weapons – how long do you think it
will be before rockets carrying atomic explosives will rain down on Israel's
Israel is SURROUNDED by countries wishing her destruction!
still remember the days of Civil Defense drills from when I was in elementary
school. We were marched out into the hallways and made to sit along the walls.
Or sometimes we had to crawl under our desks and cover our heads with our arms.
was done because Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev had made
threats against the United States and people feared a nuclear war. It seems ridiculous
now that anyone could have thought such tactics would protect us from
radioactive fallout.
In Israel, they confront this reality daily. Sudden destruction
is a threat the tiny country has faced since its inception on May 14, 1948. If one country made the move to destroy Israel, every single neighboring country would line up on
opposition against the Jewish people.
in Syria is getting even worse, and rumors are swirling about
the use of chemical weapons by either the government or the rebels – or both.
Hezbollah-dominated government of Lebanon has collapsed, and there have been violent clashes
along and over their border with Syria between the different factions. Iraq refused a direct request from US Secretary of State
John Kerry to stop Iranian aircraft from flying over their airspace to deliver
weapons to Assad in Syria.
work to defend Israel and the Jewish people through prayer is so vital right now. I recently
went to Israel as your ambassador to encourage a nation in crisis. I
ask that you join me in prayer for the peace of Jerusalem, and I ask that you stand with us financially right
As I
prayed about this looming threat, God put the story of Abraham on my heart. You
remember that before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, He came and talked to Abraham. Abraham made a
covenant with God that meant that Lot was spared from
the coming judgment.
"I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you;" Genesis 12:3
God's curse for those who
curse Israel may fall on our nation unless we change our current path; but, it
does not have to fall on you and your family.
can make the same kind of covenant with God that Abraham did. You can bless the
Jewish People in such a way that Gods blessing and protection will extend over
your life and family no matter what happens around you.
urge you to stand with us and send your gift of support for Save Jerusalem
today so that we can continue to bless the nation of Israel and Gods Chosen People.
is my privilege to serve as Chairman of the Board of Corrie
ten Boom House in Holland. The ten Boom family was responsible for saving the
lives of 800 Jewish people during the Holocaust. I am also the Chairman of the
Board of the Jerusalem Prayer Team International.
Jerusalem Prayer Team was birthed out of a meeting to pray for the peace of Jerusalem that began in the ten Boom home in 1844. It ended in
1944 when the family was arrested by the Gestapo for hiding Jews in their home.
Jerusalem Prayer Team Board of Governors consists of some of the most
recognized evangelical leaders in America such as Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr.
Pat Robertson, Dr. Jack Hayford, Rev. Joel Osteen,
Dr. John Hagee, and 300 others.
Christian ministry has defended Israel longer than ours. From the day I shared a prophecy
with Prime Minister Menachem Begin that Benjamin
Netanyahu would be prime minister of Israel and asked Mr. Begin to give him a position in the
government until now, we have stood strong in defense of Israel.
1988, 1 boldly went into the center of the PLO executive committee meeting with
Yasser Arafat when the UN met in Geneva,
Switzerland. I held my Bible in my hand and spoke out in support
of Israel. The world and the entire nation of Israel heard my comments.
was so incensed he screamed, "Shut up, shut up!" Because of my
boldness, I was asked to speak the following day with the Israeli ambassador
and foreign minister.
1991, I did the same thing at the Madrid Peace Conference. There, I was
threatened by terrorists to shut up...or else. I refused to back down then; I
refuse to back down now.
Working together, we will raise our
voices in defense of the Jewish people at this critical and prophetic moment in
history. It is your declaration that
you will not be one of the silent throng, but instead will take your stand with
the men and women of courage and faith who will do their part to deliver Israel from destruction.
you help me?
Will you link hands with me
and stand in the gap for the peace of Israel?
part of Save Jerusalem, you are playing a key leadership role in this crucial
spiritual battle. Your prayers and your financial support are providing a
mighty shield of prayer over the Holy City and the nation of Israel.
send your gift of $144, $72, $36, or the best gift you can send, to help us
stand in the gap for God's Chosen People...and ensure God's hand of blessing and
protection on the future of our children and grandchildren. We can fight and
win this spiritual battle for Israel's survival...but only if we act right now. Rush your
gift today...I'm waiting to hear from you.
"Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu
inelekh ha-olam, ozier Yisrael bigvurah." (Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the
universe, who girds Israel with might.)
Divine Appointment,
D. Evans.
Your help is vitally needed right now. Your financial support is truly an investment in claiming the
blessings of God for both Israel
and America...and
in defending Israel
from those who are trying to destroy her.
