Al Cardenas


(ACU) The American Conservative Union

(P.O. Box 96090, Washington, D.C. 20090)





Dear Fellow Fox News fan,


Barack Obama wants to silence the Fox News channel [FNC]. I've enclosed these two urgent WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS petitions for you today because we must speak out to defend our most trusted news source.


Over the past 4+ years the Obama administration has been waging a War on Fox News – and we are just now starting to see the shocking evidence:


***   Obama's IRS is suspected of auditing Fox News staff, including host of the "Five" Eric Bolling, who claims: "I was audited after criticizing Obama."


***   Obama's Justice Department subpoenaed personal e-mail and phone records of at least two Fox News reporters and one producer implying "criminal conspiracy."


Who knows what else will come out in the coming days?


As you may remember, during Obama's first term in the White House he unleashed his liberal attack dogs on television in a deliberate effort to discredit Fox News as a fair and balanced news outlet.


>>>    Obama's then Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, claimed: Fox News is "not a news organization . . ."


>>>   Obama's Senior Advisor David Axelrod, asserted: Fox News is "not really a news station."


>>>  Obama's then Communications Director Anita Dunn, declared: Fox News is "not a legitimate news operation."


But now, in light of recent events, it seems to clearly be a coordinated effort to silence anyone who dares to speak out against Barack Obama's left-wing agenda.


After failing in his 4-year campaign to marginalize Fox News – Obama has been caught red-handed trying to intimidate and coerce Fox News employees to stop doing their jobs.


It's an outrage that continues to get worse day after day.


Obama's actions are no different than those of a playground bully who starts with petty name-calling and soon turns to his goons to push you down and steal your lunch money when he doesn't get his way.


It's time to make a stand, my friend. Because bullies only get their way until somebody is brave enough to stand up to them.


That's why your first WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS petition is addressed to Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner – he needs to stand up to Barack Obama!


By signing your first petition you'll demand Speaker Boehner launch investigations and indict all of Obama's cronies at the IRS and Justice Department responsible for this Fox News shakedown.


Which brings me to the reason I've enclosed a second WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS petition for you today.


You see, ever since Obama moved into the White House his liberal allies at Media Matters have been waging a full-scale attack targeting companies who advertise on the Fox News channel.


These liberal attacks forced Fox News to cancel Glenn Beck's show after over 20 companies pulled their commercial advertising dollars.


Without the advertising revenue needed to keep them on the air, our favorite shows like "The O'Reilly Factor," "Hannity," and "Special Report with Bret Baier" could soon be forced off the air. Or worse . . . Fox News could be off the air altogether!


We proud Americans who choose Fox News -- over MSNBC, CNN, and the other liberal networks -- must band together to keep Fox News on the air.


Our friends at Fox News are dependent on you and me to be loyal viewers -- to patronize their sponsors and to make sure they aren't a victim of political attacks by holding our representatives in Washington, DC accountable.


That's why your second WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS petition is addressed to companies who advertise on Fox News programming. Your signed Petition will prove Americans all across the country:


>>>   Trust Fox News as their primary news source.


>>>   Believe Fox News is fair, balanced, and unbiased.


>>>   Support companies who advertise on Fox News.


So please don't delay, use the enclosed per-addressed reply envelope I've included for you today to rush me back BOTH of your signed Petitions within the next 48 hours.


Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, James Rosen and others on Fox News need to be on the air. Because they are the only network that dares to do REAL reporting to expose the dirty truth about Barack Obama and his liberal friends . . .


 . . . from the scandals ‒ "Fast & Furious" giving guns to Mexican drug dealers, Benghazi terrorist attack, IRS targeting conservatives, AP phone tapping, to this Fox News shakedown.


That's why they are a thorn in Barack Obama's side . . . and that's why Barack Obama won't rest until Fox News is off the air!


You and I both know Fox News is the only major news network that has dared to be objective and challenge Barack Obama's liberal agenda.


Together we must stop Obama and his liberal cohorts from silencing Fox News.


Millions of Americans, myself included, turn to Fox News for the real truth about what's going on in Washington and across the country.


That's why Fox News has consistently been the highest rated news network in America!


And I bet Fox News is your favorite news network too. But because Fox News refuses to whitewash the truth about Obama's liberal agenda . . . the network we love to watch has been put on the White House's "enemies list."


Our allies at Fox News need us now more than ever! So please, sign and return your two urgent [requested] WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS petitions within the next 42 hours.


