Steve Scalise
U.S. House of Representative
1st District Louisiana
Washington, D.C. 20515-1801
Ph: (202) 225-3015
110 Veterans Boulevard, Suite 500
Metairie, La 70005
Ph: (504) 837-1259
April 15, 2014
Dear Conservative:
you for your correspondence regarding the need to repeal Obamacare. It is an
honor to represent the First District of Louisiana, and your thoughts and
concerns are very important to me.
you may know, President Obama's signature piece of legislation was passed in
2010 and increases government spending by $1.2 trillion, increases taxes by
$569 billion, and includes an
unconstitutional individual mandate. In addition,
this bill included nearly $700 billion in cuts to Medicare and billions in
spending on government programs unrelated to real health reform. I strongly
opposed this legislation, but believe that simply repealing Obamacare is not
enough—it must be replaced.
may be pleased to know that I have
worked hard to help craft H.R. 3121, the
"American Health Care Reform Act," which highlights my continued
commitment to end the massive government takeover of health care by first fully
repealing the President's health care law. While improvements must be made to
lower health care costs for families and individuals, we can accomplish this
without job-killing tax increases and
unconstitutional mandates. H.R. 3121 will spur competition to
lower health costs by allowing Americans to purchase insurance across state
lines and it also includes important provisions
to protect the unborn, ensuring that
no federal dollars will be used to provide abortions. Additionally, this
plan will safeguard individuals with pre-existing conditions and expand access
to health savings accounts. Please know that I will continue to fight for a
full repeal of Obamacare and advocate for real reforms that improve our health
care system.
you again for contacting me. I invite you to visit my website at, Facebook page
and to follow me on Twitter
I checked U.S. House of
Representative Steve Scalise's site and found "Seven
House-Passed Bills President Obama Signed that Repeal or Defund Parts of His
Health Care Law."