Dr. Mitch Glaser


Chosen People Ministries

International Headquarters New York City

(241 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022-6502)



Iranian President Hassan Rouhani boasts ...

"Israel is a wound that should be removed."


Let our government know where you stand — WITH ISRAEL!


Israel is under attack — and it impacts YOU


Monday morning


Dear Christian friend of the Jewish people,


[4-2014 letter] Iran is an enemy of Israel. It is no secret the hatred Iran' s leadership holds for the nation of Israel. From the president, to military leaders in high positions, to Iran's supreme Islamic leader, Grand Ayatollah Seyyed All Hosseini, anti-semetism runs high.


They long to destroy God's chosen people -- and their threats are not empty!


With nuclear capabilities (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) imminent and medium-range missiles pointing toward Israel . . . Iran is a dangerous threat - - not just to Israel, but the entire world.


And where does America stand against this dangerous foe? Not where we should be!


At the recent Geneva Conference, along with other world powers, we offered a "deal" to Iran -- they limit their nuclear activities for six months in exchange for about $7 billion in sanctions relief.


This nuclear deal spurred this comment from Iran's president, Hassan Rouhani:


"Our relationship with the world is based on Iranian nation's interests. In the Geneva agreement, world powers surrendered to Iranian nation's will."


A taunting statement from a dangerous ruler whose "will" is to see Israel annihilated! We cannot afford to give power to this enemy of Israel. We cannot be a friend to Israel and allow Iran to be a nuclear war machine.


Rouhani' s arrogance makes it difficult to believe he will comply ... or if he sees this "deal" as a means of strengthening his position and bargaining power.


The threat to Israel's survival is greater than perhaps at any point since the Cold War, and this situation has the potential to impact YOU -- and every Christian in America.


Please give me just three minutes to explain. My name is Mitch Glaser, and I am President of Chosen People Ministries, one of the oldest Jewish ministries in the United States. For 120 years, Chosen People Ministries has been extending the hand of God' s love to Jewish people.


Today, we are reaching out to Jewish people in Israel and 16 other nations, and because of that, we have a clear view of how the unrest in the Middle East impacts God' s chosen people.


With Iran increasingly threatening Israel's existence, Americans must speak out. This is why I am enclosing two petitions for you to read, sign, and return.


They call upon President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to take a strong, consistent, public stand against the outrageous anti-Israel threats of the Iranian government and all instances of anti-Semitism around the world.




Even long-time allies of Iran such as Iraq, China and Russia are calling for them to suspend development of nuclear weapon materials -- can we, in the United States, afford to do any less?


If Iran develops nuclear weapons, then the other Islamic powers in the Middle East will of course want them as well. They won't be out-done and will want a "balance of power."


If Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan all have their own nuclear armaments, this would spell DOOM AND DISASTER for Israel and quite possibly the United States, which is home to the world's largest Jewish population outside of Israel!


We cannot let this happen. And the only means you and I have to prevent it is to ask our government to take every measure to stop Iran NOW!


We must use petitions like the ones enclosed to demand continued economic sanctions against Iran, and to lobby for the protection of Jewish people, both in Israel and around the world, from anti-Semitism.


This urgent campaign will also mean Jewish people coming to faith in Christ --




In this dark hour, multitudes of Jewish people feel threatened -- and as a result, their hearts are open to the message of Jesus, the Messiah . . . their Redeemer!


By God's grace and with the help of many caring Christians, we currently operate two thriving Messianic ministry centers in Israel. Our evangelistic outreach campaigns are seeing great results -- and we are truly blessed to be a part of what God is doing within this nation.


At the same time, I believe your support for Israel will mean a blessing for you and your household based on Genesis 12:3 (NKJV), when God promised Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."


So I ask for your support not only for the sake of Israel and of the Jewish people -- not only for the sake of Chosen People Ministries -- but for your own benefit as well.


Iran is virtually beating a war drum in an area already inflamed by the terror attacks of Hamas and Hezbollah -- and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood.


It is our God-given duty to bless Israel, to protect the Jewish people. We are commanded in Proverbs 24:11 (NKJV), "Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter . . .


The next verse (v.12) also brings forth a strong challenge: "If you say, 'Surely we did not know this,' does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?"


Show your love for the Jewish people! Demonstrate that those who hate the Jewish people are not true Christians -- because real Christians know that anti-Semitism is sick. It is sin.