Obama's two-front War on Fox must be put to an end by us conservatives. A strong public outcry by 2 MILLION American Conservative Union activists will certainly strike a major blow against Obama and his cronies at the Justice Department, IRS, and Media Matters.


These liberals are trying to intimidate & coerce Fox employees -- while at the same time -- pressure companies into defunding Fox News programming by pulling TV Ad revenue from shows like they did to "Glenn Beck."


No matter how you look at it, make no mistake, this is government-sponsored censorship plain and simple!


My friend, we simply cannot let this happen!! Because without Fox News reporting the truth behind Obama's liberal lies . . . all that will be left will be the liberal talking heads like Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, and Ed Schultz.


Will you stand with me in this most important battle to defend Fox News being taken off the air?


If so, please take just a few moments to sign both of your WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS petitions and rush them back to me as soon as you possibly can.


Once you have done that I hope you will consider including a most generous one-time gift of $28 to help support the American Conservative Union (ACU).


My name is Al Cardenas and I'm the Chairman of the American Conservative Union.


Since 1964, ACU has led the fight on Capitol Hill and in the media to defending your First Amendment right to freedom of speech . . .


 . . .the same right that has allowed FOX NEWS to deliver unbiased, real news to the American People when the other Obama-loving media lapdogs refuse to.


And over the course of these last 49 years ACU has never received one dime of government funds to help us defend all our God-given Constitutional rights against big-government liberals like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. And we never will.


But that means we must continue to rely on stout-hearted Americans like you to generously support our programs like this national WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS campaign. So what do you say?


I pray you will support our efforts at ACU to defend Fox News and others with a most generous one-time gift of at least $28 today.


Because between printing, postage and processing charges it costs us 75-cents per Petition. So your $28 today will help us print, stamp and send 37 WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS petitions to other concerned Americans across the country tomorrow.


With your generous help, this campaign to defend Fox News will reach over 2 million proud Americans.


A strong public outcry from over 2,000,000 outraged Americans will surely get Speaker Boehner's attention and alert him to the need for investigations and indictments against the Obama administration's abuses power in their politically motivated attack on FOX NEWS and the FIRST AMENDMENT.


And such a massive public response will undoubtedly lead major American companies to "think twice" before pulling their advertising from Fox News programming.


I know times are tough these days and many people cannot afford to spare $28. If that is the case, please try to send in $25 or even $20.


But if you have been blessed with the ability to give a larger gift of as much as $4,000 -- that would truly be a Godsend -- allowing ACU to reach more than 5,333 Americans from all across the country.


All I ask is that you send in what you can at this time. Whether that's $28, $56, $128, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000, $4,000 -- only you can decide for yourself.


Remember, the more you give today the more people our WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS petition campaign will be able to reach tomorrow.


My friend, the decision is yours: Will you generously support our work at the American Conservative Union as we fight to defend the fair and balanced folks on the Fox News channel?


Or will you sit on the sidelines and watch as "The O'Reilly Factor," "Hannity," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and all your favorite Fox News programming is forced off the air?


I'm eagerly awaiting your reply.


Yours Truly,

Al Cardenas, Chairman

American Conservative Union (ACU)


P.S.. Our friends at the Fox News channel [FNC] have come under attack from Barack Obama's White House, Justice Department, IRS, and liberal allies at Media Matters. With your support we can win this most important battle to protect our favorite and most trusted news network.


Please sign your [requested] TWO WE SUPPORT FOX NEWS petitions and rush them back to me using the enclosed per-addressed reply envelope.


And please don't forget to include your very best one-time gift of $28 or more to ACU to help fund this important campaign (ACU, P.O. Box 96090, Washington, D.C. 20090).



P.O. BOX 96090 WASHINGTON, DC 20090






A Public Petition to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio)


Whereas:   Over the last 4+ years the Obama administration has been waging a War on Fox News -- and we are just now starting to see the shocking evidence; and


Whereas:   Obama's IRS is suspected of auditing Fox News staff, including host of the "Five" Eric Bolling, who claims: "I was audited after criticizing Obama"; and


Whereas:   Obama's Justice Department subpoenaed personal e-mail and phone records of at least two Fox News reporters and one producer implying "criminal conspiracy"; and


Therefore:  As a law abiding, taxpaying, American I demand Congress launch an immediate investigation and indict all of Obama's cronies at the IRS and Justice Department responsible for this Fox News shakedown.