P.P.S. As
a thank you for your gift today, I would like to send you a copy of my book, The
Final Generation. Personally, I have neither the desire to be a prophet
of doom nor someone crying "wolf" about something that is still in
the future. However, when I see the handwriting on the wall, I feel the
obligation to speak up. Neither am I here to tell you to ready your bomb
shelter, but I am here to say you may need to change your thinking. Please let
me hear from you as soon as possible.
The Islamization
of the West
Mike Evans
Islam is replacing Christianity in Europe.
Churches across the continent have been razed to make way for mosques. The
National Federation of Great Mosques of Paris/the Council of Democratic Muslims
of France asked the Catholic Church in a spirit of interreligious
solidarity to rent empty churches to the Muslims.
In the Netherlands where I chair the Ten Boom Holocaust Memorial House,
dozens of churches have been converted to mosques in the last year alone. The
Dutch Ministry of Culture has drawn guidelines for dealing with the conversion
of churches to mosques. The Fatih Simii
Mosque in Amsterdam as formerly a Catholic church. In the cradle of the
reformation in the Netherlands, two additional churches have been converted into
has rejected moral clarity in favor of moral relativism. Many believe that man
is capable of perfection and human nature is on the path towards enlightenment.
Out of this blindness, a new existential virus of anti-Semitism is being
birthed against the collective Jew,
Israel. In the view of enlightened Europeans, Jews are the
cause of the problem; Muslims are seen as innocent and exploited.
Having undermined her moral vision, Europe
has lost the courage to confront evil. The Apostle John received the vision on
the Isle of Patmos in AD 95 which became the Book of
Revelation. In that vision, John saw four riders on horseback galloping across
the earth, bringing deceit, destruction, devastation and death. These riders
are commonly known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Listen closely; you
can hear thë hoof beats of the four horsemen as they
sweep across Europe.
I had dinner one evening with the late Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian pastor of Jewish descent. He had gone
through unspeakable torture for his faith. When I asked him about the condition
of Europe at that time, and the intentions of radical
Islamists, he responded, "Islam was convinced it could take over the world
through a Caliphate, and it almost succeeded. When the Muslims swept through Europe
like a plague, the last stronghold was Constantinople. Christians begged the bishops to give them a word
from the Lord when they saw Muslim troops surrounding the city. 'What should we
do? Should we fight?' The bishops met for many hours, and when they adjourned
the masses stood as an army waiting for direction. Not a word issued forth from
the bishops' mouths. When asked again, 'What do we do?' The head bishop
replied, 'We don't know. We were busy debating the questions: If a fly falls
into sanctified waters, is the fly sanctified, or are the waters defiled? What
color were the Virgin Mary's eyes, and what gender are angels?'"
I wrote of this in 2007 in my New York Times # 1
bestseller, The Final Move Beyond Iraq: the Final Solution While the World Sleeps.
I debated this premise with Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton,
and Arianna Huffington on
network shows. I was mocked by these Liberal Leftists who believe that our own
government is a repository of evil and in their eyes see terrorism as
punishment for past US sins. Thus the attitude, "We have met the enemy,
and he is us."
In September 2010 during the United Nations General
Assembly, I arranged the Fox News Network's only interview with Iran's infamous Holocaust-denying leader, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York. After he had accused the US of blowing up the World
Trade Towers and blaming it on al Qaeda, I asked Ahmadinejad,
"When you make such statements, to whom are you speaking—your own base,
the Iranian people or the Shi'a in the Middle
Ahmadinejad looked at me with a smile and whispered, "We
have many friends in the West." He was referring to the tens of millions
of Liberal Leftists throughout Europe and in the United States who pollute and poison the soul with their lies.
These same Liberals prostrate themselves on the altar of moral relativism.
Will the lack of resolve, self-loathing, and lack of
motivation cause the US to follow Europe's downhill path?
There is little doubt that the Mahmoud Ahmadinejads of the world and the radical Islamic leaders
in the Middle East actually believe that an Islamic Caliphate can dominate the
It was Winston Churchill who said that the world
"lacked the democratic courage, intellectual honesty, and unwillingness to
act" to stop Hitler's war machine in 1935. If he had been stopped then,
sixty-one million people would not have died in World War II.
Dr. Michael D. Evans is a #1 New York Times
bestselling author of over 37 books, award-winning journalist, commentator and
the head of several prominent international non-profit organizations in the U.S. and the Netherlands.