As you sign and return the [requested] enclosed petitions, please also give a generous tax-deductible contribution to continue the work of Chosen People Ministries in Israel and around the world.


Should the Lord be moving you to give $50, it will make a great impact, and I pray you will be obedient. If you are feeling God' s call to give $100, please don' t neglect to do so. A $100 gift would be such a blessing. Whatever God directs you to give will help.


Your support in giving today is crucial to the continuing work of Chosen People Ministries' workers on campuses, in-home visitation, and in Messianic centers around the world, especially in Israel.


And as you bless Israel in this way, you are placing yourself in position to receive the promise of God's blessing, too.


Thank you for standing up today to put a stop to the persecution of Israel. Your love will help change Jewish people! Thank you for reaching out in Jesus' love!


Yours awaiting His coming,

Dr. Mitch Glaser



P.S.    When you give a gift of $36 or more, let me say thank you by sending you a special book called Israel's Glorious Future. This book will inspire you, giving you the big picture of God's end-times plan for the Jewish people and helping you understand biblical prophecy in a fresh, new way.


          With a gift of $100 or more, I will send you a beautifully crafted pewter menorah, decorated with the symbols of the twelve tribes of Israel. This symbol of light will represent the light of Jesus Christ that you are shining to Jewish people all over the world. God bless you!


[Please request for Petitions (CPM, 241 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022-6502)!]




(Sample Petitions)

A Petition to the Hon. Barack Obama, President of the United States of America


A grievous situation is unfolding around the world: Jewish people have become victims of increasingly violent hate crimes and persecution. The anti-Israel statements and actions of Iranian leaders—especially their relentless push for nuclear power — constitute only the most recent and most egregious example.


We hereby urge you to make the strongest possible sanctions against Iran a national and international priority until they comply with international directives to completely suspend their development of nuclear weapon materials. It is critical for the future of Israel and the stability of the Middle East.


Religious persecution must not be tolerated in the United States or in any civilized nation. The United Nations has listed anti-Semitism as a kind of racism in General Assembly Resolution 623, which calls on member states to track down and eliminate such activities.


We urge you to direct our United Nations Ambassador, Samantha Power, to use the full influence of her position and America's power to preserve Israel's security, resisting pressure from Iran and other anti-Israel parties and any endangerment of the Jewish people.


Please also call on the United Nations Secretary-General to take all necessary steps in stopping anti-Semitic persecution and protecting Jewish people,





A Petition to the Hon. John Kerry, Secretary of State of the United States of America


A grievous situation is unfolding around the world: Jewish people have become victims of increasingly violent hate crimes and persecution. The anti-Israel statements and actions of Iranian leaders—especially their relentless push for nuclear power— constitute only the most recent and most egregious example.


We hereby urge you to make the strongest possible sanctions against Iran a national and international priority until they comply with international directives to completely suspend their development of nuclear weapon materials. It is critical for the future of Israel and the stability of the Middle East.


Religious persecution must not be tolerated in the United States or in any civilized nation. The United Nations has listed anti-Semitism as a kind of racism in General Assembly Resolution 623, which calls on member states to track down and eliminate such activities.


We urge you to direct our United Nations Ambassador, Samantha Power, to use the full influence of her position and America's power to preserve Israel's security, resisting pressure from Iran and other anti-Israel parties and any endangerment of the Jewish people.


Please also call on the United Nations Secretary-General to take all necessary steps in stopping anti-Semitic persecution and protecting Jewish people.






From the desk of



Dear friend,


As the grandson of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants, my heart goes out to the Jewish families who are being forced to flee their homes under the growing threat of persecution.


That's why I want to commend to you the work of Mitch Glaser and Chosen People Ministries. Mitch is a devout believer in Jesus. Every day, his staff at Chosen People Ministries is introducing Jesus as Messiah to Jewish people around the world.


But right now, Mitch is asking for our help with a special need -- to answer the cries for help from our suffering Jewish brothers and sisters who face increasing persecution worldwide.


Through Chosen People Ministries, you can help reach Jewish people around the world by offering them the answer to their most desperate cry for help -- the message of the Gospel.


I'm standing with Mitch and Chosen People Ministries to answer the Jewish people's "cry for help." I hope you will as well.


Your brother in Jesus,

Jay Sekulow