U.S. Senator Mike Lee


(P.O. Box 96972, Washington, D.C. 20090-6972)




Dear Fellow American,


[12-2013 letter]  Please check "YES" on the [requested] enclosed 2014 FORAMERICA ENLISTMENT FORM and mail it back today in the enclosed preaddressed return envelope.


By doing so, you will be helping make a real difference in this most crucial of Congressional election years... and here's how and why. As you may know, I helped lead the battle to defund ObamaCare.


As you also know, those of us who waged this principled battle were vilified and smeared by the Washington establishment that now hopes we have given up the fight.


Well, my message to the liberal Obama elitists in Congress and in the liberal media --  is this:  


. . . from defunding ObamaCare, to holding the line on amnesty, to upholding the true intent of the Constitution, to holding the line on new spending and taxes,  




In short, we will NEVER abandon our commitment to restoring Constitutional fidelity and fiscal order to the federal government!


I for one have made this pledge to my constituents in Utah and will repeat this pledge to you today:


"I came to Washington to fight for the Constitutional principles America was founded on and to defend our liberty and prosperity at all costs.


This means that no smear, no attack on my character and no amount of intimidation will weaken my resolve or slow my efforts!"


Instead, I intend to accelerate my efforts to serve my country and my home state of Utah AND continue to stay true to my conservative, pro-liberty, pro-individual liberty convictions and principles.


I also intend to support in any way I can others out there who are also working hard to defend our most cherished convictions and institutions  . . . and NO group does that better than ForAmerica.


I'll tell you more about this top-rated grassroots conservative organization in a moment.


But first, I hope you will join me as a booster and supporter of ForAmerica by checking "YES" on your [requested] 2014 FORAMERICA ENLISTMENT FORM and speeding it back to them without delay.


Led by my good friend, long-time conservative leader L. Brent Bozell, For America's mission is to:


1)   Educate and reinvigorate the American people with the primary principles of American exceptionalism.


2)   Reaffirm the three basic principles of conservatism which are:




America has been, and will continue to be, threatened by her foreign enemies. But, for the first time since the Civil War, our freedom is now threatened from within.


Ever since the days of FDR, the federal government has been dangerously increasing its power at our expense. This assault on our liberty was slowed by the Reagan Revolution, and later by the Contract with America. But since then, this march on our liberty has become a full-fledged gallop with the wealthy and well-connected politically elite establishment progressives controlling the federal government. In a most recent Heritage Foundation report on worldwide freedom, America, once the undisputed leader, now ranks tenth --  and is falling!




America was built on the idea that if individual citizens were allowed to keep the fruits of their labor, others would prosper from the economy these individuals create.


But now, the federal government is increasingly handcuffing this individual liberty and taking control of everything from the money we make, to how we make it and even to how we spend it. Indeed, the very idea of individual success is now presented as negative.




This nation was launched with a commitment to the Judeo-Christian tradition and, based on that premise, America became the bastion of freedom throughout the world. In two devastating world wars, evil was defeated by good --  the United States. In the Cold War, evil again lost to the United States. Our nation has always subscribed to virtue. Meanwhile, America fulfilled her social obligations, not by looking at government, but by looking within. This is what a virtuous nation does. America is great not because of who we are, but because of what we do.


Today, in so many ways, America has become a decadent, violent, dumb-downed and often irresponsible society --  blaming everyone for our failures. Conservatives must now return to the ideal of a virtuous nation, addressing all those ills that are corrupting society and causing the moral fabric of our culture to disintegrate.


For freedom. For prosperity. For virtue.


These three basic core principles define both conservatism and the educational mission of ForAmerica. They also determine what policies ForAmerica will and can support.


If a policy or idea advances freedom, prosperity and virtue, ForAmerica will be supportive. If it doesn't, ForAmerica will be formally, publicly opposed.


Sounds simple, yes. But this dedication to principle is rare in Washington today. More importantly, with the very survival of our republic in clear and present danger . . .


. . . it is the key to pulling America back from the progressive socialist abyss we now teeter on.


You see, like me, ForAmerica believes there is no more time for half-measures, retreats and phony one-sided "compromises" where the liberals win and we lose.


Instead, ForAmerica believes the time has come to take a stand!


I could not agree more because there is simply too much at stake for our country to continue to be content with a "business as usual" mindset in Washington. For example:


**   If not defunded and repealed, ObamaCare will continue to cause health care premiums and co-pays to skyrocket, limit health care options, lower the quality of health care, slash Medicare to the bone and wipe out millions of jobs.


**   If not halted and rolled back, out-of-control federal spending will bankrupt the government, cripple the economy and devalue the dollar.


**   If not shrunk and limited, the unfettered power of the federal government will continue to grow at the expense of our individual liberty.


**   If not secured and controlled, our borders will soon be all but erased and washed away and our broken immigration system will further break our country.