Public Petition to Fox News Advertisers and Sponsor


Whereas:   I trust Fox News as my primary news source, believe Fox News is fair, balanced, and unbiased, and support companies who advertise on Fox News; and


Whereas:   Ever since Obama moved into the White House his liberal allies at Media Matters have been waging a full-scale attack targeting companies, like yours, who advertise on the Fox News channel; and


Whereas:   Without the advertising revenue needed to keep them on the air, my favorite shows like "The O'Reilly Factor" and Hannity" could soon be forced off the air; and


Therefore:  As an economy-supporting, Fox News fan I hereby urge you and your company to continue to advertise on and sponsor Fox News programing.








CPAC 2013


Dear Fellow Conservative,


If you're outraged that in this critical year Obama-supporting liberals have launched a guerilla war aimed at shutting down Fox News then I need your help and fast.


Please complete and return your [requested] enclosed DON'T DROP FOX NEWS Immediate Action Survey within the next 48 hours.


Right now, the pro-Obama liberals at Media Matters are working to destroy the only fair and balanced television news channel on the air.


How? The Media Matters liberals have undertaken a massive "DROP FOX" campaign aimed at pressuring companies who advertise on Fox News into pulling their commercials off Fox News programming.


In fact, according to the Washington Times: Fox News Channel's [FNC] "Glenn Beck Show" was dropped largely because it had ". . . suffered financially due to an advertiser boycott" which was orchestrated by liberals at Media Matters.


Without the necessary advertising money to support its worthwhile programming, the Fox News Channel could be forced to cut more shows or even go off the air all together.


As a conservative, I know you understand why we absolutely cannot allow these liberals to achieve their goal of forcing Fox News to shut down.


That's why here at the American Conservative Union we are undertaking an even larger nationwide DON'T DROP FOX NEWS campaign.


So please, take just one moment to complete your DON'T DROP FOX NEWS Immediate Action Survey and rush it back to me using the pre-addressed reply envelope I've sent you today.


As an independent media organization the Fox News Channel is rightly focused on providing its many viewers, like you and me, with hard-hitting, fact-based, news stories . . .


 . . . not the liberal bias, white-washed, pro-Obama messaging you'll see on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, PBS,  . . . the list goes on and on.


Fox News should not have to divert its time and resources away from its award-winning journalism to defend itself from the millions of dollars worth of negative and malicious attacks the Media Matters liberals are bombarding against them.


As Sean Hannity recently put it: the Media Matters liberals " . . . want to infiltrate Fox News . . . and follow us in our private lives in hopes of taking out people . . . to hurt people specifically because [they] disagree with them."


That's why your support of our DON'T DROP FOX NEWS campaign is so critical. I stand ready to fight for Fox News and I hope you do.


My goal is to collect DON'T DROP FOX NEWS Immediate Action Survey responses from 10 Million American Patriots.


So that the next time the Media Matters liberals target another Fox News advertiser with their anti-Fox News campaign we can unleash an even larger pro-Fox News response.


Once I receive your immediate action Survey I will begin to tabulate your responses along with many others from like-minded conservative Americans across the country and be ready to dispatch the results at a moments notice.


Time is not on our side, my friend. So don't delay, sign and rush back your DON'T DROP FOX NEWS Immediate Action Survey within the next 48 hours.


Sadly this liberal "Drop Fox" campaign is just step number one in what Media Matters founder and CEO David Brock calls a multi-channel "War on Fox."


According to recent reports, Media Matters already has or is planning to:


**      Hire a team of "trackers" to stake out private and public events with Fox News anchors, hosts, reporters, prominent contributors and senior corporate staff.


**      Harass Fox News employees with yard signs in their neighborhoods and by sending "anti-Fox News literature" to employees' homes.


**      Employ private investigators to dig into the personal lives of Fox News staff and retain a major law firm to study legal action against the network.


**      Establish a "front group" of shareholders to target Fox News parent company News Corporation by passing subversive resolutions at shareholder meetings.


**      Publish an anti-Fox News book entitled "The Fox Effect."


**      Discredit and Embarrass Fox News by convincing liberal director Michael Moore to make a documentary about the network.


After claiming to takedown Glenn Beck -- Media Matters #1 Enemy on Fox News is now our good friend Sean Hannity.


As Hannity himself put it: "They don't want alternative voices heard in the media," Media Matters is using the "politics of personal, real personal destruction  . . . that is frightening."


Together you and I must draw the line in the sand against these Media Matters liberals today.


My name is Al Cardenas and I'm the Chairman of the American Conservative Union (ACU). As America's conservative voice since 1964, ACU has led the fight for lower taxes, limited government, more individual liberty, pro-family traditional values and a strong national defense.


