David Horowitz
Founder & CEO of
(DHFC) Freedom Center
(P.O. Box 130707, Houston, TX 77219-0707)
September 16,
Muslim Brotherhood's influence in
Dear Sir,
... We
face a budget shortfall heading into the final three months of the year. This
is always a difficult time. But we have major projects that we can't afford to
halt or delay.
We are
playing a major role in exposing the Muslim Brotherhood's influence in
Washington ญญญ even with in the Obama
group's tentacles are spreading witness Sen. John McCain traveling to Egypt and meeting with Brotherhood leaders. These are the
same leaders who have called for the annihilation of Israel and cheered the burning of Coptic Christian churches.
American people need to know that the
Brotherhood, the leading voice in radical Islam, sees Obama as weak. That
means they see the United States as weak, too.
take, for example, the White House response to the murderous attack on
Americans in Benghazi. Our ambassador to Libya was killed in this organized act of war. The Obama administration's response? Cover it up and lie
about it. It is one of the most shameful moments in recent history.
think for a moment the Brotherhood, at Qaeda, and every other terrorist group
large or small in the Middle
East haven't taken note of
the cowardice displayed in response to this attack.
Barack Obama set out to "Fundamentally Transform" America, he didn't limit it to the takeover of our health
care system or the nationalization of the banking industry. Obama has turned
our foreign policy upside down.
One of the leading newspapers in the
Arab world noted that thanks to Obama the United
States is now "The world's largest and
most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood."
the beginning of the year, thanks to Freedom Center Charter Members, we have
printed and distributed more than 300,000 copies of our "Muslim
Brotherhood in the Obama Administration," "The Muslim Brotherhood in
America," and "Obama and Islam." These booklets are opening
people's eyes to a major threat to our national security.
to Barack Obama's wishful thinking, contrary to what he's told the American
people, al Qaeda isn't weaker it's stronger! The Brotherhood, too, remains a
serious threat to world peace even though the people in Egypt are in direct revolt against them!
opportunity for freedom and liberty for people in the Middle East has been met with virtually zero support from the Obama
administration. Instead, groups in open support ofjihad
against the West, especially the United States, are coddled ...
... and
outright terrorist attacks like the one we witnessed in Libya on September 11,
2012, are lied about and American deaths left unavenged.
see why it is imperative we continue to fan this flame, why these projects are
so vital to our nation's security? Your friends and neighbors, our communities,
deserve to know all of the facts about the relationships between the Obama
administration and those who have voiced utter contempt for our way of life
members of the Muslim Brotherhood, among others.
Yet we know the Brotherhood has placed
its members in key positions within the administration advising the FBI and holding down deputy director
posts in Homeland Security!
you imagine a worse time to face a budget shortfall? That's why I am urging you
in the strongest way possible to help the Center right now. With this Matching
Gift and the support of our Charter Members, we can raise as much as $250,000!
That will get us and keep us on track.
... can you help the Freedom Center right now? Make a contribution of $20 and it will be
matched dollar for dollar. In essence, you'll be generating a gift of $40 for
the Center!
of the amount you are able to contribute today, with the matching gift
available, it will provide a real boost to all of our projects. And continuing
to inform the American public of the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood is our top
have stood with me in the past, and I'm truly grateful for that. Now join me
again, and help us meet this budget crisis head on.
Thank you again for all of your support and your
commitment to the Freedom Center ... (DHFC, P.O. Box 130707, Houston, TX 77219-0707).
and CEO
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820 Sherman Oaks,
CA 91403 FrontPageMag.com