**   If not reaffirmed and defended, our traditional Judeo-Christian values will be lost at the expense of our young people who will drown in a sea of pornography, vulgarity, gratuitous violence, self-indulgence, entitlement and dependency.


**   If not rearmed and rejuvenated, our Armed Forces will shrink in power, capability, morale and enthusiasm.


None of these critical issues will actually be tackled by the liberal, pro-big-government, inside-the-beltway crowd in Washington unless they feel the heat of "We the People"


Which is why ForAmerica is making it clear they will expose the truth about any politician who betrays our liberty and prosperity! Specifically, ForAmerica, through TV and radio ads, the Internet and social media, phone calls and old-fashioned letters and mail . . .


. . . is going to ensure that voters in key Congressional Districts and states in 2014 know exactly where their candidates for House and Senate office REALLY stand on the issues.


If a politician in 2014 claims he or she respects our Constitutional liberties, but had voted to take away our right to keep and bear arms, pray in the public square or petition our government . . .  


. . . ForAmerica will make sure the voters know that politician can't be trusted to protect our liberty.


And, if a politician declares he or she is a "small government fiscal conservative," but voted to increase federal taxes, spending and power . . .  


. . . ForAmerica will make sure the voters know that politician is nothing but a big-government liberal in sheep's clothing.


It is for these reasons and more that I did not hesitate for a moment when my friend Brent Bozell asked me to write you on their behalf.


ForAmerica is rapidly becoming THE new champion of conservatism in the legislative and public policy arenas. It is being led, guided and staffed by men and women with impeccable philosophical and political credentials.


ForAmerica is also skilled in social media and all of the new methods of reaching millions of Americans with their conservative message.


But most important of all, ForAmerica is determined to win.


With this in mind, they are planning a massive national effort to reach out all across America with their conservative message in the pivotal election year ahead.


Specifically, on issue after issue --  from national defense, to immigration reform, to a commonsense "all of the above" energy policy, to defending our traditional values. . .  


. . . ForAmerica is committed to ensuring that voters across the country know exactly where their candidates stand.


But, none of this will come easy or cheap.


The pro-big-government money special interests always put their power and wants ahead of the American people and the LAST group these wealthy donors will be donating to is ForAmerica!


It also means the only way we can conduct our issue advocacy program and make an impact in the critical days and weeks ahead is with the help of loyal, patriotic and committed Americans like you.


I hope you understand and that, in addition to checking "YES" on the [requested] enclosed 2014 FORAMERICA ENLISTMENT FORM . . .


. . . I ask that you also send ForAmerica a much-needed and most generous donation of $25, $35, $50, $75 or $100.


If you can afford to send as much as $250, $500, $1,000 or more, that would greatly expand the reach and influence of For America on the election debate trail throughout 2014. But please, at least send a gift of $25.


Your special gift to ForAmerica today will ensure that they have the funds they need to make certain that the American people go to the polls in 2014 armed with the facts about those who want to represent them.


What's more, your gift of $25 or more will help put the big-government liberal politicians in Washington on notice that what they do NOW and in the weeks ahead will have consequences for them in November of 2014.


So again, please, check "YES" on your [requested] 2014 FORAMERICA ENLISTMENT FORM . . . then rush it back to them today along with a most generous and much-needed donation of $25, $35, $50, $75, $100 or more.


Thank you. And God bless.



Mike Lee

United States Senator


P.S.    If the Obama liberals believe they have won and that Tea Party conservatives will simply give up or cower in the corner, they are sadly mistaken! To the contrary, we intend to fight harder than ever before to defund ObamaCare, roll back federal spending and power and defend our Constitutional liberties as we go forward in the critical elections in 2014. But to succeed, we must arm the American public with the information they need in 2014 so that they know where their candidates for federal office REALLY stand on the issues.


I hope you agree -- and that you will help ForAmerica accomplish this goal by checking "YES" on your [requested] 2014 FORAMERICA ENLISTMENT FORM and speeding it back to them with a special and most generous donation of $25, $35, $50, $75, $100 or more today (FA, P.O. Box 96972, Washington, D.C. 20090-6972).


ForAmerica1900 Campus Commons DriveSuite 600Reston, VA 20191




(Sample Form)




1900 Campus Commons DriveSuite 600Reston, VA 20191




Dear Senator Lee,




Please tell L. Brent Bozell and ForAmerica that they can count on me and my full support between now and November of 2014.


With our liberty, our prosperity and our very survival as a democratic republic in doubt, there is no longer time for slave loyalty to a party label or partisanship. From now on, conservativess MUST support only those candidates with the courage and integrity to go to Washington and stand firm for our liberty at all costs.


I am pleased that ForAmerica has vowed to take on the mission of educating the public on who these current and future conservative leaders are in 2014, and I want to help.


Therefore, I am speeding back this ENLISTMENT FORM to ForAmerica today along with my much-needed and most generous, special donation of: