James Carney

Founder and Chairman

Citizen Guardian

(P.O. Box 96302, DC 20090-6302)


Monday Morning



Petition for Exemption


My Dear Friend,


If you don't send me your signed Petition for Exemption right away -- you may never get another chance to stop President Obama from using your MediCare money to pay for his government takeover of America's healthcare system.


And because of the Supreme Court decision to uphold ObamaCare, this is more important than ever. So please [request for and] sign your Petition for Exemption to exempt MediCare from ObamaCare so I can deliver it directly to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius.


Barack Obama knows that ObamaCare could be an economic and medical disaster. And that could be why he authorized Secretary Sebelius to issue "waivers" to all of his friends.


He's already granted exemptions to more than 2.2 million people from labor groups, unions, and big corporations. Even Democrat campaign contributors are getting exemptions... and all they had to do was ask.


My friend, Senior Citizens deserve the same healthcare choices that President Obama is giving to his friends and political supporters... and that includes the right to preserve your current MediCare benefits. That's why I sent you the enclosed Petition for Exemption.


Although it's not a legal document -- your Petition for Exemption is your request to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius asking for MediCare to be exempt from Obama's risky government-run healthcare scheme. And it tells the President that you want to keep your current MediCare benefits.


So please take a minute to sign your Petition for Exemption to Kathleen Sebelius and rush it back to me today. You and I can't afford to waste even a minute...


Under the President's plan, the growth of your MediCare benefits over the coming years will be curtailed by almost $700 billion ... Senior Citizens could be forced to enroll in ObamaCare to get the doctors and hospitals they want -- a second rate healthcare scheme run by Washington politicians.


If you trust the government and are willing to put your life in the hands of Federal bureaucrats -- then please throw your Petition for Exemption right into the trashcan.


But if you're worried about losing your doctor... healthcare rationing.., and having your Medicare benefits reduced -- then please sign your Petition for Exemption and rush it back to me today.


Over the next few weeks, Citizen Guardian will be delivering nearly 1 million Petition for Exemptions to people in all 50 states. And when I receive your signed Petition for Exemption, I'll put it with thousands more I've collected from other concerned Americans and deliver them directly to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' office.


When she sees that thousands of Senior Citizens have asked that MediCare be exempt from ObamaCare and to keep their current MediCare coverage -- she'll have no choice but to go to the President and tell him the truth...


Senior Citizens don't want their MediCare benefits taken away

and used to pay for ObamaCare.


Delivering thousands of our Petitions for Exemption to Kathleen Sebelius will force the President to do the right thing and let us preserve our current MediCare benefits. So please, sign your Petition for Exemption and rush it back to me today.


And when you send back your signed petition, I hope you'll include a one-time contribution of $17 to help pay for the printing, processing and delivery of your Petition for Exemption.


As you can imagine, a national campaign like this is very expensive. And as a non-profit organization, Citizen Guardian needs the help of good people like you to continue working to defeat ObamaCare and protect your MediCare benefits.


So please... rush me your signed Petition for Exemption and a $17 contribution right away -- because we're running out of time.


If President Obama refuses to grant Senior Citizens the same waivers he gives to his friends -- you and I will lose the Medicare benefits we desperately need:


• Obamacare will cost at least $938 billion over the coming years; and more than half of that money will come from cuts in Medicare expansion.


• ObamaCare will force massive cuts to home health care services, diagnostic imaging like MRI's and CT scans, ambulance services, lab work, dialysis treatments and medical supplies.


• Congressman Paul Ryan confirms that ObamaCare could force 1 in 5 providers to either go out of business or immediately stop accepting MediCare patients.


• And under ObamaCare, the quality and availability of healthcare services for Senior Citizens could be drastically cut as doctors and hospitals stop taking Medicare patients.


Medical Experts from across the country have warned that ObamaCare will essentially result in rationing heathcare services to Senior Citizens... but President Obama isn't listening.


You and I need to take immediate action.. because we're running out of time. That's why I'm hoping you'll take just a minute to read and sign your Petition for Exemption and rush it back to me today.


And please remember to include a one-time contribution of $17 to help me continue fighting to stop the President from using our MediCare money to pay for ObamaCare. This could be your last chance. The choice is yours.


Please my friend. You can take two very important steps to protect the MediCare benefits you rely on:


Step 1: Sign and return your Petition for Exemption.


Step 2: Include a one-time contribution of $17 to help pay for this nationwide effort.


Your signed Petition for Exemption and $17 contribution are desperately needed to help Citizen Guardian continue fighting to defeat ObamaCare and protect your MediCare benefits.


Citizen Guardian is a non-profit organization and we don't accept money from the government. We rely solely on the generosity of concerned citizens like you.


Your Petition for Exemption could be your last chance to stop Barack Obama from reducing the growth of your MediCare benefits and using your money to pay for his government takeover of America's healthcare system.


So, please sign the enclosed petition and be sure to include a generous contribution of at least $17 to help me continue this crucial campaign. Please don't leave it up to someone else to send help.


I'll be waiting to hear back from you before I move forward with this emergency campaign. And I'm hoping that I receive your signed Petition for Exemption and $17 contribution before it's too late.



James E. Carney

Founder and Chairman

Citizen Guardian


PS. Senior Citizens deserve the same healthcare choices that President Obama is giving to his friends and political supporters. And that's why I sent you the enclosed Petition for Exemption.


Although it's not a legal document -- your Petition for Exemption is a direct request to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius asking that MediCare be exempt from President Obama's risky government-run healthcare scheme. And it tells the President you want to preserve your current MediCare benefits.


Please take a minute to read and sign your Petition for Exemption and rush it back to me today. And I hope you remember to include a one-time contribution of $17 to help pay for this crucial petition drive to stop the President from cutting the growth of MediCare money to pay for ObamaCare.


This could be our last chance -- the choice is yours [Please request for "Petition for Exemption" (CG, P.O. Box 96302, DC 20090-6302)].





Dear Sir,


Senior Citizens deserve the same healthcare choices that President Obama is giving to his friends -- especially when the President is threatening to take away our MediCare money and use it to pay for his government takeover of America's healthcare system.


To help protect the MediCare money you worked a lifetime to save, please sign your Petition for Exemption and rush it back to me right away.


And thank you for also sending your one-time donation of:


$17    Other $__________







To the attention of: Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius


Dear Madam Secretary,


Whereas states, unions, politically connected individuals, and corporations are applying for and being granted waivers of exemption from President Obama's mandatory healthcare plan by the Health and Human Services Department;


Whereas the Federal Government is 14 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt and wants to use my MediCare money to finance ObamaCare which will inflict personal and economic hardship on me, my family and my friends;


Whereas Justice Roberts stated in his decision that if ObamaCare is not treated as a tax, the individual mandate exceeds Congressional authority and is an infringement on my Constitutional rights and violates Article 1, section 1 (Powers of the Congress), Article 5 (Procedure to Amend the Constitution), and Article 1, Section 8 (Commerce Clause) (please see side 2 for Constitutional references);


Therefore, I the undersigned do hereby request that my personal Medicare funds be exempt from paying for President Obama's government-run healthcare plan and express my desire to maintain my current MediCare benefits.



I declare that I am a legal citizen of the United States of America and that I request my Medicare funds be exempt from paying for ObamaCare.











First Amendment (Establishment Clause) and Fourteenth Amendment (Equal Protection Clause) ObamaCare exempts individuals certain individuals who object to health care coverage on religious grounds and actually exempts the Amish and Muslims from participating in the system while forcing every other "non-exempt citizen" to participate.



Article 1, sections 1 and 8 (Powers of the Congress) and Article 5 (Procedure to Amend the Constitution)

"It shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection."


ObamaCare illegally amends the Constitution and exceeds the law-making authority of Congress. This has been done without two-thirds majority and without ratification by three-quarters of the states.



Article 1, Section 8 (Commerce Clause)

The commerce clause grants rights to regulate interstate commerce, not intrastate commerce (health insurance is not interstate commerce since you cannot buy it across state lines).



Fourth Amendment

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated..."



Fifth Amendment

"...nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation."



Tenth Amendment

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."