And over the last 49 years, we've fought and won many battles against left-wing liberals in the White House, the Congress, the Courts, and in the media.


But all that hard work and success could soon be thrown out the door if the Media Matters liberals win their WAR ON FOX.


Without Fox News helping us shine a glaring light upon Barack Obama's underhanded socialist agenda our country will be driven further down the ditch of Big Government socialism.


So please, once you've completed your [requested] DON'T DROP FOX NEWS immediate action Survey I hope that you will also please consider including a most generous one-time $28 contribution.


Your $28 contribution today will allow us to print, mail, collect, bundle, and deliver 36 DON'T DROP FOX NEWS immediate action Surveys tomorrow.


Before long our DON'T DROP FOX NEWS immediate action Survey campaign we will reach 10 million like-minded conservatives across the country.


A massive pro-Fox public outcry from 10 million Americans will most definitely send a strong message to leading American companies who are under pressure to stop advertising on the Fox News Channel. So what do you say?


Will you generously support your conservative allies at ACU as we rise up against the Media Matters liberals with our nationwide DON'T DROP FOX NEWS campaign?


I'm praying your answer is a loud and resounding YES! and you will support ACU today by completing your [requested] enclosed Immediate Action Survey and including a most generous contribution of at least $28.


And remember, because billionaire-Obama-backer George Soros and are pouring millions of dollars into the coffers of Media Matters to further expand their "War on Fox" your allies at the American Conservative Union must have the funds on hand to counter these liberal thugs.


So if you are in a position to give a contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500, or even $1,000 to help the ACU expand our pro-Fox efforts in the liberals "War on Fox" I pray that you will.


As you may already know, the American Conservative Union has always been a friend of the Fox News Channel.


In fact, over the years many Fox News hosts and contributors such as Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palm, Mike Huckabee, Rush Limbaugh, and Rick Santorum have all spoken at our annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).


Now that our friends on Fox News are under attack by well-funded liberals it is only right that we conservatives stand up and fight once again.


Can I count on your help in this fight? If so, please remember to complete and rush back your DON'T DROP FOX NEWS Immediate Action Survey along with your very best contribution of $28, $50, $100, $250, $500, or more within the next 48 hours.


I'll be on the lookout for your response in my mailbox in the next few days. Conservatively yours, Al Cardenas, Chairman American Conservative Union (ACU).


P.S. Liberals have launched a multi-million-dollar "War on Fox" and their first point of attack is a massive "Drop Fox" campaign targeting American companies who advertize on the Fox News Channel.


Please join your allies at the American Conservative Union today as we unleash an even larger DON'T DROP FOX NEWS counter-campaign by completing and returning the [requested] enclosed Immediate Action Survey along with a $28 or more contribution to help directly fund this critical effort (ACU, P.O. Box 96090, Washington, D.C. 20090).


Many thanks and God Bless.



P.O. BOX 96090 WASHINGTON, DC 20090


CPAC 2013


March 14 - 16 * Washington, DC

a project of the American Conservative Union







Survey to be completed by:


Survey Instructions: Please read all the following questions in their entirety and then simply mark your answers in the appropriate boxes. Once you have completed your Survey, please use the enclosed return envelope to send it back to the address listed within 48 hours of completion. Thank you for participating this vital Don't Drop Fox News Survey.


1.  Do you consider the Fox News Channel your first choice for the latest news and analysis?

YES    NO (if no, please go to question 1a)


     I a. My first choice for the latest news is:

ABC    CNN    MSNBC    Other:________


2.  During the course of a normal week, how often would you say that you watch programming on the Fox News Channel?

Less than 1 hour    1-3 hours    4-6 hours

7-10 hours     More than 10 hours


3.  What are your favorite programs currently on the Fox News Channel? (mark all that apply)

"The O'Reilly Factor"


"Special Report with Bret Baier"

"On the Record with Greta van Susteren"

"Fox Report with Shepard Smith"



4.  Do you believe the Fox News Channel should bring back the "Glenn Beck" show?



5.  Are you more likely to purchase products or services from companies who air commercials on the Fox News Channel?



6.  Are you outraged that in this critical year Obama-supporting liberals at Media Matters have launched a guerilla war aimed at shutting down Fox News?



7.  Do you believe Media Matters should lose its tax-exempt status as a 501 [c3) not-for-profit organization given what Sean Hannity calls their overt "politics of personal destruction?"



8.  Will you support the American Conservative Union as we rise up against the Media Matters liberals with our nationwide Don't Drop Fox News campaign?